13 research outputs found

    Laisvalaikio tipologizavimo problema

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    In this part of the paper (for the beginning see Problemos 15, 1975) the typologization problem of spending free time (FT) is considered from the viewpoint of dynamics of processes of FT in the socialist society. Raising the question of “discovering” the types of spending FT. which could be taken as ontological constructs, reflecting real processes of spending FT, the author shows the role of both the theoretical and the empirical investigation in this sphere. The static and dynamic stability of the types is discussed and the conclusion is drawn that stability of a type is immanent to the existence of the type.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama laisvalaikio tipologizavimo problema. Straipsno pirmoji dalis buvo skirta aptarti statinei laisvalaikio būklei, o antroji dalis – dinaminei, kuri kelia daugiau metodologinio pobūdžio klausimų ir problemų. Tipologijos sudarymas pirmiausia susijęs su teorija, bet svarbus vaidmuo tenka ir empiriniams tyrimams. Teigiama, kad yra dviejų tipų pastovumai – dinaminis ir statinis; juos nustatyti būtina tam, kad esamomis vienodomis sąlygomis jie nekistų. Autorius siekia atskleisti, kokie veiksniai labiausiai sąlygoja skirtingą laisvalaikio leidimą ir nuo ko priklauso vienodas laisvalaikis. Išskiriami ir aptariami trijų tipų veiksnių kompleksai: išorinių, objektyvių veiksnių (gyvenamoji vieta, tradicijos); patiems individams bei jų grupėms būdingų objektyvių veiksnių (demografinės sąlygos, klasinė bei profesinė padėtis, darbo pobūdis ir kt.); subjektyvių veiksnių (vertybinės orientacijos, individualios psichinės savybės). Dėl elementarių priežasčių, susijusių su kartų kaita, socialinėmis gyvenimo sąlygomis, ekonominių priežasčių, darbo pobūdžio, vieni laisvalaikio leidimo tipai išnyksta, kiti atsiranda, todėl laisvalaikio leidimas per tam tikrą laiką pakinta, nors kartais ir visai nežymiai

    Šeimos vertybių pokyčiai pastaruoju dešimtmečiu

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    The article presents an analysis of changes of the family values in Lithuania in the last decade. The existing link between the real behaviour of the family, more and more corresponding to the Second Demographic Transition, is established. Changes in the evaluation of family formation, the role of the woman, preconditions for a successful family life, having children and their education are analysed. The conclusions are based on the comparative data of the European Values Surveys of the years 1990 and 1999

    Expectations for qualities of children to be developed in the family

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    In the present article, the author discusses the formation of expected qualities of children in Lithuania in the context of the experience of European and other countries, with reference to the European Values research of 1999-2001 and the Lithuanian Values research of 2005. The view and changes of the qualities of a child are analysed using information on the following qualities: 1) good manners, 2) independence, 3) hard work, 4) responsibility, 5) imagination, 6) tolerance and respect for other people, 7) thrift, 8) determination, perseverance, 9) religious faith, 10) unselfishness and 11) obedience. The first part of the article focuses on changes in the evaluation of children’s qualities in Lithuania in 1990–2005. The second part presents differences in expected qualities and their changes, firstly of in Europe. In conclusion, the article attempts to define possible qualities of children in the near future.Remiantis Europos vertybių tyrimo ir Pasaulio vertybių tyrimo 1999–2001 m. bei 2005 m. Lietuvos vertybių tyrimo medžiaga aptariami lūkesčių dėl vaikų vertybinių savybių formavimosi aspektai Lietuvoje atsižvelgiant į Europos bei kitų pasaulio šalių patirtį. Vaiko savybių lūkesčių vaizdas bei jo pokyčiai nagrinėjami remiantis gauta informacija apie šias vaikų savybes: 1) geros manieros; 2) savarankiškumas; 3) darbštumas; 4) atsakomybės jausmas; 5) vaizduotė; 6) tolerancija ir pagarba kitiems žmonėms; 7) taupumas; 8) ryžtingumas, atkaklumas; 9) religingumas; 10) nesavanaudiškumas; 11) paklusnumas. Pirma straipsnio dalis skirta aptarti vaiko savybių vertinimo pokyčius Lietuvoje nuo 1990 iki 2005 m. Antroje dalyje parodoma kuo skiriasi vaiko vertybinių savybių lūkesčiai bei jų pokyčiai Lietuvoje ir kitose šalyse, visų pirma, – Europos. Pagaliau straipsnio pabaigoje bandoma nustatyti galimų netolimos perspektyvos aptariamų lūkesčių pokyčius

    Svarbiausios gyvenimo vertybės šių dienų pasaulyje

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    Remiantis Europos vertybių tyrimo ir Pasaulio vertybių tyrimo 1999–2001 m. duomenimis, straipsnyje nagrinėjami svarbiausių gyvenimo vertybių prioritetų skirtumai atskirose šalyse. Pagal respondentų nuomonių apie tai, kas svarbiausia gyvenime – šeima, draugai, laisvalaikis, politika, darbas bei religija, pasiskirstymą nustatomos kraštutinių vertinimų šalys, o, atsižvelgiant į visų išvardytų gyvenimo vertybių kartu paėmus vertinimo panašumus bei skirtumus, nustatomi atitinkami tų šalių klasteriai. Tuo aspektu nagrinėjamos 66 pasaulio šalių respondentų nuomones. Atskirai apžvelgiamas svarbiausių gyvenimo dalykų vertinimas 39 Europos šalyse, palyginami tokio vertinimo skirtumai senosiose ir naujosiose Europos Sąjungos šalyse bei Lietuvoje. Raktažodžiai: vertybės, požiūris a svarbiausias gyvenimo vertybes, šalių klasteriai, šeima, draugai, laisvalaikis, politika, darbas, religijaThe article examines the differences between the main life value priorities in individual countries on the basis of the data of the European Values and the World Values surveys of 1999-2001. The distribution of respondent opinions regarding the most important things in life (family, friends, leisure, politics, work, religion) are used to identify a range of countries, while the similarities and the differences between all of these life values together help determining the corresponding clusters of these countries. The opinions of respondents in 66 countries of the world are examined in this regard. The valuations of the most important things in life in 39 European countries are reviewed separately, comparing the differences in such valuations in the old and the new members of the European Union, as well as Lithuania. Keywords: values, attitude towards the most important life values, country clusters, family, leisure, politics, work, religion

    Šeimos gyvenimas : vertinimai ir tikroji padėtis

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    Drawing on relevant statistical data and the data of the European Value and the World Value surveys, the article analyses interrelations between the actual situation and the assessment of family life and child rearing. Contemporary world is characterised by the variety of and fairly rapid changes in the forms of family creation and cohabitation. It is evident that marriage, as a traditional formalisation of living together, is increasingly ignored and devalued. The view that marriage is an outdated custom is realised in practice on a growing scale, as indicated by the increasing number of unregistered marriages or cohabitation outside the marriage. In countries of the Western civilisation which are dominated by the liberal economy and the consumer culture, the greatest enemy of strong families is the wild individualism, which tolerates a diversity of lifestyles. In Islamic countries which would initially appear to have the strongest families, women’s inequality and widespread arranged marriages increasingly lead to the dissolution of marriages. Divorce is the least frequent in Latin American, Balkan, European Catholic and Islamic countries. The Scandinavian countries and the post-socialist Central and Eastern European countries lead the European countries’ group, characterised by the highest frequency of divorce and the greatest tolerance towards it. Generally, the Scandinavian countries distinguish themselves by the most liberal interpretation of the family life, while some post-socialist countries retain the previous high level of divorces and tolerance towards them

    Šeima ir vaikai: realijos ir vertinimai

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    In the paper family life and children having realities and relationships of their evaluations on the basis of corresponding statistical data (about the real situation and its changes), European Values Study and World Values Survey data (about attitudes and evaluations) carried out in 1999-2001 are analysed. Family formation, having children and family life factual status are connected with the world of values, regulations which are reflected in people’s attitudes (and evaluations) about different aspects of life, and about having offspring as well. However, relations of the real state, views and evaluations are not so simple and easily interpreted. Comparing real facts and evaluations we rather often encounter their contradictions. The refore the goal of the paper is to discuss the conditioning circumstances of the contradictions. The main attention is given to the problem of having children. The problem is analysed starting with family formation and impacts on its stability and ending with the phenomena of extra-marital children. The main particularly used indicator of having children is the number of births given by a woman during her life, i.e. total fertility rate (TFR). The questions why the TFR have remained higher and in recent thirty years and there hasn’t been a marked decrease in the European countries where modern viewpoint of family life is backed up are discussed. Relations between the share of extramarital children in different countries and corresponding view of family formation and children having and others are fixed.Palygindami tarpusavyje realius faktus ir vertinimus neretai susiduriame su jų prieštaringumais (paprastai tariant, daroma vienaip, manoma kitaip). Straipsnyje aptariami šeimos gyvenimo bei vaikų turėjimo realijų ir jų vertinimų sąryšiai remiantis statistiniais ir Europos vertybių tyrimo (EVT) bei Pasaulio vertybių tyrimo (PVT), atliktų 1999–2001 m., duomenimis. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas vaikų turėjimo problemai. Ji nagrinėjama pradedant šeimos kūrimo bei jos stabilumo poveikiais ir baigiant nesantuokinių vaikų fenomenu. Vaikų turėjimo pagrindinis rodiklis, kuriuo ypač operuojama straipsnyje, – kiek moteris per savo gyvenimą pagimdo vaikų, t.y. suminis gimstamumo rodiklis (SGR). Aptariama, kodėl SGR aukštesnis ir per pastaruosius 30 metų jis ženkliai nesumažėjo tose Europos šalyse, kuriose labiau palaikomas modernistinis požiūris į šeimos gyvenimą, nustatomi ryšiai tarp nesantuokinių vaikų lyginamojo svorio šalyse ir atitinkamo požiūrio į šeimos kūrimą bei vaikų turėjimą ir kt

    Expectations for qualities of children to be developed in the family

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    In the present article, the author discusses the formation of expected qualities of children in Lithuania in the context of the experience of European and other countries, with reference to the European Values research of 1999–2001 and the Lithuanian Values research of 2005. The view and changes of the qualities of a child are analysed using information on the following qualities: 1) good manners, 2) independence, 3) hard work, 4) responsibility, 5) imagination, 6) tolerance and respect for other people, 7) thrift, 8) determination, perseverance, 9) religious faith, 10) unselfishness and 11) obedience. The first part of the article focuses on changes in the evaluation of children’s qualities in Lithuania in 1990–2005. The second part presents differences in expected qualities and their changes, firstly of in Europe. In conclusion, the article attempts to define possible qualities of children in the near futur

    Evaluation of woman's role in Lithuania and European countries

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    The article provides an overview of the differences of evaluation of the role of the woman in Lithuania and in other European countries, identified referring to the data of the study of the European values, performed in 1999 in 32 countries. The differences of evaluation of the role of the woman in Lithuania and other European countries are examined within several aspects: the woman and the matrimony, the woman and labour, and the woman and children. The provided analysis of the data of the study of the European values shows that in most cases the opinions on the role of the woman, expressed by the residents of Lithuania, are not significantly different from those, prevailing in other European countries. However there are larger differences in evaluation, first and foremost, regarding the working woman, the relations between the woman and children and certain others

    Family values change

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    The article, referring to the data of the study of the European values, performed in Lithuania in 1990 and in 1999, examines certain (according to the possibilities, provided by the study of the European values) changes of evaluations of family behaviour. The provided conclusions are based by the changes of respondents’ opinion on the different aspects of family life during the last decade of the 20th century. First of all the treatment of family as a value is overviewed in the context of other more common values, such as labour, friends, leisure, politics and religion. Then the changes of evaluation of the prerequisites for a matrimony and cohabitation and successful life within a family are examined, showing that during the said decades there spread the view of the matrimony as an obsolete institute. The opinions of the success of nuptial life were changing towards giving more significance to material conditions. At the end of the article the changes of the view of having children and their nurturing are discussed, among which there distinguishes the reduced evaluation of significance of children in a woman’s life