24 research outputs found

    Project Managers’ Emotional Intelligence – A Ticket to Success

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to introduce recent research on correlation between project managers’ emotional intelligence and their professional success. The implications of this research are important to both project managers who wish to improve their performance and success rate and organizations in their human resource policy. Theoreti- cal considerations discussed potential impact of emotional intelligence on project managers’ success through review on concept and dimensions of emotional intelligence, findings of numbered empirical studies and leadership theories. Complementing these theoretical considerations with research study showed significant correlation between project managers’ emotional intelligence and professional success. Research was conducted on representative sample consi- sted of 75 project managers from top 10 Serbian companies. Data collection instrument was questionnaire consisted of self-descriptive emotional intelligence test and data on respondent's position in organizational hierarchy and edu- cational level. The empirical research reveals that there is a very high positive correlation between emotional intelli- gence and professional success and these findings should have a number of implications for project managers’ pra- ctice. Firstly, project managers should be aware of the concept, their level and way of improving different dimensions of emotional intelligence. Further, the human resource management departments of project oriented organizations should consider concept of emotional intelligence when recruiting staff to the position of project managers but also when deciding on human resources development programs. In order to help good project managers to become excel- lent there is a need for further investigations on methods for development of emotional intelligence competencies


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    Dynamic friction coefficient (COF) between Ti6Al4V and Al2O3 was analyzed under low loads (100 mN, 250 mN, 500 mN, 750 mN, 1000 mN), sliding speed (4 mm/s, 8 mm/s, 12 mm/s) at dry contact and in the Ringer's solution. Different Ti6Al4V microstructures were studied: Sample 1 - fully lamellar; Sample 2 - martensitic; sample 3 - equiaxed; and sample 4 - globular microstructure. The maximum COF values varied as: 0.4 - 1.23 (Sample 1), 0.5 – 2.8 (Sample 2), 0.4 – 1.1 (Sample 3), and 0.4 – 2.3 (Sample 4). Lamellar and martensitic microstructures were not beneficial for the tribological response since they exhibited severe wear and very high COF values. The globular Ti alloy microstructure showed extremely high COF and wear under dry conditions. In general, water quenching was not a favorable treatment for tribological behavior. The lowest COF values and wear volumes were exhibited in the case of equiaxed microstructure

    Morfološke karakteristike fitopatogenih gljiva Leptosphaeria Maculans i Leptosphaeria Biglobosa uzročnika raka stabla uljane repice u Srbiji

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    Cancer stem and blackleg is economically the most important disease of oilseed rape worldwide. This disease is caused by two species of plant pathogenic fungi of the genus Leptosphaeria: Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) ces. and de Not anamorf Phoma lingam (Tode. Fr.) Desmas, i Leptosphaeria biglobosa Shoem and Brun. On nutrient PDA medium at 25 ± 1 º C were studied morphological traits (growth, appearance and color of mycelia, set the edge colonies, the presence of fruiting bodies, the smell and the secretion of pigment, the size, shape and color of pycnidia and piknospora) 12 isolates (isolated in Serbia K -112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117, K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 and C-5) and control 2 (Lm, Lb) mushrooms. Isolates K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117 having a quick and regular increase, secreted yellow brown pigment, while K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, ST-12, S-2 and C-5 form irregular colonies with no pigment, have slow growth and abundant sporulation. The experiment was set up in the four repeats and mycelial growth isolates listed was measured in cm after 5, 10 and 15 days.Rak stabla i suva trulež korena je ekonomski najvažnije oboljenje uljane repice širom sveta. Ovu bolest prouzrokuju dve vrste fitopatogenih gljiva iz roda Leptosphaeria: Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) ces. and de Not anamorf Phoma lingam (Tode. Fr.) Desmas, i Leptosphaeria biglobosa Shoem and Brun. Na hranjivoj PDA podlozi pri temperaturi 25±1ºC proučavane su morfološke osobine (porast, izgled i boja micelije, izgled ivice kolonije, prisustvo plodonosnih tela, miris i lučenje pigmenata, veličina, oblik i boja piknida i piknospora) 12 izolata (izolovanih u Srbiji K- 112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117, K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 i C-5) i 2 kontrolna (L.m,L.b) gljive. Izolati K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117 imaju brz i pravilan porast,luče žuto mrki pigment,dok K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 i C-5 obrazuju nepravilne kolonije bez pigmenta,imaju spor porast i obilniju sporulaciju. Ogled je postavljen u četiri ponavlja a porast micelije navedenih izolata je meren u cm posle 5, 10 i 15 dana

    Base Characteristics, Preservation Methods, and Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of Autochthonous Breeds of Cattle, Sheep and Pigs in Serbia: A Review

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    Preserving local autochthonous domestic animal populations and the products derived from them is a crucial aspect of managing human utilization of the biosphere. This management approach aims to ensure sustainable benefits for both present and future generations. The diversity of autochthonous domestic animal populations plays a vital role in the functionality and sustainability of the food production system. It encompasses both productive and non-productive aspects, contributing significantly to the overall health, nutrition, and food security of the landscape by providing a wide range of animal-derived food resources. Based on the data contained in the Draft Program of Rural Development, a significant presence of more than 44 autochthonous and local breeds of domestic animals has been noted in Serbia. In order to enable the sustainable preservation of local domestic animals, the competent Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Serbia has, through a number of projects, implemented models for the preservation of local breeds on farms (in situ), as well as provided technical assistance to small farms that keep animal collections. It also helps the local population to procure animals, conducts product quality research, and provides opportunities to integrate conservation programs through tourism. Given that molecular characterization is a key factor for the preservation of autochthonous breeds, in the Republic of Serbia, DNA markers are used for identification and to investigate the belonging to a specific breeds or strain. All the mentioned activities led to an immediate increase in the number of animals, which is especially true for the autochthonous breeds of cattle (Busha), sheep (Sjenicka, Svrljiska, and Vlach-vitohorn) and pigs (Mangalitsa, Moravka, and Resavka) that are discussed in this paper. In addition to the significant measures undertaken to preserve animal genetic resources (AnGR), it is necessary to continue to work primarily on ex situ conservation in order to prevent the loss of their gene pools. However, regardless of the evident effort that has been made to preserve autochthonous genetic resources in Serbia, we believe that there is still a lot of room for further improvement. This primarily refers to advanced technologies that have not been applied so far, mostly related to the identification of genomic regions associated with economic traits, resistance to diseases, and adaptability to emerging climate changes. In this way, the production capacity and functional characteristics of autochthonous species and breeds of domestic animals in Serbia will be improved

    Haemodynamic and clinical effects of ularitide in decompensated heart failure

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    Aims Ularitide is a synthetic form of urodilatin, a natriuretic peptide produced in the kidney with vasodilating, natriuretic, and diuretic effects, that offers promise for the management of decompensated heart failure (DHF). We assessed the efficacy and safety of ularitide in treating patients with DHF. Methods and results In this Phase II randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 221 DHF patients received either placebo (n=53) or ularitide at 7.5 ng/kg/min (n=60), 15 ng/kg/min (n=53), or 30 ng/kg/min (n=55) as a 24-h continuous infusion. At 6 h, ularitide demonstrated a significant decrease in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (P=0.052, P=0.000004, P=0.000002, respectively) and improved dyspnoea score in the 7.5, 15, and 30 ng/kg/min ularitide group (P=0.0026, P=0.0026, P=0.0013, respectively). Ularitide reduced systemic vascular resistance and increased cardiac index for the 15 and 30 ng/kg/min groups (P=0.017, P=0.00002, respectively). Systolic blood pressure (BP) decreased dose dependency. Heart rate and serum creatinine were unchanged through day 3. Most frequently reported drug-related adverse events through day 3 in all ularitide groups were dose-dependent BP decrease and hypotension. Conclusion Ularitide lowered cardiac filling pressures and improved dyspnoea without apparent early deleterious effects on renal function in DHF patients. These results suggest that ularitide may play a role in the management of DHF

    Oxidative Stress and Antioxidative Activity in Leaves and Roots of Carrot Plants Induced by Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani

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    The present study examined the effects of Candidatus Phytoplasma solani infection on antioxidative metabolism in leaves and roots of carrot (Daucus carota L.). Disease symptoms appeared at the end of June in the form of the chlorosis on some of the leaves, which became intensely red one week later, while the previously healthy leaves from the same branch becme chlorotic. A few days later, all leaves from the infected leaf branch were intensely red. Infected plants also had slower growth compared to the healthy ones with fewer leaf branches developed. The roots of infected plants were less developed, seared, or gummy with or without brown-colored root hair. The presence of the pathogen was detected by sequencing the 16S rRNA. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) BLAST analyses of the obtained sequence revealed 100% identity of tested strain with deposited Ca. Phytoplasma solani strains from various countries and hosts, all belonging to the “stolbur” group (16SrXII-A). Identity of 99.74% was found when the tested Serbian strain (MF503627) was compared with the reference stolbur strain STOL11 (AF248959). The oxidative damage of membranes in carrot cells was accompanied by a decrease in the content of photosynthetic pigments. Furthermore, for the determination of specific scavenging properties of the extracts, in vitro antioxidant assay was performed. In phytoplasma-infected carrot leaves, there was a greater reduction in the level of glutathione content (GSH); however; flavonoids and anthocyanidins seem to be responsible for the accompanied increased antioxidative capacity against hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide

    Typological approach to the dimensions of evaluating others

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    Evaluation of Big Five model in Serbian culture by FIBI questionnaire

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    Personality traits in the Serbian language:Structure and procedural effects

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    The aims of the paper are to provide the optimal structure of personality-descriptive terms in the Serbian language, and to address crucial procedural issues in psycho-lexical studies. In Study 1, a non-restrictive methodology for the selection of personality descriptors was applied. In Study 2, we compared the structures obtained using a standard adjective item format versus a contextualized format. In Study 3, the effects of using different categories of description on the trait structure were studied. In Study 4, the descriptors used in three previous studies were analyzed jointly. The results suggest that the outcomes of psycho-lexical studies are affected by various procedural factors, pointing to two- and three-factor solutions as the most robust across methods. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved