4,510 research outputs found

    Explicit bounds for separation between Oseledets subspaces

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    We consider a two-sided sequence of bounded operators in a Banach space which are not necessarily injective and satisfy two properties (SVG) and (FI). The singular value gap (SVG) property says that two successive singular values of the cocycle at some index dd admit a uniform exponential gap; the fast invertibility (FI) property says that the cocycle is uniformly invertible on the fastest dd-dimensional direction. We prove the existence of a uniform equivariant splitting of the Banach space into a fast space of dimension dd and a slow space of co-dimension dd. We compute an explicit constant lower bound on the angle between these two spaces using solely the constants defining the properties (SVG) and (FI). We extend the results obtained in the finite-dimensional case for bijective operators and the results obtained by Blumenthal and Morris in the infinite-dimensional case for injective norm-continuous cocycles, in the direction that the operators are not required to be globally injective, that no dynamical system is involved, and no compactness of the underlying system or smoothness of the cocycle is required. Moreover, we give quantitative estimates of the angle between the fast and slow spaces that are new even in the case of finite-dimensional bijective operators in Hilbert spaces

    Investigating Mutations to Reduce Huntingtin Aggregation by Increasing Htt-N-Terminal Stability and Weakening Interactions with PolyQ Domain

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    Huntington’s disease is a fatal autosomal genetic disorder characterized by an expanded glutamine-coding CAG repeat sequence in the huntingtin (Htt) exon 1 gene. The Htt protein associated with the disease misfolds into toxic oligomers and aggregate fibril structures. Competing models for the misfolding and aggregation phenomena have suggested the role of the Htt-N-terminal region and the CAG trinucleotide repeats (polyQ domain) in affecting aggregation propensities and misfolding. In particular, one model suggests a correlation between structural stability and the emergence of toxic oligomers, whereas a second model proposes that molecular interactions with the extended polyQ domain increase aggregation propensity. In this paper, we computationally explore the potential to reduce Htt aggregation by addressing the aggregation causes outlined in both models. We investigate the mutation landscape of the Htt-N-terminal region and explore amino acid residue mutations that affect its structural stability and hydrophobic interactions with the polyQ domain. Out of the millions of 3-point mutation combinations that we explored, the (L4K E12K K15E) was the most promising mutation combination that addressed aggregation causes in both models. The mutant structure exhibited extreme alpha-helical stability, low amyloidogenicity potential, a hydrophobic residue replacement, and removal of a solvent-inaccessible intermolecular side chain that assists oligomerization

    Assessment Of Ricinus Communis Ml Crude Extracts Towards Urinary Tract Infection Strains With Their Associated Ailments

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    Cases of synergic Urinary Tract Infections with its associated ailments has become a menace. Due to its high costs of treatment, unavailability of relevant antibiotics, misdiagnosis and recurrence, most patients within Africa Sub-Sahara regions prefer ethnopharmacological ways of taking boiled and sieved liquid concoction made from mature leaves (ML) of ricinus communis to clear the urinary tract system from these microbes with their associated ailments. Crude extracts of methanol, chloroform, hexane, and Diethylether prepared from ricinus communis dried powered mature leaves were subjected to phytochemical screening, antibacterial, GC/MS and antioxidant assays. Crude methanolic and chloroform extracts prepared from a mixture of coarsely powdered dried twigs and mature leaves were evaluated for cytotoxic activity on cancer cell line (HCT-116 and K-562).  Antibacterial assay of the crude extracts reveals recommendable range of values categorized as moderate and high sensitive with respect to the standard measure. Methanol extract exhibited antibacterial activities against all gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial species while diethylether extract showed its potency against the gram-positive staph only among escherichia, klebsiella and pseudomonas species. Chloroform, diethylether and hexane crude extracts proven to be inert against pseudomonas strain. Highest scavenging capacity range obtained is 60.38 ± 0.034 percent while the lowest cytotoxicity range is 20.18 ± 1.37 μg/ml-1revealing the medicinal value and safeness of the plant extract. Phytochemical analysis and GC/MS results revealed the presence of phytoconstituents and museum of bioactive agents with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiarrheal, antimutagenic and anti-oxidant properties thus ascertaining its efficacy towards the infection with associated ailments

    Harmonizing Globalization and Traditionalism in the Rentier State: Exploring the Modernization of the United Arab Emirates

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    Scholars of oil-based rentierism otherwise dubbed as ‘the oil curse’, claim that the political systems of such countries and their leaderships cannot be taken as serious development focused agents. In a similar contention, proponents of western-style democracy support the idea that ‘sheikhdom’ leadership based on patriarchic inheritance is destructive to development, while yet another section of scholars claims that Islam, as a faith, is in general anti-development. In order to broaden the debate on this subject, this study uses the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a case of a country that has achieved a tremendous success in various development areas and contrary to the old view of the three types of critics mentioned here. Keywords: Arabian Gulf, economic diversification, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), leadership, Middle Eas

    Analysis Of Potential Solutions To Audible Tire Cavity And Rim Coupling Resonance Noise

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    The coupling of the tire cavity and tire rim resonance imparts a force upon the wheel spindle which is transmitted to the vehicle interior to produce undesirable noise levels. Modifications to the tire rim or tire cavity can decouple these resonances by shifting the natural frequency outside of the 200 –250 Hz range to reduce the audible noise levels. Through experiment and analysis several potential solutions have been compared for their commercial viability. Modifications of the rim included the Kühl wheel design and the implementation of a Helmholtz resonator, whilst tire cavity modifications included the extrusion of rubber from the tire into the cavity, the introduction of asound absorption material and an elastic ring with eparator fins which extends into the cavity due to centrifugal forces. Through QFD analysis the elastic ring design was found to be most commercially viable in terms of performance, cost, safety,versatility, durability and manufacturing readiness

    Gb/s visible light communications with colloidal quantum dot color converters

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    This paper reports the utilization of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots as color converters for Gb/s visible light communications. We briefly review the design and properties of colloidal quantum dots and discuss them in the context of fast color conversion of InGaN light sources, in particular in view of the effects of self-absorption. This is followed by a description of a CQD/polymer composite format of color converters. We show samples of such color-converting composite emitting at green, yellow/orange and red wavelengths, and combine these with a blueemitting microsize LED to form hybrid sources for wireless visible light communication links. In this way data rates up to 1 Gb/s over distances of a few tens of centimeters have been demonstrated. Finally, we broaden the discussion by considering the possibility for wavelength division multiplexing as well as the use of alternative colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals

    Modelling the kinetic of biogas production from co-digestion of pig waste and grass clippings

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    Abstract: This work investigated the use of laboratory batch anaerobic digester to derive kinetics parameters for anaerobic co-digestion of pig waste and grass clippings. Laboratory experiment data from 10 litres batch anaerobic digester operating at ambient mesophilic temperature of 37 0C and pH of 6.9 was used to derive parameters for modified Gompertz model. The carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio of Pig waste was found to be 16.16 and grass clippings to be 20.54. Through co-digestion in ratio of 1:1, the C/N ratio settled at 17.28. The actual biogas yield was found to be 7725 ml/g COD. In the model of biogas production prediction, the kinetics constants of A (ml/g COD), μ (ml/g COD. day), λ (day) was 7920.70, 701.35, 1.61 respectively with coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9994. Modified Gompertz plot showed better correlation of cumulative biogas production and these results show biogas production can be enhanced from co-digestion of substrates
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