19 research outputs found

    Raba kratkega nedoločnika: korpusni pristop

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    V prispevku so predstavljeni izsledki podrobne korpusne študije o rabi kratkega in dolgega nedoločnika. Uvodnemu delu sledita najprej krajši pregled literature na temo kratkega nedoločnika, nato pa še predstavitev problematičnih struktur z nedoločniki, ki so bile določene pri analizi korpusa pisnih izdelkov Šolar. V tretjem razdelku je opisana metoda izločanja najpogostejših polnopomenskih glagolov, ob katerih se pojavlja nedoločnik, iz polmilijonskega, oblikoskladenjsko in skladenjsko označenega učnega korpusa, ki je nastal znotraj projekta Sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku. Zadnji del prispevka je posvečen vplivu žanra in prenosnika na izbiro kratkega nedoločnika; za vsak izločen glagol je bila opravljena kvantitativna analiza deležev kratkih in dolgih nedoločnikov v korpusih FidaPLUS in GOS, ki prinaša nove izsledke o dejanski rabi kratkega nedoločnika v pisnih in govorjenih besedilih

    GCN-Sem at SemEval-2019 Task 1: Semantic Parsing using Graph Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

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    This paper describes the system submitted to the SemEval 2019 shared task 1 ‘Cross-lingual Semantic Parsing with UCCA’. We rely on the semantic dependency parse trees provided in the shared task which are converted from the original UCCA files and model the task as tagging. The aim is to predict the graph structure of the output along with the types of relations among the nodes. Our proposed neural architecture is composed of Graph Convolution and BiLSTM components. The layers of the system share their weights while predicting dependency links and semantic labels. The system is applied to the CONLLU format of the input data and is best suited for semantic dependency parsing

    The way to analyse ‘way’: A case study in word-specific local grammar

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Oxford Academic in International Journal of Lexicography on 11/02/2019, available online: https://doi.org/10.1093/ijl/ecz005 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Traditionally, dictionaries are meaning-driven—that is, they list different senses (or supposed senses) of each word, but do not say much about the phraseology that distinguishes one sense from another. Grammars, on the other hand, are structure-driven: they attempt to describe all possible structures of a language, but say little about meaning, phraseology, or collocation. In both disciplines during the 20th century, the practice of inventing evidence rather than discovering it led to intermittent and unpredictable distortions of fact. Since 1987, attempts have been made in both lexicography (Cobuild) and syntactic theory (pattern grammar, construction grammar) to integrate meaning and phraseology. Corpora now provide empirical evidence on a large scale for lexicosyntactic description, but there is still a long way to go. Many cherished beliefs must be abandoned before a synthesis between empirical lexical analysis and grammatical theory can be achieved. In this paper, by empirical analysis of just one word (the noun way), we show how corpus evidence can be used to tackle the complexities of lexical and constructional meaning, providing new insights into the lexis-grammar interface

    Semantično označevanje korpusa slovenščine po modelu FrameNet

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    FrameNet je obsežen računalniški leksikografski projekt, ki temelji na teoriji pomenskih shem in katerega cilj je podati popoln opis povezanih skladenjskih in semantičnih lastnosti angleških leksikalnih enot. V pričujočem članku bo predstavljena pilotna študija o uporabi modela FrameNet pri semantičnem označevanju manjšega korpusa slovenščine. Prikazane bodo rešitve, ki nam jih za posamezne jezikovne probleme ponuja model, in predstavljene njegove prednosti in pomanjkljivosti.FrameNet is a large computational lexicography project based on Frame Semantics. Its goal is to provide a full description of the linked syntactic and semantic proprieties of English lexical units. The article presents a pilot study on the use of the FrameNet model in the semantic annotation of a small corpus of Slovene. Specific linguistic problems and solutions provided by the model will be presented, and both its advantages and disadvantages discussed

    Rešitve slovničnih zagat na dosegu miške

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    V pričujočem članku bosta predstavljeni metodologija in vrsta podatkov, ki bodo v okviru projekta Sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku uporabljeni pri načrtovanju in ustvarjanju korpusne pedagoške slovnice. Prikazano bo, kako lahko na podlagi poglobljene analize korpusnih podatkov identificiramo najpogostejše slovnične napake, in predstavljeni bodo prvi poskusi oblikovanja interaktivne, uporabniško prijazne in na korpusnih podatkih temelječe razlage izbranega jezikovnega problema.As part of the project "Communication in Slovene", a corpus-based pedagogical grammar is currently being developed. The article presents the methodology and the type of data used in the creation of such a resource. The results of an in-depth corpus analysis aimed at identifying common grammatical mistakes will be discussed, and a first approach towards the creation of an interactive, user-friendly, corpus-based solution to a pre-selected linguistic problem will be presented

    Analytical prediction of load-deformation behaviour for bearing at bolt holes

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    Although bolted bearing-type connections are widely used in steel structures, knowledge of their deformation behaviour is limited. Deformation behaviour is particularly important for nominally pinned connections, lap connections and other connections with bolts in bearing. Bolted bearing-type connections are characterised by non-linear deformation behaviour in terms of yielding of the material in front of the bolt hole, which occurs at the beginning of the deformation path due to the embedding of the bolt in the steel plate. The paper deals with the formulation of a non-linear analytical expression that describes the embedding of the bolt and allows the designer to estimate the deformation of the bolt hole due to the bearing. The expression was derived based on numerical analysis and confirmed by tests on bolted lap connections made of mild and high-strength steels. Test results of lap joints with different geometries, number of bolts, steel grades and failure modes are also used to demonstrate the applicability of the prediction model. Comparison to the existing Eurocode linear load-deformation model for bearing is also shown. It is shown that the load-deformation relationship for bearing at bolt holes proposed in this paper, which is already included in the new generation of the Eurocode for the design of joints in steel structures, can predict the load-deformation behaviour well. The bearing resistance limit to control the bearing deformation and a simplified linear load-deformation model based on the proposed non-linear model are also presented

    Experimental and numerical analysis of stiffened curved plates as bottom flanges of steel bridges

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    This paper deals with the experimental and numerical evaluation of the buckling behaviour and ultimate resistance of stiffened transversally curved panels subjected to uniform axial compression. Furthermore, a verification procedure for curved stiffened panels is proposed that gives a good estimation of the maximum loads obtained from experimental and numerical tests. The procedure is in line with the design methodology of EN 1993-1-5, accounting also for panel curvature. Nine large-scale tests were performed on longitudinally and transversally stiffened plates made of high strength steel, namely S500 and S700. They were subjected to compressive stresses up to collapse. The nine specimens comprised of flat and curved plates that differed in material grade and geometric parameters, such as panel thickness, aspect ratio, size and shape of stiffeners. The effects of different parameters on the plate\u27s resistance to pure compression are discussed. Moreover, a numerical model built in the general-purpose code ABAQUS is presented and verified against the test results regarding initial stiffness, ultimate resistance and failure mode. Numerical simulations (FEA), based on the test panel geometry, the measured initial geometric imperfections and elasto-plastic material characteristics from tensile tests, demonstrate very good agreement with experimental results

    Ultimate resistance of longitudinally stiffened curved plates subjected to pure compression

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    Design guidelines are proposed for the calculation of the ultimate resistance of longitudinally stiffened, transversally curved plates subjected to uniform compression. They represent internal plated members of box-girders. The proposed method is in accordance with the Eurocode formalism and follows the effective width concept from EN 1993-1-5. The latter strongly underestimates the resistance of stiffened, curved plates. Therefore, the new method extends the scope of the current European standards from flat to curved plates. A general form of the buckling coefficient is derived for orthotropic shell buckling, which is consistent with the solution for orthotropic buckling of plates according to Annex A, EN 1993-1-5. The method presented combines the new equation with the existing design proposals for unstiffened curved panels from the literature and the current design rules for flat plated structures according to EN 1993-1-5. The method is compared with numerical results on simply supported, cylindrically curved panels stiffened with trapezoidal longitudinal stiffeners, where the longitudinal edges are unconstrained and loaded edges are constrained, and a good correlation is achieved

    Stability behaviour of stiffened curved plates subjected to pure compression

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    This paper investigates the stability behaviour and load carrying capacity of longitudinally stiffened, transversally curved steel plates under compressive stresses. The behaviour of stiffened, curved plates is a complex problem, especially due to the interaction of curvature, relative stiffness of the stiffeners and initial imperfections. A comprehensive parametric study is presented to investigate the effects of curvature, plate slenderness, size and shape of stiffeners on the ultimate resistance of stiffened curved plates. The aim of the study is to explain the behaviour of such structures and to demonstrate the benefits that can be obtained from bridge decks with curved plates. From the results some important conclusions are drawn regarding the structural behaviour and the positive effects of curvature on the cross-sectional resistance. A study on the influence of geometric imperfections on the load-bearing capacity is presented, which is based on the modification of nodal coordinates by means of sine-shape functions

    Analytical and numerical calculation of the buckling stress for panels with closed-section stiffeners

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    The forthcoming second generation of EN 1993-1-5 is bringing changes in terms of buckling and interpolation curves that allow the positive effects of torsional stiffness of closed-section stiffeners to be taken into account. Regarding the determination of the critical buckling stress for global plate buckling, analytical or numerical methods may be used. FprEN 1993-1-5 provides a simplified analytical equation for determining the critical buckling stress of an equivalent orthotropic plate, which can also be found in the informative Annex A of EN 1993-1-5. The given equation does not take into account the torsional stiffness of longitudinal stiffeners with closed cross-sections. The latter are often used in plated structures due to fabrication and strength benefits. This paper compares two methods for determining the elastic critical plate buckling stress that consider the positive effect of the torsional stiffness of closed-section stiffeners. First, a newly proposed analytical method that accounts for the torsional stiffness of closed-section stiffeners is derived on the same basis as the current equation in Annex A. Secondly, a numerical linear buckling analysis is performed on a large number of stiffened panels. The advantages and disadvantages of both methods are pointed out. Finally, both values are used to determine the ultimate resistance of plates and with GMNIA results from previous studies