1,396 research outputs found

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    Cranial integration in the ring-necked parakeet, Psittacula krameri (Psittaciformes: Psittaculidae)

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    The study of integration and modularity aims to describe the organization of components that make up organisms, and the evolutionary, developmental and functional relationships among them. Both have been studied at the interspecific (evolutionary) and intraspecific (phenotypic and ontogenetic) levels to different degrees across various clades. Although evolutionary modularity and integration are well-characterized across birds, knowledge of intraspecific patterns is lacking. Here, we use a high-density, three-dimensional geometric morphometric approach to investigate patterns of integration and modularity in Psittacula krameri, a highly successful invasive parrot species that exhibits the derived vertical palate and cranio-facial hinge of the Psittaciformes. Showing a pattern of nine distinct cranial modules, our results support findings from recent research that uses similar methods to investigate interspecific integration in birds. Allometry is not a significant influence on cranial shape variation within this species; however, within-module integration is significantly negatively correlated with disparity, with high variation concentrated in the weakly integrated rostrum, palate and vault modules. As previous studies have demonstrated differences in beak shape between invasive and native populations, variation in the weakly integrated palate and rostrum may have facilitated evolutionary change in these parts of the skull, contributing to the ring-necked parakeet’s success as an invasive species

    A Cultural Immersion Experience to Enhance Nursing Students’ Appreciation and Understanding of Different Cultures

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    The practice of studying abroad for professional development is not new and has been undertaken by scholars since the medieval times, however it is a relatively new endeavor in nursing education. Research has shown that cultural knowledge in nursing is extremely important and the lack of it may cause deficits in practice. The purpose of this study is a two-fold. Nursing faculty completed a literature review and sent out a self-designed 15-question survey to all nursing students registered for the travel abroad experience. This experience took place during March 14-24, 2019. The goal of this experience was professional growth and to be more culturally aware in various populations

    Potentiality in Biology

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    We take the potentialities that are studied in the biological sciences (e.g., totipotency) to be an important subtype of biological dispositions. The goal of this paper is twofold: first, we want to provide a detailed understanding of what biological dispositions are. We claim that two features are essential for dispositions in biology: the importance of the manifestation process and the diversity of conditions that need to be satisfied for the disposition to be manifest. Second, we demonstrate that the concept of a disposition (or potentiality) is a very useful tool for the analysis of the explanatory practice in the biological sciences. On the one hand it allows an in-depth analysis of the nature and diversity of the conditions under which biological systems display specific behaviors. On the other hand the concept of a disposition may serve a unificatory role in the philosophy of the natural sciences since it captures not only the explanatory practice of biology, but of all natural sciences. Towards the end we will briefly come back to the notion of a potentiality in biology

    Delayed onset of changes in soma action potential genesis in nociceptive A-beta DRG neurons in vivo in a rat model of osteoarthritis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Clinical data on osteoarthritis (OA) suggest widespread changes in sensory function that vary during the progression of OA. In previous studies on a surgically-induced animal model of OA we have observed that changes in structure and gene expression follow a variable trajectory over the initial days and weeks. To investigate mechanisms underlying changes in sensory function in this model, the present electrophysiological study compared properties of primary sensory nociceptive neurons at one and two months after model induction with properties in naïve control animals. Pilot data indicated no difference in C- or Aδ-fiber associated neurons and therefore the focus is on Aβ-fiber nociceptive neurons.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At one month after unilateral derangement of the knee by cutting the anterior cruciate ligament and removing the medial meniscus, the only changes observed in Aβ-fiber dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were in nociceptor-like unresponsive neurons bearing a hump on the repolarization phase; these changes consisted of longer half width, reflecting slowed dynamics of AP genesis, a depolarized Vm and an increased AP amplitude. At two months, changes observed were in Aβ-fiber high threshold mechanoreceptors, which exhibited shorter AP duration at base and half width, shorter rise time and fall time, and faster maximum rising rate/maximum falling rate, reflecting accelerated dynamics of AP genesis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data indicate that Aβ nociceptive neurons undergo significant changes that vary in time and occur later than changes in structure and in nociceptive scores in this surgically induced OA model. Thus, if changes in Aβ-fiber nociceptive neurons in this model reflect a role in OA pain, they may relate to mechanisms underlying pain associated with advanced OA.</p
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