22 research outputs found

    The survey of cross profiles and the calculation of volumes for the road Plave–Neblo

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    Surveying cross profiles and volumes of excavations and dikes have crucial meaning at building roads. Cross profiles define the course line of future road. That means its installation in the area. The calculation of volumes is especially important from financial view, because terrestrial work performs considerable influence on costs of construction the whole project of building roads. In this thesis are described different methods of measuring and tracing of cross profiles and also calculation of areas of cross profiles. Described and analysed are different calculations of volumes on base of cross profiles and calculation made with program Plateia. At the end is done the analysis of particular method of defining volumes

    Some Characteristics of Employees as Risk Factors for Presenteeism

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    Presenteeism, or the act of attending work while sick or despite feeling unwell, is a relatively new concept in the sphere of work. It is a phenomenon that has begun to be monitored more intensively around the world in the last decade. Presenteeism can affect an employee’s work in various ways and its consequences mean that it is already a problem in itself. Employers devote too little attention to it or are frequently not even aware of it. The majority of employers are in fact too often focused on the growing problem of absence from work because of sickness (absenteeism) and on eliminating the negative consequences of absenteeism, and do not (yet) see presenteeism as a problem. The research presented in this article deals with the question of the impact of employee characteristics on the phenomenon of presenteeism. The characteristics considered included ambition, financial worries, job security, sick leave and the physical and mental health of employees

    Nekatere značilnosti zaposlenih kot dejavniki tveganja za pojav prezentizma

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    Prezentizem oziroma prisotnost na delovnem mestu kljub bolezni ali slabemu počutju je relativno nov koncept na področju dela. Gre za pojav, ki ga v svetu intenzivneje spremljajo v zadnjem desetletju. Prezentizem, ki delavca (lahko) na različne načine ovira pri delu, je zaradi posledic, ki jih povzroča, že sam po sebi problem. Delodajalci mu namenjajo premalo pozornosti oziroma se ga pogosto sploh ne zavedajo. Večina delodajalcev je namreč prepogosto usmerjena k soočanju s problemom naraščajoče odsotnosti zaposlenih od dela zaradi bolezni (absentizem) in odpravljanju negativnih posledic, v prezentizmu pa (še ne) vidijo problema. V prispevku predstavljena raziskava se ukvarja z vprašanjem vpliva značilnosti zaposlenih na pojav prezentizma. Med značilnostmi so bile obravnavane ambicioznost zaposlenih, finančna preskrbljenost, varnost zaposlitve, bolniška odsotnost, ter fizično in psihično zdravje zaposlenih

    Making up for the deficit in a marathon run

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    To predict the final result of an athlete in a marathon run thoroughly is the eternal desire of each trainer. Usually, the achieved result is weaker than the predicted one due to the objective (e.g., environmental conditions) as well as subjective factors (e.g., athlete's malaise). Therefore, making up for the deficit between predicted and achieved results is the main ingredient of the analysis performed by trainers after the competition. In the analysis, they search for parts of a marathon course where the athlete lost time. This paper proposes an automatic making up for the deficit by using a Differential Evolution algorithm. In this case study, the results that were obtained by a wearable sports-watch by an athlete in a real marathon are analyzed. The first experiments with Differential Evolution show the possibility of using this method in the future.Comment: ISMSI 201

    problem of an adequate spatial information unit as disclosed by the project ONIX-GPOV

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    Predstavljen je problem določanja prostorske enote, ki naj bi bila nosilec okoljevarstveno pomembnih opredelitev o ranljivosti okolja ob posegih vanj. Ta problem se je pokazal kot eden ključnih za izvajanje okoljevarstvenih presoj v prostorskih planih. Slovenska okoljevarstvena zakonodaja je namreč vpeljala ekosistemske enote kot nosilke vednosti o prostorskih kakovostih. Pokazana sta pomembnost oblikovanja prostorske enote na osnovi informacije o razvojnem posegu in ne na osnovi ekosistemskih ali podobnih kompleksnih prostorskih/krajinskih enot, in vezanje vrednostnih podatkov, kakršen je tudi podatek o ranljivosti prostora, na tip zapisa, ki ga označujemo kot zvezno polje. Tako podatkovna osnova kot posebna programska podpora, pripravljena v ta namen, sta izhajali iz tega temeljnega spoznanja.Spatial units carrying information on land vulnerability are methodologically an important issue. These units should, in the first place, enable the environmental assessments of an intervention. The problem was very much emphasized since the Slovenian legislation has prescribed preparation of vulnerability studies based on ecosystems division of land. The paper suggests that the information on environmental vulnerability should be represented as a "continuous field" data type. It could be derived from different information sources based on different data types. However, the data type should enable further processing based on raster data. Within the Project ONOX-GPOV the specific data base and the specific software have been developed to meet these requirements. Only some basic ideas are described in the article

    Environmental vulnerability: Problem of an adequate spatial information unit as disclosed by the project ONIX-GPOV

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    Spatial units carrying information on land vulnerability are methodologically an important issue. These units should, in the first place, enable the environmental assessments of an intervention. The problem was very much emphasized since the Slovenian legislation has prescribed preparation of vulnerability studies based on ecosystems division of land. The paper suggests that the information on environmental vulnerability should be represented as a “continuous field” data type. It could be derived from different information sources based on different data types. However, the data type should enable further processing based on raster data. Within the Project ONIX-GPOV the specific data base and the specific software have been developed to meet these requirements. Only some basic ideas are described in the article

    Ranljivost okolja in vprašanje prostorske informacijske enote, kot ga je nakazal projekt ONIX-GPOV

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    Predstavljen je problem določanja prostorske enote, ki naj bi bila nosilec okoljevarstveno pomembnih opredelitev o ranljivosti okolja ob posegih vanj. Ta problem se je pokazal kot eden ključnih za izvajanje okoljevarstvenih presoj v prostorskih planih. Slovenska okoljevarstvena zakonodaja je namreč vpeljala ekosistemske enote kot nosilke vednosti o prostorskih kakovostih. Pokazana sta pomembnost oblikovanja prostorske enote na osnovi informacije o razvojnem posegu in ne na osnovi ekosistemskih ali podobnih kompleksnih prostorskih/krajinskih enot, in vezanje vrednostnih podatkov, kakršen je tudi podatek o ranljivosti prostora, na tip zapisa, ki ga označujemo kot »zvezno polje«. Tako podatkovna osnova kot posebna programska podpora, pripravljena v ta namen, sta izhajali iz tega temeljnega spoznanja

    The meaning of forest soundscape for its aesthetic function

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    Zvočna podoba gozda je zanimiva oblika estetske funkcije gozda. V raziskavi smo predstavili, kako je zvočna podoba gozda vključena v glasbeno-umetniška dela predvsem v skladbah slovenskih avtorjev, in to z namenom razširiti pomen estetske funkcije gozda. Predstavljene so štiri skladbe (Drevesa, B. Jež Brezavšček, Gozdni odmevi, J. Jež, Tango ptic, Č. Sojar Voglar, Turist, A. Kumar). Odlomki teh skladb so bili vključeni v internetno anketo o doživljanjuzvokov gozda. V analizo je zajetih 428 odgovorov, pokazala pa je, da so skladatelji bolj ali manj dosegli, da so si poslušalci ob poslušanju predstavljali gozd ter da je za večino anketiranih gozd zvočno zanimiv. Ob besedi gozd so najpogostejše zvočne asociacije šumenje in šelestenje, ptičje petje ter oglašanje drugih živali. Več kot polovica anketiranih se v gozdu ne srečuje z zvočnim onesnaženjem, druge najbolj moti hrup gozdne mehanizacije in prevoznih sredstev. Večina anketiranih je opisala učinke zvokov gozda na počutje kot pozitivne.The forest soundscape is an interesting type of aesthetic forest function. In the research it is presented how f.s. is present in musical art, esp. in music of Slovene authors with the goal to expand the meaning of the aesthetic function of the forest. Four works are presented (B. Jež Brezavšček: Trees, J. Jež: Sylvan echoes, Č. Sojar Voglar: Bird tango, and A. Kumar: Tourist) and included in an internet questionnaire about experiencing forest sounds. 428 answers were analysed and it shows that composers more or less achieved their goal of leading listeners to imagine forest while listening. Most respondents find f.s. interesting. The most frequent sounds associated with the word \u27forest\u27 are rustling, bird song and uttering of other animals. More than half of the respondents do not come across sound pollution in forests, the others are annoyed by the noise of forest mechanization and transport means. Most respondents described their reactions to f.s. as positive

    Povezljivi sistemi in inteligentne storitve

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