19 research outputs found

    Distributed control of manufacturing resources: Security related issues

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    Paradigma industrije 4.0 diktira visoko efikasnu i fleksibilnu proizvodnju uvođenjem konfigurabilnih proizvodnih sistema i resursa koji odlikuju modularnost, interoperabilnost, skalabilnost i mogućnosti komunikacije. Trenutno se širom sveta istražuju različiti pristupi u nastojanju da se dostigne sledeći nivo proizvodnih tehnologija bez ugrožavanja same proizvodnje. Razmatrani pristupi podrazumevaju implementaciju Ciber Phisical Sistem-a, Interneta stvari i generacije proizvodnih sistema Digital Tvins. Složeni industrijski upravljački sistemi, koji su tradicionalno ožičeni i smatraju se sigurnim, sada postaju distribuirani, povezani na internet, obično se zasnivaju na bežičnoj komunikaciji i širom su otvoreni za sve vrste zlonamjernih podviga s potencijalno fatalnim posledicama. U ovom radu predstavljen je pregled bezbednosnih pitanja koja su ključna za razvoj sigurnije bežične distribucije kontrole proizvodnih resursa, pogodnih za izazove u narednim vremenima.Industry 4.0 paradigm dictates highly efficient and flexible production through introduction of reconfigurable manufacturing systems and resources characterized by modularity, interoperability, scalability and communication capabilities. Various approaches are currently researched worldwide in an effort to achieve the next level of production technologies without compromising the production itself. Considered approaches imply implementation of Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things and generation of manufacturing systems Digital Twins. Complex industrial control systems, which were traditionally wired and considered safe, are now becoming distributed, internet-connected, usually based on wireless communication and wide open for all kinds of malicious exploits with potentially fatal consequences. This paper presents a review of security related issues that are crucial in developing safer wireless distributed control of manufacturing resources, ADEPT for challenges in coming times

    Distributed control of manufacturing resources: Security related issues

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    Paradigma industrije 4.0 diktira visoko efikasnu i fleksibilnu proizvodnju uvođenjem konfigurabilnih proizvodnih sistema i resursa koji odlikuju modularnost, interoperabilnost, skalabilnost i mogućnosti komunikacije. Trenutno se širom sveta istražuju različiti pristupi u nastojanju da se dostigne sledeći nivo proizvodnih tehnologija bez ugrožavanja same proizvodnje. Razmatrani pristupi podrazumevaju implementaciju Ciber Phisical Sistem-a, Interneta stvari i generacije proizvodnih sistema Digital Tvins. Složeni industrijski upravljački sistemi, koji su tradicionalno ožičeni i smatraju se sigurnim, sada postaju distribuirani, povezani na internet, obično se zasnivaju na bežičnoj komunikaciji i širom su otvoreni za sve vrste zlonamjernih podviga s potencijalno fatalnim posledicama. U ovom radu predstavljen je pregled bezbednosnih pitanja koja su ključna za razvoj sigurnije bežične distribucije kontrole proizvodnih resursa, pogodnih za izazove u narednim vremenima.Industry 4.0 paradigm dictates highly efficient and flexible production through introduction of reconfigurable manufacturing systems and resources characterized by modularity, interoperability, scalability and communication capabilities. Various approaches are currently researched worldwide in an effort to achieve the next level of production technologies without compromising the production itself. Considered approaches imply implementation of Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things and generation of manufacturing systems Digital Twins. Complex industrial control systems, which were traditionally wired and considered safe, are now becoming distributed, internet-connected, usually based on wireless communication and wide open for all kinds of malicious exploits with potentially fatal consequences. This paper presents a review of security related issues that are crucial in developing safer wireless distributed control of manufacturing resources, ADEPT for challenges in coming times

    Procedure for definition of end-effector orientation in planar surfaces robot applications

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    Razvoj moćnih metoda za programiranje robota koje su ujedno i korisnički prilagođene je tema značajnih istraživanja u robotskoj zajednici. Radi olakšavanja programiranja robota, pojavljuje se ideja o razvoju standardnih procedura za programiranje najčešće prisutnih robotskih zadataka, a koje se mogu univerzalno lako upotrebiti kao gotov deo (ready-made) korisničkog programa. Važna klasa aplikacija industrijskih robota podrazumeva kretanje hvatača (end-effector) u paralelnim ravnima. U ovom radu je prikazan razvoj procedure jezika za programiranje robota koja služi za određivanje normale ravni objekta u odnosu na koordinatni sistem od značaja, kao i osnova procedure za automatizovani postupak programiranja orijentacije hvatača u odnosu na ravan objekta. Ova procedura se može koristiti kao integralni deo task oriented metoda programiranja robota, a takođe kao i procedura eksplicitnog robotskog programskog jezika, i ilustrovana je kroz praktični primer na robotu Lola 15.Design of user-friendly and at the same time powerful robot programming methods is the subject of significant efforts undertaken by the international robotics community. For the purpose of facilitating robot programming, with regard to the most common present-day applications in industry, it would be useful to develop programming procedures for frequently used manipulator tasks which could be easily implemented and used as ready-made application software. Important class of industrial robot applications involves end-effector trajectories in planar surfaces. Development of robot programming language procedure intended for determination of object plane normal with respect to frame of interest, as well as programming of end-effector orientation is presented in this paper. This procedure can be used as integral part of task oriented robot programing applications as well as a procedure for explicit programming languages, and it is illustrated in practical example with the robot Lola 15

    Procedure for definition of end-effector orientation in planar surfaces robot applications

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    Razvoj moćnih metoda za programiranje robota koje su ujedno i korisnički prilagođene je tema značajnih istraživanja u robotskoj zajednici. Radi olakšavanja programiranja robota, pojavljuje se ideja o razvoju standardnih procedura za programiranje najčešće prisutnih robotskih zadataka, a koje se mogu univerzalno lako upotrebiti kao gotov deo (ready-made) korisničkog programa. Važna klasa aplikacija industrijskih robota podrazumeva kretanje hvatača (end-effector) u paralelnim ravnima. U ovom radu je prikazan razvoj procedure jezika za programiranje robota koja služi za određivanje normale ravni objekta u odnosu na koordinatni sistem od značaja, kao i osnova procedure za automatizovani postupak programiranja orijentacije hvatača u odnosu na ravan objekta. Ova procedura se može koristiti kao integralni deo task oriented metoda programiranja robota, a takođe kao i procedura eksplicitnog robotskog programskog jezika, i ilustrovana je kroz praktični primer na robotu Lola 15.Design of user-friendly and at the same time powerful robot programming methods is the subject of significant efforts undertaken by the international robotics community. For the purpose of facilitating robot programming, with regard to the most common present-day applications in industry, it would be useful to develop programming procedures for frequently used manipulator tasks which could be easily implemented and used as ready-made application software. Important class of industrial robot applications involves end-effector trajectories in planar surfaces. Development of robot programming language procedure intended for determination of object plane normal with respect to frame of interest, as well as programming of end-effector orientation is presented in this paper. This procedure can be used as integral part of task oriented robot programing applications as well as a procedure for explicit programming languages, and it is illustrated in practical example with the robot Lola 15

    Komparacija rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem šipova koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama u istim geološkim uslovima

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    U radu je prikazana komparacija rezultata ispitivanja šipova, opitom statičkog probnog opterećenja na vertikalnu silu pritiska za objekat “GRINFILD” postrojenja za proizvodnju čokolade u Novom Sadu. Prikazana su tri ispitivanja šipa izvedena u istoj geološko geotehničkoj građi terena koji su izvedeni različitim tehnologijama. Razmatraće se CFA šip prečnika Ø600 mm, SDP šip prečnika Ø510mm i Franky šip prečnika Ø520mm. Dužine ispitivanih šipova iznose L= 16.0 m

    Kontrola rezultata testa integriteta šipova-karakteristični primeri iz prakse

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    У раду је приказана метода испитивања интегритета шипова Sonic Integrity Test (SIT) којом се утврђује да ли геометрија шипа задовољава пројектне захтеве у погледу усвојеног пречника и дужине шипа. Издвојени су карактеристични примери шипова из праксе код којих су рефлектограми добијени тестом интегритета указали на могуће неправилности у грађи шипова. Како је тест интегритета шипа недеструктивна метода, тумачење рефлектограма може да има одређени ниво непоузданости. Накнадно су спроведене деструктивне методе бушења кроз тело шипа или је спроведен тест оптерећења за утврђивање носивости шипа како би се потврдила инжењерска процена интегритета шипа

    Energetska tranzicija i vodonična evolucija

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    The escalating concerns over climate changes and environmental disturbances resulting from anthropogenic influence have propelled the scientific community to seek efficient models for the energy transition. Hydrogen emerges as a promising energy carrier with the potential to replace fossil fuels and mitigate global warming, a pressing threat to life on Earth. This research paper primarily focuses on the electrolytic production of hydrogen, deemed the environmentally acceptable method for this purpose. The central emphasis lies in enhancing the electrodes utilized in this process to elevate the significance of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER). By improving HER, a pivotal step in the hydrogen production process, the trajectory of civilization's evolution can be positively influenced.Sve veća zabrinutost zbog klimatskih promena i ekoloških poremećaja koji su rezultat antropogenog uticaja naterali su naučnu zajednicu da traži efikasne modele za energetsku tranziciju. Vodonik se pojavljuje kao perspektivan nosilac energije sa potencijalom da zameni fosilna goriva i ublaži globalno zagrevanje, goruću pretnju životu na Zemlji. Ovaj istraživački rad se prvenstveno fokusira na elektrolitičku proizvodnju vodonika, koja se smatra ekološki prihvatljivom metodom za ovu svrhu. Centralni naglasak je na poboljšanju elektroda koje se koriste u ovom procesu kako bi se podigao značaj reakcije evolucije vodonika (HER). Poboljšanjem HER, ključnog koraka u procesu proizvodnje vodonika, može se pozitivno uticati na putanju evolucije civilizacije

    Towards the second generation of Eurocode 7

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    The process of preparation and parallel revisions of draft versions of the second-generation of Eurocodes is largely underway. The formal voting of new versions is scheduled for mid- 2024, which means that the first applications could begin immediately after the set-up of National Annexes, which is expected to happen around 2025-2026. For that reason, the authors which are otherwise, regular and active members of the commission U182 of the Serbian National Standardisation Body in the field of geotechnics, decided to, through this review paper, briefly present to the engineering community the novelties and changes brought by the second-generation of Eurocode 7

    Preisach model used to describe response of clay in direct shear test

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    Mathematical modeling of engineering materials is important issue in design of structures. Model itself should satisfy two conditions: first to explain in the best way mechanical behavior of material and second to be as simple as possible for easy everyday application in engineering. In the present paper the Preisach model is applied to behaviour of clay as an elasto-plastic material under direct shear test. The clay sample was taken by exploratory drilling on the territory of Šimanovci from a depth of 9.1 m to 9.3 m. First, an experimental examination of a clay sample was performed in order to classify and determine the resistance-deformable characteristics. The clay is classified as CH-clay of high plasticity. The sample was then subjected to direct shear test. All obtained results clearly show advantages of the Preisach model for describing behavior of elasto plastic material. This analytical model allows an accurate computation of all points on the result curve from the direct shear test

    Na zelenom putu inovacija – vodonik iz laserski potpomognute alkalne elektrolize

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    The dominant problem that needs to be solved today is the issue of energy sources and how to use them, which must be ecological and sustainable - in a word, green. As the best candidate for a global solution to this problem, hydrogen produced electrolytically stood out as a green fuel with no carbon footprint. However, for a hydrogen-based economy to have a realistic and sustainable perspective in the future, it largely depends on its efficient and economically viable production that would meet the market's needs. Special attention in this paper is devoted to the influence of laser radiation on the possibility of improving the process of alkaline electrolysis for obtaining hydrogen, as well as on increasing the amount of separated hydrogen when the electrolytic cell is directly irradiated with a laser beam during the electrolysis process itself. After the experiments, it was determined that the application of direct irradiation of the electrolyte with a green laser at 532 nm wavelength significantly increases the amount of hydrogen produced and reduces the voltage of the electrolytic process, which is directly related to the increase in the energy efficiency of the overall hydrogen production process.Dominantan problem koji danas treba rešiti je pitanje energenata i načina njihove upotrebe koji moraju biti ekološki i održivi – jednom rečju zeleni. Kao najbolji kandidat za globalno rešenje ovog problema istakao se vodonik proizveden elektolitičkim putem, kao zeleno gorivo bez ugljeničnih otisaka. Da bi ekonomija zasnovana na vodoniku imala realnu i održivu perspektivu u budućnosti, u velikoj meri zavisi od njegove efikasne i ekonomski podobne proizvodnje koja bi zadovoljila potrebe tržišta. Posebna pažnja u ovom radu posvećena je uticaju laserskog zračenja na mogućnost poboljšanja procesa alkalne elektrolize za dobijanje vodonika, kao i na povećanje količine izdvojenog vodonika pri direktnom ozračivanju elektrolitičke ćelije laserskim snopom tokom samog procesa elektrolize. Nakon izvršenih eksperimenata utvrđeno je da se primenom direktnog ozračivanja elektrolita zelenim laserom talasne dužine 532 nm u značajnoj meri povećava količina proizvedenog vodonika i smanjuje napon elektrolitičkog procesa, što je u direktnoj vezi sa povećanjem energetske efikasnosti ukupnog procesa dobijanja vodonika