21 research outputs found

    Adventure tourism: understanding the millennial traveler

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    The aim of this paper is to review the current trends in tourism industry and travel behavior and preferences of Millennials or Generation Y in relation to traveling, and more specifically, adventure travel segment. Furthermore, the obtained data is compared to a recent research on adventure travel tour operatorsā€™ perception of Millennials and their travel habits and preferences, in order to determine whether or not these companies understand their customer. The results indicate that the adventure travel tour operators generally understand Millennials, however, they need to stay up to date with the latest technological and social media trends

    Optimizacija parametara tehničkih reÅ”enja za maÅ”insko branje koÅ”tičavog i jagodičastog voća

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    Mechanical harvest of fruit, primarly stone and berry fruit is desired task toward posibbility defect of product which is in contact with limbs, part of machines as well as when fruit fall on the ground. In this paper is shown technology-tehnical solution for harvest of sherries, plums and raspberry. It is analysed specifics in harvest and shown results tweak products in oscilation stalk of fruit. It is shown technology ā€“ technical solution for mechanical harvest of raspberry.MaÅ”inko branje voća, prvenstveno koÅ”tićavog i jagodičastog voća pretstavlja zahtevan zadatak zbog mogućeg oÅ”tećenja plodova pri kontaktu plodova sa granama, delovima maÅ”ine (uredjaja), kao i pri padu na podlogu. U radu su prikazana tehnoloÅ”lko tehnička reÅ”enja za branje viÅ”anja, Å”liva i malina. Analizirane su specifičnosti pri branju i dati prikazi i rezultati otkidanja plodova pri oscilovanju nosečih struktura plodova. Prikazana su i razmatrana tehnoloÅ”ko tehnička reÅ”enja pri maÅ”inskom branju malina

    Fruit flow calculation on the rotating sizing machines

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    U ovom radu teorijski je analizirano gibanje i protok osam vrsta voća duž rotacijskog kalibratora. Polazi se od diferencijalne jednadžbe gibanja voća na rotirajućem disku kalibratora. Razvijen je opći model koji može biti primijenjen za određivanje protoka za sve tipove rotacijskih kalibratora. Analiza protoka obuhvatila je masu i protok kalibriranog voća. Uvedeni su novi iskustveni omjeri: omjer postotnog iskoriÅ”tenja opsega diska, omjer punjenja i omjer raspodjele plodova. Posebno je istražen utjecaj relativne brzine voća na kapacitet kalibratora. Za usvojene vrijednosti navedenih omjera ke = 0,7; kf = 1; kd = 0,5 dobiveni su rezultati koji se približno poklapaju s do sada poznatim protocima voća na kalibratorima. Ustanovljeno je da protoci značajno variraju u ovisnosti o promjeru i masi voća. Količinski protok varira od 8949 plod/h za jabuku do 40.157 plod/h za duboko zamrznutu malinu. Maseni protok varira od 229,1 kg/h za viÅ”nju do 2054,7 kg/h za jabuku.This paper analyzes theoretically the motion and flow of eight fruit types, along rotating sizing machines. It starts from differential equation of fruit motion on a rotating disk of the sizing machine. A universal method that can generally be applied to determine the flow of all types of rotary sizing machine is developed. Flow analysis comprised sized fruit mass and flow. New empirical coefficients were introduced: extent ratio, feed ratio and distribution ratio. In particular, the influence of the relative speed of fruit on the capacity of sizing machines is researched. The results obtained for the adopted values extend, feed and distribution ratio ke = 0,7; kf = 1; kd = 0,5 coincide approximately with those reported to date for fruit flow rate on sizing machines. It was found that flow rates vary considerably, depending on fruit diameter and mass. Fruit numbers flow ranges from 8949 crops/h for apple to 40.157 crops/h for deep frozen raspberry. Mass flow varies from 229,1 kg/h for cherry to 2054,7 kg/h for apple

    Hard Template Synthesis of Nanomaterials Based on Mesoporous Silica

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    Diverse hard template synthetic methodologies are being employed for the synthesis of mesostructured metal oxide and carbon nanomaterials, with the application of mesoporous silica as the hard template. We describe the main differences and advantages/disadvantages between the soft and hard templated synthetic routes, provide an overview of the synthesis and characteristics of different templating mesoporous silica nanomaterials and discuss on practical aspects of the hard template synthetic methodology for obtaining various metal-oxide and carbon-based mesostructured nanomaterials. Also, we cover various recent applications of thus constructed mesostructured metal oxide and carbon nanomaterials, such as sensing, energy storage, fuel cells, and catalysis, which demonstrate the highly promising character of the hard template methodology for the synthesis of a new generation of nanomaterials with broad application potential

    Closure to ā€œSupercritical flow in circular conduit bendsā€

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    A complex flow pattern occurring in a circular conduit bend with supercritical flow has been studied. The main objective was to obtain reliable criteria for prediction of the onset of helical and choking flow, in order to facilitate the design of bottom outlets, tunnel spillways and drainage collectors with bends. A series of scale model experiments provided data for developing empirical relationships describing the effects of the bend curvature, bend deflection angle and approach flow conditions (relative flow depth and Froude number) on the inception of helical and choking flow. Expressions for the energy bend loss coefficient were also proposed. The bend curvature and approach flow conditions proved to have a major influence on the onset of helical flow, while the deflection angle becomes an important parameter for angles less than 45 degrees. Bend curvature and deflection angle have commensurable influence on the onset of choking flow

    Uticaj masenog prinosa tritikala na brzinu žetve

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    This paper analyzes the effect of triticale yield on the speed of the combine during harvest. Monitoring system for the site-specific yield is mounted to harvester with 6 meters wide header. After harvest, the yield is divided into three groups, as well as small, medium and large yield, and then using the Ššruskal-Wallis H test analyzed the rate of speed for each group along the plot. It was found for analyzed field that the speeds different and based on the average value ranges group concluded that the speed decreases with increasing yield, and access the subsequent analysis of the differences between the groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. The speed of the combine during harvest triticale in the analyzed plot differ significantly when comparing the three groups, and small and medium impact to Cohen's criteria based on effect size.U ovom radu analizirana je uticaj prinosa tritikala na brzinu kretanja kombajna tokom žetve. Sistem za merenje lokacijski specifičnog prinosa postavljen je na kombajn Å”irine zahvata 6 metara. Nakon žetve prinos je podeljen u tri grupe, kao mali, srednji i velik prinos, i potom pomoću Kruskal-Volisovog H testa analizirana je brzina za svaku grupu prinosa duž parcele. Ustanovljeno je da se na analiziranoj parceli brzine razlikuju i na osnovu srednjih vrednosti rangova grupa zaključeno je da brzina opada sa smanjenjem prinosa, pa se pristupilo naknadnoj analizi razlike među grupama pomoću Man-Vitnijevog U testa. Brzine kretanja kombajna tokom žetve tritikala na analiziranoj parceli razlikuju se statistički značajno pri poređenju sve tri grupe, i to sa malim i srednjim uticajem prema Koenovom kriterijumu

    Lanthanide doped alkaline metal sulphates as candidates for EPR dosimetry

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    The applicability of lanthanide doped alkaline metal sulphates as a new type of dosimeters for EPR dosimetery of ionizing radiation has been investigated in an attempt to obtain a dosimeter with better characteristics than the commonly used alanine dosimeter. Irradiation of samples doped with different lanthanides (Y, Ln, Gd) showed that the best sensitivity is obtained using dosimeters doped with Y2(SO4)3. Different procedures for manufacturing dosimeters were studied and an optimum procedure was established. The time stability of the EPR signal of the irradiated Y2(SO4)3 dosimeter was investigated using a 15N-PDT standard and no fading of the EPR signal was observed over at least two weeks. The dose dependence of alanine and Y2(SO4)3 doped K3Na(SO4)13 dosimeters irradiated in the range 20 Gy 200 kGy was analysed using a combination of 1-hit and 2-hit mechanisms of free radicals creation

    Experimental and numerical investigation of heat exchanger built in solid fuel household furnace of an original concept

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    This paper presents selected results obtained by experimental investigation and modeling of flow and heat transfer processes, considering heat exchanger built within an originally developed concept of a household furnace, with convective canals. High efficiency, low emission, firing of both low- and high-rank solid fuels, considerable energy savings, as well as a pleasant heated ambient could be considered as advantages of the furnace. The flue gas-to-water heat exchanger is aimed for heating of water and ambient air in residential compartments. Experimental results show that the heat exchanger has significant influence on increase of the furnace total efficiency. Numerical model of the heat exchanger has been developed, for it is neccesary to obtain reliable data also for the cases not supported by experiments. Predicted values of outlet temperatures of cooling water and flue gases have been compared to the corresponding measured values. Operation characteristics of furnace and heat exchanger could be optimized by combining long-term testing and numerical modeling (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Application of Silicone in Ophthalmology: A Review

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    This paper reviews the latest trends and applications of silicone in ophthalmology, especially related to intraocular lenses (IOLs). Silicone, or siloxane elastomer, as a synthetic polymer, has excellent biocompatibility, high chemical inertness, and hydrophobicity, enabling wide biomedical applications. The physicochemical properties of silicone are reviewed. A review of methods for mechanical and in vivo characterization of IOLs is presented as a prospective research area, since there are only a few available technologies, even though these properties are vital to ensure medical safety and suitability for clinical use, especially if long-term function is considered. IOLs represent permanent implants to replace the natural lens or for correcting vision, with the first commercial foldable lens made of silicone. Biological aspects of posterior capsular opacification have been reviewed, including the effects of the implanted silicone IOL. However, certain issues with silicone IOLs are still challenging and some conditions can prevent its application in all patients. The latest trends in nanotechnology solutions have been reviewed. Surface modifications of silicone IOLs are an efficient approach to further improve biocompatibility or to enable drug-eluting function. Different surface modifications, including coatings, can provide long-term treatments for various medical conditions or medical diagnoses through the incorporation of sensory functions. It is essential that IOL optical characteristics remain unchanged in case of drug incorporation and the application of nanoparticles can enable it. However, clinical trials related to these advanced technologies are still missing, thus preventing their clinical applications at this moment