34 research outputs found

    An integrated stratigraphy around the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in the Chikura Group, the Boso Peninsula, central Japan, based on data from paleomagnetic, oxygen isotopic and widespread tephra correlation

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    As widespread tephra is considered to have been deposited widely in an extremely short time after volcanic eruption, it has an important role as a useful geological time index. To improve the accuracy of tephrochronology, we propose a widespread tephra correlation based on various characteristics of the tephra layers for the middle section of the Chikura Group from the southernmost part of the Boso Peninsula, Japan, with a refined chronorostratigraphy based on magnetostratigraphy and oxygen isotopic stratigraphic analysis of benthic foraminifers. Around the Plio-Pleistocene boundary, we were able to compare seven tephra layers with the other tephra layers in Plio-Pleistocene strata in central Japan, and were able to obtain a detailed tephrochronology. The improved accuracy of the integrated tephrochronology is expected to contribute to the understanding of environmental changes over time

    Preliminary reports of the Quaternary sediment core drilled in Nakatokushima-cho Tokushima City, West Japan

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    A 80 m-long borehole core (TK-B-1) drilled in the Tokushima Plain was examined. Based on the sedimentary facies, volcanic ash layers, pollen fossils and radiocarbon dates, this core was divided into the following 13 units. Unit 1 is a metamorphic rock that forms the base of the Tokushima Plain. Units 3 to 8 are Pleistocene and consist of marine and fluvial strata. Units 12-10 are considered to be Alluvium based on radiocarbon dates, and K-Ah tephra found in Unit 11. In Unit 10, we found a volcanic glass concentration derived from AT tephra, but the concentration is a possibility of rework. We intend to reveal the subsurface geological structure of the Tokushima Plain based on the database of borehole data, lithologic stratigraphy, volcanic ash stratigraphy and biostratigraphy

    Dynamic lighting sign system for way-finding by people with low vision

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科情報システムWe developed and proposed a dynamic lighting sign (DLS for short) system for people with poor vision to use to find their way. The DLS system uses a chain of lighting units with LED to indicate the way and is controlled by means of a PC. We implemented the DLS system for helping people to find their way and evaluated it in terms of light-flashing time, spatial interval and colour. We also carried out an experiment to evaluate its effectiveness in helping people find their way. © Springer-Verlag 2004


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    Sarcophagodes duodecima Naya & Mizuno 2021, sp. nov.

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    Sarcophagodes duodecima Naya sp. nov. (LM: Figs 3–18, SEM: Figs 19–35) Description:—In LM, frustule rectangular in girdle view with round corners (Figs 17, 18), attached at valve face by interlocking spines (Fig.17). The larger valves are heteroplar clavate (Figs 4, 5, 7, 9, 10) or isopolar elliptic (Figs 3, 6, 8) and the smaller valves isopolar elliptic (Figs 11–16). Sternum widely lanceolate (Figs 12, 19). Striae alternate and robust (Fig. 12). Length 3–16 µm, width 2.5–3 µm, and striae density 8–10 in 10 µm. In SEM, striae uniseriate, composed of up to three areolae on the valve face and two to four on the mantle (Figs 19–22, 25–30). Areolae apically reniform at the ends of each stria, otherwise rectangular with rounded corners (Figs 20, 25–27, 29), occluded by one or multiple profusely branched volae with stalk-like rod extending from vimines (Figs 21, 26, 27, 30, 35). Marginal spines solid, spatulate (Fig. 19) or conical (Fig. 22), interrupting the striae on the thickened vimen at valve face-mantle junction (Figs 19, 25–30). Apical pore field present at both poles, consisting of multiple round pores present at both poles (Figs 30, 34, 35). Cingulum formed of up to eight wide open copulae (Figs 20, 29, 30). Valvocopula wider than other copulae. Edge of pars interior of valvocopula undulate (Fig. 23). Fringed structure observed at the end of copula (Fig. 21). Mantle plaques present (Figs 20, 29). No rimoportulae. Type:— JAPAN. Higashiomi, Oita Prefecture: Himeshima village, from siliceous silt of the Lower to Middle Pleistocene Karato Formation, sample 180327–2 D3, 33°43′30.0″ N, 131°40′20.1″ E, T. Naya and Y. Horiuchi 27 March 2018 (holotype: slide MPC-44141= Fig. 12, Micropaleontology Collection, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan, England Finder M 35/0) Etymology:—Duodecim, Latin = twelfth, after a myth of Himeshima Island, where the type locality is situated. According to the Kojiki, the oldest extant chronicle in Japan (Kurano 1963), Himeshima Island was the twelfth island in the Japanese archipelago to be created. Observation:—The isopolar valves are observed in the entire size range of the species, whereas the heteropolar valves are recognized in only approximately half of the larger valves (>10 µm). However, due to the small proportion of the larger valves, few heteropolar valves occurred in the analyzed samples (Figs 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 23, 30). Vimines are thickened at the valve-face mantle junction (Figs 26–27). Each thickened vimen can be observed as a distinct bar crossing the middle of the stria in internal view under SEM (Figs 24, 32, 33); the vimines are also visible vaguely under LM (Figs 5, 6, 11). A reduced apical pore field is observed at both poles, consisting of multiple round pores. In most specimens, the apical pore field could not be observed in external view, and could be seen only at the foot pole of the heteropolar valve (Fig. 30). Mantle plaques are arranged along the external rim of the mantle (Figs. 20, 29). Distribution and geologic age:—Thus far, S. duodecima has been found at two localities in Japan. The type locality of the species is in the Karato Formation on Himeshima Island, western Japan. The age of these sediments is inferred to be ca. 0.78 Ma. The other locality is in the Lower Pleistocene Bushi Formation in Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture, central Japan (Fig. 1). S. duodecima occurs in the M1 and M2 marine beds in the Bushi Formation (Figs 36–45); the age of these beds is estimated to be 2.5–2.4 Ma (Naya and Mizuno 2020).Published as part of Naya, Tomonori & Mizuno, Kiyohide, 2021, Sarcophagodes duodecima sp. nov., a new small araphid fossil diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from Lower to Middle Pleistocene sediments of Japan, pp. 85-96 in Phytotaxa 505 (1) on pages 88-91, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.505.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/542526

    Changes in Japanese Doctors’ Perspective after Battling Serious Illnesses and the Consequent Impact on their Medical Practice —The Wounded Healer

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    This study explored changes in the thinking and behavior of Japanese doctors who had personally battled serious illness. Doctors are often assumed to be physically and mentally healthy. When falling sick, they are prone to self-stigmatization. However, the positive outcomes of doctors battling illnesses have attracted scholarly attention. Psychiatrist Carl Jung advocated the concept of the “wounded healer,” a person who has endured an illness, gains wisdom from the experience, and uses it to heal others more effectively. We analyzed the aforementioned changes by narrowing down the “wounded healer” effect data group. We qualitatively analyzed verbatim transcripts of semi-structured interviews conducted with 14 doctors who had personally battled cancer, cerebrovascular disease, or heart disease using multilevel text condensation. After serious illness, doctors were more likely to believe that they had gained a lot from their experience. Changes in thinking related to medical practice included the acquisition of diverse knowledge. Such changes translated into behavioral changes; for example, understanding the patient’s perspective manifested in their improved communication with the patients. Most doctors diversified their activities outside of medical practice. Many also experienced significant changes in their views on life. The “wounded healer” effect was confirmed, bearing valuable implications for medical education