42 research outputs found

    Analisis kromosom untuk penentuan jenis kelamin tanaman pala=Chromosome Analysis for Sex Determination of Nutmeg

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    . . The aim of the present study is to examine chromosome variation of female, male, and monoecious nutmeg plants. The study was started in August 1995 and lasted to September 1996- Microscopic preparation for observation were done in the Central Laboratory of Biological Sciences and photographs were taken in the IUC-Bioteclmology Laboratory of Gadjah Mada University. New lateral roots of known sex type female, male, and monoecious of nutmeg plants (Myristica succedanea) of PTP XVIII central of Java were induced by putting compost within their rhizosphere. Root tips were collected, fixed in a 1:3 mixture of propionic acid and 95% ethanol, macerated in enzymatic mixture of 0,5% cellulase and 0,5% macerozyme, and finally stained with 45% lacto-propionic-orcein. The records that collected included number, absolute length, relative length, and shape of the chromosomes. Absolute and relative length of individual chromosome was compared using analysis of variance followed by a LSD test. The results revealed that the three plant sex groups had similar chromosome number (2n = 34), but did differ either in length (absolute or relative) for some number of chromosomes. Three chromosome formula i.e. 2m + 2sm + 30t, 3m + Ism + 30t, 2m + Ism + 31t for female, male, and monoecious plant respectively was proposed. Chromosome no.1 and 5 might be used to distinguish the female plant from the others as they were submetacentric and telocentric in female plants while the reversal was true in the other two groups. The monoecious plant would be identified from chromosome no_ 2 and 3 as they were metacentric and submetacentric compared to the reversal for the other groups. The absolute and relative length of chromosome no. 30 and 31 of the three sex groups were different to each other. For practical purposes, as identifying female plant is of considerable importance and larger chromosome size is of practical convenience, chromosome no.1 may be used as the sole key for sex determination. Keywords: nutmeg -- sex determination -- karyotip

    The Influences of Chitosan From Penaeus Monodon on C-reactive Protein Expression in Aorta and Coronary Artery of Sprague Dawley Rats by High Fat Induction

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the influences of chitosan on C-Reactive Protein expression in aorta and coronary artery of Sprague Dawley rats by high fat induction. The animals for this study were 20 adult male rats divided into four groups, i.e. group I as the control was fed with basal diet containing normal fat for 3 months, group II was fed diet containing high fat for 3 months, group III was fed diet containing high fat and given chitosan 180 mg per kg body weight per day orally in 2 ml aquadest for 3 months, group IV was fed diet containing high fat for 3 months and after 1 month given chitosan 180 mg per kg body weight per day orally in 2 ml aquadest for 2 months. Each group consisted of five animals. After 90 days, the rats were necropsied and the hearts were collected to histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis by immunohistochemistry streptavidin-biotin method. C-Reactive Protein expression in aorta was negative. Chitosan was able to prevent atheroma plaque formation in coronary artery and CRP may involve in atherosclerosis

    Analisis Regulasi Dan Kebijakan Keamanan Hayati Dan Peluang Keberhasilan Adopsi Benih Transgenik Di Indonesia

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    Analysis of Regulation and Policy on Biosafety andLikelihood of Transgenic Seeds Adoption in Indonesia.Edwin S. Saragih, Santun R.P. Sitorus, Harianto, andSugiono Moeljopawiro. Since more than 10 years, anumber of works in field of modern biotechnology havebeen programmed in public research institutes anduniversities in Indonesia and few foreign companies haveput efforts in introducing transgenic varieties. This significantdevelopment raises intriguing question as to why there hasnot been any transgenic food crop seed planted by farmersin the country. A status quo was observed in whichregulatory regime on biosafety has been in a situation ofprolonged transitional phase and necessary institutionalframework has not been firmly in place. There weredistinguished lines among stakeholders on benefitawareness, risks perception and worry on multinationalcompanies\u27 control over seed supply. There is a fairexpectation that similar benefits experienced by adoptingcountries could also help increase food production inIndonesia. However, potential contribution of transgenicseeds for the country is still largely unexplored. There arenumbers of potential transgenic seeds namely transgenicrice, soybean, potato, tomato and corn, with the latter wouldshow slightly better likelihood of success once adoptionhappens. Decision making instrument as determinant factorin ensuring safe application and release of transgenic seedshas not yet existed despite the fact that capacity for biosafetyassessment conduct is undoubtedly sufficient. It is importantto note that the new regulation on biosafety (PP No. 21/2005)open opportunities for assessing transgenic product under atransitional clause. Nonetheless, the new regulation has notbeen able securing food safety statement of importedtransgenic products (especially corn and soybean) whichhave been used for domestic consumption

    Indeks Sporozoit Anopheles Spp. (Culicidae: Anophelinae) Di Daerah Endemis Malaria Di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    Intervillage variation of malaria endemicity in the same sub-district is probably related to infectivity variation of Anopheles sp. The purpose of this research was to examine the proportion of sporozoite positive species, or species infectivity (SI), and the proportion of sporozoite positive samples, or total sporozoite index (TSI), of a high endemic village (HEV) and a low endemic village (LEV) in the Kokap Sub-District, Kulon Progro District, Central Java. Four Anopheline species were examined - Anopheles vagus Donitz, Anopheles maculatus (Theobald), Anopheles balabacensis Baisan, and Anopheles aconitus Donitz. Anopheles mosquitoes were concurrently collected in the two villages, five times each during October–December 2013, at two-week intervals, using the resting collection method. The mosquito collection was conducted every hour (50 minutes each) at three houses by two collectors each (one inside and one outside), from 18:00 PM to 06:00 AM. Female parous mosquitoes were examined using the Multiplex-PCR method to detect the presence of sporozoites. The examination of 77 DNA samples showed that the SI and TSI of the two villages (49 HEV and 28 LEV) were significantly different: a SI ratio of 66,7% : 33,3% and a TSI ratio of 20,41% : 3,57% (OR = 6,9; CI95% = 0.87 to 57.29; p = 0.021). This finding indicates that a high intensity malaria transmission could occur in the HEV and that a specific vector control measure is necessary

    Evaluasi Galur-galur Padi Mengandung Lokus P Uptake 1 (Pup1) Toleran Kekeringan

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    Drought, acidity, and P deficiency are problems on upland rice production in Ultisol soil in Indonesia. Pup1 locus in rice plant has a role in uptaking P nutrient and is suspected to function for tolerant to drought. Some BC2F6 lines derived from Situ Bagendit varietal cross containing Pup1 locus had been developed through Markerassisted Backcrossing method, for P uptake and for resistance to blast. This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of Pup1 locus to drought stress condition. The study was divided into two experiments, namely test of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 and root penetration ability test (DTA). The experiment was conducted at the Greenhouse of Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development, from November 2012 until May 2013. The number of lines was 52 lines, consisted of 24 lines of BC2F6 Situ Bagendit × Kasalath (= SK), 22 lines of Situ Bagendit × NIL-C433 (= SN), three parents namely Situ Bagendit (recurrent parent), Kasalath, and NIL-C433, two tolerant controls for drought namely Cabacu and Gajah Mungkur, and one sensitive control for drought IR20. The research used a completely randomized design for test PEG 8000 and a split-split plot design for test of root penetration ability. Results showed that maximum PEG 8000 concentrations for drought stress study on rice were 20%. Plant containing Pup1 locus was more tolerant to drought stress in PEG 8000 experiment through its longer roots and plumules. Pup1 locus gave a positive effect on root penetration ability, with longer roots and more able to penetrate wax layer. Plant carrying Pup1 locus also showed tolerant to drought on Ultisols soil, as indicated by the increase of dry weight of root and shoot compare to those of parents without Pup1 locus

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Spirulina Platensis Terhadap Respon Imun Humoral Mencit Setelah Uji Tantang Dengan Takizoit

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    Toksoplasmosis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Toxoplasma gondii. Penyakit ini sangat berbahaya pada hewan maupun manusia. Toksoplasmosis sampai sekarang masih sulit ditanggulangi. Untuk itu, dicari akternatif dengan cara pemberian imunostimulator, seperti Spirulina platensis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ekstrak Spirulina platensis yang paling potensial meningkatkan respon imun humoral dan mengetahui dosis Spirulina platensis yang efektif dalam meningkatkan respons imun humoral. Rancangan penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola Faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah jenis ekstrak (ekstrak etil asetat, ekstrak air dan Spirulina platensis murni). Faktor kedua adalah dosis ekstrak (0, 5, 10, 15 mg/ekor mencit). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etil asetat dengan dosis 5 mg/ekor mencit adalah yang terbaik meningkatkan respon imun humoral. Uji lanjut dengan Latin Square Design (LSD) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara jenis ekstrak dan dosis ekstrak

    Infectivity and Genetic Polymorphism of Anopheles Maculatus and An. Vagus in Diverse Endemicity Malaria Areas in The Kokap Sub-District of Kulon Progo

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    BACKGROUND: It is crucial to regularly monitor the infectivity and genetic polymorphism of Anopheles sp in endemic areas for early detection and accurate rapid response planning of indigenous malaria transmission. The Kokap Sub-District has the highest number of malaria cases in the Kulon Progo District. Its five villages showed diverse malaria endemicities. Anopheles maculatus was pointed out as the main vector and An. vagus as a suspect vector. The purpose of this investigation was to examine whether the populations of these two species were different with regard to infectivity and genetic polymorphism in villages that were high endemic (HEV) and low endemic (LEV). SUBJECT AND METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was performed in one HEV (Hargotirto) dan one LEV (Hargomulyo) on An. maculatus sp and An. vagus sp parous mosquitoes. The mosquitoes of both villages were collected simultaneously using the resting collection method, five times each, during October-December 2013. The collections were conducted in three houses by two collectors per house (one inside and one outside) in 50 minute intervels from 18.00PM to 06.00AM. Mosquitoes that meet the inclusion criteria were examined using the Multiplex-PCR method to detect the existence of Plasmodium and the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method to identify mosquito DNA polymorphism. RESULTS: The PCR test results of DNA samples of An. maculatus (25 HEV and 7 LEV) and An. vagus (18 HEV and 20 LEV) of the two villages showed that only the HEV sample was Plasmodium sp positive with 28% An. maculatus and 17% An. vagus infectivities (OR=6.08; CI95%: 0.31-120.4; p=0.043). The RAPD-PCR test results of DNA samples of An. maculatus (5 per village) and An. vagus (5 per village) of the two villages showed identical degrees of DNA polymorphism. CONCLUSION: The endemicity of the two villages was related to Anopheles sp infectivity. Although no Plasmodium sp positive anophelines were found in the LEV vector surveillance is nonetheless necessary considering the same levels of DNA polymorphism. Keywords: Anopheles sp, infectivity, endemicity, genetic polymorphis