243 research outputs found

    Nonlinear normal vibration modes and their applications in some applied problems

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    International audienceNonlinear normal vibration modes (NNMs) are a generalization of the normal vibrations in the linear systems. In conception of NNMs by Kauderer-Rosenberg all position coordinates can be defined from any one of them. In conception of NNMs by Lyapunov-Shaw-Pierre all phase coordinates can be defined from two selected ones. Curvilinear trajectories of NNMs in a configuration space, or in a phase space, can be obtained as power series. The NNMs theory is used to study vibrations of some linear structure connected with the single-DOF nonlinear absorber. An essentially nonlinear oscillator, a snap-through truss with three equilibrium positions, and a vibro-impact oscillator are chosen as absorbers. Construction and stability analysis of the NNMs are presented. If the localized mode is stable, and the non-localized vibration mode is unstable, the vibration energy is concentrated in the absorber. Free damped oscillations of the double tracked road vehicle with a nonlinear response of the suspension can be considered by the NNMs theory too. The 7-DOF nonlinear model is used to analyze the suspension dynamics with smooth characteristics. The quarter-car model is considered for a case of the non-smooth characteristic of the shock absorber

    Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche Àndert wegen der Krise der "Weltorthodoxie" ihre globale Politik

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    Angesichts des heftigen Konflikts in der "Weltorthodoxie" erhielt die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche unerwartet einen erheblichen Impuls zur eigenen Weiterentwicklung und zur Umwandlung in eine wahrhaft globale Kirche, die mit dem System der ihrer ethnischen Zusammensetzung nach "griechischen" Patriarchate weltweit in Konkurrenz tritt. Ausgelöst wurde der Konflikt durch die Verleihung der Autokephalie fĂŒr die im Rahmen des PrĂ€sidentschaftswahlkampfes von Petro Poroschenko neugeschaffene Orthodoxe Kirche der Ukraine durch den in Istanbul residierenden Ökumenischen Patriarchen Bartholomeos I. Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche hat 2019 einige bedeutende Schritte hierzu unternommen. Gekrönt wurde dies durch eine Reihe wichtiger ErklĂ€rungen des Moskauer Patriarchen Ende 2019, die die Absicht erkennen ließen, die Expansion auch 2020 auszuweiten, bei einer faktischen Abkehr vom Konzept der "Russischen Welt" (Russkij mir) und sogar vom griechischen Erbe der russischen Kultur

    Motion Segmentation and Egomotion Estimation with Event-Based Cameras

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    Computer vision has been dominated by classical, CMOS frame-based imaging sensors for many years. Yet, motion is not well represented in classical cameras and vision techniques - a consequence of traditional vision being frame-based and only existing 'in the moment' while motion is a continuous entity. With the introduction of neuromorphic hardware, such as the event-based cameras, we are ready to cross the bridge of frame based vision and develop a new concept - motion-based vision. The event-based sensor provides dense temporal information about changes on the scene - it can ‘see’ the motion at an equivalent of almost infinite framerate, making a perfect fit for creating dense, long term motion trajectories and allowing for a significantly more efficient, generic and at the same time accurate motion perception. By its design, an event-based sensor accommodates a large dynamic range, provides high temporal resolution and low latency -- ideal properties for applications where high quality motion estimation and tolerance towards challenging lighting conditions are desirable. The price for these properties is indeed heavy - event-based sensors produce a lot of noise, their resolution is relatively low and their data - typically referred to as event cloud - is asynchronous and sparse. Event sensors offer new opportunities for robust visual perception so much needed in autonomous robotics, but challenges associated with the sensor output, such as high noise, relatively low spatial resolution and sparsity, ask for different visual processing approaches. In this dissertation we develop methods and frameworks for motion segmentation and egomotion estimation on event-based data, starting with a simple optimization-based approach for camera motion compensation and object tracking and continuing by developing several deep learning pipelines, while continuing to explore the connection between the shapes of the event clouds and scene motion. We collect EV-IMO - the first pixelwise-annotated dataset for motion segmentation for event cameras and propose a 3D graph-based learning approach for motion segmentation in (x, y, t) domain. Finally we develop a set of mathematical constraints for event streams which leverage their temporal density and connect the shape of the event cloud with camera and object motion

    Assessment of the balance degree of loan companies banking policy

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    Achieving a balance in the management of banking transactions in the crisis tendencies in the national banking system becomes a priority for bank management. The need for finding a solution to this problem is determined by the persistence in the national banking sector a number of dislocations caused by narrowing of the resource base of loan companies, by low efficiency of bank capital allocation, and high-risk credit policy. These dislocations determine the imbalance of the banks’ policies and cause the strengthening of the financial sector of point defaults, which inevitably lead to the systemic risk of the entire banking sector activities. The solution of the designated problem requires the development of methodological tools and allows us to give a comprehensive assessment of the balance of the banking policy of loan companies and to take timely organizational actions. In this article the authors proved the approach to assessing the balance of the banks’ policies, based on a comprehensive analysis of the balance between active and passive banking operations, including liquidity, stability, profitability as well as risks and assets’ quality. The assessment is made through calculating the coefficients and indicators for the above criteria groups that allows ranging loan companies depending on the actual value of the resulting final indicators in banks with: 1) high-balanced; 2) satisfactory-balanced; 3) low-balanced bank policy.peer-reviewe

    Innovation as the main factor for sustainable development of a commercial bank

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    The article is an original study of the essence of banking innovations and their role in ensuring sustainable development of a commercial bank. The authors make definitive analysis of the term ‘innovation’ in research works of domestic and foreign authors, reveal their key feature, namely, the novelty that carries energy necessary for sustainable development of economy and a commercial bank. From the point of view of the synergetic approach and using the principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, scenario development of an open economic system is considered, a commercial bank being a special case of it; schemes to illustrate it are provided. The analysis made by the authors allows for a conclusion that it is possible to ensure a stable development of a credit institution only if there is a permanent inflow of external energy that compensates for energy losses due to entropic dispersion and a negative influence of internal and external factors thereon. Systemic innovation activity come laden with this energy, which leads to the conclusion that it is innovations that are the main factor ensuring a sustainable development of a commercial bank. A classification of banking innovations into basic (radical), combinatorial, and modifying ones is given.peer-reviewe

    About my Teacher Taisiya Pavlovna Katz

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