35 research outputs found

    Uticaj termičke obrade plodova paradajza na antioksidativnu aktivnost, sadržaj vitamina E, suve materije i ukupnih šećera

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    The objective of this study was the determination of total antioxidant activity, contents of vitamin E, sugar and total dry matter in fresh and thermally processed (dried and juiced) tomato fruits of different selected tomato lines with the aim to establish the nutritive profile and distinguish superior genotypes in order to obtain high-quality final product with more benefit to human health. Content of vitamin E, total antioxidant activity, dry matter and total sugars, in fresh and dried fruits (dried in parallel hot air dryer at 60 °C, until the final product reached the moisture lower than 10% and in tomato juice pasteurized at 100 °C, for 7 minutes) was studied. Comparative trial with 7 genotypes: one commercial variety (SP-109) and 6 selected high inbreeding generation lines (SPP, SPSM, SPRZ, SPRM-20, S-60 and SPO), was set up. Genotype SPRZ had the highest vitamin E content and total antioxidant capacity, both in fresh fruit and after the treatments. Thermal processing by drying at 60°C and pasteurization of tomato changed the level of total sugar and dry matter content. Total antioxidant activity decreased by drying, comparing to fresh fruit while the level of vitamin E decreased in juice pasteurized at high temperature (100 °C). .Cilj istraživanja je određivanje ukupne antioksidativne aktivnosti, sadržaja vitamina E, sadržaja šećera i ukupne suve materije u svežim i termički obrađenim (sušeni plodovi i sok) plodovima različitih selekcionih linija paradajza, sa ciljem utvrđivanja nutritivnog kvaliteta i izdvajanja superiornih genotipova, čijom preradom bi se dobio kvalitetniji krajnji proizvod sa pozitivnim dejstvom na ljudsko zdravlje. Ispitivani su sadržaj vitamina E, ukupna antioksidativna aktivnost, suva materija, i ukupni sadržaj šećera, kod svežih plodova, sušenih plodova (sušenje toplim vazduhom na 60 °C, do konačne vlage uzorka manje od 10%) i soka paradajza (pasterizacijom na 100 °C, u trajanju od 7 minuta). Izveden je komparativni ogled sa 7 genotipova, jedna komercijalna sorta (SP-109) i 6 selekcionisanih linija (SPP, SPSM, SPRZ, SPRM-20, S-60 I SPO) visokih generacija inbridinga. Termička obrada plodova paradajza (sušenjem na 60 °C) i pravljenjem soka dovodi do promene ukupnog sadržaja šećera i sadržaja ukupne suve materije. Ispitivanjem ukupne antioksidativne aktivnosti utvrđeno je da se ona gubi sušenjem u odnosu na svež plod, a sadržaj vitamina E se smanjio u soku koji je dobijen obradom na višim temperaturama (100 °C). Genotip SPRZ imao je najviše vrednosti za sadržaj vitamina E i ukupan antioksidativni kapacitet kako u svežem stanju tako i nakon primenjene obrade. Izborom superiornih genotipova i akumulacijom nutrijenata kroz oplemenjivačke programe, može se poboljšati kvalitet krajnjeg proizvoda i postići dobijanje prerađevina sa većim pozitivnim uticajem na zdravlje ljudi

    Porast i formiranje plodonosnih tela gljive Pleurotus ostreatus na supstratu obogaćenom neorganskim jedinjenjima selena

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    Selenium is a trace mineral chemically related to sulfur and tellurium. In the body selenium combines with protein molecules to form selenoproteins and it is distributed in low concentrations and unequally in air, soil and water all over the world. Edible mushrooms are known to be selenium accumulators. Since mushrooms contain relatively high protein levels, and they can accumulate large amounts of selenium, it is reasonable to expect that selenium could be incorporated into proteins. The growth of mycelia and fruit body formation of different medicinal mushroom strains of Pleurotus ostreatus (Hk-35 and P70) over the wide range of concentrations of inorganic form of selenium were examined. Mushrooms were cultivated on agar base media and on substrates based on sawdust. Vegetative growths of mycelium were measured as colony diameter in pure cultures supplemented with inorganic form of Se supplements, prepared as Na2SeO4 and Na2SeO3 in concentrations of: 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 mg/l. Inorganic form of Se supplements, showed stimulation effects (in concentration of 1-50 mg/l) and toxic effects in higher concentration. On the standard industrial sawdust based substrate, supplemented with 100 mg/kg Na2SeO4 and Na2SeO3, accumulation of Se in fruit bodies was determined by the method of flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The readings were performed on Varian SpectrAA-10 spectrophotometer equipped with VGA-76. Se as Na2SeO4 and Na2SeO3 was effectively taken up from substrates and accumulated in fruit bodies. Mushrooms accumulated selenium between 120 and 250 mg/kg dry weight. In mushrooms cultivated without Se supplement, Se contents were only about 1 mg/kg and in substrate about 0.1 mg/kg.Selen je esencijelni mikroelement, neophodan u malim količinama. Zemljište na teritoriji Evrope ima nizak sadržaj selena. Pečurke sadrže relativno visok nivo proteina, te stoga mogu da usvoje visoke koncentracije selena, koji se inkorporira u proteine formirajući selenoproteine. U radu je ispitivan uticaj većeg broja različitih koncentracija neorganskih jedinjenja selena na porast i formiranje plodonosnih tela medicinski značajne gljive Pleurotus ostreatus (komercijalni sojevi Hk-35 i R70). Porast micelijuma na sladnom agaru praćen je merenjem prečnika kolonije čiste kulture obogaćene neorganskim jedinjenjima selena. Korišćena neorganska jedinjenja selena, u obliku Na2SeO4 i Na2SeO3 (1-50 mg/l), stimulisala su porast micelijuma, dok su veće koncentracije pokazale različit toksičan efekat u zavisnosti od koncentracije dodavanog jedinjenja i soja gljive. Pečurke su zatim gajene na hranljivom supstratu obogaćenom neorganskim jedinjenjima selena koncentracije do 100 mg/kg. Sadržaj selena u plodonosnim telima određen je pomoću AAS (hidridni metod) nakon vlažne digestije i rezultati su očitani na VarianSpectarAA-10 spektrofotometru sa VGA-76 (pomoćni aparat za isparavanje) LSD testom. Analize su pokazale da su gljive upešno usvojile selen u plodonosnom telu. Totalni sadržaj selena u plodonosnom telu pečuraka zavisio je od ispitivanog soja i vrste dodavanog jedinjenja. Pleurotus ostreatus je bolje usvojila selen iz Na2SeO3 nego iz Na2SeO4. Koncentracija usvojenog selena se kretala između 120 i 250 mg/kg suve mase. U pečurkama koje su gajene na supstratu bez dodatka selena, sadržaj selena je iznosio svega oko 1 μg/g, dok se ova vrednost za čist supstrat kretala oko 0.1 mg/kg

    Sadržaj i pristupačnost bakra u smonicama Srbije

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    The soils samples of typical simonitza soils were collected from the plough layers at 10 locations in Serbia. The basic physical and chemical properties, as well as, the total and available Cu content in the soil were determined. The availability of Cu was also evaluated through the pot experiment with oat as a test plant. The regular, geochemical levels of the total Cu were found in our smonitza soils (mean 33.35 ppm, range 17-74 ppm). The available Cu content, determined after the extraction with different reagents (0.1 N HCl, DTPA and acid solution of NaOAc), was in correlation with its total content in the soil. The extraction efficiency of Cu from the soil varied (15.8%, 13.2% and 3.5%) in respect to its total content. The concentration of Cu in oat plants was about 11 ppm, with very low variations. This, as well as the statistically insignificant correlation coefficient between absorbed Cu and its content in the soil, indicates that the investigated smonitzas are well supplied with available Cu.Sa 10 lokacija u Srbiji uzeti su tipični uzorci smonica iz orničnih slojeva uporedo sa površina koje se koriste kao njive ili livade. U njima su utvrđene osnovne hemijske i fizičke karakteristike, ukupni bakar (Cu) i njegovi pristupačni oblici. Pristupačnost Cu iz ovih zemljišta je ocenjivana i preko ogleda u sudovima sa biljkama ovsa. U našim smonicama su nađeni normalni, geohemijski nivoi ukupnog Cu (srednja vrednost 33,35 ppm, sa intervalom 17-74 ppm). Sa njim je u korelaciji bio sadržaj pristupačnog Cu određen raznim metodama (0,1N HCl, DTPA i kiseli rastvor NaOAc), pri čemu je efikasnost ekstrakcije Cu iz zemljišta bila različita: 15,8; 13,2 i 3,5 % prema sadržaju ukupnog Cu. Koncentracija Cu u biljkama ovsa iznosila je približno 11 ppm, uz vrlo mala variranja. To i nepostojanje korelacija usvojenog Cu sa njegovim sadržajem u zemljištu govori o dobroj obezbeđenosti ispitivanih smonica u Srbiji sa pristupačnim Cu za ishranu biljaka

    Mechanical features of copper coatings electrodeposited by the pulsating current (PC) regime on Si(111) substrate

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    Mechanical features of the Cu coatings produced by the pulsating current (PC) regime on Si(111) substrate have been investigated. The Cu coatings were electrodeposited by varying duty cycle (15−50 %) and keeping the current density amplitude constant (100 mA cm−2), and by keeping duty cycle constant (50 %) but varying the current density amplitude value (80−120 mA cm−2). The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy (OM) techniques showed that morphology of the coatings changed with increasing the duty cycle from those with large and well defined grains to uniform and compact fine-grained coatings. The Vickers microindentation technique was used for an examination of hardness applying the Chen-Gao (C-G) composite hardness model and indentation creep features of the Cu coatings. The obtained values of hardness for the Cu coatings on Si(111) in the 0.9069−1.5079 GPa range indicated the successful implementation of the C-G model for this "soft film on hard substrate" composite system. The obtained stress exponents ranging from 2.79 to 5.29 indicated that creep mechanism changed from grain boundary sliding to both dislocation climbs and dislocation creep with decreasing duty cycle values. The maximum hardness and minimum stress exponent was obtained for the fine-grained Cu coating produced with a duty cycle of 50 % and the current density amplitude of 100 mA cm-2, indicating that its plastic deformation during microindentation was primarily caused by grain boundary sliding. Optimization of process formation and mechanical features of the Cu coatings was made using Response Surface Methodology (RSM), and error of 3.2 % showed a good agreement between predicted and measured values

    Morphology, structure and hardness of electrolytically produced copper coatings

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    Poster presented at: 4th International Congress of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, June, 30th-July, 02nd, Sarajevo, Bosnia and HerzegovinaAbstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5213

    Одређивање апсолутне тврдоће електролитички добијених превлака бакра применом Chicot-Lesage композитног модела тврдоће

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    In this study, a novel procedure, based on application of the Chicot–Lesage (C–L) composite hardness model, was proposed for the determination of an absolute hardness of electrolytically produced copper coatings. The Cu coatings were electrodeposited on the Si(111) substrate by the pulsating current (PC) regime with a variation of the following parameters: the pause duration, the current density amplitude and the coating thickness. The topography of produced coatings was characterized by atomic force microscope (AFM), while a hardness of the coatings was examined by Vickers microindentation test. Applying the C–L model, the critical relative indentation depth (RID)c of 0.14 was determined, which is independent of all examined parameters of the PC regime. This RID value separated the area in which the composite hardness of the Cu coating corresponded to its absolute hardness (RID <0.14) from the area in which the application of the C–L model was necessary for a determination of the absolute coating hardness (RID ≥ 0.14). The obtained value was in a good agreement with the value already published in the literature.Предложен je нови поступак заснован на примени Chicot–Lesage (C–L) композитног модела тврдоће за одређивање апсолутне тврдоће електролитички добијених превлака бакра. Превлаке бакра су електрохемијски исталожене на силицијуму (111) оријентације режимом пулсирајуће струје варирањем следећих параметара: трајање паузе, амплитудна густина струје и дебљина превлаке. Топографија произведених превлака је окарактерисана микроскопијом атомских сила, док је тврдоћа превлака испитивана Викерсовим тестом утискивања. Применом C–L композитног модела тврдоће, одређена је критична релативна дубина утискивања (RID), од 0,14, која је независна од свих испитиваних параметара режима пулсирајуће струје. Ова вредност раздваја област у којој композитна тврдоћа превлаке може да се изједначи са њеном апсолутном тврдоћом (RID << 0,14) од области у којој је неопходно применити C–L модел за одређивање апсолутне тврдоће превлаке (RID ≥ 0,14). Добијена вредност RID показује добро слагање са вредностима публикованим у литератури

    The impact of different thermal processing of tomato to its antioxidant activity, vitamin E, dry matter and sugar content

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    The objective of this study was the determination of total antioxidant activity, contents of vitamin E, sugar and total dry matter in fresh and thermally processed (dried and juiced) tomato fruits of different selected tomato lines with the aim to establish the nutritive profile and distinguish superior genotypes in order to obtain high-quality final product with more benefit to human health. Content of vitamin E, total antioxidant activity, dry matter and total sugars, in fresh and dried fruits (dried in parallel hot air dryer at 60 °C, until the final product reached the moisture lower than 10% and in tomato juice pasteurized at 100 °C, for 7 minutes) was studied. Comparative trial with 7 genotypes: one commercial variety (SP-109) and 6 selected high inbreeding generation lines (SPP, SPSM, SPRZ, SPRM-20, S-60 and SPO), was set up. Genotype SPRZ had the highest vitamin E content and total antioxidant capacity, both in fresh fruit and after the treatments. Thermal processing by drying at 60°C and pasteurization of tomato changed the level of total sugar and dry matter content. Total antioxidant activity decreased by drying, comparing to fresh fruit while the level of vitamin E decreased in juice pasteurized at high temperature (100 °C).

    Effect of concentration pigment particles on microstructure of the metal matrix copper composite coatings

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    This research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of composite coatings via electrochemical route with co-deposition pigments. For that reason, the effect of adding yellow green phosphorescent pigment on microstructural evaluation of the Cu/pigment composite systems has been investigated.Second International Conference on Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures ELMINA 2022, August 22nd-26th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia

    Influence of parameters of the pulsating current (PC) regime on morphological, structural and hardness characteristics of copper coatings electrodeposited on Si(111)

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    Electrodeposition of Cu was performed on Si(111) by the pulsating current (PC) regime in the range of the average current densities (jav) between 15 and 70 mA cm-2 . The selected values of the average current densities were attained by varying either pause duration (tp: 28.3, 15, 7.5 and 5 ms, i.e. jav: 15, 25, 40 and 50 mA cm-2 for the constant values of deposition pulse of 5 ms and current density amplitude (jA) of 100 mA cm-2) or amplitude of the current density (jA: 120 and 140 mA cm-2 , i.e. jav: 60 and 70 mA cm-2 for the constant values of deposition pulse of 5 ms and pause duration of 5 ms). Morphological and structural characteristics of the obtained coatings were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. With increasing the average current density, morphologes of the coatings changed from those with large and well defined crystal grains obtained at jav of 15 mA cm-2 (the dominant effect of activation control) to fine-grained obtained at jav of 50 mA cm-2 (the mixed activation-diffusion control) and those with globules when diffusion becomes a dominant process (jav = 70 mA cm-2). The minimum roughness showed the Cu coating obtained at jav of 50 mA cm-2 . Simultaneously, crystal structure changed from the strong (220) to the strong (111) preferred orientation with increasing average current density. The change of surface morphology was discussed by the effect of applied parameters of the PC regime on the type of electrodeposition control, while change in crystal orientation of produced coatings was explained by various rates of growth on various crystal planes. Hardness analysis of the produced coatings was performed by application of the Chicot-Lesage (C-L) composite hardness model. By application of this model, the relative indentation depth (RID; where RID = h/d; h is an indentation depth, and d is a thickness of coating) of 0.14 was established as the limiting value separating the area of the absolute hardness of the Cu coatings (RID < 0.14) from the area in which application of the C-L model is necessary for a determination of the absolute hardness of coatings (RID > 0.14). For RID < 0.14, the measured composite hardness corresponded to the absolute hardness of the coating

    Influence of intensity of ultrasound on morphology and hardness of copper coatings obtained by electrodeposition

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    The influence of various intensities of ultrasound applied for the electrolyte stirring on morphological and mechanical characteristics of electrolytically produced copper coatings has been investigated. The copper coatings produced by the galvanostatic regime of the electrodeposition from the basic sulphate electrolyte and the electrolyte with added levelling/brightening additives at the low temperature were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques (surface morphology and topography, respectively) and by Vickers microindentation (hardness). The roughness of coatings increased with the increasing intensity of ultrasound, indicating that morphology of the coatings worsened with the enhanced application of ultrasonic waves. This is attributed to the strong effect of ultrasound on hydrodynamic conditions in the near-electrode layer, which is manifested by the increase of share of the activation control in the mixed activation-diffusion control of electrodeposition with increasing the intensity of ultrasound. The concept of "effective overpotential" originally proposed to explain a change of surface morphology in the conditions of vigorous hydrogen evolution is also applicable for a change of morphology of Cu coatings under the imposed effect of ultrasonic waves. Hardness analysis of the coatings showed that an intensity of applied ultrasound did not have any significant effect on the hardness, especially for the Cu coatings produced from the basic sulphate electrolyte