7,202 research outputs found

    Defining Strategic Position and Busines Model of CV Energi Selaras Alam

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    Fuel –addictive industry is a growing industry in Indonesia. With potential market of 80 million vehicles in Indonesia where most modern car use a subsidized –low quality fuel, market opportunity of this industry is very big. Although this industry is very influenced by world oil price and government regulation about subsidized fuel. CV.Energy Selaras Alam is the new comer in this industry. Founded in 2011, this firm provides a low price and highly efficient octane booster product to the society. Along the decreased issue of subsidized fuel price, this firm difficult to maintain their sales growth and expand to broader market that leads to significant decrease on its profit. If this condition allowed for the next couple month, this will lead company to bankruptcy.To understanding company's condition better, this research use methods of observation, literature survey and interview. Resource analysis and value chain analysis are used for internal analysis. PESTEL, Porter's 5 forces, and strategic group are used for external analysis. By using interrelationship diagram, it known that the root cause of this company's issue is the un-clarity of its strategic positioning.To formulate the solution, SWOT, IFAS, EFAS and SFAS matrix used to find CV.ESA new strategic position. Alternative strategy is generated from TOWS Matrix, result 13 strategies. Every strategy is integrated and mapped back into a new business model to create more integrated result for this company. The conclusion from this proposed strategy is the new strategy of CV ESA will be based on cost focus strategic position. This new strategy proposed to diversify product and marketing channel that focus on car and motorcycle user and also local industry that located only in West Java. Action Plan is derived from business model formulation, and prepared for 3 year implementation Plan. The implementation plan of those strategies is suggested to adjust the number of marketing and sales armada. This armada will be focused on creating new alliances and partnership that will be a success foundation of strategy proposed. Strategic Implementation will be implemented in the next 3 years and will start in 2013. Hopefully, this Research result would contribute a better understanding related with the importance of Strategic position and business Model in Startup Compan

    Desain Kontroler PID-Genetic Algorithm untuk Sistem Pengaturan Level Air Steam Drum pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU)

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    Perubahan laju aliran uap menimbulkan gangguan pada sistem pengaturan level air steam drum. Level air dijaga pada titik tengah ketinggian drum atau disebut Normally Water Level (NWL), agar uap yang dihasilkan memenuhi spesifikasi serta tidak merusak peralatan pada pembangkit. Pada umumnya, sistem pengaturan level menggunakan kontroler PID konvensional. Namun, adanya gangguan dapat menyebabkan performa sistem dengan kontroler PID konvensional tidak mampu memenuhi spesifikasi. Kontroler PID-Genetic Algorithm (PID-GA) diterapkan untuk mengatur level air steam drum agar berada pada titik NWL ketika terdapat gangguan. Sistem pengaturan menggunakan kontroler PID-GA mampu meredam gangguan berupa beban minimal, nominal, dan maksimal, yaitu dengan perturbation peak masing-masing sebesar 0,18 m; 0,22 m; dan 0,26 m

    Peran Pendidikan Karakter melalui Revolusi Mental untuk Membangun Generasi Bangsa

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    Revolusi Mental adalah gerakan seluruh rakyat Indonesia bersama Pemerintah untuk memperbaiki karakter bangsa menjadi Indonesia yang lebih baik. Revolusi digerakkan secara menyelurh dan bersama-sama oleh suatu konsorium yang terdiri dari para tokoh nasional (birokrasi pemerintah, dunia USAha, tokoh agama, akademisi, seniman, budayawan, dan masih banyak lagi). Gerakan ini diharapkan akan terus menyebar menjadi gerakan-gerakan masyarakat di tingkat lokal dan komunitas di seluruh Indonesia. Penggerak Revolusi Mental adalah kita, seluruh bangsa Indonesia utamanya dunia pendidikan. Pembentukan karakter diyakini perlu dan penting untuk dilakukan semua stakeholders pada lapisan bangsa ini, karena dengan pendidikan karakter yang mampu menjadikan anak bangsa ini menjadi maju dengan bermartabat. enam karakter utama sebagai pilar-pilar karakter manusia yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur dan menilai watak manusia dan perilakunya dalam hal-hal khusus yakni 1) Respect (penghormatan), 2) Responsibility (tanggung jawab), 3) Citizenship Civic Duty (kesadaran berwarga negara), (4) Fairness (keadilan dan kejujuran), 5) Caring (kepedulian dan kemauan berbagi), dan 6) Citizenship (Kewarganegaraan). Sementara mengimplemtasikan pendidikan karaakter diperlukan tindakan positif sebagaimana yang ada pada sifat rosululloh SAW yakni sidiq (benar, jujur), amanah (terpercaya), tabligh (komunikator), dan fathanah(cerdas

    Analisa Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Umum Rute Tanjung Karang – Bandara Radin Inten II dengan Stated Preference dan Uji Crame\u27s V

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    Radin Inten II Airport is a national flight in Lampung Province. In this study using the technical analysis stated preference which is the approach by conveying the choice statement in the form of hypotheses to be assessed by the respondent. By using these techniques the researcher can fully control the hypothesized factors. To determine utility function for model forecasting in fulfilling request of traveler is used regression analysis with SPSS program. The analysis results obtained that the passengers of the dominant airport in the selection of modes of cost attributes than on other attributes. From the result of regression analysis, the influence of independent variable to the highest dependent variable is when the five attributes are used together with the R square value of 8.8%. The relationship between cost, time, headway, time acces and service with the selection of modes, the provision that states whether or not there is a decision. The significance of α = 0.05 with chi-square. And the result of Crame\u27s V test average of 0.298 is around the middle, then the relationship is moderate enough

    Analisis Penerapan Standar Dokumentasi Keperawatan dengan Kualitas Pelayanan Keperawatan di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Gambiran

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    Charging nursing documentation that does not comply with the standards may lead to differences in the action by another nurse, causing a decline in service quality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of standard implementation of nursing documentation with quality nursing care in patient room of hospitals Gambiran. The study design was a cross sectional correlation. Population studied all nurses in inpatient hospitals Gambiran Kediri, amounting to 259 people, with a purposive sampling technique was obtained samples are 54 respondents. Independent variable is the standard implementation of nursing documentation, while the dependent variable is the quality of nursing care. Analysis of data using phi correlation test. mentation, ie 40 respondents (74.1%) and the majority of respondents rate the quality of nursing services in both categories, namely 36 respondents (66.7%). Nursing documentation influence on the speed of service, but not many patients are aware of this condition, so there are few respondents who did not properly apply the nursing documentation but can lead to patient satisfaction, although not having a strong relationship but implementation remains documentation standards implemented as a means of communication for nurses and responsibilities and legal proo

    Character Building of Tom Sawyer in Mark Twain's the Adventures of Tom Sawyer

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    Novel, as one of literary works, can be a representation of the real life thatportrays the social and cultural phenomena in a certain society. Novel can be used as thedescription of the influence of society towards the character building of the charactersof the novel as individual. In Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, thecharacter building of Tom Sawyer, as the main character, is influenced by the Southsociety in America, which also leads to the development of Tom Sawyer's personalitiesis implicitly and explicitly shown. The study applies socio-cultural approach as the grounding theory to find out thesocial and cultural phenomena of the South society which influences Tom Sawyer'scharacter building. The background of Mark Twain in terms of The Adventures of TomSawyer novel and the socio-cultural life in the South society are used to provide somesupporting information to make the analysis and interpretation of the study becomesmore comprehensive. The result of the study reveals that Mark Twain's The Adventures of TomSawyer elevates the socio-cultural issues in the South society that influence thecharacter building of Tom Sawyer. The relationship between Tom Sawyer and theSouth society and the psychological process within Tom Sawyer's personalities isclearly described. However, because this novel does not merely elevate socio-culturalaspects, it is suggested for the next researchers to research it from other perspectives,such as economic condition, racism, or Christian cultural values

    Pengaruh Persepsi Keterlibatan Orang Tua Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dugaan Eccles (2005) yang menyatakan bahwa keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar dimediasi oleh konsep diri siswa tentang kemampuan akademiknya. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN se Kota Malang dengan 292 sampel penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur model causal steps milik Baron & Kenny (1986) dan uji sobel (Sobel test). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa konsep diri di bidang akademik berfungsi secara signifikan sebagai variabel mediator pada pengaruh persepsi atas keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar ekonomi siswa. Namun peran variabel konsep diri di bidang akademik dalam model penelitian ini merupakan partial mediation variable atau merupakan variabel yang memediasi sebagian dari pengaruh persepsi atas keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa tidak hanya konsep diri dibidang akademik yang menjadi variabel mediator dari pengaruh persepsi atas keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar, akan tetapi ada variabel lain yang juga memediasi hubungan kausal dari dua variable tersebut
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