164 research outputs found

    Urban Highway Areas: Reconsidering Morphological Elements of the Approach to Urban Studies

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    This study aims to characterize and map morphological changes that occurred in urban areas crossed by capital transportation infrastructures such as highways. There are geographic, morphological and classification perspectives for considering these urban areas. Bearing it in mind, this paper tries to define a method between morphological and urban studies approach to these areas. The method is applied in the urban area of the E75 highway in the urban fabric of Belgrade (Serbia). Based on the historic approach, such as the evolutive perspective of the transformation stages, observation of the transportation infrastructure and the surrounding urban space through multi-scale morphological analysis includes modernization of the city from its construction, development period and transition to the actual times. Starting from specific criteria based on individual elements or clusters in the landscape, as a result of analysis, there are specific morphological elements that provide information about the characterization of urban highway and its urban space. Street as one of the primary elements of urban form is transformed. According to the fact that the infrastructure is a problematic formal element in the study of urban form, this paper can contribute to future urban morphological studies by identifying categories of morphological elements to study the relationship between transportation infrastructure and the urban space

    More-Than-Human Design Practice: Review of Approaches in Mapping Subjective Parameters of Pedestrian Experiences

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    This paper focuses on the concept of more-than-human design, which involves the inclusion of non-human actors, such as technology and infrastructure, in the design process. Specifically, the paper examines the technology of the urban environment as infrastructure and its potential use in designing complex and dynamic urban spaces that cater to different types of users. The paper explores how environmental data can act as a bridge between humans and nature, promoting empathy towards more-than-human perspectives. It emphasizes the need to question the human-centric approach to design and to form new design practices that integrate different abilities and contextual significance of data. The aim is to establish interactions between humans, objects, and other things through design practices that recognize and integrate different abilities, both human and artificial while overcoming technological determinism that dominates many narratives. This is achieved by expanding design theory and methodology towards "more-than-human design." The paper presents a review of existing approaches and methods from various fields as new input in considering subjective parameters of urban experience and new design practices in line with "more-than-human design" paradigms. The paper illustrates the urban user experience through the example of pedestrian traffic in interchange systems. While subjective parameters of users can be shown through various surveys, the paper emphasizes the importance of visual perception in collecting spatial information and its connection with cognitive processes. Developing eye-tracking technologies is becoming increasingly popular in spatial cognition research. The paper proposes using visualization of eye-tracking data to create mental maps that help in the cognitive mapping of the urban pedestrian experience in complex processes. The processed results can be used as input for user interfaces and new design practices. Designers need to take the underpinning technology seriously before they can design with it

    Control function on active tilting train based on an appropriate multibody mechanical system

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    U radu se razmatra problem optimizacije funkcije upravljanja kontrolera aktivnog sistema naginjanja kod vozova velikih brzina, zasnovan na analizi različitih mehaničkih modela železničkih vozila velikih brzina sa samonaginjanjem. U skladu sa klasičnim mehaničkim modelom vozila formiran je odgovarajući mehanički model u obliku sistema krutih tela predstavljenog u vidu kinematičkih lanaca. Formiran je odgovarajući blok dijagram i funkcija upravljanja aktivnog sistema samonaginjanja vozila sa elektrohidrauličkim aktuatorima, za čiju osnovu je predložen osavremenjeni mehanički model vozila, koji omogućava optimalnu formu diferencijalnih jednačina kretanja vozila u koje je integrisana odgovarajuća upravljačka funkcija. .The present paper deals with the problem of controller function in active system of tilting in high speed railway vehicles, which is based on different mechanical models of railway vehicles. According to the classical mechanical model of the vehicle, an appropriate mechanical multibody system is formed in this paper. In conformity with the basic constructive parameters of the active system of tilting, guidance control function of actuator operating process is formed. Basic mechanical model, in dependence of characteristic constructive parameters, according to the theory of robust robotic control is given in the form of closed kinematics chain with branching. For the concrete model of high speed railway vehicle, differential equations of motion are obtained in the form optimal for control function evaluation and calculation

    Control function on active tilting train based on an appropriate multibody mechanical system

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    U radu se razmatra problem optimizacije funkcije upravljanja kontrolera aktivnog sistema naginjanja kod vozova velikih brzina, zasnovan na analizi različitih mehaničkih modela železničkih vozila velikih brzina sa samonaginjanjem. U skladu sa klasičnim mehaničkim modelom vozila formiran je odgovarajući mehanički model u obliku sistema krutih tela predstavljenog u vidu kinematičkih lanaca. Formiran je odgovarajući blok dijagram i funkcija upravljanja aktivnog sistema samonaginjanja vozila sa elektrohidrauličkim aktuatorima, za čiju osnovu je predložen osavremenjeni mehanički model vozila, koji omogućava optimalnu formu diferencijalnih jednačina kretanja vozila u koje je integrisana odgovarajuća upravljačka funkcija. .The present paper deals with the problem of controller function in active system of tilting in high speed railway vehicles, which is based on different mechanical models of railway vehicles. According to the classical mechanical model of the vehicle, an appropriate mechanical multibody system is formed in this paper. In conformity with the basic constructive parameters of the active system of tilting, guidance control function of actuator operating process is formed. Basic mechanical model, in dependence of characteristic constructive parameters, according to the theory of robust robotic control is given in the form of closed kinematics chain with branching. For the concrete model of high speed railway vehicle, differential equations of motion are obtained in the form optimal for control function evaluation and calculation

    The Results on Coincidence and Common Fixed Points for a New Type Multivalued Mappings in b-Metric Spaces

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    In this paper, we obtain the results of coincidence and common fixed points in b-metric spaces. We work with a new type of multivalued quasi-contractive mapping with nonlinear comparison functions. Our results generalize and improve several recent results. Additionally, we give an application of the obtained results to dynamical systems


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    This paper gives insight on the WebSocket communication methodin Internet of Things system, where the hardware part of the system is based on ESP32 microcontroller. Method of implementation is discussed and the reliability of the real-time data transfer in Wi-Fi networks is tested and compared with the long-polling method. Special circuit is designed with the goal to stress the hardware part of the system and the client-server communication link in order to enable proper comparison of data transfer methods. For the comprehensive testing of the real-time data ow, a web server application is designed and used to visualize received data. Impact of RSSI on transfer methods is discussed as well. Eciency of the WebSocket method is discussed and then compared to the long-polling method

    Molecular diagnostics of glioblastoma ā€“ clinical impact of IDH mutations and epigenetic silencing of MGMT

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    Savremeni terapijski pristupi u lečenju pacijenata obolelih od glioblastoma (GBM) oslanjaju se na primenu alkilirajućih agenasa poput Temozolomida (ā€œStuppā€-ov protokol). Sveobuhvatnim studijama izučavanja genomskih asocijacija (GWAS) i randomizovanim kliničkim ispitivanjima otkriven je uticaj statusa nekoliko važnih molekularnih markera na terapijski odgovor i klinički ishod kod GBM pacijenata. Najvažnijim takvim markerom smatra se status mutacije gena za izocitrat-dehidrogenazu 1 (IDH1-R132H), koji je uvrÅ”ten u važeću Klasifikaciju tumora centralnog nervnog sistema Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. Određivanjem njegovog statusa moguće je razlikovati primarne od sekundarnih GBM koje odlikuju značajne razlike u toku i ishodu bolesti. Takođe, pokazano je da je IDH1- R132H mutacija usko povezana sa mehanizmima epigenetičkog utiÅ”avanja aktivnosti gena za reparacioni enzim Oā¶-metilguanin-metiltransferazu (MGMT) putem metilacije njegovog promotornog regiona. Zbog direktnog suprotstavljanja MGMT enzima dejstvu alkilirajućih agenasa, navedena inaktivacija njegove aktivnosti predstavlja povoljan prognostički i predikcioni faktor GBM. Predmet ovog revijskog rada biće pregled aktuelnih saznanja o ulozi navedenih markera u etiologiji GBM, značaja njihove udružene evaluacije i problema Å”ire implementacije njihovog određivanja u kliničkoj praksi.Current therapy protocols for the management of glioblastoma (GBM) patients mostly rely on the use of alkylating agents, such as Temozolomide (Stupp protocol). During the past several decades, comprehensive genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and randomized clinical trials have revealed and confirmed the impact of numerous molecular markers on the therapy response in GBM patients. Among them, the mutation status of the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 gene (IDH1-R132H) was presented as the most important molecular marker of GBM. Due to its importance, in 2016 it was introduced to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System (CNS), which is still valid. Through IDH1-R132H mutation evaluation, it is possible to distinguish the primary from the secondary GBM which significantly differ in the clinical course and outcome. Moreover, it was shown that IDH1-R132H mutation is closely related to the molecular mechanisms which drive epigenetic silencing of the O6-Methylguanine- DNA Methyltransferase gene (MGMT) through methylation of its promoter region. Due to the direct opposition of the MGMT enzyme to the alkylating agentsā€˜ activity, its inactivation represents a favorable prognostic and predictive factor in GBM. This review article discusses the current insights on the role of IDH1 mutation and MGMT epigenetic silencing in GBM etiology, the importance of their mutual evaluation, and the challenges of their evaluation in clinical practice

    Rendgenska dijagnostika najčeŔćih oboljenja periodoncijuma pasa i mačaka

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    Dental diseases in dogs and cats are of increasing importance in veterinary practice. If not diagnosed and treated on time, they can significantly affect the quality of life and pet health as well. Roentgenography of orofacial system, as a part of veterinary dentistry, is an important diagnostic tool that provides insight into diseases and irregularities of the teeth, shows macrostructure of bone parts, and also may indicate the etiology and genesis of various pathological conditions of the teeth. The objective of this paper is to point out to most common pathologies which small animal veterinary dentistry daily meets, as well as to foster the systematic development in this area in order to find more quality to both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.Proučavanje dentalnih oboljenja pasa i mačaka ima sve veći značaj u veterinarskoj praksi. Ukoliko se ne dijagnostikuju i ne leče na vreme, mogu značajno da utiču na kvalitet života i zdravlje kućnih ljubimaca. Rendgenografija orofacijalnog sistema, kao deo veterinarske stomatologije, je važan dijagnostički metod koji pruža uvid u oboljenja i nepravilnosti zuba, omogućava prikaz makrostrukture koÅ”tanih delova, a može ukazati i na etiologiju i genezu različitih patoloÅ”kih stanja zubala. Svrha ovog rada je da ukaže na najčeŔće patoloÅ”ke pojave sa kojima se veterinarska stomatologija malih životinja svakodnevno suočava, kao i da podstakne sistematski razvoj ove oblasti u cilju nalaženja Å”to kvalitetnijih kako dijagnostičkih tako i terapijskih postupaka


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    Background: Vehicle accidents are a common cause of disease and death among people over 30 years of age. Essentially, reaction to stress due to the vehicle accident does not differ from the reaction to other stress factors. There are still no uniform viewpoints about the kind of sequels and their percentage representation after vehicle accidents. Subjects and methods: The research was provided as a prospective study, included 150 subjects who had vehicle accident minimum 2 years prior to the examination. A questionnaire adjusted to the needs of the research and a battery of psychological tests was used. Results: Affective disorders occurred in 35.33% of subjects, 65% of persons suffer from travel anxiety, 9% of the total number of examinees doesnā€™t drive any more, 65% have somatisational dysfunctions of the vegetative nervous system, while the posttraumatic stress disorder is present in 36% of subjects. Conclusion: In 87.4% of persons psychiatric consequences last over two years. Long term consequences in 60% of subjects occur as a combination of multiple psychiatric disorders, so the posttraumatic stress disorder and affective disorders never occur one at a time
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