447 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Surface Analysis of LiMn₂O₄ Thin-film Electrodes in LiPF6/Propylene Carbonate at Room and Elevated Temperatures

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    Degradation of LiMn₂O₄ in LiPF₆-based electrolyte solution is complicated due to the influence of PF₆⁻ anion. Decomposition of PF₆⁻ anion accelerates both of dissolution of manganese ion and surface-film formation. In this study, surface states of LiMn₂O₄ thin-film electrodes in LiPF6/propylene carbonate (PC) derived from the surface-film formation were investigated using redox reaction of ferrocene and spectroscopic analyses. The spectroscopic analyses suggested that properties of the surface film depended the operation temperature (30°C and 55°C); a thinner surface film composed of LiF and PC decomposition products formed on LiMn₂O₄ at 30°C and a thicker surface film was formed at 55°C. The redox reaction of ferrocene clearly showed that LiMn₂O₄ was completely passivated at 30°C, while it was partially passivated at 55°C, indicating the surface film formed at 55°C was not compact and LiMn₂O₄ was exposed to the electrolyte solution. It was one of the causes of the rapid degradation of LiMn₂O₄ at elevated temperatures in LiPF6-based electrolyte solution

    リンショウテキ ニ ハイゲンパツ ト カンガエラレタ アクセイ コクショクシュ ノ 1シュジュツレイ

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    A 78‐year‐old man who had an abnormal shadow on chest radiograph had detected by mass screening was admitted to our hospital. Chest CT scan revealed a pulmonary nodule in left S3, and transbronchial lung biopsy(TBLB)was performed. The pathological diagnosis was malignant melanoma. A histopathological examination of the biopsy specimen showed tumor cells which were positive for HMB-45and S-100. A systemic examination was done, but there were no lesions except for the lung. Therefore, we diagnosed this case as primary malignant melanoma of the lung, and left upper lobectomy was carried out. Although the patient underwent chemotherapy with DTIC after the operation, the patient died of disease25months after the operation. Malignant melanoma of the lung is extremely rare only21cases have been reported in japan

    Analysis of stable isotope ratios of Ba by double-spike standard-sample bracketing using multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    A precise analytical method for determining stable Ba isotope ratios was developed by applying a 130Ba-135Ba double-spike corrected standard-sample bracketing method with multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). Data were expressed as per mil deviation from a Ba standard in the δ137/134Ba notation. Careful examinations of the temporal instabilities of the instrument and of the 130Xe and 134Xe interference permitted accurate analysis of δ137/134Ba. The isotopic ratios of the 130Ba-135Ba double-spike used in this study were 134Ba/130Ba = 0.076528, 135Ba/130Ba = 1.060129, and 137Ba/130Ba = 0.209145. These were determined iteratively by measurements of δ137/134Ba in the IAEA-CO-9 standard with different spike-sample mixing ratios in order to achieve an invariant δ137/134Ba value of IAEA-CO-9. The reproducibility of δ137/134Ba of IAEA-CO-9 was ±0.032‰ (2SD, n = 42), which was about 5 times better than that reported by a previous study. The δ137/134Ba values of JB-2, JA-2, and BHVO-2 igneous rock standard reference materials were 0.086 ± 0.016‰ (2SD, n = 6), 0.016 ± 0.034‰ (2SD, n = 7), and 0.058 ± 0.019‰ (2SD, n = 5), respectively. A significant difference was observed between the JB-2 and JA-2 results, whereas no significant difference was observed for BHVO-2. These results show that the improved precision opens up a possibility to use δ137/134Ba as a tracer in igneous processes

    ニョウマクカン イザン ニヨル サイエン ニ サイチョウカン イザン ト オモワレル サクジョウブツ ガ ヘイゾン シタ 1シュジュツレイ

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    A 20-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of pain of the umbilicus. He was treated conservatively due to Infection of the umbilicus. One week later abdominal CT scans and fistulograhy showed a tumor and a abscess. He underwent an operation with a diagnosis of omphalitis due to urachal remnant. Total resection of urachal remnant and plasty of the umbilicus on umbilical incision. During surgery, two bands were present between the abscess and the bladder. Postoperative pathology revealed that the both bands was made of smooth muscle tissue, and was diagnosed as viterine duct and urachal remnant. When we encounter omphalitis, viterine duct and urachal remnant should be considered

    Leiomyoma of the Round Ligament Presenting as a Large Inguinal Mass

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    A 42-year-old woman was admitted to Kochi Prefectural Seinan Hospital complaining gradual enlargement of painless mass in the left lower quadrant. Physical examination revealed a 15×13 cm, immobile, elastic firm mass protruding from the abdominal wall in the left inguinal region. No bowel or urinary symptoms were present. Gynecological examination was negative. Tumor markers for ovarian carcinomas such as carcinoembryonic antigen, cancer antigen (CA) 125, CA 130 and CA72-4 were within normal limits. Ultrasonography revealed a well-defined tumor consisted of cystic and solid components in the inguinal canal. A plain CT scan demonstrated a large, wellcircumscribed, heterogeneous mass present in the pelvic cavity and inguinal canal consecutively. Barium enema and DIP were normal. Preoperative diagnosis was a soft tissue tumor with cystic degeneration of unknown origin, situated in the intra-and extra-pelvic cavity. Operative finding revealed a large tumor arising from the left intra-abdominal round ligament and grown into the inguinal canal through the internal inguinal ring. The tumor was macroscopically benign neoplasm and easily removed from the round ligament. Resected tumor with various-sized spongy lesions, measured 12×14×5 cm and weighed 665g, was histologically diagnosed as typical leiomyoma with myxoid degeneration

    フククウキョウカ ニ セツジョ シタ フククウナイ シュッケツ オ キタシタ イ gastrointestinal stromal tumor ノ 1レイ

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    A 67 year-old man was admitted for sudden epigastralgia. At that time, although conscious, thepatient was in shock and was found on physical examination to have tenderness and reboundtenderness of the upper abdomen. Abdominal computed tomography(CT)showed hemoperitoneumand gallbladder stone. He was found in gastroendoscopic examination to have a submucosaltumor. After admission analgesics decreased abdominal pain and the patient was sent forlaparoscopic surgery. We found 500 g of blood in the intra-abdominal cavity and a bleeding tumorgrowing from the antrum of the stomach. The tumor was excised by wedge resection of thegastric wall. Histopathological diagnosis was gastrointestinal stomal tumor of the stomach(GIST).12 cases of hemoperitoneum caused by GIST have been reported, but only in our case lapaloscopictreatment was performed

    WHATS-3: An Improved Flow-Through Multi-bottle Fluid Sampler for Deep-Sea Geofluid Research

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    Deep-sea geofluid systems, such as hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, are key to understanding subseafloor environments of Earth. Fluid chemistry, especially, provides crucial information toward elucidating the physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur in these ecosystems. To accurately assess fluid and gas properties of deep-sea geofluids, well-designed pressure-tight fluid samplers are indispensable and as such they are important assets of deep-sea geofluid research. Here, the development of a new flow-through, pressure-tight fluid sampler capable of four independent sampling events (two subsamples for liquid and gas analyses from each) is reported. This new sampler, named WHATS-3, is a new addition to the WHATS-series samplers and a major upgrade from the previous WHATS-2 sampler with improvements in sample number, valve operational time, physical robustness, and ease of maintenance. Routine laboratory-based pressure tests proved that it is suitable for operation up to 35 MPa pressure. Successful field tests of the new sampler were also carried out in five hydrothermal fields, two in Indian Ocean, and three in Okinawa Trough (max. depth 3,300 m). Relations of Mg and major ion species demonstrated bimodal mixing trends between a hydrothermal fluid and seawater, confirming the high quality of fluids sampled. The newly developed WHATS-3 sampler is well-balanced in sampling capability, field usability, and maintenance feasibility, and can serve as one of the best geofluid samplers available at present to conduct efficient research of deep-sea geofluid systems

    Epidermal growth factor signals regulate dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase expression in EGFR-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Schematic diagrams of the signal cascade of EGF-induced DPD expression of EGFR-mutated type cells. TF, transcription factor; Mit A, mithramycin A. (JPG 130 kb