6 research outputs found

    The Educational Needs of Home-Based Stroke Patients and Family Caregivers in Malaysia

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    Many research studies have been done in relation to the educational needs of patients and families post-stroke based in Western countries but limited studies have been conducted in non-Western countries. This study explored the educational needs of home-based stroke patients (HBSP) and family caregivers in the Kelantan state located at the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia. The other areas of focus were to identify the resources available for HBSP and their families, the practice of health professionals in relation to the provision of information and education and the early rehabilitation needs for HBSP and family caregivers. A further aim was to develop education strategies that will help patients and their families to minimise risk of complication post-stroke and support the advancement of their quality of life. This study used a qualitative approach guided by a theoretical framework "Stroke Care Community Model (SCCM)" developed for this research. This study was in two phases. Phase 1 involved semi-structured interviews with three kinds of participants: stroke patients (n=5), family caregivers (n= 5) and key members from health professional groups (n=12). Phase 1 established the educational activities currently received and needed by patients and families. Phase 2 involved presenting the findings from Phase 1 to the previously interviewed health professionals through focus groups and individual interviews with the aim of establishing priorities and processes to develop education strategies for HBSP and their families. The findings revealed that the provision of information and education does not meet the needs of many patients and families. There is no national or local programme provided to address patients' and families' needs. The educational needs are on a wide range of topics including the nature and the impacts of stroke, how and why stroke happens, how to prevent stroke recurring, prevention of complications and promoting faster recovery. The need for skills on managing patients at home include positioning, strengthening, mobilisation, prevention of complications, feeding, swallowing, managing co-morbid conditions, basic exercise and safety. The findings also revealed some needs are religiously and culturally bound around prayer and traditional healthcare practice such as urutan tradisional (traditional massage). Prayer and reciting Holy Qur'an are part of cognitive training, coping strategies, rehabilitation therapy and a source of psychological support. Therefore, there is a need to take the knowledge of what makes a difference to health outcomes of patients and families in a western context and work with this, utilising what is important in the culture of people at a local level. The next step to progress addressing educational needs requires a structured approach involving the formation of a multi-disciplinary stroke team that incorporates cultural and religious practice

    Pengurusan pemakanan selepas strok (Dietary management after stroke)

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    Strok terjadi akibat gangguan bekalan darah yang dibawa oleh salur darah arteri ke otak. Ia terjadi akibat penyumbatan gumpalan darah serta plak kolesterol dalam salur darah arteri. Strok juga berlaku apabila salur darah arteri pecah. Strok juga dikenali sebagai serangan otak atau ''brain attack'. Kajian menunjukkan 80% serangan strok kali kedua boleh dicegah dengan mengubahsuai diet seharian dan mengawal tekanan di samping intervensi perubatan. Oleh itu, pemantauan faktor risiko yang boleh diubahsuai seperti aspek pemakanan tidak boleh dipandang remeh. Walaupun kita perlu makan setiap hari, namun begitu keperluan pemakanan individu di pelbagai kehidupan adalah berbeza. Pengambilan pemakanan seseorang bergantung kepada umur, jantina, status kesihatan seperti suhu dan tahap fizikal. Buku ini akan memberi fokus tentang PEMAKANAN SELEPAS STROK. Antara topik yang akan dibincangkan ialah konsep asas tentang pemakanan, kaedah mengubahsuai pengambilan pemakanan bagi pesakit strok dengan faktor risiko tertentu, diet disfagia bagi pesakit strok dengan masalah menelan dan kaedah pemberian nutrisi melalui tiub pemakanan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, anda perlu merujuk kepada doktor, pegawai pemakanan (Dietetik) dan jururawat di hospital serta klinik kesihatan berdekatan anda

    The 2nd International conference on prevention & management of chronic conditions

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    This study explored the educational needs of home-based stroke patients and family caregivers in the Kelantan state located at the northern part of the Malaysia Peninsular. This study used a qualitative approach guided by a theoretical framework, "Stroke Care Community Model" developed for this research. This study was in two phases. Phase 1 involved semistructured interviews with stroke patients, family caregivers and key members from health professionals. Phase 1 established the educational activities currently received and needed by patients and families. Phase 2 involved presenting the findings from Phase 1 to the previously interviewed health professionals through focus groups and individual interviews with the aim of establishing priorities and processes to develop education strategies for home-based stroke patients and their families. The fmdings revealed that the provision of information and education does not meet the needs of many patients and families. The educational needs are on a wide range of topics on stroke and stroke care. The findings also revealed some needs are religiously and culturally bound around prayer and traditional healthcare practice such as traditional massage. Therefore, there is a need to take the knowledge of what makes a difference to health outcomes of patients and families in a western context and work with this, utilising what is important in the culture of people at a local level. The next step to progress addressing educational needs requires a structured approach involving the formation of a multidisciplinary stroke team that incorporates cultural and religious practice

    Understand and prevent stroke (Fahami dan cegah strok)

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    Di Malaysia, kejadian strok semakin meningkat akibat peningkatan populasi warga tua dalam negara. Mengikut statistik yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) pada tahun 2009, strok adalah pembunuh kelima selepas kanser dan pneumonia (radang paru-paru). Pada tahun 2020, dijangkakan sebanyak 52,000 kes strok aka dilaporkan. Strok boleh dialami oleh sesiapa sahaja, termasuk kanak-kanak. Namun, kebanyakan kes strok menimpa individu dewasa. Individu yang mengalami strok berisiko lima kali ganda untuk mendapat serangan strok berulang sekiranya pengubahsuaian faktor risiko tidak dilaksanakan dengan serius

    Secondary stroke prevention through patient education intervention on lifestyle risk factors: a review

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    Stroke ranks top five causes of mortality in Malaysia with the rate of 8.3/100,000 population. Stroke are characterised by acute neurological deficits and mostly associated with vascular causes. Risk factors which contribute towards 90% of overall stroke are hypertension, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol intake, psychosocial stress, atria fibrillation, smoking, high cholesterol and diabetes. Thus, appropriate secondary stroke prevention is required in modifying these risk factors via educational intervention. The aim of this article is to provide a review of literature pertaining to the risk factors associated with stroke highlighting the lifestyle risk factors. Furthermore, this review will also discuss upon the importance of systematic patient education process and applying health promotion theories in lifestyle intervention. Various educational techniques nurses and other healthcare professional can adopt to address lifestyle behavioural changes following stroke will be discussed briefly in this paper

    Issues post-stroke for Muslim people in maintaining the practice of salat (prayer) : A qualitative study

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    Background: Muslims throughout the world perform salat (prayer) five times a day; salat involves a person reciting the Holy Qur'an while being in several positions. There are several steps that should be carried out before prayer, including wudhu (ablution) and covering one's awrah (body). Objectives: To identify educational needs for stroke patients and their caregivers in Malaysia. Another purpose is to report on the needs identified by stroke patients and their families related to salat. Methods: Descriptive qualitative study. Phase 1 involved semi-structured interviews with stroke patients (. n=. 5), family caregivers (. n=. 5) and health professionals (. n=. 12) in Kelantan Malaysia. Phase 2 involved presenting the findings from Phase 1 to the health professionals with the aim of establishing priorities and processes to develop education strategies for stroke patients and their families. Results: Preparing for and performing salat was challenging for both patient and family carers to do following a stroke. Themes identified were prayer and the meaning of the stroke events for participants, difficulties praying post-stroke, prayer as part of rehabilitation therapy. Conclusion: Providing culturally safe care should include how nurses assess and support patients and their caregivers post stroke to meet their prayer needs. Nurses have a role in discussing with stroke patients and their families how in addition to its spiritual and customary benefits, prayer and for Muslims reciting the Holy Qur'an can have cognitive and rehabilitation benefits, as well as being a source of psychological support for stroke patients. © 2014 Australian College of Nursing Ltd