47 research outputs found

    Semi-quantitative analyses of metabolic systems of human colon cancer metastatic xenografts in livers of superimmunodeficient NOG mice

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    Analyses of energy metabolism in human cancer have been difficult because of rapid turnover of the metabolites and difficulties in reducing time for collecting clinical samples under surgical procedures. Utilization of xenograft transplantation of human-derived colon cancer HCT116 cells in spleens of superimmunodeficient NOD/SCID/IL-2Rγnull (NOG) mice led us to establish an experimental model of hepatic micrometastasis of the solid tumor, whereby analyses of the tissue sections collected by snap-frozen procedures through newly developed microscopic imaging mass spectrometry (MIMS) revealed distinct spatial distribution of a variety of metabolites. To perform intergroup comparison of the signal intensities of metabolites among different tissue sections collected from mice in fed states, we combined matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI–TOF-IMS) and capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry (CE–MS), to determine the apparent contents of individual metabolites in serial tissue sections. The results indicated significant elevation of ATP and energy charge in both metastases and the parenchyma of the tumor-bearing livers. To note were significant increases in UDP-N-acetyl hexosamines, and reduced and oxidized forms of glutathione in the metastatic foci versus the liver parenchyma. These findings thus provided a potentially important method for characterizing the properties of metabolic systems of human-derived cancer and the host tissues in vivo

    Specific Expression of Human Intelectin-1 in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma and Gastrointestinal Goblet Cells

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a fatal tumor. It is often hard to discriminate MPM from metastatic tumors of other types because currently, there are no reliable immunopathological markers for MPM. MPM is differentially diagnosed by some immunohistochemical tests on pathology specimens. In the present study, we investigated the expression of intelectin-1, a new mesothelioma marker, in normal tissues in the whole body and in many cancers, including MPM, by immunohistochemical analysis. We found that in normal tissues, human intelectin-1 was mainly secreted from gastrointestinal goblet cells along with mucus into the intestinal lumen, and it was also expressed, to a lesser extent, in mesothelial cells and urinary epithelial cells. Eighty-eight percent of epithelioid-type MPMs expressed intelectin-1, whereas sarcomatoid-type MPMs, biphasic MPMs, and poorly differentiated MPMs were rarely positive for intelectin-1. Intelectin-1 was not expressed in other cancers, except in mucus-producing adenocarcinoma. These results suggest that intelectin-1 is a better marker for epithelioid-type MPM than other mesothelioma markers because of its specificity and the simplicity of pathological assessment. Pleural intelectin-1 could be a useful diagnostic marker for MPM with applications in histopathological identification of MPM

    The influence of expectation on spinal manipulation induced hypoalgesia: An experimental study in normal subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mechanisms thorough which spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) exerts clinical effects are not established. A prior study has suggested a dorsal horn modulated effect; however, the role of subject expectation was not considered. The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of subject expectation on hypoalgesia associated with SMT.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty healthy subjects agreed to participate and underwent quantitative sensory testing (QST) to their leg and low back. Next, participants were randomly assigned to receive a positive, negative, or neutral expectation instructional set regarding the effects of a specific SMT technique on pain perception. Following the instructional set, all subjects received SMT and underwent repeat QST.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No interaction (p = 0.38) between group assignment and pain response was present in the lower extremity following SMT; however, a main effect (p < 0.01) for hypoalgesia was present. A significant interaction was present between change in pain perception and group assignment in the low back (p = 0.01) with participants receiving a negative expectation instructional set demonstrating significant hyperalgesia (p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The current study replicates prior findings of c- fiber mediated hypoalgesia in the lower extremity following SMT and this occurred regardless of expectation. A significant increase in pain perception occurred following SMT in the low back of participants receiving negative expectation suggesting a potential influence of expectation on SMT induced hypoalgesia in the body area to which the expectation is directed.</p

    Marginal Zone B-cell Lymphoma Arising from Buccal Mucosa Resembling Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Soft Tissue

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    We report here a case of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MZBL) arising from buccal mucosa resembling inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) of the soft tissue. On a low-power field, the lesion is characterized by fibrous granulation tissue and numerous lymphoid follicles with or without atrophic small germinal center. A portion of the lymphoid follicles were surrounded by partial and/or complete thin pale cuff of centrocyte-like (CCL) cells on high power field. The thin rim of the lymphoid follicles contained CCL-cells, plasma cells, cells showing plasma cell differentiation and mature eosinophils. In contrast, the granulomatous areas contained were characterized by haphazardly arranged spindle cells, mature plasma cells, mature eosinophils, small-to-medium lymphocytes and histiocytes. Histologically, IMT was suspected. However, flow cytometry and immunohistochemical study demonstrated a monotypic nature of centrocyte-like cells, plasma cells and their precursor and confirmed the diagnosis of MZBL arising from the buccal mucosa. The differential diagnostic problems between IMT of the soft tissue and classical Hodgkin lymphoma and T-cell lymphoma have been discussed previously. However, the present case indicated that MZBL should be added to the differential diagnosis of IMT of the soft tissue