980 research outputs found

    The stellar content of brightest cluster galaxies

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    We present near-infrared K-band spectroscopy of 21 elliptical or cD Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs), for which we have measured the strength of the 2.293 micron CO stellar absorption feature. We find that the strength of this feature is remarkably uniform among these galaxies, with a smaller scatter in equivalent width than for the normal elliptical population in the field or clusters. The scatter for BCGs is 0.156 nm, compared with 0.240 nm for Coma cluster ellipticals, 0.337 nm for ellipticals from a variety of other clusters, and 0.422 nm for field ellipticals. We interpret this homogeneity as being due to a greater age, or more uniform history, of star formation in BCGs than in other ellipticals; only a small fraction of the scatter can be due to metallicity variations, even in the BCGs. Notwithstanding the small scatter, correlations are found between CO strength and various galaxy properties, including R-band absolute magnitude, which could improve the precision of these galaxies as distance indicators in measurements of cosmological parameters and velocity flows.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Chiron: A Robust Recommendation System with Graph Regularizer

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    Recommendation systems have been widely used by commercial service providers for giving suggestions to users. Collaborative filtering (CF) systems, one of the most popular recommendation systems, utilize the history of behaviors of the aggregate user-base to provide individual recommendations and are effective when almost all users faithfully express their opinions. However, they are vulnerable to malicious users biasing their inputs in order to change the overall ratings of a specific group of items. CF systems largely fall into two categories - neighborhood-based and (matrix) factorization-based - and the presence of adversarial input can influence recommendations in both categories, leading to instabilities in estimation and prediction. Although the robustness of different collaborative filtering algorithms has been extensively studied, designing an efficient system that is immune to manipulation remains a significant challenge. In this work we propose a novel "hybrid" recommendation system with an adaptive graph-based user/item similarity-regularization - "Chiron". Chiron ties the performance benefits of dimensionality reduction (through factorization) with the advantage of neighborhood clustering (through regularization). We demonstrate, using extensive comparative experiments, that Chiron is resistant to manipulation by large and lethal attacks

    The Phoenix survey: the pairing fraction of faint radio sources

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    The significance of tidal interactions in the evolution of the faint radio population (sub-mJy) is studied using a deep and homogeneous radio survey (1.4 GHz), covering an area of 3.14 deg2^2 and complete to a flux density of 0.4 mJy. Optical photometric and spectroscopic data are also available for this sample. A statistical approach is employed to identify candidate physical associations between radio sources and optically selected `field' galaxies. We find an excess of close pairs around optically identified faint radio sources, albeit at a low significance level, implying that the pairing fraction of the sub-mJy radio sources is similar to that of `field' galaxies (at the same magnitude limit) but higher than that of local galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Spectroscopic Constraints on the Stellar Population of Elliptical Galaxies in the Coma Cluster

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    Near-IR spectra for a sample of 31 elliptical galaxies in the Coma cluster are obtained. The galaxies are selected to be ellipticals (no lenticulars), with a large spatial distribution, covering both the core and outskirt of the cluster (ie. corresponding to regions with large density contrasts). Spectroscopic CO (2.3 micron) absorption indices, measuring contribution from intermediate-age red giant and supergiant stars to the near-IR light of the ellipticals, are then estimated. It is found that the strength of spectroscopic CO features in elliptical galaxies increases from the core (r 0.2 deg) of the Coma cluster. Using the Mg2 strengths, it is shown that the observed effect is not due to metallicity and is mostly caused by the presence of a younger population (giant and supergiant stars) in ellipticals in outskirts (low density region) of the cluster. Using the spectroscopic CO features, the origin of the scatter on the near-IR Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies is studied. Correcting this relation for contributions from the red giant and supergiant stars, the rms scatter reduces from 0.077dex to 0.073dex. Although measurable, the contribution from these intermediate-age stars to the scatter on the near-IR Fundamental Plane of ellipticals is only marginal. A relation is found between the CO and V-K colours of ellipticals with a slope 0.036 +/- 0.016. This is studied using stellar synthesis models.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS Repoprt-no

    Evolution of field early-type galaxies: The view from GOODS CDFS

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    We explore the evolution of field early-type galaxies in a sample extracted from the ACS images of the southern GOODS field. The galaxies are selected by means of a nonparametric analysis, followed by visual inspection of the candidates with a concentrated surface brightness distribution. We furthermore exclude from the final sample those galaxies that are not consistent with an evolution into the Kormendy relation between surface brightness and size that is observed for z = 0 ellipticals. The final set, which comprises 249 galaxies with a median redshift z(m) = 0.71, represents a sample of early-type systems not selected with respect to color, with similar scaling relations as those of bona fide elliptical galaxies. The distribution of number counts versus apparent magnitude rejects a constant number density with cosmic time and suggests a substantial decrease with redshift: n proportional to (1 + z)(-2.5). The majority of the galaxies (78%) feature passively evolving old stellar populations. One-third of those in the upper half of the redshift distribution have blue colors, in contrast to only 10% in the lower redshift subsample. An adaptive binning of the color maps using an optimal Voronoi tessellation is performed to explore the internal color distribution. We find that the red and blue early-type galaxies in our sample have distinct behavior with respect to the color gradients, so that most blue galaxies feature blue cores whereas most of the red early-types are passively evolving stellar populations with red cores, i.e., similar systems to local early-type galaxies. Furthermore, the color gradients and scatter do not evolve with redshift and are compatible with the observations at z 0, assuming a radial dependence of the metallicity within each galaxy. Significant gradients in the stellar age are readily ruled out. This work emphasizes the need for a careful sample selection, as we found that most of those galaxies that were visually classified as candidate early types-but then rejected based on the Kormendy relation-feature blue colors characteristic of recent star formation

    The Near-Infrared Number Counts and Luminosity Functions of Local Galaxies

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    This study presents a wide-field near-infrared (K-band) survey in two fields; SA 68 and Lynx 2. The survey covers an area of 0.6 deg.2^2, complete to K=16.5. A total of 867 galaxies are detected in this survey of which 175 have available redshifts. The near-infrared number counts to K=16.5 mag. are estimated from the complete photometric survey and are found to be in close agreement with other available studies. The sample is corrected for incompleteness in redshift space, using selection function in the form of a Fermi-Dirac distribution. This is then used to estimate the local near-infrared luminosity function of galaxies. A Schechter fit to the infrared data gives: MK∗=−25.1±0.3^\ast_K = -25.1 \pm 0.3, α=−1.3±0.2\alpha = -1.3\pm 0.2 and ϕ∗=(1.5±0.5)×10−3\phi^\ast =(1.5\pm 0.5)\times 10^{-3} Mpc−3^{-3} (for H0=50_0=50 Km/sec/Mpc and q0=0.5_0=0.5). When reduced to α=−1\alpha=-1, this agrees with other available estimates of the local IRLF. We find a steeper slope for the faint-end of the infrared luminosity function when compared to previous studies. This is interpreted as due to the presence of a population of faint but evolved (metal rich) galaxies in the local Universe. However, it is not from the same population as the faint blue galaxies found in the optical surveys. The characteristic magnitude (MK∗M^\ast_K) of the local IRLF indicates that the bright red galaxies (MK∼−27M_K\sim -27 mag.) have a space density of ≤5×10−5\le 5\times 10^{-5} Mpc−3^{-3} and hence, are not likely to be local objects.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, AASTEX 4.0, published in ApJ 492, 45
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