139 research outputs found

    Isointense infant brain MRI segmentation with a dilated convolutional neural network

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    Quantitative analysis of brain MRI at the age of 6 months is difficult because of the limited contrast between white matter and gray matter. In this study, we use a dilated triplanar convolutional neural network in combination with a non-dilated 3D convolutional neural network for the segmentation of white matter, gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid in infant brain MR images, as provided by the MICCAI grand challenge on 6-month infant brain MRI segmentation.Comment: MICCAI grand challenge on 6-month infant brain MRI segmentatio

    Adversarial training and dilated convolutions for brain MRI segmentation

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied to various automatic image segmentation tasks in medical image analysis, including brain MRI segmentation. Generative adversarial networks have recently gained popularity because of their power in generating images that are difficult to distinguish from real images. In this study we use an adversarial training approach to improve CNN-based brain MRI segmentation. To this end, we include an additional loss function that motivates the network to generate segmentations that are difficult to distinguish from manual segmentations. During training, this loss function is optimised together with the conventional average per-voxel cross entropy loss. The results show improved segmentation performance using this adversarial training procedure for segmentation of two different sets of images and using two different network architectures, both visually and in terms of Dice coefficients.Comment: MICCAI 2017 Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysi

    Domain-adversarial neural networks to address the appearance variability of histopathology images

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    Preparing and scanning histopathology slides consists of several steps, each with a multitude of parameters. The parameters can vary between pathology labs and within the same lab over time, resulting in significant variability of the tissue appearance that hampers the generalization of automatic image analysis methods. Typically, this is addressed with ad-hoc approaches such as staining normalization that aim to reduce the appearance variability. In this paper, we propose a systematic solution based on domain-adversarial neural networks. We hypothesize that removing the domain information from the model representation leads to better generalization. We tested our hypothesis for the problem of mitosis detection in breast cancer histopathology images and made a comparative analysis with two other approaches. We show that combining color augmentation with domain-adversarial training is a better alternative than standard approaches to improve the generalization of deep learning methods.Comment: MICCAI 2017 Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysi

    Improving Whole Slide Segmentation Through Visual Context - A Systematic Study

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    While challenging, the dense segmentation of histology images is a necessary first step to assess changes in tissue architecture and cellular morphology. Although specific convolutional neural network architectures have been applied with great success to the problem, few effectively incorporate visual context information from multiple scales. With this paper, we present a systematic comparison of different architectures to assess how including multi-scale information affects segmentation performance. A publicly available breast cancer and a locally collected prostate cancer datasets are being utilised for this study. The results support our hypothesis that visual context and scale play a crucial role in histology image classification problems

    Inferring a Third Spatial Dimension from 2D Histological Images

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    Histological images are obtained by transmitting light through a tissue specimen that has been stained in order to produce contrast. This process results in 2D images of the specimen that has a three-dimensional structure. In this paper, we propose a method to infer how the stains are distributed in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the slide for a given 2D image in order to obtain a 3D representation of the tissue. This inference is achieved by decomposition of the staining concentration maps under constraints that ensure realistic decomposition and reconstruction of the original 2D images. Our study shows that it is possible to generate realistic 3D images making this method a potential tool for data augmentation when training deep learning models.Comment: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 201


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    Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Cardiovascular MR Segmentation in Congenital Heart Disease

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    We propose an automatic method using dilated convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for segmentation of the myocardium and blood pool in cardiovascular MR (CMR) of patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Ten training and ten test CMR scans cropped to an ROI around the heart were provided in the MICCAI 2016 HVSMR challenge. A dilated CNN with a receptive field of 131x131 voxels was trained for myocardium and blood pool segmentation in axial, sagittal and coronal image slices. Performance was evaluated within the HVSMR challenge. Automatic segmentation of the test scans resulted in Dice indices of 0.80±\pm0.06 and 0.93±\pm0.02, average distances to boundaries of 0.96±\pm0.31 and 0.89±\pm0.24 mm, and Hausdorff distances of 6.13±\pm3.76 and 7.07±\pm3.01 mm for the myocardium and blood pool, respectively. Segmentation took 41.5±\pm14.7 s per scan. In conclusion, dilated CNNs trained on a small set of CMR images of CHD patients showing large anatomical variability provide accurate myocardium and blood pool segmentations

    Technical design

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    To convert Bergenmeersen from a flood control area (FCA) to a flood control area with controlled reduced tide (FCA-CRT), the existing dykes were modified and a new inlet and outlet construction was built. This chapter outlines the hydraulic and geotechnical design. This encompasses raising the existing ring dyke around the area, the new stability calculations and the modified dyke revetment along the water and land side. The inlet and outlet structure is also described. The hydraulic boundary conditions are extremely important to the design

    Tversky loss function for image segmentation using 3D fully convolutional deep networks

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    Fully convolutional deep neural networks carry out excellent potential for fast and accurate image segmentation. One of the main challenges in training these networks is data imbalance, which is particularly problematic in medical imaging applications such as lesion segmentation where the number of lesion voxels is often much lower than the number of non-lesion voxels. Training with unbalanced data can lead to predictions that are severely biased towards high precision but low recall (sensitivity), which is undesired especially in medical applications where false negatives are much less tolerable than false positives. Several methods have been proposed to deal with this problem including balanced sampling, two step training, sample re-weighting, and similarity loss functions. In this paper, we propose a generalized loss function based on the Tversky index to address the issue of data imbalance and achieve much better trade-off between precision and recall in training 3D fully convolutional deep neural networks. Experimental results in multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation on magnetic resonance images show improved F2 score, Dice coefficient, and the area under the precision-recall curve in test data. Based on these results we suggest Tversky loss function as a generalized framework to effectively train deep neural networks