61 research outputs found

    Student choice of higher education institutions in a post-transitional country: evidence from Serbia

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    The sector of higher education in developed countries has been facing important structural changes over the last decade, which is now expanding to developing countries also. As the competitive landscape is changing, the trend of commercialisation of higher education has become more evident. Higher education institutions (H.E.I.s) have been developing their business strategies, with a clear focus on marketing activities, changes in organisational processes, and even changes in their priorities and missions, thus becoming more lucrative. Knowing student behaviour and criteria for choice decisions and recognising the main determinants of studentsā€™ choice is the basis for establishing an effective strategy of H.E.I.s. The aim of this article is to shed light on student choice criteria when deciding which institution in higher education to enrol, and to identify main moderating influences. Linear mixed model (L.M.M.) was used as the main methodological tool for analysing the main variation in the attitudes and expectations of students, based on several moderating variables, their socio-demographic and personal characteristics. The results reveal main institutional attributes that HEIs from a posttransitional country can use for the effective market positioning, and the influence of gender, academic aspirations and achievements on the assessment of various studentsā€™ choice criteria

    Impact of crushed mineral aggregate on the pumpability of concrete during transport and placement

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    In the spirit of the sustainable buildings, and with the goal of protection of river courses, in the near future an already announced directive ordering closing down of a large number of river aggregate dredging operations will be adopted. For that reason, usage of crushed mineral aggregate in concrete mixes is increasing. Irrespective of downsides of the fined crushed mineral aggregate, such as the presence of fine particles bordering the upper permissible limit and the unfavorable shape of the grain of the course aggregate for obtaining liquid consistency required for the pumpable concrete, the demanded pumpability of concrete during transport and placement has been achieved. By adding admixtures to concrete, the required concrete properties, such as: frost resistance, simultaneous frost and salt resistance and water tightness have been achieved

    Complex fractal dimension and possible application in electronic ceramics

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    Considering the extremely growing exigency for further miniaturization and a higher level of packaging of electronic circuits and components, this paper is aimed at developing a more sophisticated application of fractals. In this sense, the progress in the development of the mathematical-physical tool in further upgrading of fractal microelectronics is presented here. Barium titanate samples with bayi yttrium samples are used as the experimental basis under conditions of using the highest levels of nanotechnology, especially grain deposition. In this regard, the ideas of complex fractal analysis will be elaborated in this paper. Examples of complex fractal dimensions are known in the literature. The relationship between fBm (Fractional Brown motion) and Bm is given by the left-sided Riemann-Liuville fractional integral When is H=0.5, in the above equation, fBm and Bm is matching.For H >0.5 the process is positive, and for H <0.5 negatively correlated. It shows that the imaginary part of the fractal dimension is translated into log-periodic modulation, which completes the behavior by leading a degree law, and is based on discrete fractal symmetry. In particular, complex Brownian motion can be generated based on 1d complex Brownian motion in matlab code. There is also a corresponding fractional calculus of complex order. Other parallels with electrical processes in BatiO3 ceramics are also possible

    Opening the ore body 'Čoka Marin-1' below K+535 m

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    The need to open the lower parts of the ore body was caused by a number of reasons. One of the reasons is the high price of precious and non-ferrous metals on the stock market, which is far higher than the one used in calculation the technical-economic assessment in the project study on mineral reserves from 2004. Another reason for opening the lower parts of the ore body would be the remaining part of the balance reserves verified by the project study on ore reserves, not included in the main mining design on mining the ore body 'Čoka Marin - 1'

    Acidā€“base equilibria of the Zn(II) and Fe(III) complexes with condensation products of 2-acetylpyridine and the dihydrazide of oxalic and malonic acid

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    Acidā€“base equilibria of Zn(II) and Fe(III) complexes with N',N'2-bis[(1E)-1-(2-pyridyl)ethylidene]ethanedihydrazide (ligand L1) and N',N'2-bis[(1E)-1-(2-pyridyl)ethylidene]propanedihydrazide (ligand L2), i.e., [Fe(L1)Cl2(H2O)], [Fe(L2)Cl(H2O)]2+, [Zn(L1)(H2O)3]+ and [Zn(L2)(H2O)2]2+, which expressed cytotoxic activity, were investigated in aqueous media. The equilibrium constants were determined potentiometrically at 25 Ā°C at a constant ionic strength of 0.10 mol/dm3 (Na2SO4). The results showed that at pH < 8 both the Fe(III) complexes studied here have three, while [Zn(L1)(H2O)3]+ and [Zn(L2)(H2O)2]2+ have one and two titratable protons, respectively. Based on the obtained values for the equilibrium constants, protonation schemes of the examined complexes are proposed

    Copmarative analysis of mortars from the archeological sites Gamzigrad (Romuliana) and Caričin Grad for the purpose of making compatible repair mortars

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of mortars found at two significant archeological sites in Serbia. Specifically, those are Gamzigrad (Romuliana) near Zajecar and the archeological site Caricin Grad near Leskovac. In the previous papers, we dealst with the characterization of mortars from both sites. It was the first examination of mortars from both locations. The comparative analysis of mortars was performed based on the data obtained by testing physical-mechanical properties such as: water absorption, porosity, gravity and specific mass. Mineralogical composition (both quantitative and qualitative) was obtained based on XRD / XRF and SEM/EDS analyses. The comparative analyses of the mortar obtained from the mentioned archeological sites indicated that mortars from both locations contained grains of river aggregate, crushed limestone aggregate and crushed masonry bricks. The share percentage varied. Regarding the binder, the mortar from the Gamzigrad (Romuliana) site had limestone used for the binder, while the mortar from the Caricin Grad site had clay and powdered masonry bricks. The obtained results of mortar analysis pave the way for further research with an aim of making repair mortars

    Geomechanical testing on the landslide at the Čukaru Peki flotation tailing dump

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    During formation of the flotation tailing dump Čukaru Peki, a landslide was activated above the mentioned location, which led to a standstill and endangerment of works. In order to obtain the geotechnical bases for designing the measures for its rehabilitation, the landslide tests were performed. Geomechanical works included the field research and testing, laboratory geomechanical testing and cabinet wor

    Environmental risk assessment for the unregulated waste disposal sites of municipal waste in the city area of Bor

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    The problem of unregulated waste disposal sites is present not only in Serbia but in the other parts of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, it is necessary to locate these waste dumpsites, investigate their negative impact on the environment, make environmental risk assessment and start solving this problem. This presentation shows a methodology of the environmental risk assessment for the unregulated waste disposal sites in the city area of Bor. The idea, presented through this methodology, suggests how to understand the risk, how to make the risk assessment so that the owner is informed about possible consequences. In this way, a possibility can be avoided that in fear of unknown and incapable of understanding, the owner might take the precautionary measures at random. With regulated categorization a remediation of waste disposal sites can be done

    Decoding Cystic Fibrosis Phenotype

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a monogenic autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The golden standard for the diagnosis of CF is sweat chloride testing (>60 mmol/L) together with the identification of two CFcausing variants of CFTR gene. Nevertheless, about 0.01% of patients with elevated sweat chloride and high clinical suspicion of CF do not carry any CF-causing variants. Here we present analysis of whole exome sequencing (WES) results for two patients with elevated sweat chloride levels and clinical presentation of CF in whom no CF-causing mutations were detected after CFTR gene whole coding region sequencing, and large insertion/deletion testing. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood, subjected to library preparation using DNA nanoball technology from BGI and sequenced on DNBSEQ-G400 (MGI). Produced fastq files were mapped to hg38 reference genome using BWA/SAM tools. VCF files were generated using GATK (BaseRecalibrator, HaplotypeCaller) and annotated with InterVar and AnnoVar tools. Filtering of detected variants for disease relevance was done using the following criteria: QC Filter, GnomAD Allele Frequency, Functional consequences and phenotype-genotype relationship. In both patients, similar number of variants predicted to impair protein function were detected (27 and 25). In two genes (CACNA1H and MUC5B) missense type variants were found in both patients and loss of function variants were found in 7 and 11 genes, respectively. Functional assessment of selected variants is underway. Bioinformatics analyses are a valuable tool enabling identification of underlining genetic bases of disease phenotype, important in the context of optimal patient management and targeted therapies.Book of abstract: 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, June 19-23, 202

    Characteristics of Mortar from fhe Archeolical Site Romuliana ā€“ Gamzigrad

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    Felix Romuliana is a palace erected during the rain and after the design of the Emperor Gaius Valerius Galerius Maximianus. It belongs to the category of monuments of Roman court architecture which is associated with the time of Tetrarchy. During the archeological excavations, two fortification systems were discovered, they younger outer system with twenty polygonal massive towers, and an older inner system with sixteen towers of quadragonal and octagonal towers flanking the gates. The younger outer fortification is polygonal. The communication east-west connecting two gates divides interior space into two entities. Systemic archeological research last since 1953 by probing the northwest part of the inner space. Conservation works run simultaneously with the excavations. Mortar samples were taken from the towers XI and XII of the old fortification, as well as from the tower 15 and the part of the rampart between towers 1 and 3 of the younger fortification. Mortars were analyzed with the goal of obtaining information about morphological, mineralogical, chemical and basic physical properties of mortar. For analysis of these properties, optical microscopy and scanning electronic microscope were used. Depending on the location sampled mortars, there are differences of individual properties of mortar. The optical examination of macroscopic appearance of mortar samples indicated that those are limestone binder mortars. Aggregae grains are both river and stone aggregate. Mortar porsity differs depending on the location where samples were taken
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