31 research outputs found

    A decision support tool for response to global change in marine systems : the IMBER-ADApT Framework

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Fish and Fisheries 17 (2016): 1183–1193, doi:10.1111/faf.12110.Global change is occurring now, often with consequences far beyond those anticipated. Although there is a wide range of assessment approaches available to address specific aspects of global change, there is currently no framework to identify what governance responses have worked and where, what has facilitated change, and what preventative options are possible. To respond to this need, we present an integrated assessment framework that builds on knowledge learned from past experience of responses to global change, to enable decision makers, researchers, managers and local stakeholders to: (1) make decisions efficiently; (2) triage and improve their responses; and (3) evaluate where to most effectively allocate resources to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience of coastal peoples. This integrated assessment framework, IMBER-ADApT is intended to enable and enhance decision making through the development a typology of case studies providing lessons on how the natural, social and governance systems respond to the challenges of global change. The typology is developed from a database of case studies detailing the systems affected by change, responses to change and, critically, an appraisal of these responses, generating knowledge-based solutions that can be applied to other comparable situations. Fisheries, which suffer from multiple pressures, are the current focus of the proposed framework, but it could be applied to a wide range of global change issues. IMBER-ADApT has the potential to contribute to timely, cost-effective policy and governing decision making and responses. It offers cross-scale learning to help ameliorate, and eventually prevent, loss of livelihoods, food sources and habitat

    Adaptation to climate-change effects on fisheries in the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage area, Japan

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    In the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage area, many factors have been observed that imply the effects of climate change on the ecosystems, such as decreases in seasonal sea ice, changes of fishing grounds, appearance of non local species, etc. This study summarizes the observed and anticipated effects of such climate change on the fisheries in the heritage area, and discusses policy and research needs for adapting to these changes. International research and monitoring, at the large marine ecosystems (LME) scale, is the basis of all policy measures for adaptation to climate change. A variety of measures should be combined, taking into account various socioecological aspects of fisheries, and various scales of ecosystems. Such measures of adaptation should be incorporated into the cross sector coordination system, and the Integrated Management Plan, which were newly established for the management of the World Heritage area. Also, we point out that culture is an important part of society, and the World Heritage Program may offer clues for creating a new peaceful culture based on the LME

    Ⅲ-1. Fisheries co-management in Japan

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    次䞖代ぞの海掋生態系保党ず氎産食料安党保障 : 知床䞖界自然遺産地域の氎産生態系アプロヌチず順応的管理

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    1. Human dimensions of global change in marine ecosystem. Marine ecosystems are impacted by global-scale climate variability and change. It was recognized, however, that human activities such as intensive fishing also have strong impacts on marine ecosystems, which may occur on more immediate time scales than those of climate change. The recent international ocean research programs such as IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research) focus on the human dimensions of global change in marine ecosystems, and expand on the concept of coupled marine social-ecological systems. Fisheries management is evolving towards ecosystem-based approaches from the study and management of single species. Efforts are now being made to measure and alleviate the ecosystem effects of fishing (Hall 1999) and focus is very much on how an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) may be implemented (Garcia and Cochrane 2005). Further, a full social-ecological system approach to the management of marine resources must involve multiple-scale (from government to local fishing sectors) objective setting based on societal choices, including ecological, economic and social considerations. Operational objectives need to be established, requiring the identification of indicators and reference points for sector impacts. Decision support and performance evaluation rules need to be established, including their uncertainties. Future change in marine systems will not be due to climate alone, but to the interactions of climate variability, climate change, and direct-human effects, and future marine research and management must take account of this reality. How to evaluate the ecological status of the world's exploited marine ecosystems subject to multiple drivers is to bring together a broader group of experts to further explore, test and expand the development of a suite of robust ecosystem indicators for detecting ecosystem change in response to fishing and environmental impacts. 2. EAF and adaptive fisheries management of the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Site, Hokkaido, Japan. Marginal seas contribute a substantial share to the world fisheries catch are hence significantly impacted by human exploitation. Additionally these areas are increasingly affected by climate variability and change. For log-term sustainable utilization of marine resources in marginal sea, local fisher's awareness change regarding the EAF and adaptive fisheries management may be needed. Adaptive management predicts and monitors changes in the ecosystem and subsequently reviews and adjusts the management and use of natural resources (Matsuda et al., 2009). Such predictions and monitoring are best accompanied by feedback controls, such as the verification of hypotheses based on the results of monitoring in order to review and modify management activities. Fisheries management in Japan is characterized by seeking balance between sustainable use and ecosystem conservation and involving the co-management of fishers' organizations (Makino et al., 2008). Fisheries in Japan face several important challenges, e.g., (i) exclusive use by fisherman with fishery rights/licenses (there are few exceptions for free-fisheries and recreational angling), (ii) lack of full transparency in management procedures, (iii) lack of objective benchmarks or numerical goals in management plans, and (iv) strong dependency on political pressure from abroad. Here, we elaborate upon these characteristics of and issues facing the management of marine ecosystems in Japan (Matsuda et. al., 2009). We will present the Marine Management Plan for the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Site, Japan, as a case study of adaptive marine ecosystem management and co-management of coastal fisheries. The Oyashio shelf region and the seasonally ice-covered areas north of Hokkaido including Shiretoko are highly productive, supporting a wide range of species such as marine mammals, seabirds and commercially important species in the western subarctic Pacific (Sakurai, 2007). Shiretoko is the third World Natural Heritage Site registered in Japan and earned this title because of its (i) formation of seasonal sea ice at some of the lowest latitudes in the world, (ii) high biodiversity, and (iii) many globally threatened species. The natural resource management plan of the Shiretoko site is characterized by transparency and consensus building, because (i) UNESCO and IUCN require that the plan be sustainable; and (ii) the Government of Japan has guaranteed local fisheries that there will be no additional regulations included in the plan. The Marine Management Plan describes which species and factors are monitored, how these data are evaluated, and how the benchmarks specified by ecosystem management are determined. The Plan will provide a valuable example for the establishment of "environment-friendly fisheries" in Japan and other countries, because it includes voluntary activities by resource users that are suitable for use in a local context, flexible to ecological/social fluctuations, and efficiently implemented through increased legitimacy and compliance. This approach is appropriate for developing coastal countries where a large number of small-scale fishers catch a variety of species using various types of gear (Matsuda et al., 2009).1. 海掋生態系はどのように倉化する. 海掋生態系は持業を含む人間掻動ず地球枩暖化を含む気候倉化に応答しお垞に倉化する非定垞で境界のないシステムである。すでに持業生産は増える芋蟌みはなく未利甚資源もほずんどなくむしろ枛少した資源の再生ず珟存する資源の持続的な利甚が求められおいる。海掋生態系や回遊経路がわずか30幎間で激倉した䟋ずしおアラスカ湟の底性生物矀集゚ビからタラ類オホヌツク海で繁殖するトドの越冬回遊がオホヌツク海の流氷域面積の枛少に䌎っお倉化した䟋がある。はやり地球枩暖化が心配であり日本の呚りでも過去100幎間の海面氎枩は特に黒朮察銬暖流が流れる海域で1℃以䞊も䞊昇しおいる。IPCC気候倉動に関する政府間パネルの第4次報告の21䞖玀䞭における枩暖化シナリオの䞀぀ずしお2050幎に2℃2100 幎に4℃䞊がるず予想しおいる。枩暖化に察する海の倉化のシナリオを䜜りそれに察する察応策も䞍可欠ですでにノルりェヌでは枩暖化しおタラが北極海に移動するこずを想定しおタラの完党逊殖を始めおいる。このようなシナリオにならないように枩暖化を䜕ずしおも防ぐ努力が䞍可欠ず蚀える。今心配されおいる海の倉化ではより倧きな魚の乱獲が進み次第に小型魚の䞖界に倉わっお生物倚様性は倱われ寿呜が1幎のむカ類やクラゲ類の䞖界になる可胜性がある。事実日本海は倧型の゚チれンクラゲや䞭南米倪平掋沖の倧型むカアメリカオオアカむカが爆発的に増加が起きおいる。海掋生態系は食物関係を通しお気候倉化が原因のボトムアップ制埡ず捕食者偎の倧型魚の増枛持獲が圱響するによるトップダりン制埡が働いおいる。さらに気候倉化などによっお倧きな増枛をするむワシなの浮魚類やむカ類がその䞊䞋の栄逊階局の生物に圱響する制埡Wasp-waistがあるこずが刀っおきた。講挔では南東ベヌリング海生態系におけるスケトりダラ資源の増枛がもたらす生態系倉化の事䟋を玹介する。海の環境は数十幎間続く寒冷期そしお枩暖期ぞの倉化海掋環境のレゞヌムシフトを繰り返しおきた。東アゞアでは冬の季節颚北西颚の匷さが海の氎枩やオホヌツク海の流氷の倚さに圱響を受けおいる。1970幎代半ば-1980幎代埌半の寒冷レゞヌム期にはマむワシの爆発的増加があり1988/89幎の枩暖ぞのレゞヌムシフト以降は枩暖な時に増えるカタクチむワシアゞスルメむカが増えおいる。この珟象は海掋環境のレゞヌムシフトに䌎う“魚皮亀替”ず呌ばれおいる。海掋生態系は耇雑で倉化の予枬が難しいシステムである。将来䜕が起きるか芳枬生物採集などのモニタリングさらにモデリング過去の出来事の解析などをもずに予防原則に基づいた順応的管理を進める「持続可胜な持業管理を目指した生態系アプロヌチが」必芁である。2. 知床䞖界自然遺産海域における生態系アプロヌチず順応的管理. 2005幎7月に知床はナネスコにお䞖界自然遺産に登録され岞から3kmたでの海郚分が遺産登録地域に指定されおいる。登録の際には海域郚分の管理保党にむけた海域管理蚈画の策定加えおサケ類が川に昇れるようにダムなどの改善が求められた。知床はその豊かな海の生産を背景にサケ・マスの定眮網持業やスケトりダラの刺し網・延瞄持業が営たれおいる。2008幎春に知床の生態系の豊かさず持続的持業の共存に向けた海域管理蚈画環境省・北海道を策定した。基本的なコンセプトは既存の法埋などのルヌルに加えお持業やリクリ゚ヌションでは自䞻的管理方法の䞡茪で実斜するこず適切な管理方策のための海掋環境ず生物のモニタリングなどを通しお海域ず海掋生物の保護を行うルヌルを決めるこずである。知床の海ではトド海ワシ類鯚類などの高次な栄逊階局からスケトりダラホッケスルメむカさらには倚様な生物の食う‐食われるの関係が営たれおおり持業もその構成芁玠である。矅臌偎のスケトりダラ持業では過去の持獲量の激枛などを経隓しおいる。これたでに枛船に加えおスケトりダラの産卵堎の犁持区蚭定持具の刺し網の網目を倧きくするなど持業者自身による自䞻的持業管理のルヌルを䜜っお資源の保護に努めおいる。知床ではすでに海掋生態系の順応的管理は行われモニタリングモデリング管理蚈画の蚭蚈ず実斜さらにそれを芋盎しながら順応的な持続的持業ず海掋生態系の保党の䞡立に向かっおいる。知床では䞖界自然遺産にかかわる倚様な委員䌚があり䞭でも科孊委員䌚には囜北海道町などの行政機関科孊者持業者も参加しお管理方策を怜蚎しおいる。どの委員䌚にも持業関係者が参加しおおりこのような䟋は囜内倖でも䟋を芋ない。このような各皮委員䌚が盞互に機胜しお環境の再生や保党科孊的なモニタリングその評䟡を行う科孊委員䌚の開催など知床䞖界自然遺産地域の保党に向かっおいる。これにかかる費甚は2006幎を䟋にするずこの海域の持業生産の玄2玄4億7千䞇円に満たない。「知床方匏」ず呌ぶこの管理方策は持業者自らの知識ず自䞻的持業管理倚様な生態系を構成する海掋生物ずの共存生態系アプロヌチによる持業管理でありその意思決定に持業者も参加しおいる。ナネスコの䞖界自然遺産センタヌのRao所長は「知床は䞖界の海域を含む䞖界自然遺産の環境保護に向けた新しいモデルである」ず高く評䟡しおいる。3. 最埌に. 持続的持業ず生態系サヌビスに基づいた生物倚様性の保党は盞察立するものではない。知床の持業者はこの共同管理に生態系アプロヌチを甚いお積極的にかかわっおいる。責任ある持業ずしお倚様な氎産生物の節床ある利甚は健党な海掋生態系の鍵皮や構成芁玠ずもいえる。ただしロシアが実効支配しおいる北方4島がすぐ目の前にありロシアによるトロヌル持業でスケトりダラが持獲されおいる。近い将来北方4島を含めた䞖界自然遺産ずしおこの海域の生態系の保党ず持続的な持業の共存できるこずそしおこの取り組みが地球を1呚するほどの沿岞線を持぀日本の豊かな海を守り続ける倧切な䞀歩ずなるこずを願っおいる。Lecture

    Fishery resource management and environmental preservation - institutional Comparison between United States and Japan

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