12 research outputs found


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    Motivation is the result of a number of processes that are internal or external to an individual, which causes an attitude of enthusiasm and persistence in carrying out certain activities. Furthermore, Mc Donald (in Sardiman; 2007) stated motivation as an energy change in a person's personality which is characterized by affective impulses and reactions to achieve goals. The objective of this study is to find out Sashi’s motivation in learning English as foreign language in “English Vinglish” movie. This research uses qualitative descriptive because the data of this research is obtained from the movie entitled “English Vinglish”. This research is included in content analysis. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive qualitative techniques

    Gratitude, Kematangan Emosi dan Perilaku Prososial Mahasiswa Mahad Al-Jami'ah Darul Hikmah IAIN Kediri

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    Perilaku prososial adalah wujud dari perasaan yang memberikan keuntungan bagi orang lain baik dari kondisi fisik maupun psikis. Perilaku ini menjadi perkara yang wajib dimiliki terlebih seorang individu yang berada di dunia pesantren atau ma'had, sehingga bisa mencerminkan nilai religi yang terkandung di dalamnya. Tujuan penelitian ini menguji hubungan antara gratitude dan kematangan emosi dengan perilaku prososial mahasiswi. Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian kuatitatif. Responden dalam penelitian ini 98 mahasiswi Mahad Al-Jamiah Darul Hikmah IAIN Kediri. Skala perilaku prososial, gratitude dan kematangan emosi yang telah memenuhi uji validitas aitem dan estimasi reliabilitas. Hasil analisis data regresi menunjukkan ada hubungan antara gratitude dan kematangan emosi dengan perilaku prososial dengan F = 3,381 (sig.0,05), dan ditemukan ada hubungan positif antara kematangan emosi dengan perilaku prososial mahasiswi (sig.<0,05)


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    Abstract Website can serve as a medium to deliver information, related to academic and non-academic university activity. Telkom University as a technology-based university is appropriate to use the website as a means of supporting the activity going on inside. On the one hand, 55 Student Activity Units at Telkom University require publication media related to non-academic activities conducted. Related to this, there are already three official media that can accommodate it, but the results of the questionnaire said that students still feel that the dissemination of information is still not optimal. This is important, because website is the main channel used to disseminate information in real time. To answer these problems, the necessary data will be obtained through visual objects observation, interviews with experts, distributing questionnaires to the audience, as well as literature studies that related to relevant theories. Once the data is collected, it will be analyzed through comparative matrix to obtain conclusions and suggestions that can answer the formulation of research problems. This research aims to optimize the cyber media websites to deliver real-time and reliable information to students. The results obtained are standard forms that can be used to create an actual and trusted student news portal website

    Peranan Wms (Warehouse Management System) Pada Pengelolaan Persediaan Produk Pupuk Phonska Bersubsidi Di PT. Petrokimia Gresik

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    Dengan adanya Warehouse Management system (WMS) sangat berpengaruh besar dalam membantu sistem operasional pergudangan di PT Petrokimia Gresik. Warehouse Management System (WMS) dapat mengelola penyimpanan barang serta mengatur pendistribusian barang ke lokasi yang dituju sesuai dengan permintaan. Serta pada software Warehouse Management System (WMS) yang dikelola oleh PT Petrokimia Gresik mempunyai fiturfitur yang membuat karyawan lebih mudah dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya


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    Perilaku cheating merupakan salah satu fenomena yang sering muncul di dalam dunia pendidikan. Cheating bisa diartikan sebagai bentuk perilaku moral yang menunjukkan ketidakjujuran siswa pada saat mengikuti evaluasi. Fenomena tersebut juga terjadi pada mahasiswa STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013, padahal mereka sudah mendapatkan mata kuliah mengenai pentingnya kejujuran. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui mengapa mahasiswa Psikologi Islam STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013 melakukan perilaku cheating dalam ujian akhir semester dan bagaimana bentuk perilaku cheating tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebuah pendekatan kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian menggunakan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian ini ada 9 orang mahasiswa dari progam studi Psikologi Islam STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data dengan teknik induktif. Sedangkan untuk pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan perpanjangan pengamatan, meningkatkan ketekunan, dan triangulasi dalam bentuk sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Psikologi STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013 memiliki beberapa alasan yang mendorongnya untuk melakukan perilaku cheating. Penyebab utama mereka melakukan cheating adalah karena adanya kecemasan yang berlebihan, kurang begitu memiliki motivasi belajar dan berprestasi, ambisius terhadap nilai tinggi, pikiran negatif dan harga diri tinggi. Selain itu, pengawasan yang kurang ketat, regulasi tes yang kurang memadai, termasuk jarak duduk dan sistem blacklist juga mendorong mahasiswa untuk melakukan perilaku cheating. Selain itu, dari penelitian ini juga didapat informasi bahwa subjek melakukan cheating dengan menggunakan HP atau mencontoh jawaban teman. Kata kunci: Perilaku Cheating, Ujian Akhir Semeste

    Prediction of Dry-Low Emission Gas Turbine Operating Range from Emission Concentration Using Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Dry-Low Emission (DLE) technology significantly reduces the emissions from the gas turbine process by implementing the principle of lean pre-mixed combustion. The pre-mix ensures low nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) production by operating at a particular range using a tight control strategy. However, sudden disturbances and improper load planning may lead to frequent tripping due to frequency deviation and combustion instability. Therefore, this paper proposed a semi-supervised technique to predict the suitable operating range as a tripping prevention strategy and a guide for efficient load planning. The prediction technique is developed by hybridizing Extreme Gradient Boosting and K-Means algorithm using actual plant data. Based on the result, the proposed model can predict the combustion temperature, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide concentration with an accuracy represented by R squared value of 0.9999, 0.9309, and 0.7109, which outperforms other algorithms such as decision tree, linear regression, support vector machine, and multilayer perceptron. Further, the model can identify DLE gas turbine operation regions and determine the optimum range the turbine can safely operate while maintaining lower emission production. The typical DLE gas turbine’s operating range can operate safely is found at 744.68 °C –829.64 °C. The proposed technique can be used as a preventive maintenance strategy in many applications involving tight operating range control in mitigating tripping issues. Furthermore, the findings significantly contribute to power generation fields for better control strategies to ensure the reliable operation of DLE gas turbines


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    Perilaku cheating merupakan salah satu fenomena yang sering muncul di dalam dunia pendidikan. Cheating bisa diartikan sebagai bentuk perilaku moral yang menunjukkan ketidakjujuran siswa pada saat mengikuti evaluasi. Fenomena tersebut juga terjadi pada mahasiswa STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013, padahal mereka sudah mendapatkan mata kuliah mengenai pentingnya kejujuran. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui mengapa mahasiswa Psikologi Islam STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013 melakukan perilaku cheating dalam ujian akhir semester dan bagaimana bentuk perilaku cheating tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebuah pendekatan kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian menggunakan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian ini ada 9 orang mahasiswa dari progam studi Psikologi Islam STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data dengan teknik induktif. Sedangkan untuk pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan perpanjangan pengamatan, meningkatkan ketekunan, dan triangulasi dalam bentuk sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Psikologi STAIN Kediri angkatan 2013 memiliki beberapa alasan yang mendorongnya untuk melakukan perilaku cheating. Penyebab utama mereka melakukan cheating adalah karena adanya kecemasan yang berlebihan, kurang begitu memiliki motivasi belajar dan berprestasi, ambisius terhadap nilai tinggi, pikiran negatif dan harga diri tinggi. Selain itu, pengawasan yang kurang ketat, regulasi tes yang kurang memadai, termasuk jarak duduk dan sistem blacklist juga mendorong mahasiswa untuk melakukan perilaku cheating. Selain itu, dari penelitian ini juga didapat informasi bahwa subjek melakukan cheating dengan menggunakan HP atau mencontoh jawaban teman. Kata kunci: Perilaku Cheating, Ujian Akhir Semeste

    B Perencanaan Pembangunan Saluran Irigasi Desa Ngringinrejo Kecamatan Kalitidu

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    &nbsp; Irrigation channels are an important component or system in improving the quality of production in agriculture. Planning for the construction of irrigation canals is needed to serve as a reference or also provide an overview of the work situation, the items to be worked on, the method of implementation, the technical specifications as well, the budget plan according to the working drawings and the stages of the work implementation so that it is in accordance with the standards. The method of implementing the work carried out to achieve the success of the objectives of this activity is through mapping indicators and data elements, field surveys, dashboard designs, focus group discussions. The location for the discussion and trial of the irrigation development planning database was carried out in Ngringinrejo Village, Kalitidu District. The result of this plan is to show that the management of irrigation development planning in the regions has functioned well.&nbsp; &nbsp; Saluran irigasi merupakan komponen atau sistem yang penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas produksi dibidang pertanian. Perencanaan pembangunan saluran irigasi diperlukan untuk menjadi acuan atau juga memberikan gambaran terkait situasi pekerjaan, item item yang akan dikerjakan, metode pelaksanaanya, spesifikasi tekniknya juga, rencana anggaran biaya sesuai gambar kerja dan tahapan tahapan pelaksanaan pekerjaan agar sesuai dengan standarnya. Metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan untuk mencapai keberhasilan tujuan kegiatan ini melalui pemetaan indikator dan elemen data, survei lapangan, perancangan dashboard, focus group discussion. Lokasi pelaksanaan diskusi dan ujicoba database perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di laksanakan di Desa Ngringinrejo Kecamatan Kalitidu. Hasil dari perencanaan ini adalah menunjukan pengelolaan perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di daerah telah berfungsi dengan baik

    The Lean Blowout Prediction Techniques in Lean Premixed Gas Turbine: An Overview

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    The lean blowout is the most critical issue in lean premixed gas turbine combustion. Decades of research into LBO prediction methods have yielded promising results. Predictions can be classified into five categories based on methodology: semi-empirical model, numerical simulation, hybrid, experimental, and data-driven model. First is the semi-empirical model, which is the initial model used for LBO limit prediction at the design stages. An example is Lefebvre’s LBO model that could estimate the LBO limit for eight different gas turbine combustors with a ±30% uncertainty. To further develop the prediction of the LBO limit, a second method based on numerical simulation was proposed, which provided deeper information and improved the accuracy of the LBO limit. The numerical prediction method outperformed the semi-empirical model on a specific gas turbine with ±15% uncertainty, but more testing is required on other combustors. Then, scientists proposed a hybrid method to obtain the best out of the earlier models and managed to improve the prediction to ±10% uncertainty. Later, the laboratory-scale combustors were used to study LBO phenomena further and provide more information using the flame characteristics. Because the actual gas turbine is highly complex, all previous methods suffer from simplistic representation. On the other hand, the data-driven prediction methods showed better accuracy and replica using a real dataset from a gas turbine log file. This method has demonstrated 99% accuracy in predicting LBO using artificial intelligence techniques. It could provide critical information for LBO limits prediction at the design stages. However, more research is required on data-driven methods to achieve robust prediction accuracy on various lean premixed combustors

    The Lean Blowout Prediction Techniques in Lean Premixed Gas Turbine: An Overview

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    The lean blowout is the most critical issue in lean premixed gas turbine combustion. Decades of research into LBO prediction methods have yielded promising results. Predictions can be classified into five categories based on methodology: semi-empirical model, numerical simulation, hybrid, experimental, and data-driven model. First is the semi-empirical model, which is the initial model used for LBO limit prediction at the design stages. An example is Lefebvre’s LBO model that could estimate the LBO limit for eight different gas turbine combustors with a ±30% uncertainty. To further develop the prediction of the LBO limit, a second method based on numerical simulation was proposed, which provided deeper information and improved the accuracy of the LBO limit. The numerical prediction method outperformed the semi-empirical model on a specific gas turbine with ±15% uncertainty, but more testing is required on other combustors. Then, scientists proposed a hybrid method to obtain the best out of the earlier models and managed to improve the prediction to ±10% uncertainty. Later, the laboratory-scale combustors were used to study LBO phenomena further and provide more information using the flame characteristics. Because the actual gas turbine is highly complex, all previous methods suffer from simplistic representation. On the other hand, the data-driven prediction methods showed better accuracy and replica using a real dataset from a gas turbine log file. This method has demonstrated 99% accuracy in predicting LBO using artificial intelligence techniques. It could provide critical information for LBO limits prediction at the design stages. However, more research is required on data-driven methods to achieve robust prediction accuracy on various lean premixed combustors