162 research outputs found

    The effect of soy protein containing soy isoflavones on serum concentration of cell adhesion molecules : A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Funding Information: This study was financially supported by Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences (Grant number: 98-01-149 ; Ethical code: IR.NUMS.REC.1399.006). Acknowledgement We are extremely grateful to the data collection team at the Ney- shabur University of Medical Sciences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Feasibility study of recycling and converting acidic sludge to bitumen in used motor oil refining industries

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    Background and Aims: Thousand tons of acidic sludge is produced daily as by-product in the used motor oil refining industries. The acidic sludge contains unsaturated compounds which are non-polar and asphaltene. The objective of this study was performance improvement of acidic sludge by using the additives (bentonite, polymer SBS, sodium hydroxide and the lime) so that recovery to bitumen.Materials and Methods: The polymer styrene - butadiene - styrene (SBS) is bitumen modifier as one of the elastomer - thermoplastic with weight percentages (2 to 4 percent), bentonite due to the chemical structure as fillers, stabilizers and agent concentration with weight percentages (1,2,4,6,8,10) and lime and sodium hydroxide were used to decreasing acidity rate of acidic sludge and promoting the role of bentonite stability in bitumen with ratios equal (1 to 5 g) were mixed with acidic sludge of industry (samples 50 g) and their effect on the acidic sludge was investigated.Results: Evaluation of studies indicated that because of increasing acidic sludge softening point, temperature from 25 to 48 oC , decrease weight loss from 3% to 1.25, promoting the penetration degree to 230 mm, Frass breaking point to -7 and penetration index (PI) to the degree standard set (+1), the acidic sludge properties and performance were modified. The measurement of last three parameters was unavailable in primary sludge.Conclusion: Environmental and health hazards of acidic sludge will be decreases by treatment and neutralization. Also obtained products can be used in the building and road construction according to its specific bitumen criteria and characteristics.Key words: Recovery - Acidic sludge - Used motor oi

    The beneficial effect of tart cherry on plasma levels of inflammatory mediators (not recovery after exercise) : A systematic review and meta-analysis on randomized clinical trials

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    Funding Information: This systematic review and meta-analysis was financially supported by Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences (Grant number: 1400-04-100 ). We are extremely grateful to the data collection team at the Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Beneficial effect of soy isoflavones and soy isoflavones plus soy protein on serum concentration of C-reactive protein among postmenopausal women : An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Financial support: This systematic review and meta-analysis was financially supported by Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences (Grant number: 98-01-149. Ethical code: IR.NUMS.REC.1399.006). We are extremely grateful to the data collection team at the Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Evaluation of Diethyl phthalate and Diallyl phthalate biodegradation mechanisms in the treatment of synthetic wastewater

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    Background and Aims: Over the last few years, Phethalic Acid Esters (PAEs) have attracted a widespread attention due to their widespread production and use. These compounds are not only linked to endocrine disruption and cancer but also considered as emerging and hazardous pollutants. Large amounts of PAEs have been detected in industrial wastewaters. Given the widespread use of biological processes in industrialwastewater treatment, this study aimed to identify biodegradation pathways of PAEs and their potential metabolites.Materials and Methods: Two short-chain esters from phthalic acid esters including diethyl phthalate (DEP) and diallyl phthalate (DAP) were selected in the present study. We used the survey of metabolites in a moving bed biofilm reactor effluent to determine biodegradation pathways of designated esters at hydraulic retention times of 1 to 12 hours. Influent concentration of 100 mg/l was also considered throughout the study.Results: Phthalic acid, mono-methyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate and catechol were identified as the most noteworthy metabolites in biodegradation of both esters. The degradation pathway of both studied compounds was similar and involves either detachment of ester-chain or removal of methyl group, followed by few decomposition steps resulting in the production of benzene ring. The degradation can proceed further with ring cleavage and it ends with 2-hydroxy muconic semi-aldehyde.Conclusion: The main route for removal of studied compounds was de-esterification followed by demethylation. According to identifies degradation pathways and metabolites produced, biodegradation can be considered as a reliable treatment process for industrial wastewaters containing PAEs.Key words: Biodegradation, Phthalic Acid Esters, Synthetic wastewater

    بررسي امكان بازيابي و تبديل لجن اسيدي به قير در صنايع تصفيه مجدد روغن موتور مصرف شده

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    Background and Aims: Thousand tons of acidic sludge is produced daily as by-product in the used motor oil refining industries. The acidic sludge contains unsaturated compounds which are non-polar and asphaltene. The objective of this study was performance improvement of acidic sludge by using the additives (bentonite, polymer SBS, sodium hydroxide and the lime) so that recovery to bitumen.Materials and Methods: The polymer styrene - butadiene - styrene (SBS) is bitumen modifier as one of the elastomer - thermoplastic with weight percentages (2 to 4 percent), bentonite due to the chemical structure as fillers, stabilizers and agent concentration with weight percentages (1,2,4,6,8,10) and lime and sodium hydroxide were used to decreasing acidity rate of acidic sludge and promoting the role of bentonite stability in bitumen with ratios equal (1 to 5 g) were mixed with acidic sludge of industry (samples 50 g) and their effect on the acidic sludge was investigated.Results: Evaluation of studies indicated that because of increasing acidic sludge softening point, temperature from 25 to 48 oC , decrease weight loss from 3% to 1.25, promoting the penetration degree to 230 mm, Frass breaking point to -7 and penetration index (PI) to the degree standard set (+1), the acidic sludge properties and performance were modified. The measurement of last three parameters was unavailable in primary sludge.Conclusion: Environmental and health hazards of acidic sludge will be decreases by treatment and neutralization. Also obtained products can be used in the building and road construction according to its specific bitumen criteria and characteristics.زمينه و اهداف: روزانه هزاران تن لجن اسيدي به عنوان محصول جانبي در صنايع تصفيه مجدد روغن موتور مصرف شده توليدمي شود. لجن اسيدي حاوي ترکيبات غير اشباع قطبي و آسفالتين است. دفع اين لجن بصورت خام بسيار خطرناك و صدمات زيستمحيطي و بهداشتي به دنبال خواهد داشت. هدف اين مطالعه بهبود کارايي لجن اسيدي به کمک مواد افزودني (خاک بنتونيت، پليمرسود و آهک) و تبديل آن به قير بود مواد و روش ها: پلیمر استایرن- بوتادین- استایرن، به عنوان اصلاح کننده الاستومر- ترموپلاست قیر با  درصدهای وشنی2 تا4 درصد، بنتونیت به دلیل ساختار شیمیایی به عنوان پرکننده، تغلیظ کننده و پایدار کننده با درصدهای وزنی1،2،4،6،8،10، آهنک و سود به منظور کاهش میزان اسیدیته لجن اسیدی و تقویت نقش پایدار کنندگی بنتونیت در قیر به نسیت های مساوی با 50گرم لجن اسیدی مخلوط شدند و تاثیر آنها بر لجن اسیدی بررسی شد. یافته ها: با توجه به مطالعات انجام شده با افزایش نقطه نرمی لجن اسیدی از25 به 48 درجه، کاهش افت وزنی از3  به 1/25 درصد، ارتقا درجه نفوذ به 23 میلیمتر، نقطه شکست فراس به -7 درجه و شاخص نفوذپذیری به حد استاندارد تعیین شده در فراورده های به دست آمده، خصوصیات و کارایی لجن اسیدی اصلاح گردید. سه پارامتر نقطه شکست و درجع نفوذ و شاخص نفوذپذیری در لجن اولیه قابل اندازه گیری نبود. نتيجه گيري: با توجه به خنثي سازي اسيديته لجن، خطرات زيست محيطي و بهداشتي محصول بدست آمده بمراتب كاهش مي يابد،همچنين مي توان اين محصول را در مصارف ساختماني و راه سازي با توجه به معيارها و ويژگي هاي اختصاصي قير مصرف نمود

    Assessment of COVID-19 among healthcare workers in Non-COVID pediatrics departments, Tehran, Iran: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS COV 2) is an important health problem, which is widespread around the world. This study describes the characteristics of COVID-19 infections in healthcare workers (HCWs), related factors and deaths in Non- COVID pediatrics departments from the early phases of COVID-19 pandemic; February 20th, 2020toJanuary19th, 2021 in Tehran-Iran. Materials and Methods: It is a multi-center cross-sectional descriptive study. The standardized questionnaire was designed according Demographics information, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) history in HCW and Using and access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). All data analysis was performed by SPSS software version 21. Results: Of the 82 HCW, 67 (81.7%) was female. The median age was 37.6 ±10.3 years old (rang 24 to 65). 44 (53.6%) were nurses, 14 (17 %) pediatrics residents,13 (15.9%) pediatrics faculty members,8(9.8%) environmental services staff and 3(3.7%) secretaries. Twelve out of our cases (14.6%) have underlying medical diseases. Thirty-six (42.7%) confirmed COVID19. In COVID-19 positive group 28(80%) were female. Among whom 51.4% were identified nurses, 17% faculty member and14.3% pediatrics residents. Secretaries and environmental services staff are more vulnerable job category in this study. Eighty-six percent of them follow protective health protocol and use PPE. COVID-19 cases were infected more on July 2020(25.7%), November 2020 (17.1%) and August 2020(14.2%).   Conclusion: Approximately one half of HCWs in non-Covid-19 pediatrics department infected with corona virus 2 (SARS_COV_2) and most of them thought they were infected in workplac

    Influence of pollution loading and flow rate on catalytic BTEX removal with a combined Cu2O, Fe0/Zeolite bed

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    ABSTRACT Environmental impacts and health concerns of BTEX compounds have been pointed in many studies. The agencies responsible for health and environment have delivered standard and guideline for BTEX concentrations. Because of the extensive use in industries and the presence of these compounds in fossil fuels, their emission resources are very divers. Today's, Control of air pollution caused by these compounds is one of the air qualities controlling challenges. "Thermal catalyzed" process is one of the technologies to control this kind of air pollution and consistent with using nanoparticles as a catalyst, this process is further considered now. So, we conducted this study to survey elimination of the BTEX, form polluted air flow, by this process. In this study, removal of the BTEX from polluted air by a thermal catalyzed process in the presence of zero-valent iron and copper oxide nanoparticles was investigated and the effect of changes in pollution load and flow rate was surveyed on removal efficiency and the decomposition of the pollutants. Fe0 and Cu2O nanoparticles were coated on a bed of natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite) with a zeolite grains size of 1-2 mm. The thermal catalyst process was conducted at 350°C and different pollution loading and air flow rate. 96.18% and 78.42% of removal efficiency achieved with the retention times of 14.1s and 7.05s. Increasing the pollution load reduced removal efficiency and pollutants' mineralization. By doubling the pollution load, the removal efficiency declined as much as 14.5 %. According to the results, increasing of the flow rate has a greater effect than the pollution load on the complete decomposition. Also this process showed a good efficiency for BTEX removal under high pollution loading and flow rates


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    Alkyl imidazolines have been reportedly used in a wide range of industrial formulations with different applications. Ethoxylated alkyl imidazolines with appropriate ethoxylation degrees can be used as antioxidants and retarders in the formation of peroxides resulting from oxidation in hydrocarbon media. In this work, ethoxylated imidazolines were shown to be more effective in hydrocarbon media in comparison with reference antioxidants. According to the experimental results, ethoxylated alkyl imidazolines (12 moles EO), as an antioxidant, were twice as efficient as zinc dialkyldithiophosphoric acid (ZDDP)