17,206 research outputs found

    BLS Spotlight on Statistics: Women in the Workforce Before, During, and after the Great Recession

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    [Excerpt] A major factor that contributed to the growth of the U.S. labor force in the second half of the twentieth century was the remarkable increase in the labor force participation rate of women. During this time, the U.S. economy experienced economic growth that increased the demand for labor. Baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) began entering the labor force in large numbers in the early 1960s as they reached working age. Coupled with the rapidly increasing labor force participation rate of women, this resulted in a large influx of women into the labor market. After peaking in 1999, the labor force participation rate of women has continuously declined. During this time, the baby-boom generation aged and the economy experienced the impacts of the severe 2007–09 recession. BLS projects women\u27s labor force participation rate to continue its decline in the 2014–24 decade

    Baryon Self-Energy With QQQ Bethe-Salpeter Dynamics In The Non-Perturbative QCD Regime: n-p Mass Difference

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    A qqq BSE formalism based on DB{\chi}S of an input 4-fermion Lagrangian of `current' u,d quarks interacting pairwise via gluon-exchange-propagator in its {\it non-perturbative} regime, is employed for the calculation of baryon self-energy via quark-loop integrals. To that end the baryon-qqq vertex function is derived under Covariant Instantaneity Ansatz (CIA), using Green's function techniques. This is a 3-body extension of an earlier q{\bar q} (2-body) result on the exact 3D-4D interconnection for the respective BS wave functions under 3D kernel support, precalibrated to both q{\bar q} and qqq spectra plus other observables. The quark loop integrals for the neutron (n) - proton (p) mass difference receive contributions from : i) the strong SU(2) effect arising from the d-u mass difference (4 MeV); ii) the e.m. effect of the respective quark charges. The resultant n-p difference comes dominantly from d-u effect (+1.71 Mev), which is mildly offset by e.m.effect (-0.44), subject to gauge corrections. To that end, a general method for QED gauge corrections to an arbitrary momentum dependent vertex function is outlined, and on on a proportionate basis from the (two-body) kaon case, the net n-p difference works out at just above 1 MeV. A critical comparison is given with QCD sum rules results.Comment: be 27 pages, Latex file, and to be published in IJMPA, Vol 1

    Current driven quantum criticality in itinerant electron ferromagnets

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    We determine the effect of an in-plane current flow on the critical properties of a 2d itinerant electron system near a ferromagnetic-paramagnetic quantum critical point. We study a model in which a nonequilibrium steady state is established as a result of exchange of particles and energy with an underlying substrate. the current j⃗\vec{j} gives rise not only to an effective temperature equal to the voltage drop over a distance of order the mean free path, but also to symmetry breaking terms of the form j⃗⋅nabla⃗\vec{j}\cdot \vec{nabla} in the effective action. The effect of the symmetry breaking on the fluctuational and critical properties is found to be small although (in agreement with previous results) if rotational degrees of freedom are important, the current can make the classically ordered state dynamically unstable.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    3D-4D Interlinkage Of qqq Wave Functions Under 3D Support For Pairwise Bethe-Salpeter Kernels

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    Using the method of Green's functions within a Bethe-Salpeter framework characterized by a pairwise qq interaction with a Lorentz-covariant 3D support to its kernel, the 4D BS wave function for a system of 3 identical relativistic spinless quarks is reconstructed from the corresponding 3D form which satisfies a fully connected 3D BSE. This result is a 3-body generalization of a similar 2-body result found earlier under identical conditions of a 3D support to the corresponding qq-bar BS kernel under Covariant Instaneity (CIA for short). (The generalization from spinless to fermion quarks is straightforward). To set the CIA with 3D BS kernel support ansatz in the context of contemporary approaches to the qqq baryon problem, a model scalar 4D qqq BSE with pairwise contact interactions to simulate the NJL-Faddeev equations is worked out fully, and a comparison of both vertex functions shows that the CIA vertex reduces exactly to the NJL form in the limit of zero spatial range. This consistency check on the CIA vertex function is part of a fuller accounting for its mathematical structure whose physical motivation is traceable to the role of `spectroscopy' as an integral part of the dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, submitted via the account of K.-C. Yan
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