115 research outputs found

    Radionuklidi i toksični elementi u hrani za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the content of radionuclides and toxic elements in samples feedstuffs and food of animal origin collected between 2007-2017 from two suburban areas of Belgrade, the municipalities of Palilula and Surčin, both areas with intensive agricultural production. Materials and Methods. Radionuclides (40 K and 137 Cs) and toxic elements (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in samples of corn, hay, meat, milk and eggs, by gamma ray spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-OES, Spectro Genesis). Results and Conclusions. The obtained results showed that natural 40 K was present in all investigated samples. The average activity concentration of 40 K was 94 Bq/kg in corn, 117 Bq/kg, 108 Bq/kg and 95 Bq/kg in beef, pork and chicken meat, respectively, as well as 61 Bq/kg in cow's milk and 48 Bq/kg in eggs. Anthropogenic radionuclide 137 Cs was not detected. The trend for toxic element levels according to the average concentrations found in the studied feed samples (corn and hay) was as follows: Zn>Cu>Pb>As>Ni>Cd. Arsenic was detected in animal feed in both Belgrade municipalities, with the average concentration being 1.08 mg/kg (0.5-1.37 mg/kg), and in corn, the as content was higher than in hay samples. In food of animal origin, only Zn and Cu were detected. It is concluded that the presence of radionuclides and toxic elements in feedstuffs and foods of animal origin does not pose a health risk for either humans or animals.Uvod. U radu su prikazani rezultati određivanja sadržaja radionuklida i toksičnih elemenata u uzorcima hrane za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla prikupljanih na području grada Beograda, opštinama Palilula i Surčin, u periodu od 2007-2017. godine. Materijal i metode. U uzorcima kukuruza, sena, mesa, mleka i jaja određivani se radionuklidi (40K i 137Cs) i toksični elementi (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn) metodama gama spektrometrije i indukovane kuplovane plazma spektrometrije (ICP-OES, Spectro Genesis). Rezultati i zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u uzrocima hrane za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla 40K bio dominantni radionuklid. Prosečan sadržaj 40K u kukuruzu je bio 94 Bq/kg, 117 Bq/kg u junećem mesu, 108 Bq/kg u svinjskom mesu, 95 Bq/kg u pilećem mesu, 61 Bq/kg u kravljem mleku i 48 Bq/kg u jajima. U hrani za životinje (kukuruz i seno) detektovani su toksični elementi u opadajućem trendu: Zn>Cu>Pb>As>Ni>Cd. Arsen je detektovan u hrani za životinje na oba ispitivana lokaliteta, prosečan sadržaj je bio 1.08 mg/kg (0.5-1.37 mg/kg), u uzroku kukuruza sadržaj arsena je bio veći nego u senu. U hrani animalnog porekla detektovani su Zn i Cu, dok je sadržaj ostalih toksičnih elemenata bio ispod praga detekcije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da radionuklidi i toksični elementi u hrani za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla ne predstavljaju rizik po zdravlje ljudi i životinja

    Radionuclides and heavy metals in soil, vegetables, and medicinal plants in suburban areas of the cities of Belgrade and Pancevo, Serbia

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    The content of radionuclides (K-40 , U-238 , Ra-226 , Th-232, and Cs-137) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, and Pb) was determined in samples of soil, vegetables and medicinal plants collected in the period 2007-2017, from two suburban areas of Belgrade - the municipalities of Palilula and Surcin, and Pancevo - the Dr Josif Pancic Institute for the Study of Medicinal Herbs. During the research period, activity concentration of Cs-137 in soil decreased from 16 Bqkg(-1) to 3.9 Bqkg(-1) (Palilula, Belgrade) and from 18 Bqkg(-1) to 12 Bqkg(-1) (Surcin, Belgrade). Mean activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in the soil were higher than the global average. lkend for heavy metal levels, according to the average concentrations found in the soil, were as follows: Cu >Pb >As >Cd for Palilula, Pb >Cu >As >Cd for Surcin and Dr Josif Pancic Institute, Pancevo. The obtained results indicate that the industrial pollution has no impact on food production in the study area and that the main anthropogenic source of radionuclides and heavy metals in soil are mineral phosphorous fertilizers, often used in agricultural fields

    Contribution to knowledge of the vascular flora of the Resava Gorge, Eastern Serbia

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    The Resava Gorge is situated in Eastern Serbia in the region of the Gornja Resava River, extending westward from Mt. Globski Krš to the town of Lisine. In floral research conducted during 1997 and 1998, 297 taxa of vascular flora belonging to 68 families were discovered. The families Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) and Lamiaceae (19) were best represented. The presence of 49 floral elements was also noted. The greatest number of plants are sub-Central European (18,86 %), Eurasian (14,14 %), sub-Mediterranean (8,75 %), Central European (6,40 %) and sub- Eurasian (6,40 %). As for life forms, hemi-cryptophytes (49,50 %), phanerophytes (19,53 %) and geophytes (11,11 %) were noted as dominant.Resavska klisura se nalazi u predelu Gornje Resave i prostire se od Globskog krša na istoku do varošice Lisine na zapadu. Floristička istraživanja na ovom području vršena su tokom 1997. i 1998. godine, kada je zabeleženo 297 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka svrstanih u 68 familija. Najveći broj vrsta pripada familijama Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) i Lamiaceae (19). Konstatovano je prisustvo 49 flornih elemenata, od kojih su najzastupljeniji subsrednjeevropski (18,86 %), evroazijski (14,14 %), submediteranski (8,75 %), srednjeevropski (6,40 %) i subevroazijski (6,40 %). U spektru životnih formi dominiraju hemikriptofite (49,50 %), fanerofite (19,53 %) i geofite (11,11 %). Veliki procenat drvenastih vrsta u ovom regionu, ukazuje na polidominantnu strukturu i na reliktnost biljnih zajednica.nul

    Floristic and phytocoenological research of segetal plant communities in cultivated areas of southern Srem

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    Segetal vegetation was studied in the cultivated areas of southern Srem with the aim of analyzing its taxonomy, phytocoenology, syntaxonomy and phytogeography, as well as determining to what extent ecological factors influenced the differentiation of segetal plant communities among row crops, small grain crops and in alfalfa fields. Segetal flora was comprised of 124 plant species, classified into 38 families, of which Asteraceae (28), Fabaceae (10) and Poaceae (10) contained the greatest number of species. Three associations were selected based on phytocoenological analysis: Polygonetum convolvulo-avicularis, Consolido-Polygonetum avicularis and Lolio-Plantaginetum majoris, as well as five lower syntaxa (subassociations and facies). Crop type, moisture, habitat acidity (pH), temperature and anthropogenic factors had the greatest impact on the ecological differentiation of the studied vegetation. The significant presence of non-native species (18) was another consequence of the anthropogenic effects and geographic position of southern Srem, and these, as coenobionts of segetal plant communities and undesirable species, had a significant impact on crop yield

    Allelopathy of Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) soó 1945, a Pannonian endemic and relict species

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    Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945 represents a Pannonian endemic and relict plant species. As an endangered, disappearing species, it is protected according to IUCN and included into the Red Book of the Flora of Serbia. In the Deliblato Sands, in a community of English oak (Quercus robur), only a single population of this peony consisting of 74 individuals with a reduced reproduction capacity occurs. Since this could be the consequence of negative allelopathic influence of dominant species of tree, shrub and herbaceous plant layer, we performed allelopathic studies that included qualitative and quantitative analyzes of phenolic acids and total phenolics both in the litter and soil of this community. Surface soil layer under Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica was found to connain 34.36 μg g1 and 564.42 μg g1 of free and total bound phenols, respectively. A deeper soil layer (10-20 cm) contained much lower amount of free (only 4.44 μg g1) and 571.73 μg g1 of total bound phenol compounds. In the surface soil layer only three free phenolic acids (ρ-coumaric, ρ-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acid) in minute amounts (0.57-1.69 μg g1) were detected. In the deeper soil layer p-coumaric acid was absent. Soil covered with Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica contains five phenolic acids in bound form, p-coumaric and vanillic acid being the most abundant (10.22-30.70 μg g1). These forms are evenly distributed in the surface and deeper soil layer.Banatski božur (Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945) je panonski endem i relikt. Kao ugrožena vrsta koja iščezava, prema pravilima IUCN zaštićen je i uvršćen u Crvenu knjigu flore Srbije. U Deliblatskoj Peščari postoji samo jedna populacija sa 74 jedinke u lužnjakovoj zajednici (lokalitet Flamunda) smanjene reproduktivne sposobnosti, što je verovatno posledica negativnog alelopatskog uticaja dominantnih vrsta iz sprata drveća, žbunova i zeljastih biljaka na banatski božur. Stoga smo pristupili alelopatskim istraživanjima koja su obuhvatila analizu i merenje količine fenolnih kiselina i ukupnih fenola u stelji i zemljištu ove zajednice. Rezultati pokazuju da površinski sloj zemljišta pod banatskim božurom, sadrži 34,36/μg g1 slobodnih i 564,42 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Dublji sloj zemljišta (10-20 sm) sadrži znatno manju količinu slobodnih (samo 4,44 μg g1) i 571,73 μg g1 ukupnih vezanih fenola. U površinskom sloju zemljišta su detektovane samo tri slobodne fenolne kiseline (p-kumarinska, p-hidroksibenzoeva i vanilinska) u malim količinama (0,57-1,69 μg g1). Dublji sloj zeljišta nije sadržao p-kumarinsku kiselinu. Zeljište pod banatskim božurom sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina u vezanom stanju, pri čemu najviše ima p-kumarinske i vanilinske kiseline (10,22-30,70 μg g1). Ne postoji razlika u količini vezanih fenolnih kiselina u površinskom i dubljem zeljišnom sloju, pošto su ravnomerno raspoređene. U stelji koja se sastoji od delimično razloženog lišća i grančica trepetljike, gloga, bele topole, hrasta lužnjaka i dr. izmereno je 10,13 μg g1 slobodnih i 14.09 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Ona sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezani oblici. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske kiseline (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Ona sadrži 5 fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezane forme. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Diskutovana je moguća uloga fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta biljaka u fitocenozi u smanjenju brojnosti božura. U lužnjakovoj zajednici sa banatskim božurom, dobro je razvijen sprat žbunova i zeljastih biljaka (ima više od 60 biljnih vrsta), koje mogu negativno uticati na povećanje populacije božura. Kao meru za poboljšanje uslova za opstanak ove reliktne i endemične vrste naše Flore, potrebno je iz neposredne blizine populacije banatskog božura (na rastojanju od 3-4 m) uklanjati sve biljne vrste koje na bilo koji način mogu negativno uticati (biohemijski uticaj fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta, zasena, konkurencija za vodu, mineralne materije i prostor).Projekat ministarstv

    Ecophysiological and biochemical traits of three herbaceous plants growing on the disposed coal combustion fly ash of different weathering stage

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    The ecophysiological and biochemical traits of Calamagrostis epigejos (Roth.) Festuca rubra L. and Oenothera biennis L. growing on two fly ash lagoons of different weathering stage (L1-3 years and L2-11 years) of the “Nikola Tesla- A” thermoelectric plant (Obrenovac, Serbia) were studied. Species-dependent variations were observed at the L1 lagoon; the greatest vitality (Fv/Fm and Fm/Fo) followed by higher photopigment and total phenolic contents were measured in O. biennis in relation to C. epigejos (p<0.001) and F. rubra (p<0.001). At the L2 site, higher vitality was found in O. biennis (p<0.001) and F. rubra (p<0.01) compared to C. epigejos. O. biennis had the highest photosynthetic capacity. The results obtained in this study indicate that all examined species maintained a level of photosynthesis that allowed them to survive and grow under the stressful conditions in ash lagoons, albeit with lower than optimal success. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173018

    Analysis of benzoic and cinnamic acid derivatives of some medicinal plants in Serbia

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    Natural phenolics, which are ubiquitously distributed in plants, have been reported as functional factors in phytotherapy. We have examined phenolic compounds in the leaves and inflorescences of five significant medicinal plants of different plant families: Salvia officinalis (Lamiaceae); Achillea clypeolata (Asteraceae); Nymphaea alba (Nymphaeaceae); Rumex acetosella (Polygonaceae) and Allium ursinum (Alliaceae). The examined species were rich in total phenolics (up to 30.88 mg/g dry weight). According to their total phenolics contents, the plants can be arranged in the following order: A. clypeolata>N. alba>S. officinalis>R. acetosella>A. ursinum. Free phenolics prevailed in all species in comparison to the bound forms (63.72-82.68% of total phenolics). The highest content of total free phenolics was measured in the tissues of A. clypeolata and N. alba, and the lowest in A. ursinum. Five phenolic acids were isolated and measured. p-Coumaric and ferulic acids as derivatives of cinnamic acid prevailed in the leaves of R. acetosella and A. ursinum (up to 4.81%).Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    Contribution to knowledge of the vascular flora of the Resava Gorge, Eastern Serbia

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    The Resava Gorge is situated in Eastern Serbia in the region of the Gornja Resava River, extending westward from Mt. Globski Krš to the town of Lisine. In floral research conducted during 1997 and 1998, 297 taxa of vascular flora belonging to 68 families were discovered. The families Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) and Lamiaceae (19) were best represented. The presence of 49 floral elements was also noted. The greatest number of plants are sub-Central European (18,86 %), Eurasian (14,14 %), sub-Mediterranean (8,75 %), Central European (6,40 %) and sub- Eurasian (6,40 %). As for life forms, hemi-cryptophytes (49,50 %), phanerophytes (19,53 %) and geophytes (11,11 %) were noted as dominant.Resavska klisura se nalazi u predelu Gornje Resave i prostire se od Globskog krša na istoku do varošice Lisine na zapadu. Floristička istraživanja na ovom području vršena su tokom 1997. i 1998. godine, kada je zabeleženo 297 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka svrstanih u 68 familija. Najveći broj vrsta pripada familijama Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) i Lamiaceae (19). Konstatovano je prisustvo 49 flornih elemenata, od kojih su najzastupljeniji subsrednjeevropski (18,86 %), evroazijski (14,14 %), submediteranski (8,75 %), srednjeevropski (6,40 %) i subevroazijski (6,40 %). U spektru životnih formi dominiraju hemikriptofite (49,50 %), fanerofite (19,53 %) i geofite (11,11 %). Veliki procenat drvenastih vrsta u ovom regionu, ukazuje na polidominantnu strukturu i na reliktnost biljnih zajednica.nul

    Ecophysiological and biochemical traits of three herbaceous plants growing on the disposed coal combustion fly ash of different weathering stage

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    The ecophysiological and biochemical traits of Calamagrostis epigejos (Roth.) Festuca rubra L. and Oenothera biennis L. growing on two fly ash lagoons of different weathering stage (L1-3 years and L2-11 years) of the 'Nikola Tesla- A' thermoelectric plant (Obrenovac, Serbia) were studied. Species-dependent variations were observed at the L1 lagoon; the greatest vitality (Fv/Fm and Fm/Fo) followed by higher photopigment and total phenolic contents were measured in O. biennis in relation to C. epigejos (p<0.001) and F. rubra (p<0.001). At the L2 site, higher vitality was found in O. biennis (p<0.001) and F. rubra (p<0.01) compared to C. epigejos. O. biennis had the highest photosynthetic capacity. The results obtained in this study indicate that all examined species maintained a level of photosynthesis that allowed them to survive and grow under the stressful conditions in ash lagoons, albeit with lower than optimal success.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    The potential of four woody species for the revegetation of fly ash deposits from the 'Nikola Tesla-a' thermoelectric plant (Obrenovac, Serbia)

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    Four woody species, Tamarix tentandra Pallas, Populus alba L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L. (planted) and Amorpha fruticosa L. (naturally colonized) were studied at two fly ash deposit lagoons, weathered 3 (L1) and 11 years (L2). All species were assessed in terms of their invasive ability, photosynthetic efficiency, photosynthetic pigments and damage symptoms, while the characteristics of the habitat were assessed in terms of trace element content and the pH and EC of the ash. A reduced vitality of all populations growing on the ash was observed, except for the naturally colonized A. fruticosa. High vitality on all sites, except at L2, increased chlorophyll content and absence of damage symptoms indicates a tolerance in relation to the uptake of toxic elements from the ash. Therefore, the characteristics of naturally colonized species can be used for modeling future actions of biological restoration of fly ash deposits.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301