11 research outputs found

    Assessment of the 2006 Abuja fertilizer declaration with emphasis on nitrogen use efficiency to reduce yield gaps in maize production

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 01 Feb 2022The Abuja Fertilizer Declaration in 2006 recommended the increase of fertilizer use from the current practice for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to achieve food sufficiency and improve soil fertility status. However, the current recommended rates of fertilizer have not been evaluated for specific crops on their potential to reduce the yield gap and optimize nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). In this study, with nitrogen (N) being a significant yield-determinant nutrient, four N use scenarios were drawn from existing recommendations and were evaluated under field conditions for maize crops in two catchments of the Lake Victoria basin. The scenarios included Business as Usual (BAU, 0 kg N ha−1), 25% of the Abuja declaration (ADS 12.5 kg N ha−1), 50% of the Abuja declaration (ADS 25 kg N ha−1), and Abuja declaration–Abuja scenario (ADS, 50 kg N ha−1). The results revealed that increasing N input levels significantly influenced the growth and yield of maize crops. The ADS scenario recorded the highest grain yield increase (167.39%) in Nyando and 103.25% in Rangwe catchments compared to the BAU scenario. N deficits were observed in all the N use scenarios with a range of −66.6 to −125.7 kg N ha−1 in Nyando and −62.5 to −105.4 kg N ha−1 in Rangwe catchments with the 50% ADS scenario having the highest deficits. The deficits imply that the added N input is insufficient to create an N balance for optimal NUE with consequent high risks of soil N mining. In both catchments, all N use scenarios were within the recommended agro-physiological N efficiency (APEN) level of between 40 and 60 kg kg−1 N. The partial N balance obtained at Nyando (1.56–3.11) and Rangwe (1.10–4.64) was higher than the optimal values, a sign of insufficiency of N inputs and possible risk of soil N depletion in all the scenarios. Our findings conclude that the proposed N rates in the region are still very low for food sufficiency and optimized NUE. Therefore, there is a need to explore other sources of N such as biological N fixation and organic manure and inform policy- and decision-makers to recommend higher rates beyond the “Abuja declaration” with the prospect of reaching target yield and optimizing NUE values based on specific crop recommendations

    Nitrogen budgets and nitrogen use efficiency as agricultural performance indicators in Lake Victoria basin

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    Open Access JournalToo little nitrogen (N) is a threat to crop productivity and soil fertility in subSaharan Africa (SSA). Nitrogen budgets (NB) and nitrogen use e ciency (NUE) are critical tools for assessing N dynamics in agriculture and have received little or no attention in the region. Data were collected from smallholder farmers clustered into two categories, farmers applying and farmers not applying N fertilizers. NB were calculated using the Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS) model approach for field and farm spatial scales. The results showed spatial variabilities in NB and NUE at the field level (maize and rice) across all the catchments. At the field level, N balances were negative for the two crops in all the catchments. Similarly, at the farm gate, a deficit of −78.37 kg N ha−1 was observed, an indicator of soil N mining. NUE values at the field scale varied across the catchments for both crops, with values for maize grown without N ranging from 25.76 to 140.18%. Even with the application of mineral N at higher levels in rice fields compared to maize fields, NUE values ranged between 81.92 and 224.6%. Our study revealed that the Lake Victoria region suers from ine cient N cycling due to depleted soil N pools and low synchrony between N input and N removal. Therefore, a challenge lies in exploiting more sustainable N sources for farmers in the region for sustainable farming systems. The NB and NUE provide critical information to agriculture stakeholders to develop environmental, agronomic, and economically viable N management solutions

    Nitrogen fertilizer equivalence of black soldier fly frass fertilizer and synchrony of nitrogen mineralization for maize production

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 15 Sept 2020The use of black soldier fly frass fertilizer (BSFFF) is being promoted globally. However, information on nitrogen (N) fertilizer equivalence (NFE) value and synchrony of N mineralization for crop production remains largely unknown. Comparative studies between BSFFF and commercial organic fertilizer (SAFI) were undertaken under field conditions to determine synchrony of N release for maize uptake. The BSFFF, SAFI, and urea fertilizers were applied at the rates of 0, 30, 60, and 100 kg N ha−1. The yield data from urea treated plots were used to determine the NFE of both organic inputs. Results showed that maize from BSFFF treated plots had higher N uptake than that from SAFI treated plots. High N immobilization was observed throughout the active growth stages of maize grown in soil amended with BSFFF, whereas soil treated with SAFI achieved net N release at the silking stage. Up to three times higher negative N fluxes were observed in SAFI amended soils as compared with BSFFF treated plots at the tasseling stage. The BSFFF applied at 30 and 60 kg N ha−1 achieved significantly higher NFE than all SAFI treatments. Our findings revealed that BSFFF is a promising and sustainable alternative to SAFI or urea for enhanced maize production

    Exploring black soldier fly frass as novel fertilizer for improved growth, yield, and nitrogen use efficiency of maize under field conditions

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 23 Sept 2020Black soldier fly frass fertilizer (BSFFF) is increasingly gaining momentum worldwide as organic fertilizer. However, research on its performance on crop production remains largely unknown. Here, we evaluate the comparative performance of BSFFF and commercial organic fertilizer (SAFI) on maize (H513) production. Both fertilizers were applied at the rates of 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5 t ha-1, and 0, 30, 60, and 100 kg nitrogen (N) ha-1. Mineral fertilizer (urea) was also applied at 0, 30, 60 and 100 kg N ha-1 to establish the N fertilizer equivalence (NFE) of the organic fertilizers. Maize grown in plots treated with BSFFF had the tallest plants and highest chlorophyll concentrations. Plots treated with 7.5 t ha-1 of BSFFF had 14% higher grain yields than plots treated with a similar rate of SAFI. There was a 27% and 7% increase in grain yields in plots treated with 100 kg N ha-1 of BSFFF compared to those treated with equivalent rates of SAFI and urea fertilizers, respectively. Application of BSFFF at 7.5 t ha-1 significantly increased N uptake by up to 23% compared to the equivalent rate of SAFI. Likewise, application of BSFFF at 100 kg N ha-1 increased maize N uptake by 76% and 29% compared to SAFI and urea, respectively. Maize treated with BSFFF at 2.5 t ha-1 and 30 kg N ha-1 had higher nitrogen recovery efficiencies compared to equivalent rates of SAFI. The agronomic N use efficiency (AEN) of maize treated with 2.5 t ha-1 of BSFFF was 2.4 times higher than the value achieved using an equivalent rate of SAFI. Also, the AEN of maize grown using 30 kg N ha-1 was 27% and 116% higher than the values obtained using equivalent rates of SAFI and urea fertilizers, respectively. The NFE of BSFFF (108%) was 2.5 times higher than that of SAFI. Application rates of 2.5 t ha-1 and 30 kg N ha-1 of BSFFF were found to be effective in improving maize yield, while double rates of SAFI were required. Our findings demonstrate that BSFFF is a promising and sustainable alternative to commercial fertilizers for increased maize production

    Biochar and gypsum amendment of agroindustrial waste for enhanced black soldier fly larval biomass and quality frass fertilizer

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 27 Aug 2020Black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens L.) is one of the most efficient bio-waste recyclers. Although, waste substrate amendments with biochar or gypsum during composting process are known to enhance nutrient retention, their impact on agro-industrial waste have not been documented. Hence, this study focuses on a comparative effect of agro-industrial waste amended with biochar and gypsum on BSF larval performance, waste degradation, and nitrogen (N) and potassium retention in frass fertilizer. Brewery spent grain was amended with biochar or gypsum at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% to determine the most effective rates of inclusion. Amending feedstock with 20% biochar significantly increased wet (89%) and dried (86%) larval yields than the control (unamended feedstock). However, amendment with 15% gypsum caused decrease in wet (34%) and dried (30%) larval yields but conserved the highest amount of N in frass. Furthermore, the inclusion of 20% biochar recorded the highest frass fertilizer yield and gave a 21% increase in N retention in frass fertilizer, while biomass conversion rate was increased by 195% compared to the control. Feedstock amendment with 5% biochar had the highest waste degradation efficiency. Potassium content in frass fertilizer was also significantly enhanced with biochar amendment. At maturity, frass compost with more than 10% inclusion rate of biochar had the highest cabbage seed germination indices (>100%). The findings of this study revealed that initial composting of biochar amended feedstocks using BSF larvae can significantly shorten compost maturity time to 5 weeks with enhanced nutrient recycling compared to the conventional composting methods

    Low-cost technology for recycling agro-industrial waste into nutrient-rich organic fertilizer using black soldier fly

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 15 Oct 2020Efforts to recycle organic waste using black soldier fly (BSF) larvae into high-quality alternative protein ingredients in animal feeds and organic fertilizers have gained momentum worldwide. However, there is limited information on waste manipulation to increase nutrient retention for enhanced larval performance and frass fertilizer quality. In the present study, brewer’s spent grain with a carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio of 11 (control) was amended with sawdust to obtain substrates with C/N ratios of 15, 20, 25 and 30. The effects of substrate C/N ratios on BSF larval yield, waste degradation, biomass conversion efficiency, compost maturity and nutrient levels of frass fertilizer were evaluated. Substrates amended with sawdust did not significantly affect waste degradation efficiency and biomass conversion rates of BSF larvae. The wet and dried larval yields were significantly higher for substrates with C/N ratio of 15 compared to the other amended substrates. An amended substrate with C/N ratio of 15 enhanced nutrients uptake by BSF larvae, and increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus retention in frass compost by 21 and 15%, respectively. Compost maturation time was shortened to five weeks, as indicated by the stable C/N ratios and high seed germination indices. This study has demonstrated that the amendment of the substrate with sawdust to C/N ratio of 15 could generate compost with desirable nutrients for use as high-quality fertilizer for organic farming

    Effect of lime, urea and triple super phosphate on nitrogen and phosphorus mineralisation in an acid soil during incubation

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    A study to investigate N and P mineralisation in an acid mollic Andosol was conducted through laboratory incubation for 120 days. Soil samples were taken from 0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm depths. Treatments applied were lime, urea and triple superphosphate (TSP) at rates equivalent to 2.5 t ha-1, 50 and 75 kg ha-1, respectively. Soil moisture of the treated soil samples was adjusted to field capacity and transferred into polythene bags, sealed and incubated in the laboratory at room temperature (19-24 OC). Changes in soil available N and P were measured at specific time intervals and their concentrations recorded. Nitrogen and P mineralisation potential in the soil profile (0-60 cm depth) were 4.7 ”g N g-1 and 0.37 ”g P g-1 dry soil day-1, with the 0-15 cm depth contributing 42.7 and 33.3 % of the mineral N and P, respectively. Total net N mineralised in lime, control TSP and urea treatments was 666.1, 563.3, 380.2 and 282.2 ”g N g-1 dry soil, respectively with significant differences observed among treatments. Net P mineralised (”g P g-1 dry soil) was significantly higher in TSP (74.1) than control (43.9), lime (47.4), and urea (34.2) treatments. Liming and P application enhanced soil N and P mineralisation, respectively but urea retarded both.Key Words: Acidity, Andosol, incubation, Kenya, lime, TSP, urea RÉSUMÉUne Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite pour examiner la mineralisation du P et de l'N dans un Andosol mollique acide par l'incubation pendant 120 jours au laboratoire. Les Ă©chantillons de sol ont Ă©tĂ© pris Ă  une profondeur de 0-15, 15-30 et 30-60 cm. Les traitements utulisĂ©s Ă©taient la chaux, l'urĂ©e et le superphosphate triple (TSP) Ă  des taux de 2.5 t ha-1, 50 et 75 kg ha-1 respectivement. L'humiditĂ© du sol des Ă©chantillons traitĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© ajustĂ©s Ă  la capacitĂ© au champs et transferrĂ©e dans des sacs de polythĂ©ne, puis fermĂ©e et incubĂ©e au laboratoire Ă  une temperature de la salle (19-24 0C). Les variations de l'N et du P disponble ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ© Ă  un untervalle de temps spĂ©cifique et leurs concentrations enregistrĂ©es. Le potentiel de mineralisation de l'N et du P des profiles de sol (0-60cm) Ă©tait 4.7”gNg-1 et 0.37”gPg-1 de sol sec par jour, et le profile de 0-15cm de profondeur contribuait 42.7 et 33.3% de l'N et du P respectivement. L'azote total net minĂ©ralisĂ© des traitements chaux, temoin et 'ur Ă©e Ă©tait 666.1, 563.3, 380.2 et 282.2 ”gNg-1 de sol sec respectivement avec des differences significatives entre les traitements. Le P net minĂ©ralisĂ© (”gPg-1) Ă©tait significativement Ă©levĂ© dans SPT (74.1) plus que le temoin (43.9), la chaux (47.4) et l'urĂ©e (34.2). Le chaulage et l'application de P accĂ©lĂšre la minĂ©ralisation de l'N et du P respectivemet, mais l'urĂ©e retarde les deux.Mots ClĂ©s: AciditĂ©, Andosols, incubation , Kenya, chaux, SPT, urĂ©e (African Crop Science Journal 8(3) 2000: 327-336

    Nitrogen use efficiency trends for sustainable crop productivity in Lake Victoria basin: smallholder farmers' perspectives on nitrogen cycling

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 27 Jan 2022Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) is one of the established metrics for benchmarking management of Nitrogen (N) in various systems. Numerous approaches to calculate NUE exist, making it difficult to compare the performances of systems depending on the methodology used. This study adopted the conceptualized framework by European Union Nitrogen Expert Panel (EUNEP) to calculate NUE values for cereal crops to determine future trends for the first time in the Lake Victoria region. Data were collected through in-person interviews among maize and rice smallholder farmers within the Lake Victoria region. A total of 293 observations were recorded. Collected data on yield and N fertilizer were used to make projections on the changes of NUE based on scientific and policy recommendations for Sub-Saharan Africa for 2020 (base year), 2025, 2030, and 2050. Significant differences in maize grain yield for both fertilized and unfertilized farms were observed with very low yields of 2.4 t ha−1 (fertilized) and 1.4 t ha−1 (unfertilized). The graphical representation of NUE of both maize and rice showed that most farmers were in the zone of soil N mining. Projected results showed that most maize farmers within Lake Victoria region will continue to experience NUE values >90%, low N inputs <50 kg N ha−1) and less than 5 t ha−1 maize crop yield over the years. For rice farmers, Nyando and Nzoia catchments had surpassed the set target of both yield (6 t ha−1) and N input (50 kg N ha−1). However, NUE values remain higher than the optimal ranges of 50%–90% (127.14%−267.57%), indicating risks of depleting soil N status. The unbalanced N fertilization also showed a trend below the linear neutrality option and the average N output for good N management for both crops. Therefore, farmers need to explore various crop management options that could increase N use efficiencies. This should be coupled with policies that promote farmers to access more N input and advocate for optimal management of N and improved quality of the cereals