5 research outputs found


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    Mnoge zidane konstrukcije nalaze se u potresno-aktivnim područjima u kojima je djelovanje potresnih sila razotkrilo njihovu povredljivost na iste. Iz razloga što su ovakvi objekti izgrađeni od kompozitnih materijala potrebno je obratiti pozornost na sve elemente konstrukcije koji ju čine. Cilj ovoga rada jeste prikazati postupak i rezultate proračuna zidane stambene zgrade kako bi se odredila njena potresna otpornost. Za analizu je korišten AmQuake software koji omogućuje dizajniranje i proračun zidanih objekata prema Europskim standardima i normama. Kroz proračun se korištenjem metode naguravanja prati odgovor sustava za rastuću horizontalnu sliku uz konstantno vertikalno opterećenje. Na osnovu rezultata proračuna dat je zaključak o provedenoj analizi.Many masonry structures are located in seismically active areas where the action of seismic forces has revealed their vulnerability. Since such structures are built of composite materials, attention should be paid to all the structural elements that make it up. The objective of this paper is to present the procedure and analysis results for a masonry building in order to determine its seismic resistance. The AmQuake software, which facilitates the design and calculation of masonry buildings according to European standards and norms, was used for the analysis. By using the pushover method, the system response to an increasing horizontal force with a constant vertical load is monitored through the calculation. Based on the calculation results, a conclusion on the conducted analysis is given


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    Zidani lučni mostovi zbog svojega karakterističnog izgleda i kompleksnosti materijala od kojih su građeni i danas su predmet eksperimentalnih i numeričkih analiza. Jedan od istaknutih primjera ovog tipa konstrukcija jeste i Stari most u Mostaru, koji je, zajedno s lokalitetom mosta, pod zaštitom UNESCO od 2005. godine. Upravo je ovaj simbol grada na Neretvi odabran kao osnova za analizu ponašanja zidanih lučnih mostova i njihovih elemenata. Kroz rad će biti prikazani rezultati kvazistatičkih ispitivanja elemenata veze provedenih na modelima segmenata svoda Starog mosta u razmjeri 1:3 kao i rezultati ispitivanja ponašanja fizičkog modela Starog mosta skaliranog u razmjeri 1:9 ispitivanog na seizmičkoj platformi za različite nivoe seizmičke pobude. Modeli su izgrađeni s realnom aplikacijom veza između kamenih elemenata - klamfe, trnovi i tekuće olovo. Utvrđivanje kapaciteta nosivosti i načina popuštanja elemenata veza ispitivanih segmenata te određivanje mehanizma loma modela mosta osnovne su zadaće provedenih eksperimentalnih istraživanja.Due to their characteristic appearance and complexity of materials used for their construction, masonry arch bridges are still the subject of experimental and numerical analyses. One of the characteristic examples of this type of structures is the Old Bridge in Mostar that, along with the bridge location, has been under UNESCO protection since 2005. It is exactly this symbol of the town residing on the Neretva River that has been selected as the basis for analysis of behavior of masonry arch bridges and their structural elements. This paper will present the results of the quasi-static tests on connection elements carried out on models of arch segments of the Old Bridge at the scale of 1: 3 as well as the results of the shaking table tests of the behavior of the physical model of the Old Bridge scaled to 1:9 under different levels of seismic excitation. The models were built by application of real connection elements between stone elements – cramps, dowels and liquid lead. Definition of bearing capacity and mode of deterioration of the connection elements of the tested segments as well as definition of the failure mechanisms of the bridge model are the main tasks of the performed experimental investigations


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    Zidani lučni mostovi zbog svojega karakterističnog izgleda i kompleksnosti materijala od kojih su građeni i danas su predmet eksperimentalnih i numeričkih analiza. Jedan od istaknutih primjera ovog tipa konstrukcija jeste i Stari most u Mostaru, koji je, zajedno s lokalitetom mosta, pod zaštitom UNESCO od 2005. godine. Upravo je ovaj simbol grada na Neretvi odabran kao osnova za analizu ponašanja zidanih lučnih mostova i njihovih elemenata. Kroz rad će biti prikazani rezultati kvazistatičkih ispitivanja elemenata veze provedenih na modelima segmenata svoda Starog mosta u razmjeri 1:3 kao i rezultati ispitivanja ponašanja fizičkog modela Starog mosta skaliranog u razmjeri 1:9 ispitivanog na seizmičkoj platformi za različite nivoe seizmičke pobude. Modeli su izgrađeni s realnom aplikacijom veza između kamenih elemenata - klamfe, trnovi i tekuće olovo. Utvrđivanje kapaciteta nosivosti i načina popuštanja elemenata veza ispitivanih segmenata te određivanje mehanizma loma modela mosta osnovne su zadaće provedenih eksperimentalnih istraživanja.Due to their characteristic appearance and complexity of materials used for their construction, masonry arch bridges are still the subject of experimental and numerical analyses. One of the characteristic examples of this type of structures is the Old Bridge in Mostar that, along with the bridge location, has been under UNESCO protection since 2005. It is exactly this symbol of the town residing on the Neretva River that has been selected as the basis for analysis of behavior of masonry arch bridges and their structural elements. This paper will present the results of the quasi-static tests on connection elements carried out on models of arch segments of the Old Bridge at the scale of 1: 3 as well as the results of the shaking table tests of the behavior of the physical model of the Old Bridge scaled to 1:9 under different levels of seismic excitation. The models were built by application of real connection elements between stone elements – cramps, dowels and liquid lead. Definition of bearing capacity and mode of deterioration of the connection elements of the tested segments as well as definition of the failure mechanisms of the bridge model are the main tasks of the performed experimental investigations


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    Mostovi kao građevine, ali i simbol, izvlače ono najbolje iz čovjeka jer povezujući dvije strane, oni svakako uvijek više spajaju nego razdvajaju, ujedinjuju bez da dijele. Zadaci graditelja prvobitnih mostova bili su ograničeni na pješačke prijelaze. Bili su to prvi prirodni ili izgrađeni prijelazi od oborenih stabala koji su služili za potrebe ondašnjih korisnika. Danas, pješački mostovi dobivaju na značenju gradeći se ne samo kao komunikacija nego i kao moderan način zdravog življenja. Gradnja svake građevine pa tako i pješačkog mosta traži njezino kontroliranje. Svim mostovima bez obzira na njihovu dužinu, širinu i namjenu zajedničko je to da se nad njima moraju provoditi ispitivanja. Pravilnik o ispitivanju mostova pokusnim opterećenjem (JUS U.M1.046) je jedan od dijelova zakonske regulative koji se mora ispoštovati. Kroz ovaj Pravilnik definirani su postupci ispitivanja te ocjena rezultata ispitivanja konstrukcija. Osim kratkog uvida u moderne pješačke mostove u ovom radu su prezentirani praktični primjeri ispitivanja pješačkih mostova pokusnim opterećenjem uz sudjelovanje djelatnika Građevinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru.Bridges as structures, but also as a symbol, draw the best out of a human, because by connecting two sides, they certainly always connect rather than separate, unite without dividing. The tasks of builders of primal bridges were limited to pedestrian crossings. Those were the first natural or constructed crossings made of fallen trees that were used for the needs of the then users. Today, pedestrian bridges are gaining importance by being constructed not only for communication but also as a modern way of healthy living. Construction of any structure, including a pedestrian bridge, requires its control. All bridges, regardless of their length, width and purpose, have in common that they must be tested. The Regulation on load testing of bridges (JUS U.M1.046) is one of the parts of legislation that must be adhered to. This Regulation defines the test procedures and evaluation of the results of tests on structures. In addition to a brief insight into modern pedestrian bridges, this paper presents practical examples of load testing of pedestrian bridges conducted by the staff of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Mostar


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    U radu numerički se obrađuje eksperiment u kojem je napravljeno 5 „T“ nosača koji su opterećeni do loma pod presom. Nosači su projektirani tako da imaju istu graničnu nosivost uz različit odnos armiranja prednapetom i mekom armaturom. Daje se detaljan pregled eksperimenta sa točnim dimenzijama presjeka, kao i točnim položajem i odnosom prednapete i meke armature. Kao rezultat eksperimenta prikazane su i analizirane krivulje sila-pomak na pojedinim nosačima. Prikazan je i numerički model za nosače armirane prema eksperimentu. Korištena su dva modela materijala za analizu nosača; računski model materijala kako bi se provjerila računska lomna sila nosača i novi proizvoljni model materijala u kojem se određuje posebno ponašanje betona u vlaku kako bi se simuliralo stvarno ponašanje nosača. Svi nosači su postupno dovedeni do numeričkog loma inkrementalnim povećavanjem opterećenja koje simulira povećanje opterećenja na presi. Naposljetku, daje se analiza i usporedba rezultata numeričkog modela sa eksperimentom, kao i zaključak o valjanosti numeričkog modela.The paper covers numerical analysis of an experiment with five T-beams that are loaded to failure. The beams are designed to have the same ultimate bearing capacity with different ratios of prestressed to classic reinforcement. A detailed overview of the experiment is shown with exact section dimensions, as well as exact position and ratio of prestressed to classic steel. As a result of the experiment, force-displacement diagrams for each beam are presented and analyzed. Numerical model of the beams, reinforced in accordance with the experiment, is also shown. Two models for materials are used to analyze the beams: design model to check the design failure force and a new material model with concrete tension to simulate the actual behavior of the beams. All beams are gradually loaded to numerical failure by incrementally increasing the load that simulates press load. At the end, an analysis and comparison between experimental and numerical results is conducted to determine if the numerical model is a good representation of actual beam behavior