9 research outputs found

    Lokalizacija i oblik stenoza u centralnom karcinomu pluća - osjetljivost i preciznost MDCT VB i FB

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    The objective is to present diagnostic capabilities of virtual bronchoscopy (VB) and fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FB) for determining the localization and shape of stenoses in patients with central lung carcinoma. A systematic study was performed on 220 patients aged 11-83 (54.36±17.24) years with endobronchial disease using the FB and VB methods during the 2013-2017 period. Central carcinoma of the lung was found on VB in 130 patients and on FB in 120 patients. Other nosologic diseases were found in 22 patients. Right localization of central carcinoma prevailed over left localization in both sexes. A significant difference in the localization criterion was found in female patients examined by VB (U-test, p=0.01). VB and FB yielded 86.5% vs. 91.60% precision and 85% vs. 94.5% sensitivity. In conclusion, VB was found to be a successful noninvasive method for determining the localization of lung tumors and shape of stenoses, which are essential in the diagnosis of malignant processes.Cilj je prikazati dijagnostičke mogućnosti virtualne bronhoskopije (VB) i fiberoptičke bronhoskopije (FB) za određivanje lokalizacije i oblika stenoze u bolesnika sa središnjim karcinomom pluća. Sustavna studija provedena je na 220 bolesnika u dobi od 11 do 83 godine (54,36±17,24) s endobronhijalnom bolesti primjenom metoda FB i VB u razdoblju od 2013. do 2017. godine. Središnji karcinom pluća otkriven je na VB u 130 bolesnika i na FB u 120 bolesnika. U 22 bolesnika pronađene su druge nozološke bolesti u oba spola. Desnostrana lokalizacija prevladavala je nad lijevostranom lokalizacijom središnjeg karcinoma. Značajna razlika u kriteriju lokalizacije pronađena je u žena koje su pregledane pomoću VB (U-test, p=0,01). Preciznost VB bila je 86,5% prema 91,60% za FB, dok je osjetljivost VB bila 85% u usporedbi s 94,5% za FB. Zaključeno je da je VB uspješna neinvazivna metoda za određivanje lokalizacije tumora pluća i oblika stenoza, koji su neophodni u dijagnostici zloćudnih procesa

    Assessing the impact of fertilization on wheat protein and energy nutrition

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    The present research aims at assessing the influence of leaf fertilizers on the two common wheat varieties. Study results show that the crude protein content ranges from 128.50-143.94 g/kg DM in the Enola variety and from 115.93 to 127.34 g/kg DM in the Illico variety. The introduction of Wuxal Grano slurry increased the crude protein content by 9.1 and 12.0 % relative to the control. The applied leaf fertilizers do not affect the contents of FUM, FUG and PDI. As a result of the correlation analysis, a very high correlation (r = 0.947-0.993) was found between CP and PDI for both common wheat varieties

    Assessing the Impact of Fertilization on Wheat Protein and Energy Nutrition

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    The present research aims at assessing the influence of leaf fertilizers on the two common wheat varieties. Study results show that the crude protein content ranges from 128.50-143.94 g/kg DM in the Enola variety and from 115.93 to 127.34 g/kg DM in the Illico variety. The introduction of Wuxal Grano slurry increased the crude protein content by 9.1 and 12.0 % relative to the control. The applied leaf fertilizers do not affect the contents of FUM, FUG and PDI. As a result of the correlation analysis, a very high correlation (r = 0.947-0.993) was found between CP and PDI for both common wheat varieties

    Proceedings: 2nd International Conference on Food and Agricultural Economics

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    The research was conducted during 2015 - 2016 in the experimental field of the Department of Plant Production in Agriculture Faculty at Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of leaf fertilizer on the productivity of common wheat. In this study has examined the nutritional value of two common wheat: Diamond (by the varietal list of Bulgaria) and Ingenio (Syngenta). A comparative analysis of the results obtained from the treatment of varieties of common wheat with leaf fertilizers was made. Energetic and protein nutrition of ruminant wheat was evaluated in 1 kg of dry matter. Protein value of feed is extremely important for their nutritional value. The protein value of the feed is related to the bioavailability of the protein contained therein. The boundaries in which the protein values of the various feeding variants with different leaf fertilizers. The crude protein content ranges from 160.3 to 167.0 g/kg of dry matter (DM) for the Diamond variety and from 144.4 to 151.8 g/kg of dry matter Ingenio variety. On average, the content of raw protein in Diamond variety is higher by 10.7% of the found content of Ingenio variety


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    The experimental work was carried out during the period 2016-2017 in Bulgaria. Subject of research are tomato Vitelio cultivar, greenhouse grown at three levels of manuring and different irrigation regimes. The purpose of this study is to research the effect of applying three manuring schemes on irrigation with an optimal irrigation regime (M) and a controlled water deficit, with 75% and 50% of the irrigation rate being applied to dry matter and organic acids. From the presented distributions of the tested quality parameters of greenhouse tomatoes, it can be seen that the dry matter and titrimetric organic acids ratios are close to normal, and for the ascorbic acid indicator there are larger variations in the base values. The data is eligible for the sampling representatively requirements. Significant levels of p <0.05 were obtained for the three researched indicators, i. E. the results of multi-variate dispersion analysis could be used in order to develop strategies for irrigation and manuring of tomatoes to reduce environmental risk. Considering the quality indicator: ascorbic acid a decrease in the quantities has been registered with an increase in the manuring norms. The analysis of the results found that when increasing fertilizer levels, the content of ascorbic acid decreased, i.e., there is an increase in the cost of tomato production and a decrease in the quality of tomatoes

    EREMI: An Innovative Interdisciplinary Approach for Higher Education in Resource Efficient Manufacturing Environments

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    This paper presents an overview of EREMI, a two-year project funded under ERASMUS+ KA203, and its results. The project team’s main objective was to develop and validate an advanced interdisciplinary higher education curriculum, which includes lifelong learning components. The curriculum focuses on enhancing resource efficiency in the manufacturing industry and optimising poorly or non-digitised industrial physical infrastructure systems. The paper also discusses the results of the project, highlighting the successful achievement of its goals. EREMI effectively supports the transition to Industry 5.0 by preparing a common European pool of future experts. Through comprehensive research and collaboration, the project team has designed a curriculum that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the evolving manufacturing landscape. Furthermore, the paper explores the significance of EREMI’s contributions to the field, emphasising the importance of resource efficiency and system optimisation in industrial settings. By addressing the challenges posed by under-digitised infrastructure, the project aims to drive sustainable and innovative practices in manufacturing. All five project partner organisations have been actively engaged in offering relevant educational content and framework for decentralised sustainable economic development in regional and national contexts through capacity building at a local level. A crucial element of the added value is the new channel for obtaining feedback from students. The survey results, which are outlined in the paper, offer valuable insights gathered from students, contributing to the continuous improvement of the project

    Education for Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries EREMI

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    The EREMI project is a 2-year project funded under the ERASMUS+ framework programme and its team has developed and will validate an advanced higher education program, including life-long learning, on the interdisciplinary topic of resource efficiency in manufacturing industries and the overall system optimization of low or not digitized physical infrastructure. All of these will be achieved by applying IoT technologies towards efficient industrial systems, and by utilizing a high-level educated human capital on these economically, politically, and technically crucial and highly relevant topics for the rapidly developing industries and economies of intensively economically and industrially transforming countries - Bulgaria, North Macedonia, and Romania. Efficiency will be attained by utilizing the experience and expertise of the involved German partner organisation