54 research outputs found

    Povišenje efikasnosti usluga u zdravstvenim ustanovama primenom savremenih koncepata, metoda i alata kvaliteta

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    The research topic in this dissertation is the application of management, that is, quality methods and tools in health institutions, for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of healthcare services. Analysing the literature led to the observation that management is applied regularly in the healthcare sector worldwide, while its application is almost non-existent in Serbia. By applying new methodologies, such as the Lean concept, it is possible to increase the quality of healthcare services to a higher level, thus consequently facilitating the work of health professionals while improving patient satisfaction. Based on the research conducted abroad and the practical application of certain quality tools in three different health institutions, a specific methodology is defined so as to increase the efficiency of services, at the same time decreasing particular costs. Defining a model for each institution results in a problem of determining the optimal parameters for the assessment of its application. Certain solutions are offered pertaining to the reorganization of the workplace, as well as the improvement of activities with the aim of an optimal exploitation of the existing resources and personnel. Healthcare management provides an insight into the creative thinking process with the main objective of faster identification, adoption and solution of healthcare problems. This would lead to the establishment of more efficient and flexible health institutions, which would be capable of easily adjusting to all changes in society

    Control function on active tilting train based on an appropriate multibody mechanical system

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    U radu se razmatra problem optimizacije funkcije upravljanja kontrolera aktivnog sistema naginjanja kod vozova velikih brzina, zasnovan na analizi različitih mehaničkih modela železničkih vozila velikih brzina sa samonaginjanjem. U skladu sa klasičnim mehaničkim modelom vozila formiran je odgovarajući mehanički model u obliku sistema krutih tela predstavljenog u vidu kinematičkih lanaca. Formiran je odgovarajući blok dijagram i funkcija upravljanja aktivnog sistema samonaginjanja vozila sa elektrohidrauličkim aktuatorima, za čiju osnovu je predložen osavremenjeni mehanički model vozila, koji omogućava optimalnu formu diferencijalnih jednačina kretanja vozila u koje je integrisana odgovarajuća upravljačka funkcija. .The present paper deals with the problem of controller function in active system of tilting in high speed railway vehicles, which is based on different mechanical models of railway vehicles. According to the classical mechanical model of the vehicle, an appropriate mechanical multibody system is formed in this paper. In conformity with the basic constructive parameters of the active system of tilting, guidance control function of actuator operating process is formed. Basic mechanical model, in dependence of characteristic constructive parameters, according to the theory of robust robotic control is given in the form of closed kinematics chain with branching. For the concrete model of high speed railway vehicle, differential equations of motion are obtained in the form optimal for control function evaluation and calculation

    Control function on active tilting train based on an appropriate multibody mechanical system

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    U radu se razmatra problem optimizacije funkcije upravljanja kontrolera aktivnog sistema naginjanja kod vozova velikih brzina, zasnovan na analizi različitih mehaničkih modela železničkih vozila velikih brzina sa samonaginjanjem. U skladu sa klasičnim mehaničkim modelom vozila formiran je odgovarajući mehanički model u obliku sistema krutih tela predstavljenog u vidu kinematičkih lanaca. Formiran je odgovarajući blok dijagram i funkcija upravljanja aktivnog sistema samonaginjanja vozila sa elektrohidrauličkim aktuatorima, za čiju osnovu je predložen osavremenjeni mehanički model vozila, koji omogućava optimalnu formu diferencijalnih jednačina kretanja vozila u koje je integrisana odgovarajuća upravljačka funkcija. .The present paper deals with the problem of controller function in active system of tilting in high speed railway vehicles, which is based on different mechanical models of railway vehicles. According to the classical mechanical model of the vehicle, an appropriate mechanical multibody system is formed in this paper. In conformity with the basic constructive parameters of the active system of tilting, guidance control function of actuator operating process is formed. Basic mechanical model, in dependence of characteristic constructive parameters, according to the theory of robust robotic control is given in the form of closed kinematics chain with branching. For the concrete model of high speed railway vehicle, differential equations of motion are obtained in the form optimal for control function evaluation and calculation

    LCA of the manufacturing stage of the laboratory belt conveyor

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    Sprovedena je procena životnog ciklusa malog trakastog transportera. Analizirana je faza proizvodnje sa aspekata uticaja na životnu sredinu i potrošnje energije. Najveći uticaj na životnu sredinu u većini kategorija uticaja za osnovni model kategorija uticaja potiče od proizvodnje niskolegiranih čelika i potrošnje električne energije tokom faze proizvodnje, praćen uticajem transporta. U radu su takođe predloženi načini uštede energije u proizvodnoj praksi uz primenu adekvatnih tehnologija.A cradle-to-gate LCA analysis of a small belt conveyor was conducted. Manufacturing stage was analysed from the aspects of environmental impacts and energy consumption. The biggest environmental impact in majority of baseline impact categories is obtained from low-alloyed steel production and electricity consumption during the manufacturing stage, followed by impact of the transport. Ways for possible energy savings regarding manufacturing practice and technologies were proposed later on

    Influence of Temperature on Impact Toughness of HSLA Steels

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    The aim of this paper is to present the influence of differ-ent temperatures on the impact toughness of welded joint of high strength low-alloy steel. The results of impact tests for all three constituents of the manual arc welded joint of NN-70 steel at temperatures range from 20 °C to -100 °C are presented. It has been shown that impact tests of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels at room and lower tem-peratures indicate that temperature significantly affects the toughness of high-strength low-alloy steels in the context that lowering the test temperature leads to creation of brittle fracture in the form of a successive decrease in total impact energy. This indicator is very important in the further design and exploitation of welded steel structures

    Monitoring reintroduciranog jelena običnog na području Tare (Zapadna Srbija): opseg guljenja kore u prihvatilištu i kretanje poslije ispuštanja

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    The modern approach in the development of programs for the reintroduction of red deer was applied for the first time in Serbia. We compared the most important planned and implemented activities in the period 2018-2021, and assessed the results achieved in the Mt. Tara area. The plan was to hold the red deer (5♂ + 15♀) in the acclimatisation enclosure for several months and release them into the selected favourable area (150 km2) during three consecutive years. Bark stripping occurred mainly on thinner common hazel stems of coppice origin (≤ 9.9 cm). Total mortality among the 72 red deer that were transported to the acclimatisation enclosure was 8.3%. The longest movement of a 4-year-old female (held for 15 weeks) was 24 km. During the study period, no bark stripping was observed outside the acclimatization enclosure, nor were any deaths of the released red deer registered. In the period 2019-2021, 74 red deer were released from the acclimatization enclosure into the Mt. Tara area, which is about 60% of the estimated capacity of the selected favourable area.Suvremeni pristup u izradi programa za reintrodukciju jelena običnog bio je primijenjen po prvi put u Srbiji. U radu je dan prikaz planiranih i primijenjenih aktivnosti obnove populacije jelena običnog na lokalitetu Tara tijekom razdoblja 2018.-2021., kao i procjena ostvarena na području Tara. Plan je bio da se jelen obični (5♂ + 15♀) drži u prihvatilištu nekoliko mjeseci, a nakon toga ispusti u odabrano povoljno područje (150 km2) tijekom tri uzastopne godine. Jelen obični je uglavnom gulio koru tanjih stabala obične lijeske (≤ 9.9 cm). Tijekom razdoblja transporta i boravka u prihvatilištu, od 72 jedinke jelena običnog uginulo ih je 6 (8.3%). Nakon ispuštanja iz prihvatilišta, četiri godine stara košuta (držana 15 sedmica u prihvatilištu) imala je najdulje pravocrtno kretanje od 24 km. Tijekom proučavanog razdoblja, izvan prihvatilišta nije evidentirano guljenje kore, niti su evidentirana uginuća ispuštenih jedinki jelena običnog. U razoblju 2019.-2021., 74 jedinke su ispuštene iz prihvatilišta u područje planine Tara, što iznosi oko 60% od procijenjenog kapaciteta odabranog povoljnog područja

    Fuzzy optimization of cantilever beam

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    It happens very often that we want to design a cantilever beam, while all project requirements are not fully known. Namely, we know roughly what the structure should realize. In classical optimization standard procedure should be applied in order to satisfy all the pre-requirements. What happens if the requirements can only be described, but not explicitly set? This paper starts from the premise that some requirements are expressed linguistically. We want that the length and the largest deflection of a cantilever beam are suitable to satisfy the predetermined conditions. Also, the goals are that the bending stress and the largest deflection have to be less than the allowable maximum value. The objective of this paper is: on known constraints and known fuzzy goal functions we must execute fuzzy projecting of a beam. Constraints are: the length of cantilever beam and its deflection, while the goal functions are maximum bending stress and maximum deflection. On this basis, with known cross-sectional dimensions, we can determine the maximum cantilever beam load

    Recommendation for a new model of the maintenance system of turbine and hydromechanical equipment at the hydro power plant Djerdap 1

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    Turbine and hydro mechanical equipment at hydro power plant ’Djerdap 1’ is subjected to service conditions that lead to degradation of material of components and structures. Taking into account the rate of occurrence of failures (damages, accidents) and experience gained through long-term performing of tests it was established that main causes of material degradation are fatigue, corrosion, erosion and cavitation. Results of performed tests and researches carried out in order to identify the causes of material degradation, damaging and fracture of components and structures of turbine and hydro mechanical equipment during the rehabilitation of the hydro power plant ’Djerdap 1’ showed that material degradation, damages and fractures occur due to the simultaneous influence of a large number of technological, metallurgical, structural and exploitational factors and that convenient structural solutions which would ensure mechanical reliability of components and structural integrity could be achieved only through absolute knowledge of their behaviour under various regimes of operation. On the basis of those results new system for maintenance of components and structures of turbine and hydro mechanical equipment was recommended

    Fuzzy optimization of cantilever beam

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    It happens very often that we want to design a cantilever beam, while all project requirements are not fully known. Namely, we know roughly what the structure should realize. In classical optimization standard procedure should be applied in order to satisfy all the pre-requirements. What happens if the requirements can only be described, but not explicitly set? This paper starts from the premise that some requirements are expressed linguistically. We want that the length and the largest deflection of a cantilever beam are suitable to satisfy the predetermined conditions. Also, the goals are that the bending stress and the largest deflection have to be less than the allowable maximum value. The objective of this paper is: on known constraints and known fuzzy goal functions we must execute fuzzy projecting of a beam. Constraints are: the length of cantilever beam and its deflection, while the goal functions are maximum bending stress and maximum deflection. On this basis, with known cross-sectional dimensions, we can determine the maximum cantilever beam load

    Epidemija pandemijskog gripa H1N1 u Vojnoj gimnaziji

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    Background/Aim. The first cases of the pandemic pH1N1 influenza virus infection was observed in the United States and Mexico in April 2009 and the first laboratory confirmed case in Serbia was registered in June 2009. The aim of this paper was to report on the investigation of the first confirmed outbreak of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza in Serbia and to describe the clinical and epidemiologic findings from this investigation. Methods. Descriptive and analytical epidemiological methods were used. Data were collected from medical records of the Military School students and epidemiological questionnaire. Pandemic H1N1 infection was initially confirmed by the RT-PCR assay in nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs and subsequently by the complement fixation test in serum samples. Results. The attack rate of acute respiratory illness was 70.8% (204/288). Pandemic H1N1 virus infection was confirmed in 44 of 82 tested cases of acute respiratory illness (53.7%) The most common clinical manifestations of pandemic influenza H1N1 were fever (88.6%), cough (61.4%), malaise (38.6%), runny nose (36.4%), headache (29.6%), sore throat (20.5%) and muscle pain (15.9%). Conclusion. The findings from this investigation suggest that pandemic H1N1 influenza in a high military school was widespread but did not cause severe illness.Uvod/Cilj. Prvi slučajevi pandemijske infekcije virusom influence pH1N1 ustanovljeni su u Americi i Meksiku u aprilu 2009. a u Srbiji prvi laboratorijski potvrđen slučaj registrovan je u junu 2009. godine. Cilj rada bio je da se prikaže istraživanje prve dokazane epidemije pandemijske influence H1N1 u Srbiji i opišu klinički i epidemiološki nalazi iz ovog istraživanja. Metode. Primenjen je deskriptivni i analitički epidemiološki metod. Izvor podataka bila je medicinska dokumentacija učenika Vojne gimnazije i epidemiološki upitnik. Infekcija pandemijskim virusom H1N1 prvo je dokazana pomoću RT-PCR u nazofaringealnim i orofaringealnim brisevima, a zatim i reakcijom vezivanja komlementa u uzorcima seruma. Rezultati. Stopa javljanja akutnog respiratornog oboljenja iznosila je 70.8% (204/288). Infekcija pandemijskim H1N1 virusom potvrđena je kod 44 od 82 testiranih slučajeva akutnog respiratornog oboljenja (53,7%). Najčešće kliničke manifestacije pandemijske influence H1N1 bile su povišena temperatura (88,6%), kašalj (61,4%), malaksalost (38,6%), rinitis (36,4%), glavobolja (29,6%), gušobolja (20,5%) i bol u mišićima (15,9%). Zaključak. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da je pandemijska influenca H1N1 bila raširena u Vojnoj gimnaziji, ali da nije izazvala teške forme oboljenja