97 research outputs found


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    Background: Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is thought to play a critical role in the invasion and metastasis of cancer and to be associated with cancer stem cell (CSC) properties. It is not clear if there is a link between EMT and CSCs in thyroid cancers. We therefore investigated the CSC properties of thyroid cancers that underwent EMT. Method: To induce EMT (spindle-like cell morphology, loss and acquisition of expression of an epithelial marker E-cadherin and a mesenchymal marker vimentin respectively) in an epithelial-type thyroid cancer cell line ACT-1, we used transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), BRAFV600E, and/or Snail homolog 1 (SNAI1, also known as SNAIL). CSC properties were analyzed with assays for cell proliferation, chemosensitivity, in vitro and in vivo tumor formation ability, cell surface antigens, and intracellular aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH; a known CSC marker) activities. Results: EMT was induced most efficiently by SNAIL (ACT-SNAIL cells), whereas TGF-β and BRAFV600E were less efficient. ACT-SNAIL cells showed slightly but significantly enhanced tumor formation ability in an in vitro sphere assay (approximately 3-fold) but not an in vivo subcutaneous tumor growth assay, and showed comparable chemosensitivity compared with the parental ACT-1 cells. However, of interest, although the in vitro sphere-formation ability of ALDH+ cells was almost unchanged after SNAIL induction, SNAIL overexpression induced much higher (approximately 14-fold) spheres in ALDH- cells. Thus, ALDH was no longer a CSC marker in ACT-SNAIL cells. Conclusions: All these data indicate that EMT confers CSC properties in ALDH- cells and appears to influence the ability of ALDH to enrich CSCs.長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(医歯薬)甲第714号 学位授与年月日:平成26年9月19日Author: Kazuaki Yasui, Mika Shimamura, Norisato Mitsutake, Yuji NagayamaCitation: Thyroid, 23(8), pp.989-996; 2013Nagasaki University (長崎大学)課程博

    Anti-CENP-C Antibody-Based Immunofluorescence Dicentric Assay: Radiation Dose-Response, Validation Studies, and Radiation Dose-Dependency on Sister Centromere Fluorescence

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    Dicentric chromosome assay (DCA) is the most accepted cytological technique for the purpose of biological dosimetry in radiological and nuclear accidents, however, it is not always easy to evaluate dicentric chromosomes because of the technical difficulty in identifying dicentric chromosomes on Giemsa-stained metaphase chromosome samples. Here, we applied an antibody recognizing centromere protein (CENP) C, CENP-C, whose antigenicity is resistant to the fixation with Carnoy\u27s solution. Normal human diploid cells were irradiated with various doses of 137Cs γ rays at 1 Gy/ min, treated with hypotonic solution, fixed with Carnoy\u27s fixative, and metaphase chromosome spreads were stained with anti-CENP-C antibody. Dose-dependent induction of dicentric chromosomes was confirmed between 1 and 10 Gy of γ rays, and the results were compatible with those obtained by the conventional Giemsa-stained chromosome samples. The CENP-C assay also uncovered the difference in the fluorescence from the sister centromeres on the same chromosome, which was more pronounced after radiation exposure. Although the underlying mechanism is still to be determined, the result suggests a novel effect of radiation on centromeres. The innovative protocol for CENP-C-based DCA, which enables ideal visualization of centromeres, is simple, effective and reliable. It does not require skilled examiners, so that it may be an alternative method, avoiding uneasiness of the current DCA using Giemsa-stained metaphase chromosome samples

    Characterization of metabolic reprogramming by metabolomics in the oncocytic thyroid cancer cell line XTC.UC1

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    Oncocytic thyroid cancer is characterized by the aberrant accumulation of abnormal mitochondria in the cytoplasm and a defect in oxidative phosphorylation. We performed metabolomics analysis to compare metabolic reprogramming among the oncocytic and non-oncocytic thyroid cancer cell lines XTC.UC1 and TPC1, respectively, and a normal thyroid cell line Nthy-ori 3-1. We found that although XTC.UC1 cells exhibit higher glucose uptake than TPC1 cells, the glycolytic intermediates are not only utilized to generate end-products of glycolysis, but also diverted to branching pathways such as lipid metabolism and the serine synthesis pathway. Glutamine is preferentially used to produce glutathione to reduce oxidative stress in XTC.UC1 cells, rather than to generate α-ketoglutarate for anaplerotic flux into the TCA cycle. Thus, growth, survival and redox homeostasis of XTC.UC1 cells rely more on both glucose and glutamine than do TPC1 cells. Furthermore, XTC.UC1 cells contained higher amounts of intracellular amino acids which is due to higher expression of the amino acid transporter ASCT2 and enhanced autophagy, thus providing the building blocks for macromolecules and energy production. These metabolic alterations are required for oncocytic cancer cells to compensate their defective mitochondrial function and to alleviate excess oxidative stress

    The relationship of the clinicopathological characteristics and treatment results of post-Chornobyl papillary thyroid microcarcinomas with the latency period and radiation exposure

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    IntroductionA worldwide increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer during the last decades is largely due to papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (MPTCs), which are mostly low-risk tumors. In view of recent clinical recommendations to reduce the extent of surgery for low-risk thyroid cancer, and persisting uncertainty about the impact of radiation history, we set out to address whether clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of post-Chornobyl MPTCs were changing with regard to: i) the latency period, ii) probability of causation (POC) of a tumor due to radiation, and iii) tumor size.MethodsPatients (n = 465) aged up to 50 years at diagnosis who lived in April, 1986 in six northern, most radiocontaminated regions of Ukraine were studied.ResultsLatency period was statistically significantly associated with the reduction of POC level, tumor size and the frequency of fully encapsulated MPTCs. In contrast, the frequency of oncocytic changes and the BRAFV600E mutation increased. Invasive properties and clinical follow-up results did not depend on latency except for a lower frequency of complete remission after postsurgical radioiodine therapy. The POC level was associated with more frequent extrathyroidal extension, and lymphatic/vascular invasion, less frequent oncocytic changes and BRAFV600E, and did not associate with any clinical indicator. Tumor size was negatively associated with the latency period and BRAFV600E, and had a statistically significant effect on invasive properties of MPTCs: both the integrative invasiveness score and its components such as lymphatic/vascular invasion, extrathyroidal extension and lymph node metastases increased. The frequency of total thyroidectomy, neck lymph node dissection and radioiodine therapy also increased with the larger tumor size. The duration of the latency period, POC level or tumor size did not associate with the chance of disease recurrence.DiscussionIn summary, we did not observe overall worsening of the clinicopathological features or treatment results of radiogenic MPTCs that could be associated with the latency period or POC level, suggesting that radiation history did not strongly affect those in the analyzed MPTC patients. However, the increase in the invasive properties with tumor size indicates the need for individual risk stratification for each MPTC patient, regardless of radiation history, for treatment decision-making

    Encapsulated Papillary Thyroid Tumor with Delicate Nuclear Changes and a Mutation as a Possible Novel Subtype of Borderline Tumor

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    Although papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)–type nuclear changes are the most reliable morphological feature in the diagnosis of PTC, the nuclear assessment used to identify these changes is highly subjective. Here, we report a noninvasive encapsulated thyroid tumor with a papillary growth pattern measuring 23 mm at its largest diameter with a nuclear score of 2 in a 26-year-old man. After undergoing left lobectomy, the patient was diagnosed with an encapsulated PTC. However, a second opinion consultation suggested an alternative diagnosis of follicular adenoma with papillary hyperplasia. When providing a third opinion, we identified a low MIB-1 labeling index and a heterozygous point mutation in the KRAS gene but not the BRAF gene. We speculated that this case is an example of a novel borderline tumor with a papillary structure. Introduction of the new terminology “noninvasive encapsulated papillary RAS-like thyroid tumor (NEPRAS)” without the word “cancer” might relieve the psychological burden of patients in a way similar to the phrase “noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP).

    Studies on Expression of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase in Normal and Cancerous Tissues of Thyroids

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    Recently published articles have reported the controversial data regarding expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase isozyme 1A1 (ALDH1A1), a potential candidate marker for normal and cancer stem cells (CSCs), in thyroid tissues. These data prompted us to re-evaluate expression of ALDH1A1 in normal and cancerous thyroid tissues by 2 different means. The first method was immunohistochemistry with 2 different anti-ALDH1A1 antibodies from distinct companies. Following validating the integrity of these 2 antibodies by Western blotting with ALDH-expressing and nonexpressing cancer cell lines and immunohistochemistry with breast and colon tissues, we report here significant and comparable expression of ALDH1A1 in both normal and cancerous thyroid tissues with both antibodies. Next, relative expression levels of ALDH isozymes were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), revealing that ALDH1A1 was the most highly expressed isozyme followed by ALDH9A1 and relative expression patterns of isozymes were very similar in normal and cancerous tissues. All these data demonstrate that thyroid cells of normal and cancer origins do express ALDH1A1 and to a lesser extent 9A1. Further study will be necessary to study functional significance of ALDH1A1 in the function and behaviors of thyroid normal and cancer stem cells

    Microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 is induced by conditional expression of RET/PTC in thyroid PCCL3 cells through the activation of the MEK-ERK pathway

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    RET/PTC rearrangements are believed to be tumor-initiating events in papillary thyroid carcinomas. We identified microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1) as a RET/PTC-inducible gene through subtraction hybridization cloning and expression profiling with custom microarrays. The inducible prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) biosynthetic enzymes cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and mPGES-1 are up-regulated in many cancers. COX-2 is overexpressed in thyroid malignancies compared with benign nodules and normal thyroid tissues. Eicosanoids may promote tumorigenesis through effects on tumor cell growth, immune surveillance, and angiogenesis. Conditional RET/PTC1 or RET/PTC3 expression in PCCL3 thyroid cells markedly induced mPGES-1 and COX-2. PGE2 was the principal prostanoid and up-regulated (by approximately 60-fold), whereas hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid metabolites were decreased, consistent with shunting of prostanoid biosynthesis toward PGE2 by coactivation of the two enzymes. RET/PTC activated mPGES-1 gene transcription. Based on experiments with kinase inhibitors, with PCCL3 cell lines with doxycycline-inducible expression of RET/PTC mutants with substitutions of critical tyrosine residues in the kinase domain, and lines with inducible expression of activated mutants of H-RAS and MEK1, RET/PTC was found to regulate mPGES-1 through Shc-RAS-MEK-ERK. These data show a direct relationship between activation of a tyrosine kinase receptor oncogene and regulation of PGE2 biosynthesis. As enzymes involved in prostanoid biosynthesis can be targeted with pharmacological inhibitors, these findings may have therapeutic implications

    The BRAFV600E Mutation Is Not a Risk Factor for More Aggressive Tumor Behavior in Radiogenic and Sporadic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma at a Young Age

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    Histopathological changes in the fusion oncogene-driven papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs) from children and adolescents exposed to Chernobyl fallout have been extensively studied. However, characteristics of the radiogenic BRAFV600E-positive PTCs, whose proportion is growing with time, are not well described yet. We analyzed the relationship between the BRAFV600E status (determined immunohistochemically with the VE1 antibody) and the clinicopathological features of 247 radiogenic and 138 sporadic PTCs from young Ukrainian patients aged ≤28 years. The frequency of BRAFV600E was increasing with patient age, consistently remaining lower in radiogenic PTCs. In both etiopathogenic groups, the BRAFV600E-positive PTCs more frequently had a dominant papillary growth pattern, smaller tumor size, higher Ki67 labeling index, and a frequency of the major indicators of tumor invasiveness that is lower than or equal to that of the BRAFV600E-negative tumors. Comparison of the BRAFV600E-positive PTCs across the groups found a virtual absence of differences. In contrast, the BRAFV600E-negative radiogenic PTCs displayed less frequent dominant papillary and more frequent solid growth patterns, lower Ki67 labeling index, and higher invasiveness than the BRAFV600E-negative sporadic tumors. Thus, BRAFV600E is not associated with a more aggressive course of PTC in young patients regardless of etiology. The major clinicopathological differences between the radiogenic and sporadic PTCs are observed among the BRAFV600E-negative tumors