13 research outputs found

    Observational Detection of Higher Order Secular Perturbations in Tight Hierarchical Triple Stars

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    In this work, we search for observational evidence of higher-order secular perturbations in three eclipsing binaries. These are slightly eccentric binaries, and they form the inner pairs of tight, compact, hierarchical triple star systems. We analyze simultaneously the high precision satellite (KeplerKepler and TESSTESS) light curves, eclipse timing variations, combined spectral energy distributions (through catalog passband magnitudes) and, where available, radial velocities of KICs 9714358, 5771589 and TIC 219885468. Besides the determination of robust astrophysical and dynamical properties of the three systems, we find evidence that the observed unusual eclipse timing variations of KIC 9714358 are a direct consequence of the octupole-order secular eccentricity perturbations forced by an unusual, resonant behaviour between the lines of the apsides of the inner and outer orbital ellipses. We also show that, despite its evident cyclic eclipse depth variations, KIC~5771589 is an almost perfectly coplanar system (to within 0.30.3^\circ), and we explain the rapid eclipse depth variations with the grazing nature of the eclipses. Finally, we find that the inner pair of TIC~219885468 consists of two twin stars and, hence, in this triple there are no octupole order three-body perturbations. Moreover, we show that this triple is also coplanar on the same level as the former one, but due to its deep eclipses, it does not exhibit eclipse depth variations. We intend to follow this work up with further analyses and a quantitative comparison of the theoretical and the observed perturbations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the journal Universe, special issue The Royal Road: Eclipsing Binaries and Transiting Exoplanets, 33 page

    Four New Compact Triply Eclipsing Triples found with Gaia and TESS

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    This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of four triply eclipsing triple star systems, namely TIC 88206187, TIC 14839347, TIC 298714297, and TIC 66893949. The four systems with third-body eclipses were found in the TESS lightcurves from among a sample of ~400 matches between known eclipsing binaries and the Gaia DR3 Non-Single Star (NSS; Gaia Collaboration 2022; Pourbaix et al. 2022) solution database. We combined photometric lightcurves, eclipse timing variations, archival spectral energy distributions, and theoretical evolution tracks in a robust photodynamical analysis to determine the orbital and system parameters. The triples have outer periods of 52.9, 85.5, 117, and 471 days, respectively. All dozen stars have masses \lesssim 2.6 M_\odot. The systems are quite flat with mutual inclination angles between the inner and outer orbital planes that are all 4\lesssim 4^\circ. The outer mass ratios range from 0.39--0.76, consistent with our earlier collection of compact triply eclipsing triples. TIC 88206187 exhibits a fractional radius of the outer tertiary component (rBRB/aout)(r_B \equiv R_B/a_{\rm out}) exceeding 0.1 (only the third such system known), and we consider its future evolution. Finally, we compare our photodynamical analysis results and the orbital parameters given in the Gaia DR3 NSS solutions, indicating decent agreement, but with the photodynamical results being more accurate.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Newly identified compact hierarchical triple system candidates using Gaia DR3

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    Aims. We introduce a novel way to identify new compact hierarchical triple stars by exploiting the huge potential of Gaia DR3 and also its future data releases. We aim to increase the current number of compact hierarchical triples significantly. Methods. We utilize several eclipsing binary catalogs from different sky surveys totaling more than 1 million targets for which we search for Gaia DR3 Non-single Star orbital solutions with periods substantially longer than the eclipsing periods of the binaries. Those solutions in most cases should belong to outer orbits of tertiary stars in those systems. We also try to validate some of our best-suited candidates using TESS eclipse timing variations. Results. We find 403 objects with suitable Gaia orbital solutions of which 27 are already known triple systems. This makes 376 newly identified hierarchical triple system candidates in our sample. We analyze the cumulative probability distribution of the outer orbit eccentricities and find that it is very similar to the ones found by earlier studies based on the observations of the Kepler and OGLE missions. We found measurable non-linear eclipse timing variations or third-body eclipses in the TESS data for 192 objects which we also consider to be confirmed candidates. Out of these, we construct analytical light-travel time effect models for the eclipse timing variations of 22 objects with well-sampled TESS observations. We compare the outer orbital parameters from our solutions with the ones from the Gaia solutions and find that the most reliable orbital parameter is the orbital period, while the values of the other parameters should be used with caution.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The contact binary VW Cephei revisited: surface activity and period variation

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    Context. Despite the fact that VW Cephei is one of the well-studied contact binaries in the literature, there is no fully consistent model available that can explain every observed property of this system. Aims. Our motivation is to obtain new spectra along with photometric measurements, to analyze what kind of changes may have happened in the system in the past two decades, and to propose new ideas for explaining them. Methods. For the period analysis we determined 10 new times of minima from our light curves, and constructed a new O-C diagram of the system. Radial velocities of the components were determined using the cross-correlation technique. The light curves and radial velocities were modelled simultaneously with the PHOEBE code. All observed spectra were compared to synthetic spectra and equivalent widths of the Hα\alpha line were measured on their differences. Results. We have re-determined the physical parameters of the system according to our new light curve and spectral models. We confirm that the primary component is more active than the secondary, and there is a correlation between spottedness and the chromospheric activity. We propose that flip-flop phenomenon occurring on the primary component could be a possible explanation of the observed nature of the activity. To explain the period variation of VW Cep, we test two previously suggested scenarios: presence of a fourth body in the system, and the Applegate-mechanism caused by periodic magnetic activity. We conclude that although none of these mechanisms can be ruled out entirely, the available data suggest that mass transfer with a slowly decreasing rate gives the most likely explanation for the period variation of VW Cep

    The compact triply eclipsing triple star TIC 209409435 discovered with TESS

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    We report the discovery in TESS Sectors 3 and 4 of a compact triply eclipsing triple star system. TIC 209409435 is a previously unknown eclipsing binary with a period of 5.717 d, and the presence of a third star in an outer eccentric orbit of 121.872-d period was found from two sets of third-body eclipses and from eclipse timing variations. The latter exhibits signatures of strong third-body perturbations. After the discovery, we obtained follow-up ground-based photometric observations of several binary eclipses as well as another of the third-body eclipses. We carried out comprehensive analyses, including the simultaneous photodynamical modelling of TESS and ground-based light curves (including both archival WASP data, and our own follow-up measurements), as well as eclipse timing variation curves. Also, we have included in the simultaneous fits multiple star spectral energy distribution data and theoretical PARSEC stellar isochrones. We find that the inner binary consists of near twin stars of mass 0.90 M☉ and radius 0.88 R☉. The third star is just 9 per cent more massive and 18 per cent larger in radius. The inner binary has a rather small eccentricity, while the outer orbit has e = 0.40. The inner binary and outer orbit have inclination angles within 0.1° and 0.2° of 90°, respectively. The mutual inclination angle is ≲1/4°. All of these results were obtained without radial velocity observations

    101 Eclipsing Quadruple Star Candidates Discovered in TESS Full Frame Images

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    We present our second catalog of quadruple star candidates, containing 101 systems discovered in TESS Full-Frame Image data. The targets were initially detected as eclipsing binary stars with the help of supervised machine learning methods applied to sectors Sectors 1 through 54. A dedicated team of citizen scientists subsequently identified through visual inspection two sets of eclipses following two different periods. All 101 systems presented here pass comprehensive photocenter motion tests confirming that both sets of eclipses originate from the target star. Some of the systems exhibit prominent eclipse time variations suggesting dynamical interactions between the two component binary stars. One target is an eclipsing quintuple candidate with a (2+1)+2 hierarchical configuration, such that the (2+1) subsystem produces eclipses on the triple orbit as well. Another has recently been confirmed as the second shortest period quadruple reported to date. This catalog provides ephemerides, eclipse depths and durations, sample statistics, and highlights potentially interesting targets for future studies.Comment: 38 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Table with targets available online at MNRA