112 research outputs found

    Investigating pupils’ perceptions of fieldwork approaches to history within the Malaysian integrated curriculum for secondary schools

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    This study was designed to evaluate fieldwork approaches to exploring history in the Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools (ICSS). Eight hundred Lower Secondary Schools pupils from the states of Perak and Terengganu were selected for the study using the convenience sampling method. The data gathered from the study was analysed using descriptive and inference statistics from the SPSS programme (Version 15). According to the results, more than ninety percent of the respondents agreed that the fieldwork method gave them an opportunity to “identify differences between the past and present” in Malaysian ICSS history. More positive responses were received from pupils in Perak than in Terengganu. Furthermore, the number of positive responses from science and regular schools were very high; boys and girls responded more-or-less equally, with Form Three being the most supportive. Responses according to ethnicity were also high. It is hoped that the findings of this study will enhance the teaching and learning of history through fieldwork as well as improving pupils’ overall academic performance. Keywords: history, fieldwork approaches, Integrated Curriculum, active citize

    Kepimpinan pendidikan dalam ICT - Refleksi kepada kepimpinan pengajaran

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    Hakikat dunia tanpa sempadan dan perkampungan global menuntut semua pihak untuk bersaing di pentas global. Dunia pendidikan akan datang menjanjikan masa depan yang jauh lebih mencabar. Keadaan ini berlaku akibat wujudnya jaringan komunikasi dan perkembangan ilmu serta maklumat yang semakin hebat dan pantas. Perkembangan ilmu dan maklumat ini membawa kepada penciptaan teknologi canggih, perkhidmatan cekap dan pengurusan moden (Ishak 2001). Implikasi daripada perkara tersebut ialah berlakunya satu perubahan cara dan gaya belajar baru yang menjadi satu cabaran besar kepada pemimpin pengajaran. Justeru, kepimpinan pengajaran dalam ICT adalah didapati mustahak dalam membantu menjayakan matlamat tersebut (Baharom 2004). Dalam konteks ini, kejayaan penjanaan dan pelaksanaan ICT banyak bergantung kepada kepimpinan pengajaran dari segi kepimpinan mereka di peringkat akar umbinya. Mereka seharusnya dapat menghadapi dan menangani permasalahan yang berkaitan langkah-langkah penyelesaian dengan bijaksana, berkualiti, cekap, bertrampilan, berkesan, produktif dan memberi manfaat yang maksimum kepada dunia pendidikan. Kertas kerja ini mengajak pemimpin pengajaran membuat refeleksi terhadap peranan dan tanggungjawab yang dilaksanakan mereka sepanjang dekad yang lalu serta pada alaf baru ini dalam menjana pelaksanaan ICT di sekolah

    Kesan peraturan baru ke atas kelewatan audit laporan kewangan: kajian ke atas pasaran Ace, Malaysia

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    This paper analyses the impact of new regulation on audit delays. Audit delays are measured by the numbers of days that elapse from the end of the financial year until the date when the auditor report is signed. Previous studies of audit delays in various countries are reviewed, along with some of the results of the variable tested. This study focuses on 91 companies listed on Bursa Malaysia as at 31 Disember 2015 to 2016. Seven explanatory variables are tested to investigate delays in issuing audit reports. The results show that new regulation, type of auditors and audit complexity are significantly correlates with audit delay in the period tested. Other variables such as size of the company, type of income, leverage and audit opinion show no significant correlation with audit delay. The outcome of the study could support regulatory bodies in the process of drafting new rules in futures and help management to reduce delay. The study therefore, recommended that future studies should include additional corporate governance variables like characteristic of board directors and audit committee

    Kepimpinan pendidikan dalam pembangunan modal insan

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    Kepimpinan merupakan aspek yang penting dalam membentuk sesuatu organiasi bagi mencapai matlamat, visi, misi dan objektif yang diharapkan oleh sesebuah organisasi. Dalam tajuk ini, ia akan membincangkan mengenai kepimpinan pendidikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dalam pembangunan modal insan menjurus kepada Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9). Malah, dalam tajuk ini kita akan membincangkan, kepentingan, gaya dan ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang sebenar. Kemudian kita akan lihat pula pembangunan modal insan dalam pendidikan di Malaysia serta fokus pembangunan modal insan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Tajuk ini juga akan membincangkan persekitaran pembelajaran dalam modal insan, bagi melahirkan masyarakat yang berinovasi dan kreatif. Akhir sekali tajuk ini akan membincangkan kepimpinan dalam persekitaran modal insan yang memerlukan usaha yang lebih kuat bagi pihak sekolah dan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia dalam membentuk dan menghasilkan sumber manusia yang selari dengan perubahan persekitaran dan matlamat negara ke arah merealisasikan wawasan 2020 dan RMK-9 di Malaysia

    Pembangunan modal insan sebagai satu pelaburan penting dalam konteks pembinaan negara

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    Dewasa ini masyarakat ketika ini berhadapan dengan suasana yang penuh dengan kemelut keruntuhan akhlak yang cukup membimbangkan. Sejak akhir-akhir ini kita sering dihidangkan dengan berita-berita yang negatif tentang generasi muda di samping sebilangan kecil kisah kejayaan dan kecemerlangan yang telah diraih oleh mereka. Kes-kes salah laku jenayah sivil, jenayah syariah, masalah disiplin dan adab sering dikaitkan dengan generasi muda. Hal ini tentunya mengundang rasa rungsing dan gusar di kalangan pemimpin negara terutamanya dalam memastikan aspirasi Wawasan 2020 tercapai. Negara telah menetapkan sasaran mencapai taraf negara maju dalam tahun 2020. Tanggungjawab pengisian wawasan adalah tanggungjawab kita bersama. The ‘towering Malays’ ketika itu perlu berada di barisan utama dalam sebuah negara Malaysia yang telah pun mencapai taraf negara maju. Merekalah Melayu, berani bersaing dan berupaya berganding di liga antarabangsa, dalam gelanggang yang lebih luas iaitu dengan peraturan yang lebih bebas. Modal insan sebagai satu pelaburan penting dalam konteks pembinaan negara akan diterangkan dari sudut kesihatan, pendidikan, IPTA, ICT, ekonomi, sosial, perspektif Islam dan moral atau akhlak

    Kepimpinan pendidikan berkesan

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    Dunia pendidikan sentiasa mengalami perubahan selari dengan peredaran zaman dan tuntutan keperluan negara. Dengan itu, sistem pendidikan memerlukan seseorang pemimpin yang berkaliber dalam mencapai impian dan wawasan negara. Di institusi pendidikan, peranan pengetua adalah sangat penting di mana gaya kepimpinannya dapat mempengaruhi dan memajukan tahap perubahan dan berbagai-bagai pembaharuan di sekolah. Seseorang pengetua yang berperanan aktif sebagai pemimpin pengajaran dapat meningkatkan tahap akademik di sekolahnya. Selain itu, pemimpin yang berkesan adalah pemimpin yang mempunyai ciri-ciri tertentu seperti kepintaran, kejujuran dan integriti, dorongan kepimpinan, keyakinan diri dan kreativiti. Penilaian terhadap pemimpin pendidikan yang berkesan juga dapat dilihat melalui dua perspektif iaitu melalui kanta global dan dari perspektif Islam

    Optimum Network Reconfiguration and DGs Sizing With Allocation Simultaneously by Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

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    This paper presents three stages of methodology. The first stage is to identify the switching operation for radial network configuration while observe the power losses and the voltage profile without Distributed Generation (DG). The second stage is based on previous paper which is feeder reconfiguration for loss reduction with DGs. The last stage is sizing and allocation DGs at buses with low voltage profile resulted from the first stage to improve the power losses and voltage profile also comparing the result with the second stage. The objective of this method proposed is to show that allocation of DGs simultaneously based on low voltage profile can improve network power losses and improvement of voltage profile. The result shows that improvement on network power losses is 54.92% from Distribution Network Reconfiguration (DNR) method. All three stages were tested on standards IEEE 33 bus system by using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique in MATLAB software. This method proved that improvement of power losses and voltage profile by switching and DGs allocation method

    A Comparative Study of Optimization Methods for 33kV Distribution Network Feeder Reconfiguration

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    Distribution Network Reconfiguration (DNR) has been a part of importance strategies in order to reduce the power losses in the electrical network system. Due to the increase of demand for the electricity and high cost maintenance, feeder reconfiguration has become more popular issue to discuss. In this paper, a comparative study has been made by using several optimization methods which are Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The objectives of this study are to compare the performance in terms of Power Losses Reduction (PLR), percentage of Voltage Profile Improvement (VPI), and Convergence Time (CT) while select the best method as a suggestion for future research. The programming has been simulated in MATLAB environment and IEEE 33-bus system is used for real testing. ABC method has shown the superior results in the analysis of two objectives function. The suggestion has been concluded and it is hoped to help the power system engineer in deciding a better feeder arrangement in the future

    A Comparative Study of Optimization Methods for 33kV Distribution Network Feeder Reconfiguration

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    Distribution Network Reconfiguration (DNR) has been a part of importance strategies in order to reduce the power losses in the electrical network system. Due to the increase of demand for the electricity and high cost maintenance, feeder reconfiguration has become more popular issue to discuss. In this paper, a comparative study has been made by using several optimization methods which are Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The objectives of this study are to compare the performance in terms of Power Losses Reduction (PLR), percentage of Voltage Profile Improvement (VPI), and Convergence Time (CT) while select the best method as a suggestion for future research. The programming has been simulated in MATLAB environment and IEEE 33-bus system is used for real testing. ABC method has shown the superior results in the analysis of two objectives function. The suggestion has been concluded and it is hoped to help the power system engineer in deciding a better feeder arrangement in the future