117 research outputs found

    Five-year follow-up of a woman with pregnancy and lactation-associated osteoporosis and vertebral fractures

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    We report the 5-year follow-up of a young woman who developed vertebral fractures after pregnancy and lactation and was treated with active vitamin D hormone. A 32-year-old Japanese woman consulted us because of acute lower back pain caused by L2 and L5 vertebral fractures after pregnancy and lactation. Following cessation of breast-feeding, analgesia, bed rest, and wearing of a hard brace, her lower back pain disappeared within 2 months. After 5 years of treatment with alfacalcidol 1 Ī¼g daily, the lumbar spine (L1, L3, L4) bone mineral density increased by 21.4% following vigorous reductions in bone turnover markers. No osteoporotic fractures occurred, and the vertebral fractures healed. The patient experienced no side effects, including hypercalcemia. Thus, the present case report shows long-term changes in bone turnover markers and lumbar spine bone mineral density, as well as long-term safety of alfacalcidol treatment in a young woman with pregnancy and lactation-associated osteoporosis and vertebral fractures

    A Radiographic Study on the Associations of Age and Prevalence of Vertebral Fractures with Abdominal Aortic Calcification in Japanese Postmenopausal Women and Men

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the associations of age and history of non- and low-traumatic fractures with the severity of abdominal aortic calcification in Japanese postmenopausal women and men. Four hundred and one Japanese persons (24 men and 377 postmenopausal women, mean age: 73.8 years) for whom thoracic and lumbar spine radiographs had been obtained to evaluate their posture prior to patient participation in a fall-prevention exercise program were enrolled. The associations of sex, age, history of hip fracture, prevalence of vertebral fracture, and spondylosis grade (the Nathan degree) with the severity of abdominal aortic calcification (length of calcification, as evaluated according to the number of vertebral bodies) were analyzed. Nine subjects (2.2%) had a history of hip fracture, and 221 (55.1%) had at least one prevalent vertebral fracture. Two hundred and sixty-seven subjects (66.6%) had first-degree spondylosis. Age and the number of prevalent vertebral fractures, but not sex, history of hip fracture, or spondylosis grade, were significantly associated with the severity of abdominal aortic calcification. The present study confirmed that age and the number of vertebral fractures were associated with the severity of abdominal aortic calcification in Japanese postmenopausal women and men

    Reduction of 223Ra retention in the Large Intestine During Targeted Alpha Therapy with 223RaCl2 by Oral BaSO4 Administration in Mice

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    Background: Targeted alpha therapy with 223RaCl2 is used to treat skeletal metastases of hormone-refractory prostate cancer. The intravenous injection of 223RaCl2 causes gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea as frequent clinical adverse events caused by radiation. BaSO4 is known to display Ra2+ ion uptake in its structure and is clinically used as a contrast agent for X-ray imaging following oral administration. Here, we investigated the feasibility of a method to reduce 223Ra retention in the large intestine with BaSO4 by biodistribution studies in mice. Methods: 223RaCl2 biodistribution was examined in ddY mice after intravenous administration (10 kBq/mouse).BaSO4 (100 mg/mouse) was orally administered 1 h before 223RaCl2 injection. We also investigated the effect of laxative treatment on BaSO4 activity, since laxatives are clinically used with BaSO4 to avoid impaction in the large intestine. Results: BaSO4 significantly reduced 223Ra retention in the large intestine after 223RaCl2 injection in mice when compared with the control without BaSO4 administration (P < 0.05). Excretion of 223Ra into the feces was significantly increased by BaSO4 administration (P < 0.05). Laxative treatment did not affect BaSO4 activity in reducing 223Ra retention, although no additional effect of laxative treatment to 223Ra excretion was observed in mice. Conclusions. BaSO4 administration was effective in reducing 223Ra retention in the large intestine during 223RaCl2 therapy, and laxative treatment did not attenuate BaSO4 activity. This method could be useful in reducing adverse events caused by radiation exposure to the large intestine during 223RaCl2 therapy

    Improvement in organophosphorus hydrolase activity of cell surface-engineered yeast strain using Flo1p anchor system

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    Organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) hydrolyzes organophosphorus esters. We constructed the yeast-displayed OPH using Flo1p anchor system. In this system, the N-terminal region of the protein was fused to Flo1p and the fusion protein was displayed on the cell surface. Hydrolytic reactions with paraoxon were carried out during 24Ā h of incubation of OPH-displaying cells at 30Ā°C. p-Nitrophenol produced in the reaction mixture was detected by HPLC. The strain with highest activity showed 8-fold greater OPH activity compared with cells engineered using glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor system, and showed 20-fold greater activity than Escherichia coli using the ice nucleation protein anchor system. These results indicate that Flo1p anchor system is suitable for display of OPH in the cell surface-expression systems
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