362 research outputs found

    An optimization method for designing high rate and high performance SCTCM systems with in-line interleavers

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    We present a method for designing high-rate, high-performance SCTCM systems with in-line interleavers. Using in-line EXIT charts and ML performance analysis, we develop criteria for choosing constituent codes and optimization methods for selecting the best ones. To illustrate our methods, we show that an optimized SCTCM system with an in-line interleaver for rate r = 5/6 and 64QAM has better performance than other turbo-like TCMs with the same parameters

    Characterization of the novel protein P9TLDR (temporal lobe down-regulated) with a brain-site-specific gene expression modality in Alzheimer’s disease brain

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    AbstractAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is an aging-related neurodegenerative disorder characterized by irreversible loss of higher cognitive functions. The disease is characterized by the presence of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). In the current study we isolated from an intra-cerebral brain-site-specific (AD temporal lobe vs. AD occipital lobe) polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-select cDNA suppression subtractive hybridization (PCR-cDNA-SSH) expression analysis the novel gene P9TLDR, potentially a microtubule-associated protein involved in neuronal migration, with an altered expression pattern: down-regulated in the temporal lobe cortex of early stage AD brains. In an in vitro AD-related cell model, amyloid-β peptide (Aβ)-treated neurons, reduced P9TLDR expression correlated with increased tau protein phosphorylation. In conclusion, interference with the P9TLDR signalling pathways might be a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of AD

    Chemical State Analysis of Al Contained in Iron and Steel Slag Using Chemical Shift of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectra

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    鉄鋼スラグに含まれるアルミニウムの化学状態を分析することを目的とし,X 線分光法を用いて,Al Kα線のケミカルシフトと配位数との相関からスラグ中に含まれるアルミニウムの化学状態分析を行った.スラグ試料としては,アルニミウムを約14 ~ 31[mass%] 含む高炉スラグ及び製鋼スラグを用いた.また,実際にスラグ試料を測定する前に,配位数の既知であるアルミニウム化合物について蛍光X線分光法により,配位数とケミカルシフトとの相関を確認した.これらの結果,本研究で用いたスラグ試料に含まれるアルミニウムはいずれも4 配位型(AlO4 型)の構造であることが結論された. In order to analyze chemical state of aluminum in iron and steel slag, aluminum contained in slag is analyzed by X-ray spectrometry after the measurement of correlation between chemical shift of Al Kα lines and effective charges. We use blast furnace slag and steelmaking slag including approximately from 14 to 31 mass percent of aluminum as slag samples. Aluminum compounds, whose coordination numbers are known, are investigated with correlation between coordination number and chemical shift by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry before the measurement of slag samples. As a result of this study it can be concluded that aluminum contained in each of slag samples are 4-coordinated

    Periostin promotes invasion and anchorage-independent growth in head and neck cancer

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common types of human cancer. Typically HNSCC cells show persistent invasion that frequently leads to local recurrence and distant lymphatic metastasis. However, molecular mechanisms associated with invasion and metastasis of HNSCC remain poorly understood. Here we identified Periostin as an invasion promoting factor in HNSCC by comparing the gene expression profiles between parent HNSCC cells and a highly invasive clone. Indeed, Periostin overexpression promoted the invasion and anchorage independent growth both in vitro and in vivo in HNSCC cells. Moreover, Periostin overexpressing cells spontaneously metastasized to cervical lymph nodes and to the lung through their aggressive invasiveness in an orthotopic mouse model of HNSCC. Interestingly, Periostin was highly expressed in HNSCCs in comparison with normal tissues, and the level of Periostin expression was well correlated with the invasiveness of HNSCC cases. In summary, these findings suggest that Periostin plays an important role for invasion and anchorage independent growth in the metastatic process of HNSCC

    Periostin overexpression and oral cancer

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    Oral squamous-cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most common types of human cancer. Typically OSCC cells show persistent invasion that frequently leads to local recurrence and distant lymphatic metastasis. We previously identified Periostin as the gene demonstrating the highest fold change expression in the invasive clone by comparing the transcriptional profile of parent OSCC cell line and a highly invasive clone. Here, we demonstrated that Periostin overexpression enhanced invasiveness in oral cancer cell lines. To know the role of Periostin in invasion, angiogenesis and metastasis in OSCC cases, we first examined the expression of Periostin mRNA in 31 OSCC cases by RT–PCR and Periostin protein in 74 OSCC cases by immunohistochemistry. Then, we compared the Periostin expression with invasion pattern, metastasis and blood vessel density. Periostin mRNA and protein overexpression were frequently found in OSCC cases and Periostin expression was well correlated with the invasion pattern and metastasis. Moreover, blood vessel density of Periostin-positive cases was higher than those of Periostin-negative cases. Interestingly, recombinant Periostin enhanced capillary formation in vitro in a concentration-dependant manner. In summary, these findings suggest that Periostin may promote invasion and angiogenesis in OSCC, and that Periostin can be a strong marker for prediction of metastasis in oral cancer patients