1 research outputs found
ABSTRAKIndonesia kerap menghadapi berbagai macam bencana yang datang silih berganti. Gempa bumi, tsunami, banjir, longsor, gunung meletus dan Kebakaraan kerap terjadi di Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi geografis Indonesia khususnya propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Kabupaten Ende yang sangat rawan bencana. Potensi bencana di Kabupaten Ende sangat besar karena kondisi geografis, geologis, hidrologis, dan demografis yang sangat berperan dalam terjadinya bencana. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana partisipasi kepedulian Mahasiswa program mata kuliah Pramuka Prodi PGSD Universitas Flores terhadap korban bencana alam kebakaran rumah adat di desa Ngelaa .Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa bagaimana perhatian dan kepedualian mahasiswa untuk membantu sesama umat manusia yang terkenah musibah bencana Alam Kebakaran Rumah Adat di Desa Ngella, Masyarakat juga mendapatkan Santun untuk keperluan mereka yang mengalami musibah,karena kepedulian Mahasiswa inisiatif untuk mengalang dana untuk mengurangi beban yang di alami masyarakat Rumah adat Desa Nggela. Kata Kunci : penyaluran bantuan; keterpenuhan korban bencana ABSTRACTIndonesia often faces various kinds of disasters that come and go. Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and fires often occur in Indonesia. This is due to the geographical condition of Indonesia, especially the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Ende Regency which is very prone to disasters. The potential for disaster in Ende Regency is very large because of the geographical, geological, hydrological and demographic conditions that play a big role in the occurrence of disasters. The purpose of this activity is how the participation of students in the Scout program of the PGSD Study Program at the University of Flores towards victims of natural disasters from the fire of a traditional house in Ngelaa village. The results of community service activities show that the attention and concern of students to help fellow human beings who are hit by natural disasters Fire of the Traditional House in Ngella Village, the community also gets Santun for the needs of those who experience disaster, because of the student's concern for the initiative to raise funds to reduce the burden experienced by the community of the Nggela Village traditional house. Keywords: distribution of aid; disaster victim fulfillmen