2,993 research outputs found

    Some characteristics and management practices of selected Tennessee cow-calf producers in 1976-1977

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    This survey-type study concerned some characteristics and management practices of selected Tennessee cow-calf producers in 1976-1977. It was conducted: (a) To determine some of the characteristics of selected Tennessee cow-calf producers by size of herd categories; (b) To find which research-verified management practices, the producers were using and not using in size of herd categories; (c) To study Extension contacts by means of which producers got their information; and (d) To study relationship between producer use of recommended beef and pasture practices and contacts with Extension. The beef producers interviewed were divided into three production groups according to size of herd categories: 114 Large producers in 10 counties; 567 Medium producers in 29 counties, and 274 Small producers in 18 counties. Main comparisons of data were made between Large and Small production groups. Characteristics of producers and their herds in 57 counties included the following: (1) Producers averaged 21.1 years of beef production on their farms; (2) They were 50.2 years of age; (3) They had 47.6 breeding cows in the herd; (4) They kept 2.2 bulls in the herd; (5) They had raised 43.6 calves; (6) They had 129.1 farm acres; (7) They kept 48.8 breeding females in the herd; and (8) They had 43.8 cov/s weaning calves, 1976-1977. Large producers averaged more than Small producers except on age of respondent. Regarding management practices, most producers were: (1) Vaccinating calves for blacklet and malignant edema. (2) Allowing cows free access to mineral mixture. (3) Providing cows with magnesium oxide to prevent grass tetany; (4) Stockpiling fescue; (5) Using grub/lice control; (6) Maintaining adequate working facilities; (6) Waiting until heifers were more than 15 months when breeding; (7) Waiting until heifers were more than 650 pounds before breeding; (8) Checking their cows more than once daily; (9) Castrating calves before four months; and (10) Worming cows at least once a year. On most practices. Large producers had higher percents using them than Small producers excepting on stockpiling of fescue. With regard to Extension contacts by which producers got their information, producers averaged 19 total Extension contacts consisting of six telephone calls to the Extension office, four visits to the Extension office, four Extension general meetings attended, four farm visits by the Extension agents, and one beef Extension meeting attended the previous year. Little difference was found between Large and Small producers. Thirteen of 14 recommended beef production practices and 17 of 18 pasture practices were found to be significantly related to one or more kind of Extension contact. Eleven weak practices needing educational program emphasis were identified for Large and 14 for Small producers needing educational program emphasis. Recommendations for use of findings and further study were included

    Identification DNA Methylation Change of ABCC8 Gene in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as Predictive Biomarkers

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common chronic endocrine disorder that affecting 5%ā€“10% of adults globally. Recently, the disease has rapidly spread throughout the Kurdistan Region. This study investigates DNA methylation status in the ABCC8 gene among the study population, and it possibly used as a biomarker. One hundred and thirteen individuals were included in this study, and they were divided into three categories (47 diabetes, 36 prediabetic, and 30 controls). Blood samples were collected to investigate DNA methylation status in patients who attended private clinical sectors in Koya city, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, between August and December 2021. Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) uses paired primers for each methylated and unmethylated region. In addition, the X2 Kruskalā€“Wallis statistical and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were run with a significance level of p 0.05. In comparison to the healthy group, hypermethylation of DNA is detected in the promoter region of diabetes and prediabetes. In addition, age, gender, BMI, alcohol use, family history, and physical activity all influence the degree of DNA methylation in people who have had coronavirus illness. The abovementioned findings suggest that DNA methylation alterations in the ABCC8 promoter region might be exploited as a possible predictive biomarker for type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis

    Pendidikan, Human Capital Ataukah Signaling? Studi Kasus Indonesia

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    This study aims to test whether the behavior of Indonesian people in determining education is the manifestation of human capital theory or signaling theory. Using the ordinary least square (OLS) model and the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2007 data, we nd that both theories mutually have eect to in uence the behavior of Indonesian people to determine their education

    Contemporary Trends in the Use and Outcomes of Surgical Treatment of Tricuspid Regurgitation

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    Background Tricuspid regurgitation (TR), if untreated, is associated with an adverse impact on longā€term outcomes. In recent years, there has been an increasing enthusiasm about surgical and transcatheter treatment of patients with severe TR. We aim to evaluate the contemporary trends in the use and outcomes of tricuspid valve (TV) surgery for TR using the National Inpatient Sample. Methods and Results Between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2014, an estimated 45 477 patients underwent TVsurgery for TR in the United States, of whom 15% had isolated TV surgery and 85% had TVsurgery concomitant with other cardiac surgery. There was a temporal upward trend to treat sicker patients during the study period. Patients who underwent isolated TV repair or replacement had a distinctly different clinical risk profile than those patients who underwent TVsurgery simultaneous with other surgery. Isolated TV replacement was associated with high inā€hospital mortality (10.9%) and high rates of permanent pacemaker implantation (34.1%) and acute kidney injury requiring dialysis (5.5%). Similarly, isolated TV repair was also associated with high inā€hospital mortality (8.1%) and significant rates of permanent pacemaker implantation (10.9%) and new dialysis (4.4%). Isolated TV repair and TV replacement were both associated with protracted hospitalizations and substantial cost. Conclusions In contemporary practice, surgical treatment of TR remains underused and is associated with high operative morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospitalizations, and considerable cost

    Pengaruh Media Animasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI pada Materi Larutan Penyangga di SMA Negeri 1 Tilamuta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media animasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI pada materi larutan penyangga di SMA Negeri 1 Tilamuta. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu posttest only control design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri 1 Tilamuta, dan sampel penelitian yaitu kelas XI IPA 1 sebagai kelas kontrol, dan kelas XI IPA 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen. Jenis instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes uraian yang berjumlah 9 nomor soal. Teknik analisis yang digunakan meliputi uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji ā€“t. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan, data berdistribusi normal yaitu nilai Lhitung < Ltabel, data memiliki varians yang homogen yaitu Fhitung < Ftabel, dan uji hipotesis yang didapatkan yaitu nilai thitung > ttabel (1,71 > 1,68). Uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh media animasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa, meskipun pengaruhnya tidak terlalu signifikan. Hal ini disebabkan karena media animasi masih memiliki beberapa kekurangan. Olehnya itu, diperlukan variasi penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang baik untuk menutupi kekurangan dari penggunaan media animasi sebagai media pembelajaran

    Pembuatan Biobriket dari Batang Tumbuhan Gulma Siam (Chromolaena Odorata L.) sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan briket batang gulma siam melalui variasi tepung tapioka sebagai bahan alternatif, melalui tahapan penelitian yang meliputi pembuatan briket yaitu pengeringan, karbonisasi dan pencetakan. Karakterisasi briket meliputi uji proksimasi yakni kadar air, kadar abu, kadar senyawa volatil, kerapatan dan nilai kalor. Dari hasil uji proksimasi menunjukkan bahwa briket dari batang gulma siam memperoleh nilai rataā€“rata 6,564% untuk kadar air, rataā€“rata 9,079% untuk kadar abu, rataā€“rata 45,548% untuk kadar senyawa volatil, rataā€“rata 0,54 g/Cm3 untuk kerapatan, serta rataā€“rata 9698,242 kal/g untuk nilai kalor yang diperoleh dari briket batang gulma siam

    Fabrication of high quality mesoporous silica/gold film nanocomposites: calcination versus thermal hydrogen reduction

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    High quality mesoporous silica is an important nanomaterial in confinement of metal nanoparticles for potential applications as catalysts, sensors, and opto-electronic devices. Herein we report that high quality mesoporous silica/gold film nanocomposites with an interpore distance of 4.1 nm were successfully fabricated as transparent thin film by an amphiphilic trinuclear gold(I) pyrazolate complex that act as both a template in sol-gel synthesis and as a metal source in formation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). In contrast to the calcined thin films at 250 and 450C for 3 h, diffraction peak of d100 and transmission electron microscope (TEM) images showed high quality of mesoporous silica/gold film nanocomposites after thermal hydrogen reduction in the temperature range between 190 and 250C for 2 h. Nevertheless, both methods indicated formation of AuNPs as proved by the presence of diffraction peak at 2 = 38.20, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peak between 500 to 580 nm, and spherical shape of TEM images

    Optimasi Waktu Pengadukan dan Volume KOH Sabun Cair Berbahan Dasar Minyak Jelantah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui pembuatan sabun cair berbahan dasar minyak jelantah dengan menggunakan variasi waktu pengadukan dan variasi volume KOH dan karakteristik sabun cair yang dihasilkan dari minyak jelantah. Minyak jelatah dimurnikan melalui tiga tahap yaitu despicing, netralisasi dan bleaching. Selanjutnya diolah menjadi sabun cair, Sabun cair yang dihasilkan yaitu pada waktu pengadukan 35 menit dan 40 menit dan untuk volume KOH yaitu 30 mL. Hasil uji karakteristik sabun cair dengan waktu pengadukan 35 menit menghasilkan kadar air sebesar 10,1%, alkali bebas 0,01%, kadar asam lemak bebas 0,14%, uji pH 10, dan stabilitas busa 40%. Sedangkan untuk sabun cair waktu pengadukan 40 menit menghasilkan kadar air 10,3%, alkali bebas 0,02%, kadar asam lemak bebas 0,12% uji pH 10, dan stabilitas busa 50%. Dari kedua sabun cair yang dihasilkan jika dibandingkan dengan standar SNI sabun cair 06-3532-1994 masih memenuhi standar
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