112 research outputs found

    Seed storage studies in Mesua ferrea L. a medicinal tree of Indo-Malayan region

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    This paper, deals with testing the storage and viability of the seeds of Mesua ferrea L. in 5 different storage conditions. Seeds of M. ferrea are recalcitrant in nature and lose viability with a short span 8-15 days. Of the different conventional methods tried using the polycarbonate bottle and bags, M. ferrea seeds retained viability for 150 days with a slow moisture loss from the seeds stored in closed polycarbonate bottles at 10 °C. Here, we have standardised a conventional technique whereby the viability of the seeds can be extended to 150-180 days by storing the seeds in polycarbonate bottles at 10 °C

    Multi-epoch hard X-ray view of Compton-thick AGN Circinus Galaxy

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    The circumnuclear material around Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is one of the essential components of the obscuration-based unification model. However, our understanding of the circumnuclear material in terms of its geometrical shape, structure and its dependence on accretion rate is still debated. In this paper, we present the multi-epoch broadband X-ray spectral modelling of a nearby Compton-thick AGN in Circinus galaxy. We utilise all the available hard X-ray (>10> 10 keV) observations taken from different telescopes, i.e.,i.e., BeppoSAXBeppoSAX, SuzakuSuzaku, NuSTARNuSTAR and AstroSatAstroSat, at ten different epochs across 2222 years from 19981998 to 20202020. The 3.0793.0-79 keV broadband X-ray spectral modelling using physically-motivated models, namely MYTORUS, BORUS02 and UXCLUMPY, infers the presence of a torus with a low covering factor of 0.280.28, an inclination angle of 7777^{\circ} - 8181^{\circ} and Compton-thick line-of-sight column densities (NH,LOS=4.13  9.26 × 1024N_{\rm H,LOS} = 4.13~-~9.26~\times~10^{24} cm2^{-2}) in all the epochs. The joint multi-epoch spectral modelling suggests that the overall structure of the torus is likely to remain unchanged. However, we find tentative evidence for the variable line-of-sight column density on timescales ranging from one day to one week to a few years, suggesting a clumpy circumnuclear material located at sub-parsec to tens of parsec scales.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Timing Offset Calibration of CZTI instrument aboard ASTROSAT

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    The radio as well as the high energy emission mechanism in pulsars is yet not understood properly. A multi-wavelength study is likely to help in better understanding of such processes. The first Indian space-based observatory, ASTROSAT, has five instruments aboard, which cover the electromagnetic spectrum from infra-red (1300 A˚\AA) to hard X-ray (380 KeV). Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI), one of the five instruments is a hard X-ray telescope functional over an energy range of 20-380 KeV. We aim to estimate the timing offset introduced in the data acquisition pipeline of the instrument, which will help in time alignment of high energy time series with those from two other ground-based observatories, viz. the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT). PSR B0531+21 is a well-studied pulsar with nearly aligned radio and hard X-ray pulse profiles. We use simultaneous observations of this pulsar with the ASTROSAT, the ORT and the GMRT. The pulsar was especially observed using the ORT with almost daily cadence to obtain good timing solutions. We also supplement the ORT data with archival FERMI data for estimation of timing noise. The timing offset of ASTROSAT instruments was estimated from fits to arrival time data at the ASTROSAT and the radio observatories. We estimate the offset between the GMRT and the ASTROSAT-CZTI to be -4716 ±\pm 50 μs\mu s. The corresponding offset with the ORT was -29639 ±\pm 50 μs\mu s. The offsets between the GMRT and Fermi-LAT -5368 ±\pm 56 μs\mu s. (Abridged)Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, Revised and Updated, accepted for publication in A&

    Prompt emission polarimetry of Gamma Ray Bursts with ASTROSAT CZT-Imager

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    X-ray and Gamma-ray polarization measurements of the prompt emission of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are believed to be extremely important for testing various models of GRBs. So far, the available measurements of hard X-ray polarization of GRB prompt emission have not significantly constrained the GRB models, particularly because of the difficulty of measuring polarization in these bands. The CZT Imager (CZTI) onboard {\em AstroSat} is primarily an X-ray spectroscopic instrument that also works as a wide angle GRB monitor due to the transparency of its support structure above 100 keV. It also has experimentally verified polarization measurement capability in the 100 - 300 keV energy range and thus provides a unique opportunity to attempt spectro-polarimetric studies of GRBs. Here we present the polarization data for the brightest 11 GRBs detected by CZTI during its first year of operation. Among these, 5 GRBs show polarization signatures with \gtrapprox3σ\sigma, and 1 GRB shows \>2σ\sigma detection significance. We place upper limits for the remaining 5 GRBs. We provide details of the various tests performed to validate our polarization measurements. While it is difficult yet to discriminate between various emission models with the current sample alone, the large number of polarization measurements CZTI expects to gather in its minimum lifetime of five years should help to significantly improve our understanding of the prompt emission.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ ; a figure has been update

    Multi-wavelength observations of a B-class flare using XSM, AIA, and XRT

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    We present multi-wavelength observations by Chandrayaan-2/XSM, SDO/AIA and Hinode/XRT of a B-class flare observed on 25th February, 2021, originating from an active region (AR 12804) near the North-West limb. The microflare lasts for approx 30 mins and is composed of hot loops reaching temperatures of 10 MK. We report excellent agreement (within 20 percent) for the average effective temperatures obtained at the flare peak from all the three instruments, which have different temperature sensitivities. The XRT filter combination of Be-thin and Be-med provides an excellent opportunity to measure the high-temperatures in such microflare events. The elemental abundances during the evolution of the microflare are also studied and observed to drop towards photospheric values at the flare peak time, compared to coronal values during the rise and decay phase. This is consistent with previous XSM studies.Comment: 18, pages, 18 figures, ApJ, Accepte