10 research outputs found

    Assessing public open spaces in Belgrade – a quality of urban life perspective

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    Purpose: This paper interrogates the impact of spatial transformations on urban life. It explores the level of individual and group satisfaction and sense of well-being within the urban public realm; this is undertaken by reporting on the outcomes of an assessment study of three key public open spaces in Belgrade, developed from a quality of urban life (QoUL) perspective. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic multilevel assessment method is utilised, with the aim of determining the material and immaterial elements that can contribute to an individual's sense of comfort within a public space. The study places emphasis on the functional, social and perceptual attributes as they relate to the physical characteristics of three assessed spaces. Findings: The assessment study resulted in a systematic overview of the different attributes of the three assessed spaces. With various performance levels within each set of attributes, the study identifies key challenges and problems that could lead towards determining possible opportunities for future local urban interventions and developmental actions. Originality/value: With the shifts in policies and the associated governance process that redefined the outlook of previously enforced development and urban growth in the last two decades, the capital of Serbia, Belgrade, has undergone significant spatial changes. This has resulted in a certain level of fragmentation in the urban fabric, leading to a number of challenges concerning public health, well-being, safety, accessibility, comfort and urban mobility, to name a few, that need to be better addressed and understood within the local context

    Increasing Safety: A Survey of Open Greenspace Usage during and after the Pandemic in Belgrade, Serbia

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    COVID-19 has severely affected almost every aspect of our everyday lives, especially the use of open greenspace (OGS) in urban settings, which has proven to have a significant role in increasing overall public health and well-being. Hence, the restricted usage of these spaces should be reconsidered. This research aims to analyze the sensitive nature of OGS usage (1) during the pandemic from the perspective of users’ perceived safety and (2) after the pandemic to assess the possible long-term effects. Additionally, this research proposed that location-tracking mobile applications could lead to an increased frequency of OGS visits. The methodology contains detailed background research and two surveys. One survey was conducted during the pandemic in 2020 (sample size n = 412) and was repeated post-pandemic in 2024 (sample n = 451). The 2020 questionnaire A includes questions about the duration, frequency, and activities of OGS usage while focusing on the perceived safety and possibilities of monitoring OGS visits using mobile apps. The 2024 survey represents the continuation of the 2020 survey, focusing on the post-pandemic state of OGS. The statistical analysis is separated into a descriptive data analysis, various χ 2 independence tests and a machine learning safety prediction. The results indicate how COVID-19 could affect OGS usage and how app-related physical safety enhancements during the pandemic cannot be statistically distinguished from those in the post-pandemic period. Although the interest in location-tracking mobile applications has statistically decreased in 2024, the majority of the total 863 participants stated that applications could increase their feeling of perceived safety. The added value of this research is that it considers age and gender roles in analyzing OGS usage in the context of a pandemic.COVID-19 has severely affected almost every aspect of our everyday lives, especially the use of open greenspace (OGS) in urban settings, which has proven to have a significant role in increasing overall public health and well-being. Hence, the restricted usage of these spaces should be reconsidered. This research aims to analyze the sensitive nature of OGS usage (1) during the pandemic from the perspective of users’ perceived safety and (2) after the pandemic to assess the possible long-term effects. Additionally, this research proposed that location-tracking mobile applications could lead to an increased frequency of OGS visits. The methodology contains detailed background research and two surveys. One survey was conducted during the pandemic in 2020 (sample size n = 412) and was repeated post-pandemic in 2024 (sample n = 451). The 2020 questionnaire A includes questions about the duration, frequency, and activities of OGS usage while focusing on the perceived safety and possibilities of monitoring OGS visits using mobile apps. The 2024 survey represents the continuation of the 2020 survey, focusing on the post-pandemic state of OGS. The statistical analysis is separated into a descriptive data analysis, various χ2 independence tests and a machine learning safety prediction. The results indicate how COVID-19 could affect OGS usage and how app-related physical safety enhancements during the pandemic cannot be statistically distinguished from those in the post-pandemic period. Although the interest in location-tracking mobile applications has statistically decreased in 2024, the majority of the total 863 participants stated that applications could increase their feeling of perceived safety. The added value of this research is that it considers age and gender roles in analyzing OGS usage in the context of a pandemic.This research received no external funding.Peer Reviewe

    Opštinа Kuršumlija: uređenje, problemi korišćenja i mere zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta

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    Kuršumlija municipality is located on south of Serbia in Toplički county, mostly in upper course of river Toplica and it’s confluents Kosanica and Banjska. Municipality includes territory of 952 km2. Geographic position of the Kuršumlija municipality is particularly hilly-mountainous then soil types and subtypes, exploitation are: Brown soils, Dark soil on limestone, Alluvium and Colluvial land, and Lithosol. Basic limits of soil utilization are: low level of precipitation and drought apperance, floods, severe erosion and land slides, increased level of environmental degradation and inadequate utilization of agricultural soils. Specially inadequate logging and clearance is distinguished. Basic measures for improvement of Kuršumlija municipality agricultural production are growing of productive and high-quality cultivars of crops, development of fruit production, improvement of animal husbandry, to finance of registered agricultural producers, enhancing of processing capacities, organizing of organic production on larger areas and more households.Opština Kuršumlija nalazi se na jugu Srbije u Topličkom okrugu, sa teritorijom uglavnom u gornjem toku reke Toplice, u slivovima njenih pritoka reka Kosanice i Banjske. Opština obuhvata teritoriju od 952 km2. Geografski položaj opštine Kuršumlija je izrazito brdsko - planinskog karaktera, pa su tipovi i podtipovi zemljišta, načini korišćenja i zaštita ovog područja time predodređeni. Na većim površinama su: Smeđa zemljišta, Crnica na jedrim krečnjacima, Aluvijalni nanos, Koluvijum i Litosoli. Osnovna ograničenja korišćenja navedenih zemljišta su: mala količina padavina i pojava suša; pojava poplava, jake erozije i klizišta, povećan stepen degradiranosti životne sredine i neadekvatan način korišćenja poljoprivrednog zemljišta, suprotno osnovnim njegovim osobinama. Posebno se ističe neadekvatna seča i krčenje šuma. Osnovne mere za unapređenje poljoprivredne proizvodnje opštine Kuršumlija su plansko podizanje novih zasada sa kvalitetnim i produktivnim sortama, razvoj voćarske proizvodnje, unapređenje stočarstva, kreditiranje registrovanih poljoprivrednih proizvođača, podizanje različitih preradnih kapaciteta, organizovanje organske proizvodnje na većim površinama i većem broju domaćinstav

    Uređenje, korišćenje i zaštita poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine UB

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    The Ub municipality is located in the north-east end of the Podrinjsko- Kolubarski region. The total area of the Ub municipality is 45670 ha or 456.7 km2. The agricultural area takes 35471.55 ha or, approximately, 77.67% of the municipality’s territory. Cultivable agricultural land takes 32955.18 ha, or 71.16%, which is distinguished by relatively large amounts of arable areas, where fields and gardens take 29470.05 ha, or 89.42% of the cultivable areas, which is an indicator that the most common activity in the Ub municipality is grain cultivation (corn and wheat). Fruitgardens and wineyards take an area of 1953.55 ha, or 4.65%. Meadows are on an area of 5.93%. Soils of the Ub municipality, according to existing data, are distinguished by unfavorable physical and mechanical characteristics, with needs for repairs by means of different types of soil reclamation techniques. Analysis of the usable structure of the agricultural lands shows that the estates are small, and the average area of a demesne is 3.4 ha per household. The average parcel size is 0.40 ha per each cultivated crop. There are no commasative areas and no arranged irrigation and drainage systems, according to data gathered by the Regional Unit of Ub, inclusive 31st of April, 2007. Possible positive results of arrangement, exploitation and protections of the agricultural land of the Ub municipality are many, of which the most important are: Switching from a traditional extensive agricultural production to an intense agricultural production; Increase of the number of registered and educated agriculturists, organizing of the business connecting of family households; agricultural products in compliance with high quality and safety standards; a skilled and developed consultative and informative agricultural service, which monitors agriculturist’s work; intensified sustainable development of the rural regions with the development of organic production; a reduced negative trend of the country-side to city migration; a created consciousness about the need for the protection of the environment from harmful effects of the agricultural production.Opština Ub se nalazi na severoistočnim delu Podrinjsko - Kolubarskog regiona. Ukupna površina opštine Ub je 45670 ha ili 456,7 km2. Poljoprivredne površine zauzimaju 35.471,55 ha ili, približno 77,67% teritorije opštine. Obradivog poljoprivrednog zemljišta ima 32955,18 ha ili 72,16%, koje se odlikuje relativno visokom zastupljenošću oraničnih površina, gde njive i vrtovi zauzimaju 29470,05 ha ili 89,42% obradivih površina, što ukazuje da je najzastupljenija delatnost u opštini Ub, ipak gajenje žitarica (kukuruz, pšenica). Voćnjaci i vinogradi su na površini od 1953,55 ha ili 4,65%. Livade se nalaze na površini 5,93%. Zemljišta opštine Ub prema postojećim podacima, odlikuju nepovoljne fizičko-mehaničke osobine, sa velikim potrebama za popravku sa primenom različitih pedo-meliorativnih mera. Analiza upotrebne strukture poljoprivrednog zemljišta daje karakteristike da su zemljišni posedi malih površina, gde je prosečna veličina poseda 3,4 ha po domaćinstvu. Prosečna veličina parcele je 0,40 ha po gajenoj poljoprivrednoj kulturi. Nema komasacionih površina, kao ni uređenih sistema za navodnjavanje i odvodnjavanje, prema podacima Područne jedinice Ub, zaključno sa 31. aprilom. 2007. godine. Mogući pozitivni rezultati uređenja, korišćenja i zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta Opštine Ub su mnogobrojni, od kojih su najvažniji: Prelazak sa tradicionalne ekstenzivne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, na intenzivnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju; povećanje broja registrovanih i edukovanih poljoprivrednika, organizovanje odgovarajućih načina poslovnog povezivanja porodičnih gazdinstava; poljoprivredni proizvodi u skladu sa visokim standardima kvaliteta i bezbednosti; stručna i razvijena savetodavna i informaciona poljoprivredna služba koja prati rad poljoprivrednika; intenziviran održivi razvoj sela sa razvojem organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje; usporen negativni trend migracije selo – grad; i stvorena svest o potrebi zaštite životne sredine od štetnih efekata poljoprivredne proizvodnje

    Uređenje, korišćenje i mere zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine Kosjerić

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    The Kosjerić municipality is located in the north of the Zlatiborski region and total land area is 456.7 km2 Lower quality soils types and subtypes take the biggest area in the municipality. Loamy sand and sandy loam soils prevail in highland area of municipality. There are vertisol and eutric cambisol on lower terrain. Alluvial soils are under maize, vegetable and meadows, while slight slopes are under cereals, orchards and pastures. On the hilly part of terrain fruit production is traditionally developed. Analysis of the agricultural lands shows that plum orchards are ruined and old, so that renewal is needed. Higher mountainous parts are under forests where beech and oak prevails. Forest area takes 23878 ha (2/3 of total municipality area). Properties and varieties of soils on the Kosjeric municipality territory demand application of complex reclamation measures. These measures should solve range of complex problems, but it takes time and capital goods. Possible positive results of arrangement, agricultural soil usage and protection in Kosjeric municipality are multiple: soil conversion from agricultural to other can not be hold up, but it can be realised with carefully chosen restrictive practices. In western and eastern part of municipality should take up sustainable development principles. To establish forests as much as possible for the purpose of increasing environmental value, economic benefit and protection from erosion and strong current on slopes. Unfortunatelly Titan cement factory is not possible relocate, altought it`s position is upstream from town Kosjeric. There is possibility to apply range of suitable protective measures thus considerably improve existing properties of soils and environment.Opština Kosjerić je najsevernija opština Zlatiborskog okruga, u zapadnom delu Srbije, i ima 359 km². Najveće površine u opštini zauzimaju manje kvalitetni tipovi i poditopovi zemljišta. U brdsko-planinskom delu opštine preovlađuju zemljišta koja prema mehaničkom sastavu predstavljaju ilovaste peskuše i peskovite ilovače. Na nižim terenima se nalaze smonice i gajnjače. Aluvijalne zaravni su pod kukuruzom, povrćem i livadama, a blage padine su pod kulturama žita, voćnjaka i sa pašnjacima. Na brežuljkastom delu je tradicionalno razvijeno voćarstvo. Istraživanja na terenu ukazuju da su šljivici, uglavnom, propali i stari, i da ih treba postepeno obnoviti. Viši planinski delovi su pod šumom u kojoj preovađuju bukva i hrast. Površine pod šumama iznose 23878 ha (2/3 od ukupne površine opštine). Osobine i raznovrsnost zemljišta na prostoru opštine Kosjerić zahtevaju primenu kompleksnih melirativnih mera, koje treba da reše niz složenih, postojećih problema, ali zašto je potrebno vreme i znatna materijalna sredstva. Mogući pozitivni rezultati uređenja, korišćenja i zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta Opštine Kosjerić su mnogobrojni, od kojih su najvažniji: Konverzija namene poljoprivrednog u drugo zemljište se ne može zaustaviti, ali se može realizovati uz pažljive restriktivne mere . U zapadnom i istočnom delu Opštine, treba sprovoditi aktivno principe održivog razvoja, u pogledu korišćenja zemljišta zasnivati što više šume, zbog ambijentalnih i ekoloških vrednosti, ekonomske koristi i zaštite od erozije i bujica usled nepovoljnih nagiba terena; Nažalost, cementaru -Titan nije moguće izmestiti, iako se nalazi uzvodno od gradskog naselja Kosjerić, ali je moguće primeniti niz adekvatnih zaštitnih mera i znatno poboljšati postojeću situaciju, prema zemljištu i okolini

    Teaching sustainability: concept of Smederevo as a healthy city

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    Sustainability as a broad concept has developed into a numerous new approaches both in theory and practice. One of the concepts that emerged from the ecological aspects of sustainability is the healthy city concept. Indubitably, its importance is emphasized in a new universal set of global goals – the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs (UN, 2015), which represent a platform of the sustainable development by 2030. Namely, the Goal no. 3: Good health and wellbeing refers to the health-for-all concept, universal health safety and the access to quality health facilities (UN, 2015; Mitrovic, 2017). Nowadays, the healthy city concept refers to a wider frame – healthy environment and good quality of life in urban areas. Meeting the contemporary trends in sustainable planning, as well as in high education for sustainability, the Master class in 2018 at the Master course Integral urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade embraced the diversity of topics within an umbrella-topic ‘Strengthening the cultural identity in Danube basin: case study of Smederevo’, under the DANUrB international project and through INTERREG Danube EU program. It was released with the support of the city of Smederevo. Master class program was conducted in two parts: master thesis and master project. One of the approaches to the assignment was to examine the possibilities of implementing of the health city concept to the city of Smederevo and its tributary areas. While the master thesis examined the theoretical background of the healthy city concept and in situ conditions of Smederevo, the master project offered a future network for diverse healthy places and activities, from the city centre to the surrounding green areas. The focus of this paper is to present the educational process and pedagogical methodology which resulted in the quality, realistic and implementable solutions

    Sustainable planning in protected natural areas - case study of Vlasina Lake

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    The concept of sustainability comprises different aspects of human activities, including the environment, economy and social sphere, thus creating the frame for urban and spatial planning in theory and practice (Mitrovic, 2017). Haughton (1996) draws attention to its most important features that are the foundation for the long term development, such as natural conservation, efficient economy, civil society and social progress. As the main pillar of the sustainability, the ecological aspect remains one of the dominant concerns of the territory development and planning over decades. The equal attention is being drawn to the urban areas as well as the protected natural areas. Many conflict zones and interests overlapping in such areas are also an exhaustless source of inspiration and ideas. This was the starting point for the creation of a case study of Vlasina Lake in Serbia as a task for the students of Master course at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. Vlasina Lake district has significant natural values, quality landscape and water resources as well as settlements and tourism capacities, which together create many developmental problems. As a territory with numerous conflicted situations, it has been treated through several spatial and local urban plans. The paper presents the educational process during three subjects focused on the sustainable planning and design in natural environment. The pedagogical methodology was implemented in the three main teaching units: planning studio, which involves learning-by-doing process and is project-based; workshop, which includes site investigation, and seminar, which provides theoretical foundation related to the sustainable development and planning. The educational corpus is designed so that all parts should be complementary in terms of the methodology and form of teaching and learning. In this paper, the outcomes of studio, seminar and workshop are presented as an example of well-designed assignment for the master course level in domain of urban planning that gives realistic planning solutions and encourage teamwork, as well as the cooperation with the local community

    Razvoj, upotreba i zaštitne mere poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine Bojnik

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    In this paper Bojnik municipality is situated in Jablanički county on south of Serbia, on the base of mountain Radan, in confluence of Pusta river in southwestern part of Leskovac depression. The most important soil types (the biggest area) are different subtypes of Eutric Cambisol on the lake sediments. There are upland Dark Soil on northeastern territory of municipality, but on western mountainous part are dominant Brown podzolic soil type. Soil properties and degradation process are conclusively influenced on status, utilization and protection of agricultural soils on Bojnik municipality. There are five directions of soil utilization on territory of Bojnik municipality: 1. Utilization with dominance of agricultural land and forest participation 2. Predominantly agricultural way of land utilization with greater forest participation 3. Utilization of forest with greater participation of agricultural land 4. Equal participation of agricultural land and woodland 5. Equal participation of agricultural and unproductive land On the basis of status assessment the main reasons and sources of harmful influence on environment and even agricultural land are: public liquid waste, infiltration water, uncontrolled creation of garbage dumps, unregulated system of forest exploitation and enhanced erosion.Opština Bojnik se nalazi u Jablaničkom okrugu, na jugu Republike Srbije u podnožju planine Radan, u slivu Puste reke, u severozapadnom delu Leskovačke kotline. Najvažnija zemljišta (najveće površine) na teritoriji Opštine Bojnik, su različiti podtipovi gajnjača na jezerskim sedimentima. Na severoistoku teritorije Opštine pojavljuju se planinske crnice, a na krajnjem zapadnom (planinskom) delu opštine su dominantna smeđa podzolasta zemljišta. Osobine zemljišta i procesi degradacije su presudno uticali na stanje, korišćenje, i zaštitu zemljišta na prostoru opštine Bojnik, i to su presudne osobine terena ovog područja namenjenog poljoprivredi. Na teritoriji opštine Bojnik, izdvojeno je pet pravaca (načina) korišćenja zemljišta: 1. Korišćenje sa dominacijom poljoprivrednog zemljišta i učešćem šuma 2. Pretežno poljoprivredni pravac korišćenja zemljišta sa većim učešćem šuma 3. Šumski pravac korišćenja zemljišta sa većim učešćem poljoprivrednog zemljišta 4. Podjednako učešće poljoprivrednog i šumskog zemljišta 5. Podjednako učešće poljoprivrednog i neplodnog zemljišta Glavni uzroci i izvori štetnog uticaja na životnu sredinu, pa i zemljišta namenjenog poljoprivredi, na osnovu procene stanja na terenu, su: komunalne otpadne vode, infiltracione vode, nekontrolisano formiranje deponija i smetlišta, neregulisan sistem eksploatacije šuma ovog područja, i pojačana erozija

    Insights on Molecular Mechanisms of Chondrocytes Death in Osteoarthritis

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    Abstract: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a joint pathology characterized by progressive cartilage degradation. Medical care is mainly based on alleviating pain symptoms. Compelling studies report the presence of empty lacunae and hypocellularity in cartilage with aging and OA progression, suggesting that chondrocyte cell death occurs and participates to OA development. However, the relative contribution of apoptosis per se in OA pathogenesis appears complex to evaluate. Indeed, depending on technical approaches, OA stages, cartilage layers, animal models, as well as in vivo or in vitro experiments, the percentage of apoptosis and cell death types can vary. Apoptosis, chondroptosis, necrosis, and autophagic cell death are described in this review. The question of cell death causality in OA progression is also addressed, as well as the molecular pathways leading to cell death in response to the following inducers: Fas, Interleukin-1 (IL-1 ), Tumor Necrosis factor- (TNF- ), leptin, nitric oxide (NO) donors, and mechanical stresses. Furthermore, the protective role of autophagy in chondrocytes is highlighted, as well as its decline during OA progression, enhancing chondrocyte cell death; the transition being mainly controlled by HIF-1 /HIF-2 imbalance. Finally, we have considered whether interfering in chondrocyte apoptosis or promoting autophagy could constitute therapeutic strategies to impede OA progression