32 research outputs found

    Subjektive Theorien von GeographielehrkrĂ€ften zur „Großen Transformation“ – Perspektiven auf eine Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung am Beispiel der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der Überschreitung der ökologischen und sozioökonomischen Belastungsgrenzen der Erde wurde bereits 2011 durch den Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale UmweltverĂ€nderungen auf die Notwendigkeit einer „Großen Transformation“ hingewiesen. Hierbei wird vor allem dem Bildungssektor im Zusammenhang mit einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung [BNE] eine zentrale Rolle zugesprochen. Besonders Lehrpersonen werden dabei durch offizielle Rahmendokumente als sogenannte „Change Agents“ charakterisiert. Durch das Bezugsfach der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es daher das Ziel, die Perspektive von GeographielehrkrĂ€ften zur „Großen Transformation“ anhand eines exemplarischen Unterrichtskontexts herauszuarbeiten. Hierfür wird das lebensweltnahe Beispiel der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie [TBI] gewĂ€hlt. Methodisch gerahmt ist das Vorhaben durch das in der Bildungsforschung etablierte Forschungsprogramm Subjektive Theorien mit der „Siegener Variante“. Mit leitfadengestützten Expert*inneninterviews und einer begleitenden Struktur-Lege-Sitzung werden die Sichtweisen von zwölf LehrkrĂ€ften erfasst und mittels zusammenfassender qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Durch die Explikation der subjektiven Theorien der Lehrpersonen und mit der Herausarbeitung von Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden hinsichtlich struktureller und inhaltlicher Merkmale können Erkenntnisse für die Planung und Durchführung von Unterricht sowie für das professionelle Handeln von LehrkrĂ€ften im Kontext einer „Großen Transformation“ abgeleitet werden. Dabei zeigt sich die besondere Relevanz des Geographieunterrichts sowie von FachlehrkrĂ€ften für den Transformationsprozess. Auch wird die generelle Eignung der TBI als exemplarisches Thema für transformatives Lernen unterstrichen und die Bedeutung einer lösungs- und handlungsorientierten Gestaltung des Unterrichts hervorgehoben. Ferner ergeben sich neue Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf eine instrumentelle bzw. kritisch-emanzipatorische Ausrichtung von BNE. Es wird zudem deutlich, dass persönlichen Sicht- und Verhaltensweisen von LehrkrĂ€ften verstĂ€rkt im Zusammenhang mit einer „Großen Transformation“ Aufmerksamkeit zukommen sollte und wiederkehrende Reaktionsmuster von Lernenden professionelles Handeln bei Lehrpersonen für transformative Bildungsprozesse voraussetzen. Davon ausgehend werden acht Thesen aufgestellt und weiterführende Forschungsdesiderata aufgezeigt.Already in 2011, the German Advisory Council on Global Change pointed out the need for a “great transformation” in the light of ecological and socio-economic limits to the earth system. The education sector is particularly assigned a central role for this especially in connection with education for sustainable development [ESD]. Therefore, official framework documents characterise teachers as so-called “change agents”. Due to the reference subject of the present study, the aim is to work out the perspective of geography teachers on the “societal transformation”. For this purpose, the exemplary teaching context of the textile and clothing industry [TCI] is chosen because it is close to everyday life. The project is methodologically framed by the Research Programme of Subjective Theories with the “Siegener Variant”, being an established method in educational research. The perspectives of twelve teachers are recorded by the means of guideline-based expert interviews and accompanying structure laying sessions, being evaluated by summarising qualitative content analysis. Through the subjective theories of the teachers and the accentuation of similarities and differences with regard to structural and content-related characteristics, insights for the planning and implementation of lessons as well as for the professional action of teachers in the context of the “societal transformation” can be derived. The results underline the particular relevance of geography lessons and specialist teachers for a successful transformation process. The general suitability of the TCI as an exemplary topic for transformative learning and the importance of a solution- and actionoriented lesson design is additionally highlighted. Furthermore, new findings regarding an instrumental or critical-emancipatory orientation of ESD will be presented. In this context it also becomes clear that personal perspectives and behaviour of teachers should be given more attention in connection with a “societal transformation” and recurring reaction patterns of learners require professional action by teachers for transformative educational processes. Based on this, eight theses are put forward and further research desiderata are presented in a discursive manner

    Energiewende konkret : Photovoltaik auf dem Campus der Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover

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    RECAPDOC - a questionnaire for the documentation of rehabilitation care utilization in individuals with disorders of consciousness in long-term care in Germany: development and pretesting

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    BACKGROUND: A multitude of different rehabilitation interventions and other specific health care services are offered for individuals with disorders of consciousness in long-term care settings. To investigate the association of those services and patient-relevant outcomes, a specific instrument to document the utilization of those services is needed. The purpose of this study was to develop such a questionnaire administered to caregivers in epidemiological studies or patient registries in Germany. METHODS: The development process of the RECAPDOC questionnaire was carried out in three steps. Step 1 consisted of a systematic literature review and an online-based expert survey to define the general content. Step 2 was an expert interview to evaluate the preliminary content of the questionnaire. Step 3 was a pretest including cognitive interviews with caregivers. After each step, the results were combined into a new version of the questionnaire. RESULTS: The first version of the questionnaire included items on utilization of medical care, medical aids, nursing and therapeutic care. The results of the expert interview led to the integration of five new items and the modification of six other items. The pretest led to some minor modifications of the questionnaire since it was rated as feasible and acceptable. The final questionnaire consisted of 29 items covering the domains "living situation", "social insurance status", "utilisation of home health care", "domestic services", "outpatient health care", "specific diagnostic measures", "adaptive technologies", "medical aids" and "utilization of therapies". Also the experience of family support and multidisciplinary collaboration of health professionals is covered. CONCLUSIONS: The developed questionnaire is a first step to make the situation of patients with disorders of consciousness in the long-term care setting accessible for evaluation in epidemiological studies and in the context of patient registries. However, further reliability and validity studies are needed

    Rehabilitation goals of people with spinal cord injuries can be classified against the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for spinal cord injuries

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    Objectives: To establish whether inter-professional rehabilitation goals from people with non-traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) can be classified against the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) SCI Comprehensive and Brief Core Sets early postacute situation. Setting: Neurological rehabilitation unit. Methods: Rehabilitation goals of 119 patients with mainly incomplete and non-traumatic SCIs were classified against the ICF SCI Core Sets following established linking rules. Results: A total of 119 patients generated 1509 goals with a mean (and s.d.) of 10.5 (9.1) goals per patient during the course of their inpatient rehabilitation stay. Classifying the 1509 rehabilitation goals against the Comprehensive ICF Core Set generated 2909 ICF codes. Only 69 goals (4.6%) were classified as ‘not definable (ND)’. Classifying the 1509 goals against the Brief ICF Core Set generated 2076 ICF codes. However, 751(49.8%) of these goals were classified as ‘ND’. In the majority of goals (95.7%), the ICF code description was not comprehensive enough to fully express the goals set in rehabilitation. In particular, the notion of quality of movement or specificity and measurability aspects of a goal (usually described with the criteria and acronyms SMART) could not be expressed through the ICF codes. Conclusion: Inter-professional rehabilitation goals can be broadly described by the ICF Comprehensive Core Set for SCI but not the Brief Core Set

    Quantitative Bestimmung der Darmwandvaskularisation bei Morbus Crohn mit kontrastverstÀrktem Ultraschall

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    Objective: To assess the possibility of quantitative determination of bowel wall vascularity using contrast-enhanced (SonoVue) wideband harmonic imaging ultrasound and the HDI-Lab software in patients with CrohnÂŽs disease. Conclusion: It is possible to quantify bowel wall vascularity accurately in patients with CrohnÂŽs disease using contrast-enhanced pulse inversion ultrasound (low-MI)

    Environmental Information Sources: Books and websites

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    A compliation of recent book publications and online resources in the  environemental sciences

    Lipierungsreaktionen unter hohem Druck

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    Virtuelle UniversitÀt

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