104 research outputs found

    Rebalancing the transatlantic partnership

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    Duas publicações recentes – um pequeno livro de Edward Balladur e um relatório de cinco antigos comandantes da NATO – chegam a um diagnóstico comum: os recentes desenvolvimentos internacionais evidenciam a necessidade de uma renovação da relação da Europa e Estados Unidos, uma vez que a sua ausência afectaria negativamente os interesses de ambos. Aqui, comentam-se dois aspectos desta argumentação. Primeiro, a janela de oportunidade de renovação das relações transatlânticas poderá estar limitada às duas próximas décadas. Segundo, é necessário reequilibrar a relação no sentido de uma maior igualdade entre os seus membros

    Long-Term Trends in World Politics

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    A revisit, and an extension, of the paper From Leadership to Organization: The Evolution of Global Politics, originally presented at the University of Zurich in 1993. Three long-term processes: the evolution of global politics (or political globalization); the rise and decline of world powers (the long cycle of global politics); and the emergence of the world system, have been reviewed and updated

    "The democratic lineage"

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    The democratic lineage asserts that present-day democracies that now number several dozen, descend, in a special sense, from the experience of a much more limited group of societies. The concept of democratic lineage is a device for representing the line of societies that over the past millennium has shaped what has now come to be recognized as democratization. That line of democratic descent has deep roots that it is well to recognize, and over an extended period has served as the line of transmission for essential traits of cultural inheritance: literature, other written records, and words of art and architecture, through which a democratic heritage has come down to the present. It is not the property of any single country, but it is also limited to a set of societies. What follows is an account of the evolution of the democratic lineage, and highlights of some of its key characteristics, both with emphasis on linkages

    Ages of Reorganization: Self-organization in the World System

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