182 research outputs found

    Agricultures familiales

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    Conservação das florestas do projeto de assentamento Benfica, sudeste da Amazônia

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    In this study we analyze the floristic and structure of forest remnants in Benfica Settlement Project located in the municipality of Itupiranga, in southeastern Amazon. Eleven areas of forests located in different properties and different levels of disturbance were selected. Within each area, plants in one plot of 500 m(2), were surveyed considering three strata: upper, middle and inferior. The species were classified in five life forms: tree, scrub, liana, palm and herb; and two functional groups, the pioneer and forest species. Two houndred and eighty-six (286) species, 173 genera and 68 families were found. Most woody species (51 %) occurred in only one stratum. The richness of species was 70 % of estimated richness by Jack-nife of first order. The percentage of rare species was high, 138 species occurred in only one area. In all strata, the trees had higher density, except in inferior stratum, where the grasses were denser. The forest species, in all strata, were dominant. There was significant difference between the forest and pioneer in all forms of life, in all strata. The principal components analysis showed heterogeneity among the studied plots, forming three groups which appear to be related to the different disturbance levels

    Soil seedbank in integrated crop-pasture systems

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de sistemas de cultivo, do preparo do solo e dos níveis de adubação sobre o banco de sementes, em solos de áreas submetidas a: três sistemas de cultivo – lavoura contínua (L), lavoura-pastagem-lavoura (LPL) e pastagem-lavoura-pastagem (PLP); dois sistemas de preparo do solo – convencional (C) e semeadura direta (D); dois níveis de adubação – manutenção (1) e corretiva gradual (2); e uma área de pastagem contínua, com preparo convencional e adubação corretiva gradual. No sistema de cultivo lavoura-pastagem, a densidade de sementes, excluindo-se as áreas de cultivo de LPLC1 e de LPLC2, foi menor do que nas lavouras contínuas e maior do que na pastagem contínua. Nas áreas de lavoura, o banco de sementes foi menor em áreas com semeadura direta do que com preparo convencional do solo, mas nas áreas de PLP, com adubação corretiva gradual, não houve diferença entre os sistemas de preparo do solo. A adubação causou redução na densidade de sementes apenas nas áreas de cultivo de LPLC e PLPC. A adoção de sistemas de cultivo lavoura-pastagem com semeadura direta pode auxiliar no manejo de plantas daninhas em áreas de lavoura de grãos.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cultivation and tillage systems, and fertilization level, on soil seedbanks of areas submitted to: three cultivation systems – continuous crop (L), crop-pasturecrop (LPL), pasture-crop-pasture (PLP); two tillage systems – tillage (C) and no-tillage (D); two fertilization levels – maintenance (1) and gradual corrective (2); and a continuous pasture area under tillage and gradual corrective fertilization. Seed density of crop-pasture cultivation systems, was lower than in continuous crop, and higher compared to continuous pasture system, except for LPLC1 and LPLC2 cultivated areas. The seedbanks in continuous cropping areas was lower in no-tillage than in tillage system areas, but in PLP areas with gradual corrective fertilization, there was no difference between tillage systems. The fertilization level caused a reduction in seed density only in LPLC and PLPC cultivated areas. Integrated crop-pasture system with no-tillage adoption can be useful in weed management of grains crop areas

    Light and KNO3 on Ageratum conyzoides L. seed germination at constant and alternating temperature

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    Ageratum conyzoides é uma planta daninha de origem tropical que apresenta presença expressiva nos bancos de sementes em que ocorre. Considerando-se a importância de conhecer os fatores que afetam a germinação de sementes no manejo das espécies de plantas daninhas, avaliou-se o efeito de luz e KNO3 sob temperatura constante e alternada na germinação de sementes de A. conyzoides. Quatro subamostras de 75 sementes para cada tratamento foram submetidas à combinação fatorial de luz (escuro; 12 horas de luz) e KNO3 (0% de KNO3; 0,2% de KNO3) para os ensaios a 25°C constante e a 15ºC/35ºC por 12h/12h, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Efetuou-se a contagem diária das ocorrências germinativas durante 21 dias. Em temperatura constante, a presença de luz aumentou a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação e o KNO3 reduziu a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação de sementes de A. conyzoides no escuro. Na temperatura constante houve ajuste da curva de germinação acumulada ao modelo exponencial. Na temperatura alternada, o KNO3 na presença de luz aumenta a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação de sementes de A. conyzoides. Em temperaturas alternadas, houve ajuste da curva de germinação acumulada ao modelo logístico, demonstrando maior assincronia na germinação das sementes no tempo do que em temperatura constante. __________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAgeratum conyzoides is a weed with tropical origin that shows expressive presence in the seedbanks where it occurs. Considering the importance of knowing the factors that affect seed germination in weed species management, the effect of light and KNO3 at constant and alternating temperature on Ageratum conyzoides seed germination was evaluated. Four sub samples of 75 seeds for each treatment were submitted to the factorial combination of light (darkness; 12 hours light) and KNO3 (0% KNO3; 0,2% KNO3) for the assay at 25°C constant and at 15ºC/35ºC for 12h/12h in a randomized complete block design. Germination occurrence was evaluated daily for 21 days. At constant temperature, light promoted the percentage and the speed of germination and KNO3 reduced the germination percentage and speed of A. conyzoides seeds in darkness. The curve of accumulated germination was adjusted to the exponential model at constant temperature. At alternating temperatures, KNO3 with light increased the germination percentage and speed of A. conyzoides seeds. At alternating temperatures, the cumulative germination curve was adjusted to the logistic model, demonstrating higher asynchrony in seeds germination in time than at constant temperature

    Reproductive plasticity in an Amazonian palm

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    Question: How plastic is the reproductive strategy of palm trees? Hypothesis: The onset of reproduction and sex allocation depend on both the size and the type of environment that determines the availability of resources. Organisms: The palm tree Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng. It grows in both primary forests and disturbed sites. in a wide range of edaphic and climatic conditions. Field site: The Brazilian state of Para near the town of Maraba. on the commune of Benfica. The pioneer front. i.e. where primary or slightly degraded rain forest is turned into pastures by recently settled farmers. Methods: Deforestation was used as a large-scale experiment. The effect of size (number of leaves or total height) on the onset of reproduction and sex allocation was compared in three environments: a forest. a partially invaded pasture and a pure stand of palm tree (babassual). Conclusions: Reproduction starts at smaller sizes in the pasture and the babassual than in the forest. with height being a better predictor of reproduction than number of leaves in the forest. Male reproduction starts at smaller heights than female reproduction in the pasture and the babassual but not in the forest
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