806 research outputs found

    Fractal Structure of Loop Quantum Gravity

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    In this paper we have calculated the spectral dimension of loop quantum gravity (LQG) using simple arguments coming from the area spectrum at different length scales. We have obtained that the spectral dimension of the spatial section runs from 2 to 3, across a 1.5 phase, when the energy of a probe scalar field decrees from high to low energy. We have calculated the spectral dimension of the space-time also using results from spin-foam models, obtaining a 2-dimensional effective manifold at hight energy. Our result is consistent with other two approach to non perturbative quantum gravity: causal dynamical triangulation and asymptotic safety quantum gravity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Newtonian gravity as an entropic force: Towards a derivation of G

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    It has been suggested that the Newtonian gravitational force may emerge as an entropic force from a holographic microscopic theory. In this framework, the possibility is reconsidered that Newton's gravitational coupling constant G can be derived from the fundamental constants of the underlying microscopic theory.Comment: 10 pages. v6: published versio

    Towards a molecular dynamics consensus view of B-DNA flexibility

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    We present a systematic study of B-DNA flexibility in aqueous solution using long-scale molecular dynamics simulations with the two more recent versions of nucleic acids force fields (CHARMM27 and parmbsc0) using four long duplexes designed to contain several copies of each individual base pair step. Our study highlights some differences between pambsc0 and CHARMM27 families of simulations, but also extensive agreement in the representation of DNA flexibility. We also performed additional simulations with the older AMBER force fields parm94 and parm99, corrected for non-canonical backbone flips. Taken together, the results allow us to draw for the first time a consensus molecular dynamics picture of B-DNA flexibilit

    Not by faith alone: a preliminary outcomes evaluation of a faith-based welfare to work program

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    The role of faith-based organizations in the provision of social services has gained increasing attention since Charitable Choice passed as a provision of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996. Under George W. Bush, faith-based social services took center stage in the domestic policy debates. One element of the rhetoric surrounding public support of faith-based interventions has been the talk of their effectiveness. Unfortunately, few studies have ever attempted to assess the outcomes of faith-based social interventions, and the studies that have been conducted report mixed findings. The notion of the effectiveness of faith-based interventions has largely been taken on faith. This study used longitudinal administrative data matched with earnings histories to assess the impact a faith-based intervention had on earnings, poverty status, and employment stability in three North Carolina counties. There was no significant difference between the outcomes of a faith-based and a similar secular intervention when earnings, poverty status, and employment stability were assessed. These findings are consistent with other major studies of welfare to work programs, suggesting the need to assess the structure of low-wage work in the United States

    Sub-Planckian black holes and the Generalized Uncertainty Principle

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    The Black Hole Uncertainty Principle correspondence suggests that there could exist black holes with mass beneath the Planck scale but radius of order the Compton scale rather than Schwarzschild scale. We present a modified, self-dual Schwarzschild-like metric that reproduces desirable aspects of a variety of disparate models in the sub-Planckian limit, while remaining Schwarzschild in the large mass limit. The self-dual nature of this solution under MM1M \leftrightarrow M^{-1} naturally implies a Generalized Uncertainty Principle with the linear form Δx1Δp+Δp\Delta x \sim \frac{1}{\Delta p} + \Delta p. We also demonstrate a natural dimensional reduction feature, in that the gravitational radius and thermodynamics of sub-Planckian objects resemble that of (1+1)(1+1)-D gravity. The temperature of sub-Planckian black holes scales as MM rather than M1M^{-1} but the evaporation of those smaller than 103610^{-36}g is suppressed by the cosmic background radiation. This suggests that relics of this mass could provide the dark matter.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, version published in J. High En. Phy

    Spinning Loop Black Holes

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    In this paper we construct four Kerr-like spacetimes starting from the loop black hole Schwarzschild solutions (LBH) and applying the Newman-Janis transformation. In previous papers the Schwarzschild LBH was obtained replacing the Ashtekar connection with holonomies on a particular graph in a minisuperspace approximation which describes the black hole interior. Starting from this solution, we use a Newman-Janis transformation and we specialize to two different and natural complexifications inspired from the complexifications of the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom metrics. We show explicitly that the space-times obtained in this way are singularity free and thus there are no naked singularities. We show that the transformation move, if any, the causality violating regions of the Kerr metric far from r=0. We study the space-time structure with particular attention to the horizons shape. We conclude the paper with a discussion on a regular Reissner-Nordstrom black hole derived from the Schwarzschild LBH and then applying again the Newmann-Janis transformation.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    The relative flexibility of B-DNA and A-RNA duplexes: database analysis

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    An extensive analysis of structural databases is carried out to investigate the relative flexibility of B-DNA and A-RNA duplexes in crystal form. Our results show that the general anisotropic concept of flexibility is not very useful to compare the deformability of B-DNA and A-RNA duplexes, since the flexibility patterns of B-DNA and A-RNA are quite different. In other words, ‘flexibility' is a dangerous word for describing macromolecules, unless it is clearly defined. A few soft essential movements explain most of the natural flexibility of A-RNA, whereas many are necessary for B-DNA. Essential movements occurring in naked B-DNAs are identical to those necessary to deform DNA in DNA-protein complexes, which suggest that evolution has designed DNA-protein complexes so that B-DNA is deformed according to its natural tendency. DNA is generally more flexible, but for some distortions A-RNA is easier to deform. Local stiffness constants obtained for naked B-DNAs and DNA complexes are very close, demonstrating that global distortions in DNA necessary for binding to proteins are the result of the addition of small concerted deformations at the base-pair level. Finally, it is worth noting that in general the picture of the relative deformability of A-RNA and DNA derived from database analysis agrees very well with that derived from state of the art molecular dynamics (MD) simulation

    Tamanho da amostra foliar para avaliação do estado nutricional e índice SPAD de capim-elefante irrigado para corte.

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    Resumo: compor a amostra promoverá a otimização da mão de obra, além de diminuir erros inerentes à recomendação e avaliação do estado nutricional. A coleta de folhas de forrageiras para a diagnose do estado nutricional é uma etapa importante para subsidiar a adubação, sendo o tamanho da amostra imprescindível para representar adequadamente a população de plantas a ser manejada. Assim, objetivou-se dimensionar o número de amostras de folhas para a diagnose do estado nutricional de capim-elefante irrigado para corte, bem como o índice de clorofila SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development). A avaliação foi realizada em capineira de capim-elefante, var. Cameroon, com irrigação fixa de baixa aspersão, em área localizada em Sobral-CE, em solo Neossolo fluvico. Coletaram-se 40 amostras simples, em zigue-zague, de maneira aleatória, escolhendo-se folhas recém-expandidas. As variáveis mensuradas foram os teores foliares de macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) e micronutrientes (B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn) e o índice indireto de clorofila, com auxílio de um clorofilômetro. Considerando aceitável um erro amostral de 10%, a coleta de amostras simples de 16 e 80 plantas, respectivamente, para macro e micronutrientes em capim-elefante seria adequada. Para a medida indireta da clorofila, 8 amostras são necessárias para obter um erro de 10%. [Leaf size sample to nutritional state and SPAD index evaluation in elephant grass irrigated under cuts management]. Abstract: The determination of the amount of sample units that will compose the sample express the optimization of the workforce, and reduce errors inherent in the report of recommendation and evaluation of nutritional status. The leaf collection for diagnosis of nutritional status is an important step, and the sample size necessary to adequately represent the population to be assessed. Thus, the objective was evaluation to the number simple design of leaf samples for the diagnosis of nutritional status of elephant grass irrigated for cutting and SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) index. The study was conducted in elephant grass, with a low fixed sprinkler irrigation, in an area located in Sobral-CE in alluvial soil. It was collected 40 samples simple, randomly, choosing newly expanded leaves. The variables measured were foliar concentrations of macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) and the indirect index of chlorophyll, using a chlorophyll meter. Considering an acceptable error of 10%, the collection of single samples of 16 and 80 plants, respectively, for macronutrients and micronutrients in elephant grass would be appropriate. For the indirect measurement of chlorophyll (SPAD index) 8 plants would be required to obtain a 10% error

    Relações biométricas e índice SPAD do milho submetido a fontes e doses de nitrogênio na regiao Semiárida do Brasil.

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    Resumo: O correto manejo da adubação nitrogenada e o emprego de tecnologias agregadas visam o melhor aproveitamento do N pelas culturas, em especial a cultura do milho. Objetivou-se avaliar as variáveis biométricas e os teores de clorofila, através de medidas indiretas em folhas de milho, em função da aplicação de fertilizantes nitrogenados em diferentes doses. O estudo foi conduzido no campo experimental da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa/CNPC) em Sobral-CE. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco fontes de nitrogênio: uréia; uréia + NBPT; uréia + polímero; uréia + inibidor enzimático; e uréia + capeamento com enxofre elementar, em três níveis de adubação nitrogenada em cobertura: 100%, 75% e 50% da dose recomendada para a cultura, aplicados em cobertura 30 dias após o plantio. Quando as plantas apresentavam-se 50% pendoadas, foram avaliadas quanto às características biométricas (altura; diâmetro do caule; número de folhas) e medidas indiretas de clorofila com o auxílio de um medidor portátil. A variedade estudada foi o milho Catingueiro, adaptado às condições Semiáridas. Pode-se constatar que as plantas apresentaram diferentes comportamentos para o índice SPAD, em função das doses e dos adubos utilizados. Houve diferença significativa para número de folhas, quando comparadas fontes e doses de adubos, em relação à testemunha sem adubação, evidenciando a importância da adubação nitrogenada para a cultura do milho