51 research outputs found

    The formation of cysteine-linked dimers of BST-2/tetherin is important for inhibition of HIV-1 virus release but not for sensitivity to Vpu

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Human Immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu protein enhances virus release from infected cells and induces proteasomal degradation of CD4. Recent work identified BST-2/CD317 as a host factor that inhibits HIV-1 virus release in a Vpu sensitive manner. A current working model proposes that BST-2 inhibits virus release by tethering viral particles to the cell surface thereby triggering their subsequent endocytosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we defined structural properties of BST-2 required for inhibition of virus release and for sensitivity to Vpu. We found that BST-2 is modified by N-linked glycosylation at two sites in the extracellular domain. However, N-linked glycosylation was not important for inhibition of HIV-1 virus release nor did it affect surface expression or sensitivity to Vpu. Rodent BST-2 was previously found to form cysteine-linked dimers. Analysis of single, double, or triple cysteine mutants revealed that any one of three cysteine residues present in the BST-2 extracellular domain was sufficient for BST-2 dimerization, for inhibition of virus release, and sensitivity to Vpu. In contrast, BST-2 lacking all three cysteines in its ectodomain was unable to inhibit release of wild type or Vpu-deficient HIV-1 virions. This defect was not caused by a gross defect in BST-2 trafficking as the mutant protein was expressed at the cell surface of transfected 293T cells and was down-modulated by Vpu similar to wild type BST-2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While BST-2 glycosylation was functionally irrelevant, formation of cysteine-linked dimers appeared to be important for inhibition of virus release. However lack of dimerization did not prevent surface expression or Vpu sensitivity of BST-2, suggesting Vpu sensitivity and inhibition of virus release are separable properties of BST-2.</p

    The Japanese Society of Pathology Guidelines on the handling of pathological tissue samples for genomic research: Standard operating procedures based on empirical analyses

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    Genome research using appropriately collected pathological tissue samples is expected to yield breakthroughs in the development of biomarkers and identification of therapeutic targets for diseases such as cancers. In this connection, the Japanese Society of Pathology (JSP) has developed “The JSP Guidelines on the Handling of Pathological Tissue Samples for Genomic Research” based on an abundance of data from empirical analyses of tissue samples collected and stored under various conditions. Tissue samples should be collected from appropriate sites within surgically resected specimens, without disturbing the features on which pathological diagnosis is based, while avoiding bleeding or necrotic foci. They should be collected as soon as possible after resection: at the latest within about 3 h of storage at 4°C. Preferably, snap‐frozen samples should be stored in liquid nitrogen (about −180°C) until use. When intending to use genomic DNA extracted from formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded tissue, 10% neutral buffered formalin should be used. Insufficient fixation and overfixation must both be avoided. We hope that pathologists, clinicians, clinical laboratory technicians and biobank operators will come to master the handling of pathological tissue samples based on the standard operating procedures in these Guidelines to yield results that will assist in the realization of genomic medicine

    Encapsidation of APOBEC3G into HIV-1 virions involves lipid raft association and does not correlate with APOBEC3G oligomerization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cellular cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G (A3G), when incorporated into the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), renders viral particles non-infectious. We previously observed that mutation of a single cysteine residue of A3G (C100S) inhibited A3G packaging. In addition, several recent studies showed that mutation of tryptophan 127 (W127) and tyrosine 124 (Y124) inhibited A3G encapsidation suggesting that the N-terminal CDA constitutes a viral packaging signal in A3G. It was also reported that W127 and Y124 affect A3G oligomerization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we studied the mechanistic basis of the packaging defect of A3G W127A and Y124A mutants. Interestingly, cell fractionation studies revealed a strong correlation between encapsidation, lipid raft association, and genomic RNA binding of A3G. Surprisingly, the presence of a C-terminal epitope tag affected lipid raft association and encapsidation of the A3G W127A mutant but had no effect on wt A3G encapsidation, lipid raft association, and interaction with viral genomic RNA. Mutation of Y124 abolished A3G encapsidation irrespective of the presence or absence of an epitope tag. Contrasting a recent report, our co-immunoprecipitation studies failed to reveal a correlation between A3G oligomerization and A3G encapsidation. In fact, our W127A and Y124A mutants both retained the ability to oligomerize.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results confirm that W127 and Y124 residues in A3G are important for encapsidation into HIV-1 virions and our data establish a novel correlation between genomic RNA binding, lipid raft association, and viral packaging of A3G. In contrast, we were unable to confirm a role of W127 and Y124 in A3G oligomerization and we thus failed to confirm a correlation between A3G oligomerization and virus encapsidation.</p

    Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 (TTF-1).

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    Differential Effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Vpu on the Stability of BST-2/Tetherin ▿

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    BST-2/CD317/tetherin is a host factor that inhibits the release of HIV-1 and other unrelated viruses. A current model proposes that BST-2 physically tethers virions to the surface of virus-producing cells. The HIV-1-encoded Vpu protein effectively antagonizes the activity of BST-2. How Vpu accomplishes this task remains unclear; however, it is known that Vpu has the ability to down-modulate BST-2 from the cell surface. Here we analyzed the effects of Vpu on BST-2 by performing a series of kinetic studies with HeLa, 293T, and CEMx174 cells. Our results indicate that the surface downregulation of BST-2 is not due to an accelerated internalization or reduced recycling of internalized BST-2 but instead is caused by interference with the resupply of newly synthesized BST-2 from within the cell. While our data confirm previous reports that the high-level expression of Vpu can cause the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation of BST-2, we found no evidence that Vpu targets endogenous BST-2 in the ER in the course of a viral infection. Instead, we found that Vpu acts in a post-ER compartment and increases the turnover of newly synthesized mature BST-2. Our observation that Vpu does not affect the recycling of BST-2 suggests that Vpu does not act directly at the cell surface but may interfere with the trafficking of newly synthesized BST-2 to the cell surface, resulting in the accelerated targeting of BST-2 to the lysosomal compartment for degradation

    Mannose Receptor 1 Restricts HIV Particle Release from Infected Macrophages

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    Human mannose receptor 1 (hMRC1) is expressed on the surface of most tissue macrophages, dendritic cells, and select lymphatic or liver endothelial cells. HMRC1 contributes to the binding of HIV-1 to monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) and is involved in the endocytic uptake of HIV-1 into these cells. Here, we identify hMRC1 as an antiviral factor that inhibits virus release through a bone marrow stromal antigen 2 (BST-2)-like mechanism. Virions produced in the presence of hMRC1 accumulated in clusters at the cell surface but were fully infectious. HIV-1 counteracted the effect by transcriptional silencing of hMRC1. The effect of hMRC1 was not virus isolate specific. Surprisingly, deletion of the Env protein, which is known to interact with hMRC1, did not relieve the hMRC1 antiviral activity, suggesting the involvement of additional cellular factor(s) in the process. Our data reveal an antiviral mechanism that is active in primary human macrophages and is counteracted by HIV-1 through downregulation of hMRC1

    Urine Lactoferrin as a Potential Biomarker Reflecting the Degree of Malignancy in Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder

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    Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB) is potentially life-threatening; therefore, we aimed to discover a novel urine biomarker for diagnosis and prognostication of UCB. This is a retrospective case-control study. Exploration of a new biomarker using urine from 20 UCB patients in the present study revealed that urinary level of lactoferrin (LF), a multifunctional glycoprotein released from neutrophils, was higher in 11 of 15 with invasive/high-grade UCB than 5 with non-invasive one, and 2 healthy adults. We therefore focused on LF and assessed the value of urine LF normalized by urine creatinine concentration (LF/Cr) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Diagnostic performance of urine LF/Cr was examined using urine from 92 patients with primary (newly diagnosed) untreated UCB and 166 controls without UCB, including 62 patients with pyuria, and 104 subjects without pyuria consisting of 84 patients and 20 healthy adults. However, the diagnostic accuracies were accompanied by the risk of bias. In 92 primary UCB patients, both pyuria and tumor-infiltrating neutrophils (TINs) were independent predictors for urine LF/Cr. In contrast, TINs or urine LF/Cr were independent predictors for invasive histology, whereas pyuria was not. In terms of prognostication, urine LF/Cr and nodal metastasis were independent predictors of disease-specific survival in 22 patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer, characterized by a high mortality rate, in the Cox proportional hazards model. In conclusion, urine LF/Cr linked to TINs was a predictor of both invasive histology and prognosis in UCB. Urine LF/Cr is a potential biomarker reflecting the degree of malignancy in UCB

    Differential Sensitivity of “Old” versus “New” APOBEC3G to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Vif▿

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    HIV-1 Vif counteracts the antiviral activity of APOBEC3G by inhibiting its encapsidation into virions. Here, we compared the relative sensitivity to Vif of APOBEC3G in stable HeLa cells containing APOBEC3G (HeLa-A3G cells) versus that of newly synthesized APOBEC3G. We observed that newly synthesized APOBEC3G was more sensitive to degradation than preexisting APOBEC3G. Nevertheless, preexisting and transiently expressed APOBEC3G were packaged with similar efficiencies into vif-deficient human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virions, and Vif inhibited the encapsidation of both forms of APOBEC3G into HIV particles equally well. Our results suggest that HIV-1 Vif preferentially induces degradation of newly synthesized APOBEC3G but indiscriminately inhibits encapsidation of “old” and “new” APOBEC3G