Morfološke karakteristike fitopatogenih gljiva Leptosphaeria Maculans i Leptosphaeria Biglobosa uzročnika raka stabla uljane repice u Srbiji


Cancer stem and blackleg is economically the most important disease of oilseed rape worldwide. This disease is caused by two species of plant pathogenic fungi of the genus Leptosphaeria: Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) ces. and de Not anamorf Phoma lingam (Tode. Fr.) Desmas, i Leptosphaeria biglobosa Shoem and Brun. On nutrient PDA medium at 25 ± 1 º C were studied morphological traits (growth, appearance and color of mycelia, set the edge colonies, the presence of fruiting bodies, the smell and the secretion of pigment, the size, shape and color of pycnidia and piknospora) 12 isolates (isolated in Serbia K -112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117, K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 and C-5) and control 2 (Lm, Lb) mushrooms. Isolates K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117 having a quick and regular increase, secreted yellow brown pigment, while K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, ST-12, S-2 and C-5 form irregular colonies with no pigment, have slow growth and abundant sporulation. The experiment was set up in the four repeats and mycelial growth isolates listed was measured in cm after 5, 10 and 15 days.Rak stabla i suva trulež korena je ekonomski najvažnije oboljenje uljane repice širom sveta. Ovu bolest prouzrokuju dve vrste fitopatogenih gljiva iz roda Leptosphaeria: Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) ces. and de Not anamorf Phoma lingam (Tode. Fr.) Desmas, i Leptosphaeria biglobosa Shoem and Brun. Na hranjivoj PDA podlozi pri temperaturi 25±1ºC proučavane su morfološke osobine (porast, izgled i boja micelije, izgled ivice kolonije, prisustvo plodonosnih tela, miris i lučenje pigmenata, veličina, oblik i boja piknida i piknospora) 12 izolata (izolovanih u Srbiji K- 112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117, K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 i C-5) i 2 kontrolna (L.m,L.b) gljive. Izolati K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117 imaju brz i pravilan porast,luče žuto mrki pigment,dok K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 i C-5 obrazuju nepravilne kolonije bez pigmenta,imaju spor porast i obilniju sporulaciju. Ogled je postavljen u četiri ponavlja a porast micelije navedenih izolata je meren u cm posle 5, 10 i 15 dana

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