20 research outputs found

    Psycho-social factors associated with mental resilience in the Corona lockdown

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is not only a threat to physical health but is also having severe impacts on mental health. Although increases in stress-related symptomatology and other adverse psycho-social outcomes, as well as their most important risk factors have been described, hardly anything is known about potential protective factors. Resilience refers to the maintenance of mental health despite adversity. To gain mechanistic insights about the relationship between described psycho-social resilience factors and resilience specifically in the current crisis, we assessed resilience factors, exposure to Corona crisis-specific and general stressors, as well as internalizing symptoms in a cross-sectional online survey conducted in 24 languages during the most intense phase of the lockdown in Europe (22 March to 19 April) in a convenience sample of N = 15,970 adults. Resilience, as an outcome, was conceptualized as good mental health despite stressor exposure and measured as the inverse residual between actual and predicted symptom total score. Preregistered hypotheses (osf.io/r6btn) were tested with multiple regression models and mediation analyses. Results confirmed our primary hypothesis that positive appraisal style (PAS) is positively associated with resilience (p < 0.0001). The resilience factor PAS also partly mediated the positive association between perceived social support and resilience, and its association with resilience was in turn partly mediated by the ability to easily recover from stress (both p < 0.0001). In comparison with other resilience factors, good stress response recovery and positive appraisal specifically of the consequences of the Corona crisis were the strongest factors. Preregistered exploratory subgroup analyses (osf.io/thka9) showed that all tested resilience factors generalize across major socio-demographic categories. This research identifies modifiable protective factors that can be targeted by public mental health efforts in this and in future pandemics

    Effect of calcium peroxide (CaO2) addition to poultry litter on the parameters of its physicochemical, microbiological and fertilising quality

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    The quality of litter is an important environmental factor in poultry houses. Its proper physicochemical properties have a positive impact on poultry house microclimate and indirectly on poultry farm surroundings as well. Commercial preparations available on the market which disinfect and reduce losses of mineral compounds (primarily nitrogen) in litter are relatively expensive, and thus they are not widely used. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a cheaper option, such as CaO2 addition seems to be. The research was carried out in farm conditions in two poultry houses, in each of which approximately 21 000 Ross 308 broiler chickens were reared. In order to maintain good physicochemical parameters of litter throughout the broiler chicken rearing time, the researchers applied (before bringing in the birds) a single CaO2 addition in the amount of 2 g per 1 m2 of poultry house floor area. During the 6-week chicken rearing period, the following parameters were monitored: temperature, relative humidity and pH value of the litter top layer. The total count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and the total count of yeasts and moulds were estimated in the litter. Moreover, the content of mineral compounds (N, P, K, Mg, Ca) in fresh litter mass was checked in the 1st, 3rd and 6th week. The results prove that calcium peroxide application has no negative impact on the examined physicochemical parameters of litter (especially on temperature). The addition of calcium peroxide to poultry litter also influenced the stabilization of litter microflora. The content of examined mineral compounds in experimental poultry house litter, which was increasing with chicken rearing time, as shown in the experiment, proved the improving fertilising value of the produced manure. Moreover, due to the slow CaO2 decomposition, it is sufficient to apply it only once during a 6-week broiler chicken production cycle

    Effect of peppermint and thyme essential oil mist on performance and physiological parameters in broiler chickens

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of peppermint and thyme essential oil mist on performance, blood parameters and lymphoid organ indices in broiler chickens. The experiment was conducted on 360 broilers raised until 42 days of age. One-day-old chicks were divided into three groups (n = 120): control group (C – misted with pure water) and two experimental groups (PO – misted with peppermint essential oil, and TO – misted with thyme essential oil) and placed in three separate experimental rooms. Growth performance (BW – body weight, WG – weight gain, FCR – feed conversion ratio), blood parameters (RBC – red blood cells, HGB – haemoglobin concentration, HCT – haematocrit levels, leukogram, serum protein and protein fractions), and lymphoid organ indices were assessed during the production cycle. Our results demonstrate that the use of EO mist does not exert adverse effects on broiler health, and that PO mist can increase BW and WG in broiler chickens. Mean RBC parameters at slaughter were higher in broilers exposed to PO mist. An analysis of blood parameters and lymphoid organ indices revealed that EO could positively influence the immune systems of birds. Higher values of gamma-globulin concentration as well as the weights and growth indices of lymphoid organs were noted in experimental groups.Keywords: Blood parameters, broilers, essential oils, lymphoid organs, performanc

    Microbiological contamination of litter and air during rearing of broiler chickens

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    Celem podjętych badań było określenie liczby bakterii tlenowych mezofilnych oraz grzybów w świeżej ściółce i powietrzu w zależności od zmieniających się warunków termiczno-wilgotnościowych oraz właściwości fizykochemicznych ściółki w poszczególnych tygodniach odchowu kurcząt brojlerów. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem kurcząt ogólna liczba bakterii tlenowych mezofilnych oraz grzybów w świeżej masie ściółki zwiększała się, przy czym w ostatnim tygodniu liczba bakterii wynosiła 2,32 · 109, natomiast grzybów - 1,3 · 108 jtk ·g- ¹. W miarę upływu czasu odchowu ptaków nieznacznie zwiększała się również wartość pH ściółki, co wobec coraz większej ilości pomiotu i procesów fermentacyjnych zachodzących w świeżej ściółce mogło sprzyjać rozwojowi drobnoustrojów. Czynniki te wpłynęły także na zwiększanie się ilości powstającego w ściółce amoniaku. W powietrzu, mimo stopniowego spadku jego temperatury i wzrostu wilgotności, nie zaobserwowano tak wyraźnej tendencji zmian liczebności mikroorganizmów, jak w ściółce. Zarówno liczba bakterii, jak i grzybów ulegała wahaniom w poszczególnych tygodniach odchowu, co najprawdopodobniej było związane ze zmieniającym się zapyleniem i niejednakową wentylacją pomieszczeń. Liczba bakterii była najmniejsza w III tygodniu (3,64 · 104 jtk · m- ³), a największa - na końcu odchowu (2,12 · 105 jtk · m- ³). Najmniejszą liczbę grzybów stwierdzono na początku odchowu (1,71 · 104 jtk · m- ³), a największą - w II i V tygodniu (odpowiednio 4,63 · 104 i 4,47 · 104 jtk ·m- ³). Zaobserwowano, że w powietrzu i ściółce na początku badań przeważały grzyby pleśniowe (Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp.), natomiast w końcowym okresie, zwłaszcza w ściółce, wzrastała liczebność drożdży (do 90-100%).The objective of the undertaken study was to determine the number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and fungi in fresh litter and air in relation to different temperature, humidity and physicochemical properties of litter in particular weeks of broiler chicken rearing. The study demonstrated that along with the growth of the chickens, the number of aerobic mesophiles and fungi in fresh litter showed an increasing tendency; in the last week of rearing the number of bacteria was 2.32 · 109 cfu ·g- ¹ and that of fungi -1.3 · 108 cfu ·g- ¹. In subsequent weeks of rearing, the increase was also observed in litter pH, which together with increasing bulk of faeces excreted by the chickens and fermentation proceeding in fresh litter might have facilitated the growth of microorganisms. The above factors were also shown to affect the content of ammonia formed in the litter. When it comes to microbiological contamination of air, despite a successive decrease of temperature and an increase of air humidity, such a distinct tendency in changes of bacterial count as in the case of litter was not observed. Both the number of bacteria and that of fungi were subject to fluctuation in particular weeks of rearing, which was most likely due to varying dustiness and irregular ventilation of rooms. The number of bacteria was the lowest in the 3rd week and reached 3.64 · 104 cfu · m- ³, and the highest - at the end of rearing when it reached 2.12 · 105 cfu · m- ³. The lowest number of fungi was found at the beginning of rearing (1.71 · 104 cfu · m- ³), whilst the highest one in the 2nd and the 4th week (4.63 · 104 cfu · m- ³ and 4.47 · 104 cfu · m- ³, respectively). Fungal analyses demonstrated that mould fungi (Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp.) were prevailing in both litter and air at the beginning of the study, and that the number of yeasts rose to 90-100% at the termination of the study, especially in the litter

    The quality of the meat of ostriches transported over various distances

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    Celem podjętych badań było określenie wpływu różnych odległości transportu z fermy do ubojni w okresie lata na jakość mięsa strusi. Badania przeprowadzono na 110 strusiach rzeźnych, w wieku 10-12 miesięcy, pochodzących z czterech ferm krajowych. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że zwiększenie odległości transportu różnicowało badane parametry jakościowe mięsa. Wraz ze wzrostem odległości transportu strusi obserwowano nieznacznie mniejszą zawartość wody w mięsie, przy większej zawartości białka, tłuszczu i popiołu oraz tendencję wzrostową kwasowości mięsa, zarówno pH45min jak i pH24h, zwiększającą się wodochłonność, a także jaśniejszą barwę mięsa po 45 minutach od uboju. Uzyskane wyniki mogą wskazywać na narastające obciążenie organizmu strusi czynnikami stresującymi występującymi w czasie transportu, które następnie wpływają na jakość ich mięsa.The aim of the study was to determine the effects of different transport distances from the farm to the slaughterhouse in summer on the quality of ostrich meat. The experimental materials were 110 ostriches aged 10-12 months, raised on four Polish farms. The study showed that increasing the transport distance varied the quality parameters examined in the meat. As transport distance increased slightly lower water content was observed in the meat, with a higher content of protein, fat and ash and an upward trend in acidity (both pH45min and pH24h), increased water holding capacity and a lighter colour 45 minutes meat after slaughter. The results may indicate an increasing burden of stress factors on the ostriches during transport, which then affect the quality of ostrich meat

    Nutritive value of broiler chicken meat transported over various distances

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    Celem badań było określenie wartości odżywczej mięsa kurcząt brojlerów transportowanych na różne odległości (0,100,200 oraz 300 km). Stwierdzono, że transport nie miał znaczącego wpływu na oceniane składniki. Badane mięso cechowało się wysoką wartością odżywczą i dietetyczną. Świadczy o tym wysoka ilość białka i niska zawartość tłuszczu. Wysoką wartość odżywczą mięsa podkreśla profil kwasów tłuszczowych z dużą ilością kwasów mono- i polienowych, a także niska zawartość cholesterolu.The aim of this study was to determine the nutritive value of broiler chicken meat transported over various distances (0, 100, 200 and 300 km). It was found that the transport had no significant effect on the assessed components. Meat examined was characterized by high nutritive and dietary value. It was evidenced by the high protein and low fat content. The high meat nutritive value was confirmed by fatty acid profile with a large number of mono- and polyunsaturated ones and the low cholesterol content

    Effect of pre-slaughter handling of broiler chickens on meat technological quality

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    Celem pracy było określenie wpływu długości transportu kurcząt brojlerów (0, 100,200 oraz 300 km) na jakość technologiczną mięsa. Kwasowość mięsa po 15 min. od uboju była na zbliżonym poziomie (5,85+5,89). Zróżnicowaniu uległa dopiero po 24 godzinach po uboju. Ciemniejszą barwą charakteryzowało się mięso ptaków transportowanych na odległość 300 km. Na podstawie pomiaru kwasowości mięsa (pH,s i pH24), wodochłonności i barwy, nie można jednoznacznie stwierdzić wad mięsa.The aim of this study was to determine the effect of transport duration (0, 100,200 and 300 km) of broiler chickens on meat technological quality. Meat acidity measured 15 min. post mortem was at a similar level (5.85+5.89) as in the beginning. Differences in acidity were noted at 24 hours post mortem. Meat of broilers transported over a distance of 300 km was darker in color. Meat quality defects were not observed based on muscle acidity (pH15 and pH24), water-holding capacity and color

    Content of selected minerals in meat derived from broiler chickens subjected to various pre-slaughter handling procedures

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    Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie zawartości: Mg, Ca, Na, K, P, Fe w mięśniach piersiowych kurcząt brojlerów ROSS 308, poddanych w okresie lata 2010 r. różnym wariantom postępowania przedubojowego. W postępowaniu przedubojowym podawano kurczętom w paszy lub w wodzie, przez siedem dni przed ubojem, fitopreparat składający się z: rutwicy lekarskiej (Herb. Galegae), pokrzywy zwyczajnej (Herb. Utricae), melisy lekarskiej (Fol. Melissae) i szałwii lekarskiej (Fol. Salviae), a następnie transportu kurcząt na różne odległości: 100, 200 oraz 300 km. Stwierdzono, że postępowanie przedubojowe wpłynęło na zawartość składników mineralnych w mięśniach piersiowych kurcząt brojlerów. Podawanie kurczętom przez siedem dni przed planowanym obrotem przedubojowym fitopreparatu wraz z paszą wpłynęło nieznacznie na wzrost zawartości składników mineralnych w mięśniach piersiowych w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną i grupą otrzymującą fitopreparat z wodą do picia. Wykazano zbliżony poziom lub zwiększenie zawartości pierwiastków w mięśniach piersiowych kurcząt transportowanych na odległość 100 i 200 km. Natomiast w mięśniach kurcząt transportowanych na odległość 300 km nastąpiło zmniejszenie zawartości pierwiastków w stosunku do grupy nietransportowanej.The objective of the research study performed was to determine the concentrations of Mg, Ca, Na, K, P, and Fe in breast muscles of ROSS 308 broiler chickens subjected to various pre-slaughter handling procedures in summer. The pre-slaughter handling procedures consisted in providing the broilers, during a period of seven days before slaughter, with a herbal extract composed of goat's rue (Herb. Galegae), stinging nettle (Herb. Utricae), lemon balm (Fol. Melissae), and common sage (Fol. Salviae). The supplement was administered in feed or drinking water. After the seven-day period, the chicks were transported 100 km, 200 km, and 300 km. It was found that the pre-slaughter handling procedures applied impacted the mineral content in the breast muscles of broiler chickens. Compared to the control group and to chickens provided with the herbal extract in their drinking water, an insignificant increase was reported in the mineral content in the breast muscles in broilers having received this herbal extract mixed with their feed for seven days prior to slaughter. A similar or an increased level of mineral element concentrations was evidenced in the breast muscles of chickens transported 100 km and 200 km. However, in the muscles of chicks travelling at a distance of 300 km, the content of the mineral elements decreased compared to the not transported group