1,018 research outputs found

    Matter-positronium interaction: An exact diagonalization study of the He atom - positronium system

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    The many-body system comprising a He nucleus, three electrons, and a positron has been studied using the exact diagonalization technique. The purpose has been to clarify to which extent the system can be considered as a distinguishable positronium (Ps) atom interacting with a He atom and, thereby, to pave the way to a practical atomistic modeling of Ps states and annihilation in matter. The maximum value of the distance between the positron and the nucleus is constrained and the Ps atom at different distances from the nucleus is identified from the electron and positron densities, as well as from the electron-positron distance and center-of-mass distributions. The polarization of the Ps atom increases as its distance from the nucleus decreases. A depletion of the He electron density, particularly large at low density values, has been observed. The ortho-Ps pick-off annihilation rate calculated as the overlap of the positron and the free He electron densities has to be corrected for the observed depletion, specially at large pores/voids.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Indledning: Det narrative omdrejningspunkt

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    SKILLINGEN, BRODEREN OG TABLETTEN: Penge og sundhed i det østlige Uganda

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    Complaints about fees at the government health facilities in Uganda are incessant, and so are the more general statements about lack of money and problems of poverty. These complaints, however, cannot be reduced to questions of cost and the availability of resources. We also need to look at the kinds of exchanges money is made part of. Health has long been part of the economic sphere in Uganda, and people compensate healers and practitioners of different kinds for their services. The article explores why, then, people experience it as far more problematic to pay for treatment in the public health care system than to pay other health care providers. To answer this question requires a discussion of money, not as destructive to social relations, but as creative potential for relationships in all spheres of everyday life. In Uganda, as elsewhere, money can be used both to pay somebody and to give somebody something. Money is being made part of different modalities of exchange. In order to understand what takes place in various kinds of clinical interaction we need to look at the complex intersection of social relations, modalities of exchange, and the objects exchanged

    Den dobbelte ensomhed og det omsorgsfulde system: HIV positive afrikaneres møde med fællesskaber i Danmark

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    Hiv positive afrikanere i Danmark udviser stor tilfredshed med den omsorg, de modtager i det danske sundhedssystem, om end det konkrete møde langt fra altid er uproblematisk. Når man ønsker at forstå, hvad der foregår i det kliniske møde, er det relevant at kigge på de forskellige former for socialt samvær, patienter såvel som behandlere møder i deres dagligdag uden for sundhedssystemet, og hvordan disse er med til at forme oplevelsen af det kliniske møde. Nærhed og distance er altid til forhandling i enhver social situationer, og i denne artikel bliver forskellige former for balance mellem nærhed og distance i Afrika såvel som i Danmark præsenteret. Det diskuteres ydermere, hvordan disse samværsformer kan være med til at forklare sundhedspersonalet og patienternes oplevelse af det kliniske møde

    Peter Bjerregaard & T. Kue Young: The Circumpolar Inuit: Health of a Population in Transition.

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    Anmeldes af Hanne O. Mogensen &nbsp

    D. E. Gannik & L. Launsø (eds.): Disease, Knowledge, and Society.

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    Anmeldes af Hanne O. Mogensen &nbsp

    Helle Rydstrøm: Embodying Morality. Growing Up in Rural Northern Vietnam

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    Anmeldes af Hanne O. Mogensen &nbsp