64 research outputs found

    Can Gravity Distinguish Between Dirac and Majorana Neutrinos?

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    We show that spin-gravity interaction can distinguish between Dirac and Majorana neutrino wave packets propagating in a Lense-Thirring background. Using time-independent perturbation theory and gravitational phase to generate a perturbation Hamiltonian with spin-gravity coupling, we show that the associated matrix element for the Majorana neutrino differs significantly from its Dirac counterpart. This difference can be demonstrated through significant gravitational corrections to the neutrino oscillation length for a two-flavour system, as shown explicitly for SN1987A.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor changes of text; typo corrected; accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Tidal Dynamics in Cosmological Spacetimes

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    We study the relative motion of nearby free test particles in cosmological spacetimes, such as the FLRW and LTB models. In particular, the influence of spatial inhomogeneities on local tidal accelerations is investigated. The implications of our results for the dynamics of the solar system are briefly discussed. That is, on the basis of the models studied in this paper, we estimate the tidal influence of the cosmic gravitational field on the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and show that the corresponding temporal rate of variation of the astronomical unit is negligibly small.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, REVTeX 4.0; appendix added, new references, and minor changes throughout; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity; v4: error in (A24) of Appendix A corrected, results and conclusions unchanged. We thank L. Iorio for pointing out the erro

    Isospin violation and the proton's neutral weak magnetic form factor

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    The effects of isospin violation on the neutral weak magnetic form factor of the proton are studied using two-flavour chiral perturbation theory. The first nonzero contributions appear at O(p^4) in the small-momentum expansion, and the O(p^5) corrections are also calculated. The leading contributions from an explicit Delta(1232) isomultiplet are included as well. At such a high order in the chiral expansion, one might have expected a large number of unknown parameters to contribute. However, it is found that no unknown parameters can appear within loop diagrams, and a single tree-level counterterm at O(p^4) is sufficient to absorb all divergences. The momentum dependence of the neutral weak magnetic form factor is not affected by this counterterm.Comment: 26 pages including 9 figure

    The implications of noninertial motion on covariant quantum spin

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    It is shown that the Pauli-Lubanski spin vector defined in terms of curvilinear co-ordinates does not satisfy Lorentz invariance for spin-1/2 particles in noninertial motion along a curved trajectory. The possibility of detecting this violation in muon decay experiments is explored, where the noninertial contribution to the decay rate becomes large for muon beams with large momenta and trajectories with radius of curvature approaching the muon's Compton wavelength scale. A new spacelike spin vector is derived from the Pauli-Lubanski vector that satisfies Lorentz invariance for both inertial and noninertial motion. In addition, this spin vector suggests a generalization for the classification of spin-1/2 particles, and has interesting properties that are applicable for both massive and massless particles.Comment: REVTeX file; 7 pages; 2 figures; slightly revised with new abstract; accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Effects of Space-Time Curvature on Spin-1/2 Particle Zitterbewegung

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    This paper investigates the properties of spin-1/2 particle Zitterbewegung in the presence of a general curved space-time background described in terms of Fermi normal co-ordinates, where the spatial part is expressed using general curvilinear co-ordinates. Adopting the approach first introduced by Barut and Bracken for Zitterbewegung in the local rest frame of the particle, it is shown that non-trivial gravitational contributions to the relative position and momentum operators appear due to the coupling of Zitterbewegung frequency terms with the Ricci curvature tensor in the Fermi frame, indicating a formal violation of the weak equivalence principle. Explicit expressions for these contributions are shown for the case of quasi-circular orbital motion of a spin-1/2 particle in a Vaidya background. Formal expressions also appear for the time-derivative of the Pauli-Lubanski vector due to space-time curvature effects coupled to the Zitterbewegung frequency. As well, the choice of curvilinear co-ordinates results in non-inertial contributions in the time evolution of the canonical momentum for the spin-1/2 particle, where Zitterbewegung effects lead to stability considerations for its propagation, based on the Floquet theory of differential equations.Comment: 22 pages, no figures; slight revisions; accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Muon capture by a proton in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory

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    The matrix element for muon capture by a proton is calculated to O(p^3) within heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory using the new O(p^3) Lagrangian of Ecker and Mojzis. External nucleon fields are renormalized using the appropriate definition of the wave function renormalization factor Z_N. Our expression for Z_N differs somewhat from that found in existing literature, but is the one which is consistent with the Lagrangian we use and the one which ensures, within our approach, the nonrenormalization of the vector coupling as required by the conserved vector current. Expressions for the standard muon capture form factors are derived and compared to experimental data and we determine three of the coefficients of the Ecker - Mojzis Lagrangian, namely, b_7, b_{19}, and b_{23}.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, using revte

    Local Space-Time Curvature Effects on Quantum Orbital Angular Momentum

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    This paper claims that local space-time curvature can non-trivially contribute to the properties of orbital angular momentum in quantum mechanics. Of key importance is the demonstration that an extended orbital angular momentum operator due to gravitation can identify the existence of orbital states with half-integer projection quantum numbers "m" along the axis of quantization, while still preserving integer-valued orbital quantum numbers "l" for a simply connected topology. The consequences of this possibility are explored in depth, noting that the half-integer "m" states vanish as required when the locally curved space-time reduces to flat space-time, fully recovering all established properties of orbital angular momentum in this limit. In particular, it is shown that a minimum orbital number of "l = 2" is necessary for the gravitational interaction to appear within this context, in perfect correspondence with the spin-2 nature of linearized general relativity.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure; references added; accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Chiral perturbation theory calculation for pn -> dpipi at threshold

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    We investigate the reaction pn -> dpipi in the framework of Chiral Perturbation Theory. For the first time a complete calculation of the leading order contributions is presented. We identify various diagrams that are of equal importance as compared to those recognized in earlier works. The diagrams at leading order behave as expected by the power counting. Also for the first time the nucleon-nucleon interaction in the initial, intermediate and final state is included consistently and found to be very important. This study provides a theoretical basis for a controlled evaluation of the non-resonant contributions in two-pion production reactions in nucleon-nucleon collisions.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 3 table
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