333 research outputs found

    DĂ©veloppement d'une solution de contrĂ´le par capture de mouvements dans un logiciel de cartographie 3D de l'hĂ´pital

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    Les HUG font partie des grandes institutions genevoises reconnues nationalement et internationalement pour leurs prestations médicales et leurs travaux de recherche à la pointe de l’innovation. Leurs recherches dans le milieu informatique ne sont également pas en reste. Le service de l’information médicale (SIMED), dirigé par le professeur Christian Lovis, travaille quotidiennement sur des projets qui font partie des prestations technologiques de demain. L’un de leur projets, le POS3D, a pour but d’étudier les diverses transmissions épidémiologiques qui peuvent survenir à l’intérieur des HUG, un bâtiment dans lequel travaillaient quotidiennement en 2012 plus de 10'000 collaborateurs qui ont effectué plus de 900'000 prises en charge ambulatoires. En parallèle à ce projet, la question d’amélioration de l’hygiène demeure un point permanent dans la stratégie de gouvernement de l’hôpital. L’intégration croissante d’outils informatiques tels que ceux développés par le SIMED ne fait que renforcer ce besoin de travail dans un environnement stérile. Partant de ces constatations, ainsi qu’en constatant une évolution technologique et technique incessante, notamment par l’apparition d’appareils de contrôle par capture de mouvements, démocratisés dans le milieu ludique des jeux vidéos, envisager un changement progressif dans les moyens d’interactions homme-machine est légitime. Le but de ce travail est une intégration d’une telle technologie dans le POS3D, qui n’est pas directement destiné aux milieux exigeants d’hygiène mais qui permettra de faire le point sur la pertinence et les possibilités offertes par la capture de mouvements dans le milieu hospitalier

    Historia de la mejora del olmo

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    Breeding elms resistant to Dutch elm disease (DED) started in the Netherlands in the year 1928 on the initiative of a group of women scientists. They were active until 1954, when Hans Heybroek took over at the Dorschkamp Research Institute and carried on until his retirement in 1992. Two more programmes were initiated in Europe, in Italy and Spain, in 1978 and 1993 respectively, under the impulse of Dutch breeding activities. Elm breeding in America began in 1937 in the USDA-Agricultural Research Service Laboratories and is still being pursued under the leadership of Alden Townsend. Another programme was set up at the University of Wisconsin in 1958, led by Eugene Smalley and was closed after his retirement and death in 2002. A third programme found birth at the Morton Arboretum, Chicago, in 1972 where activities are still carried out by George Ware since his retirement. The number of resistant elm clones released on the market and the scientific progress fostered by breeding activities indicate that the long work needed to carry them on is a positive one. Among the key points considered are: elm germplasm collection, elm species crossability, inoculation system and disease evaluation, building up of resistance, and the possible consequences from introducing foreign species and hybrids to native elms. Because of shortage of funding long-term research and the perception that biotechnology will provide rapid solutions to long-term problems, traditional elm breeding activities seem now to be in difficulty. In this context, it seems wise to take all possible steps to avoid a loss in the precious gene resources so far collected and not to give up on traditional elm breeding activities, which so far has been found to be the sole means in providing tangible results for controlling DED.La mejora genética de olmos resistentes a la grafiosis se inició en los Países Bajos en 1928 debido a la iniciativa de un grupo de investigadoras que estuvieron activas hasta 1954, año en que Hans Heybroek se hizo cargo del Dorschkamp Research Institute, donde prosiguió con los trabajos hasta su jubilación en 1992. Otros dos programas se iniciaron en Europa, en Italia y España, en 1978 y 1993 respectivamente, contando con el apoyo inicial de las actividades holandesas de mejora. La mejora genética del olmo en Norteamérica comenzó en 1937 en los USDA-Agricultural Research Service Laboratories, y está actualmente dirigida por Alden Townsend. Otro programa, establecido en la Universidad de Wisconsin en 1958, fue liderado por Eugene Smalley hasta que se clausuró tras su jubilación y muerte en 2002. Un tercer programa surgió en el Morton Arboretum, Chicago, en 1972, donde las actividades siguen dirigidas por George Ware desde su jubilación. El número de olmos resistentes comercializados y el progreso científico obtenido gracias a las actividades de mejora indican que el largo periodo de trabajo necesario para desarrollarlas merece la pena. Entre los elementos clave a considerar destacan: la recolección de germoplasma, la posibilidad de realización de cruzamientos, los sistemas de inoculación y de evaluación de la enfermedad, la obtención de resistencia, y las posibles consecuencias para los olmos nativos de la introducción de híbridos y especies alóctonas. Debido a la escasez de fondos para trabajos a largo plazo y a la percepción de que la biotecnología podría proporcionar en el futuro soluciones rápidas a los problemas, la mejora tradicional del olmo parece estar actualmente en dificultades. En este contexto, parece prudente dar todos los pasos necesarios para evitar la perdida de los preciosos recursos genéticos acumulados hasta el momento y no abandonar las actividades tradicionales de mejora que hasta el momento han sido las únicas que han proporcionado resultados tangibles para el control de la grafiosis

    From soft sediment deformation to fluid assisted faulting in the shallow part of a subduction megathrust analogue: the Sestola Vidiciatico tectonic Unit (Northern Apennines, Italy)

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    The Sestola Vidiciatico tectonic Unit (SVU) accommodated the early Miocene convergence between the subducting Adriatic plate and the overriding Ligurian prism, and has been interpreted as a field analogue for the shallow portion of subduction megathrusts. The SVU incorporated sediments shortly after their deposition and was active down to burial depth corresponding to temperatures around 150 \ub0C. Here, we describe the internal architecture of the basal thrust fault of the SVU through a multi-scale structural analysis and investigate the evolution of the deformation mechanisms with increasing burial depth. At shallow depth, the thrust developed in poorly lithified sediments which deformed by particulate flow. With increasing depth and lithification of sediments, deformation was accommodated in a meter scale, heterogeneous fault zone, including multiple strands of crack-and-seal shear veins, associated with minor distributed shearing in clay-rich domains and pressure solution. In the last stage, slip localized along a sharp, 20 cm thick shear vein, deactivating the fault zone towards the footwall. The widespread formation of crack-and-seal shear veins since the first stages of lithification indicates that failure along the thrust occurred at high fluid pressure and low differential stress already at shallow depth. Progressive shear localization occurs in the last phases of deformation, at temperatures typical of the transition to the seismogenic zone in active megathrusts

    Deformation Sequence and Paleofluids in Carbonate Buckle Folds Under Transpression (Pag Anticline, External Dinarides, Croatia)

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    Contractional deformation structures at the front of transpressional orogens display complex three-dimensional geometries deviating from the interpretative templates commonly applied in thrust belts. Accordingly, detailed constraints on deformation patterns and associated paleofluid circulation are desirable, especially for fracture geometry and permeability predictive purposes. The Pag anticline, which is located in the Dinaric fold and thrust belt, provides an appropriate field site for studying fold- and fault-related deformation structures in a transpressive setting. We performed a multiscale structural analysis together with petrographic and stable isotope characterization of the deformation-related calcite cements. Structural mapping suggests that the Pag anticline is a detachment fold developed mainly by buckling, since large-scale thrust faults are absent. Fold tightening in a transpressive setting produced a complex deformational structure including two sets of N-S right-lateral and E-W left-lateral late-stage strike-slip fault sets trending oblique to the NW-SE fold axis. The pre-folding deformation pattern includes incipient normal faults likely related to the forebulge stage, veins and stylolites coherent with NE-SW layer parallel shortening contraction in a strike-slip regime, and metric to decametric scale conjugate thrusts coherent with layer parallel shortening in a compressive regime. Buckle folding preceded propagation of a series of accommodation structures during fold tightening. Petrographic and isotopic data indicate meteoric alteration of the Cretaceous platform carbonates in the prefolding stage, likely due to forebulge subaerial exposure. Layer parallel shortening and early syn-folding veins involved formational fluids resulting from mixed marine and meteoric fluids during folding at shallow burial conditions. Eventually, meteoric fluid infiltrated again along strike-slip faults, acting as cross-formational conduits in the postfolding stage

    Oral liquid L-thyroxine (L-t4) may be better absorbed compared to L-T4 tablets following bariatric surgery.

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    Drug malabsorption is a potential concern after bariatric surgery. We present four case reports of hypothyroid patients who were well replaced with thyroxine tablets to euthyroid thyrotropin (TSH) levels prior to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. These patients developed elevated TSH levels after the surgery, the TSH responded reversibly to switching from treatment with oral tablets to a liquid formulation
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