26 research outputs found

    超級日本語話者の談話特性 : テキストマイニングを用いた分析

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    金沢大学関西学院大学一橋大学Kanazawa UniversityKwansei Gakuin UniversityHitotsubashi University本稿は,いわゆる超級レベルの日本語学習者の口頭産出における談話的特徴を探るものである。まず,本研究における枠組みを得るために,ACTFL-OPIやCEFRの評定基準,および先行研究をもとに,超級話者の談話を特徴づける要素を取り出し,それらを談話内容の質に関わる部分と聞き手への配慮に関わる(メタ言語)部分に大別した。そのうち,談話内容の質に関わる部分として,結束性のある談話を産出するために重要な指示表現の使用傾向を,そして,聞き手配慮に関わる部分として,フィラー,終助詞,試行的提示の使用傾向を,OPIインタビューデータをもとに,テキストマイニングの手法を用いて,上級話者と超級話者で比較分析した。その結果,超級話者は上級話者に比べ(1)文脈指示のコの使用頻度が高い,(2)発話緩和や発話の埋め合わせの機能を持つ「ね」の使用頻度が高い,(3)フィラーの多様化が見られる,(4)言葉を選んでいることを示す試行的提示の使用頻度が高い,などの特徴が見られた。The purpose of this study is to investigate discourse characteristics of the Japanese produced by superior-level non-native speakers. We first considered the ACTFL-OPI and CEFR rating scales and reviewed previous research. We then extracted the factors that characterize superior-level speakers and divided them into two categories: those related to discourse quality and those related to consideration for listeners. On the basis of OPI interview data, we compared these factors in the speech of superior-level speakers and that of advanced-level speakers by applying a text mining technique. The results revealed the following characteristics of superior-level speakers: (1) they use more ko- type anaphoric demonstratives than advanced-level speakers, (2) they use more sentence-final particles that function as utterance mitigation, (3) they utilize varied fillers, (4) they use attempt expressions to demonstrate that they are seeking appropriate words

    The Discourse Function of "ano" Viewed from the Environment in which it Appears : In Relation to Repair Organization

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the discourse functions of "ano" considered to be filler or hesitation marker. First, using the free conversational data, I specified by the discourse structure and the expressions used with "ano", the environment in which "ano" appears. The results revealed that the use of "ano" is divided in two groups as follows: 1) "ano" which appears when the speakers and hearers deal with problems in understanding the utterance; 2) "ano" which appears when the speakers provide the presuppositional information to avoid problems in hearers' understanding of the utterance. The former is related to the repair organization. From the viewpoint of repair, the latter has a common point with the former, since "ano" of both groups appears when the speakers insert the supporting segment for understanding the core segment in conversation. This paper suggests that "ano" contributes to marking the boundary between the supporting segments and the core segments

    Perifascial areolar tissue graft promotes angiogenesis and wound healing in an exposed ischemic component rabbit model.

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    Multiple studies have reported the use of perifascial areolar tissue (PAT) grafts to treat wounds involving exposed ischemic tissues, avascular structures, and defective membrane structures. Our objective was to assess the quantitative effects of PAT grafts and their suitability for wounds with ischemic tissue exposure and to qualitatively determine the factors through which PAT promotes wound healing and repair. We conducted histological, immunohistochemical, and mass spectrometric analyses of the PAT grafts. PAT grafts contain numerous CD34+ progenitor/stem cells, extracellular matrix, growth factors, and cytokines that promote wound healing and angiogenesis. Furthermore, we established a male rabbit model to compare the efficacy of PAT grafting with that of an occlusive dressing treatment (control) for wounds with cartilage exposure. PAT grafts could cover ischemic components with granulation tissue and promote angiogenesis. Macroscopic and histological observations of the PAT graft on postoperative day seven revealed capillaries bridging the ischemic tissue (vascular bridging). Additionally, the PAT graft suppressed wound contraction and alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA) levels and promoted epithelialization. These findings suggested that PAT can serve as a platform to enhance wound healing and promote angiogenesis. This is the first study to quantify the therapeutic efficacy of PAT grafts, revealing their high value for the treatment of wounds involving exposed ischemic structures. The effectiveness of PAT grafts can be attributed to two primary factors: vascular bridging and the provision of three essential elements (progenitor/stem cells, extracellular matrix molecules, and growth factors/cytokines). Moreover, PAT grafts may be used as transplant materials to mitigate excessive wound contraction and the development of hypertrophic scarring

    Antigen activation and dilutions and incubation times for primary antibodies.

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    Antigen activation and dilutions and incubation times for primary antibodies.</p

    Summary illustration of the PAT graft in this study.

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    The upper graphic depicts the depiction is of the immediate aftermath of grafting. PAT includes a vascular plexus with neurovascular bundles, CD34+/CD31₋ cells, various growth factors/cytokines, and extracellular matrix molecules grafted on a full-thickness skin defect in the center of the perichondral defect. The middle graphic illustrates the process of vascular bridging observed on day 7 post-grafting. The lower graphic portrays the expansion of vascular tissue noted on day 14. PAT: perifascial areolar tissue; ECM: extracellular molecule; HDGF: heparin-binding growth factor; FGF2: fibroblast growth factor 2; PDGFD: platelet-derived growth factor D.</p

    Analysis of perifascial areolar tissue (PAT).

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    A. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Elastica van Gieson staining of PAT, with capillary vessels (pink arrow), nerves (yellow arrow), and elastic fibers (blue arrow) are indicated. B. Histological and biochemical evaluation of the cell layer in PAT under a high-magnification field, shown in the sequence of H&E staining, anti-CD31 immunostaining (CD31), anti-CD34 immunostaining (CD34), and anti-S100 immunostaining (S100). Vascular endothelial cells are denoted with pink arrows; orange arrows indicate vascular progenitor/stem cells; and yellow arrows indicate nerves. C. Representative macroscopic wound healing and histological findings. D. Macroscopic findings and histological and immunohistochemical staining of PAT survival. D1: vascular bridging on day 7 in macroscopic findings and illustration. Yellow dotted line: vascular bridging. D2: representative image of histological and immunohistochemical findings in vascular bridging at the perichondral defect in the vertical plane on days 7 and 14, shown in the sequence of H&E staining, anti-CD31 immunostaining (CD31), anti-CD34 immunostaining (CD34), and anti-S100 immunostaining (S100). The vascular area is indicated with a black dotted line; vascular endothelial cells are indicated with pink arrows; orange arrows indicate vascular progenitor/stem cells; and yellow arrows indicate nerves.</p

    Extracellular molecules and fragments associated with vessel formation exhibiting proangiogenic and antiangiogenic activities.

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    Extracellular molecules and fragments associated with vessel formation exhibiting proangiogenic and antiangiogenic activities.</p

    Wound healing evaluation.

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    A. Comparison of granulation ability between perichondrium and the perichondrial defect areas in the control group. Left: thickness of granulation tissue. ** P Right: length of granulation tissue. ** P B. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining findings at the perichondrial defect on days 7 and 14. Yellow dotted line: granulation tissue. PAT: perifascial areolar tissue. C. Comparison of the control and PAT granulation ability at the perichondrial defect. Left: thickness of granulation tissue. * P P Right: length of granulation tissue. * P P D. Representative histological and immunohistochemical findings for angiogenesis at the perichondrial defect on days 7 and 14, shown in the sequence of H&E staining, anti-CD31 immunostaining (CD31), and anti-CD34 immunostaining (CD34). Red arrow: CD31+ cells; yellow arrow: CD34+/CD31₋ cells. E. Angiogenesis at the perichondrial defect. Left: count of CD31₋ expressing cells. Right: level of CD34 expression at the perichondrial defect. ** P F. Gene Ontology term enrichment analysis of the top 100 molecules using Metascape. The upper black arrow indicates the response wound signaling pathway, and the lower black arrow indicates the vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGFA)/ vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR2) signaling pathway.</p

    Wound closure analysis.

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    A. Open wound area in each group on days 7 and 14. * P B. Open wound length of each group on days 7 and 14. ** P C. Wound contraction length of each group on days 7 and 14. ** P D. Wound closure length, rate of epithelialization, and wound contraction. The displayed value represents the rate of epithelialization and wound contraction lengths compared to the created wound length. Left: control. Right: PAT. E. Anti-α-SMA immunostaining. Left: control on day 7; second: PAT on day 7; third: control on day 14; Right: PAT on day 14. F. Level of α-SMA expression on days 7 and 14. ** P < 0.01. N = 30 per group. PAT: perifascial areolar tissue group.</p