16 research outputs found

    Kluczowe znaczenie rozumienia zdrowia dla nawyków żywieniowych: porównania międzygrupowe i analiza korelacji wśród nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej i wychowania przedszkolnego oraz studentów tego kierunku

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    The aim of the study was to assess: (1) differences in eating habits among female students in the context of their professional status, professional activity, place of work, age and declaration that healthy eating is (not) for them one of the five most important criteria of "being healthy ”, (2) the relationship between eating habits and age and seniority among women for whom healthy eating is one of the five most important health criteria as among those for whom it is not so important. The study included variables such as: eating habits, healthy eating as one of the criteria for "being healthy", gender, age, professional status, professional activity, workplace and seniority. The study covered 100 women - 46 students and 54 teachers (field of study: early school education and pre-school education). The Inventory of Health Behaviors was used to conduct the research (IZZ; Juczyński, 2001) - this tool is used to assess health behavior and the List of Health Criteria (LKZ; Juczyński, 2001) - this tool is used to assess how to define health. The statistical analysis carried out pointed to the key role of defining health for eating habits - women who declare that healthy eating is the basic criterion of "being healthy" have significantly better functioning in this context. The only significant correlate of eating habits was age. Moreover, this relationship was only significant among women for whom healthy eating is one of the five most important health criteria. The obtained research results draw attention to the importance of determining teachers' competences in the field of health and didactic skills in promoting it.Celem badania była ocena: (1) różnic w zakresie nawyków żywieniowych wśród studentek i nauczycielek w kontekście ich statusu zawodowego, aktywności zawodowej, miejsca wykonywanej pracy, wieku oraz deklaracji, że zdrowe odżywianie (nie)jest dla nich jednym z pięciu najważniejszych kryteriów „bycia zdrowym”, (2) związków pomiędzy nawykami żywieniowymi a wiekiem i stażem pracy wśród kobiet dla których zdrowe odżywianie jest jednym z pięciu najważniejszych kryteriów zdrowia, jak wśród tych dla których nie jest ono tak istotne. W badaniu uwzględniono takie zmienne jak: nawyki żywieniowe, zdrowe odżywianie jako jedno z kryteriów „bycia zdrowym”, płeć, wiek, status zawodowy, aktywność zawodowa, miejsce pracy oraz staż pracy. Badaniem objęto 100 kobiet – 46 studentek i 54 nauczycielki (kierunek studiów: edukacja wczesnoszkolna i wychowanie przedszkolne). Do przeprowadzenia badań wykorzystano Inwentarz Zachowań Zdrowotnych (IZZ; Juczyński, 2001) – narzędzie to służy do oceny zachowań zdrowotnych oraz Listę Kryteriów Zdrowia (LKZ; Juczyński, 2001) – narzędzie to służy do oceny sposobu definiowania zdrowia. Przeprowadzona analiza statystyczna wskazała na kluczową rolę definiowania zdrowia dla podejmowanych nawyków żywieniowych - istotnie lepszym funkcjonowaniem w tym kontekście charakteryzują się kobiety deklarujące, że zdrowe odżywianie jest dla nich podstawowym kryterium „bycia zdrowym”. Jedynym istotnym korelatem nawyków żywieniowych był wiek. Co więcej, związek ten był istotny tylko wśród kobiet, dla których zdrowe odżywianie jest jednym z pięciu najważniejszych kryteriów zdrowia. Uzyskane wyniki badań zwracają uwagę na to, jak ważne jest określenie kompetencji nauczycieli w zakresie zdrowia oraz umiejętności dydaktycznych w jego promowaniu

    Comparison of Food-Based and Music-Based Regulatory Strategies for (Un)Healthy Eating, Depression, Anxiety and Stress

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    There are many ways to regulate emotions. People use both adaptive (e.g., regulation by music) and maladaptive (e.g., regulation by food) strategies to do this. We hypothesized that participants with a high level of food-based regulatory strategies and a low level of music-based regulatory strategies (a group with the least adaptive form of emotion regulation) would have significantly greater levels of unhealthy eating behaviours, depression, anxiety and stress, as well as a significantly lower level of healthy eating behaviours than those with a low level of food-based regulatory strategies and a high level of music-based regulatory strategies (a group with the greatest adaptive form of emotion regulation). Participants (N = 410; Mage = 31.77, SD = 13.53) completed: the Brief Music in Mood Regulation Scale, the Emotional Overeating Questionnaire, the Healthy and Unhealthy Eating Behavior Scale, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale and a socio-demographic survey. The four clusters were identified: (a) Cluster 1 (N = 148): low food-based regulatory strategies and high music-based regulatory strategies; (b) Cluster 2 (N = 42): high food-based regulatory strategies and high music-based regulatory strategies; (c) Cluster 3 (N = 70): high food-based regulatory strategies and low music-based regulatory strategies; (d) Cluster 4 (N = 150): low food-based regulatory strategies and low music-based regulatory strategies. Overall, our outcomes partially support our hypothesis, as higher levels of unhealthy eating behaviours, depression, anxiety and stress were observed in participants with high food-based and low music-based regulatory strategies as compared with adults with low food-based and high music-based regulatory strategies. To sum up, the results obtained indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic the group of people regulating their emotional state and unhealthy eating predominantly with food is potentially characterized by worse functioning than the group of people regulating with music. Therefore, it can be concluded that people who regulate their functioning using food should be included in preventive measures by specialists. During the visit, psychologists and primary care physicians can ask patients about their daily strategies and based on this information specialists can estimate the potential risk of developing high levels of stress and anxiety, depressive disorders and unhealthy eating habits and provide specific (match) intervention

    The Impact of a Woodland Walk on Body Image: A Field Experiment and an Assessment of Dispositional and Environ-mental Determinants

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    Studies have shown that nature exposure is associated with more positive body image, but field studies remain relatively infrequent. Here, we examined the impact of a woodland walk on an index of state positive body image (i.e., state body appreciation), as well as dispositional and en-vironmental determinants of body image improvements. Eighty-seven Polish women went for a walk in Cygański Las, an ancient woodland, and completed a measure of state body appreciation before and after the walk. As hypothesised, state body appreciate was significantly higher post-walk compared to pre-walk (d = 0.56). Additionally, we found that trait self-compassion – but not trait connectedness to nature, perceived aesthetic qualities of the woodland, or subjective restoration – was significantly associated with larger improvements to state body appreciation. These results suggest that even relatively brief exposure to nature results in elevated state body appreciation, with the dispositional trait of self-compassion being associated with larger effects

    The role of body mass index, healthy eating-related apps and educational activities on eating motives and behaviours among women during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross sectional study.

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    The COVID-19 related lockdown made it much more difficult for people to control their eating behaviours and body weight with the methods and means they had used before. This is reflected in reports that show that eating behaviours deteriorated significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic (including in Poland). Therefore, it is important to determine what factors may be conducive to healthy eating behaviours among people with different BMI. As previous studies show, the use of healthy eating related-apps and training programs may be a protective factor against the development of unhealthy eating behaviours. Therefore, it is worth checking whether their action will be a protective factor during COVID-19. The aim of this cross sectional study was to analyse whether the current use of healthy eating-related apps and previous participation in training in this field (educational activities) as well as body mass index may play a role in eating motives and behaviours among women during COVID-19. Our final sample included 1,447 women (age: M = 31.34 ± 11.05). Participants completed: the Eating Motivation Survey, the Emotional Overeating Questionnaire, the Mindful Eating Questionnaire, socio-demographic survey and questions about healthy eating-related apps and training (educational activities). Referring to the selected significant results, our study shows that during COVID-19, the use of healthy eating-related apps alone, as well as the use of apps and prior training participation promote healthy eating motives and behaviours. It suggests that promoting the use of healthy eating applications and the acquisition of knowledge and skills in this field could be one way of shaping resources that can be effectively used to deal with crisis situations

    COVID-19-Related Stress and Anxiety, Body Mass Index, Eating Disorder Symptomatology, and Body Image in Women from Poland: A Cluster Analysis Approach

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    To limit the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), many countries have introduced mandated lockdown or social distancing measures. Although these measures may be successful against COVID-19 transmission, the pandemic and attendant restrictions are a source of chronic and severe stress and anxiety which may contribute to the emergence or worsening of symptoms of eating disorders and the development of negative body image. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to: (1) classify different conditions associated with COVID-19-related stress, COVID-19-related anxiety, and weight status; and (2) analyze and compare the severity of dimensions typically related to eating disorders symptomatology and body image in individuals with different COVID-19-related stress, COVID-19-related anxiety, and weight status. Polish women (N = 671, Mage = 32.50 ± 11.38) completed measures of COVID-19-related stress and anxiety along with body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, and bulimia symptomatology subscales of the Eating Disorders Inventory, and the appearance evaluation, overweight preoccupation, and body areas satisfaction subscales of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire. The following four clusters were identified through cluster analysis: (a) Cluster 1 (N = 269), healthy body weight and low COVID-related stress (M = 3.06) and anxiety (M = 2.96); (b) Cluster 2 (N = 154), healthy body weight and high COVID-related stress (M = 5.43) and anxiety (M = 5.29); (c) Cluster 3 (N = 127), excess body weight and high COVID-related stress (M = 5.23) and anxiety (M = 5.35); (d) Cluster 4 (N = 121), excess body weight and low COVID-related stress (M = 2.69) and anxiety (M = 2.83). Our results showed that Clusters 3 and 4 had significantly greater body dissatisfaction and lower appearance evaluation and body areas satisfaction than Clusters 1 and 2. Cluster 3 also had a significantly higher level of drive for thinness, bulimia, and overweight preoccupation than Clusters 1 and 2. These preliminary findings may mean that the COVID-19 pandemic and attendant anxiety and stress caused by the pandemic are exacerbating symptoms of eating disorders and negative body image, with women with excess weight particularly at risk

    Educational aspect of the key psychological theories in relation to prevention of child adverse behaviour

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    Treść artykułu jest opisem wybranych teorii rozwoju człowieka i próbą przybliżenia koncepcji kryzysu jako zjawiska konstruktywnego lub destruktywnego w odniesieniu do rozwoju indywidualnego. Omówione w artykule są także stosowane metody wychowawcze z zakresu nauk humanistycznych. Powyższe zagadnienia zostały opisane w oparciu o teksty źródłowe z dziedziny psychologii rozwoju i pedagogiki. Przedstawione w tekście teorie są obecnie najczęściej prezentowane, ale nie wyczerpują listy wszystkich skonstruowanych do tej pory, jednakże autorzy zwracają szczególną uwagę na ich praktyczne zastosowanie w celu prawidłowego wsparcia rozwoju dziecka.The contents of this article describe chosen theories of human development and attempt to familiarize the concept of crisis as constructive and deconstructive phenomenon with relation to personal development. The article also reviews educational methods used in humanities. The above issues have been discussed based on source documents from development psychology and pedagogy. Presented theories are currently widely advertised, however other ones are also in place. The authors of this article focus on the practical function of such theories in order to support the correct child‘s developmen

    “All Hands on Deck”: Psychological Characteristics of Women with Experience of Oncological Disease Participating in Sailing Cruise—A Pilot Study

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    Background: In addition to searching for effective methods of treatment, interventions are sought to support well-being, quality of life, mental health, and recovery. Sailing has its specific features, including task orientation, challenges, contact with people, and nature. This specificity may be treated as a potential therapeutic factor, but it is also likely that people with certain psychological characteristics are involved in it. Therefore, the study aimed to assess some psychological features of women with cancer experience who decided to take part in the Onco-Cruise (Polish: Onko-Rejs). Methods: Participants were 56 women (M = 46.73; SD = 9.21). We used NEO-FFI, the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, and The Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale. Results: Onco-Cruises participants were characterized by a high level of extraversion (M = 32.48; SD = 7.02; sten score M = 7.21; Mo = 7), openness (M = 31.50; SD = 6.31; sten score M = 7.41; Mo = 8), low neuroticism (M = 21.62; SD = 9.33; sten score M = 4.96), predominance of present hedonistic (M = 12.55, SD = 1.46) and future time perspective (M = 11.39; SD = 2.67), and the internal health locus of control (M = 23.25, SD = 5.43). Conclusion: Group sailing can be favorable for broadly understood health and cancer recovery, but people who choose this activity have certain psychological predispositions, especially indicating high needs for stimulation. Permanent features should be taken into account when proposing various interventions for oncology patients to best suit them to their natural possibilities and preferences and, thus, make them most effective

    Does a nature walk improve state body appreciation in children?

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    The available evidence suggests that exposure to natural environments promotes more positive body image, but to date this research is limited to adult populations. Conversely, it is not currently known whether nature exposure has similar effects in children. To answer this question, we invited two groups of children in Poland – matched in terms of age, gender identities, and racialised status – to go for either a walk in a natural environment (n = 80) or a built environment (n = 81). Before and after the walks, they were asked to complete a measure of state body appreciation, adapted for completion by children. The results of a mixed analysis of variance and tests of simple effects indicated that children who went for a walk in the natural environment reported a significant improvement to state body appreciation (d = 0.35), whereas those who went for a walk in the built environment did not (d = 0.04). The results also showed no significant impact of gender identity (girls vs. boys) or age (middle vs. late childhood) on this finding. In discussing our findings, we acknowledge the preliminary nature of the present study, suggest directions for extending our work, and consider the implications of our work in terms of promoting positive body image in children.</p